35 research outputs found


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    The analysis of scientific data including American and European scientific communities concerning use of ractopamine as a growth factor in food animal production and the argumentation of the maximum permitted levels of ractopamine and levels of ractopamine in meat and byproducts (offal) is carried out. The position of the Russian side stated at the Codex Alimentarius commission 35th session that acceptable ractopamine daily intake is insufficiently validated and cannot be used for the determination of maximum permitted levels of ractopamine in meat and byproducts (offal) is confirmed. It is represented that residual ractopamine intake together with food on the levels which are recommended by the Codex Alimentarius commission and by taking into account the levels of animal products consumption in Russian Federation will lead to unacceptable human health risk level that will promote increasing heart diseases and life expectancy reduction. In this connection Russia states against of acceptance of maximum permitted levels of ractopamine in food. Проведен анализ научных данных, в т.ч. данных американских и европейских научных сообществ, по вопросу использования рактопамина в качестве стимулятора роста в животноводстве и обоснования максимально допустимых уровней этого соединения в мясе и субпродуктах. Подтверждена позиция российской стороны, высказанная на 35-й сессии Комиссии Codex Alimentarius о том, что допустимая суточная доза рактопамина недостаточно обоснована и не может быть использована для установления максимально допустимых уровней содержания рактопамина в мясе и субпродуктах. Показано, что поступление рактопамина с пищевой продукцией на уровне остаточных количеств, рекомендованных Комиссией Codex Alimentarius, с учетом уровня потребления в пищу населением Российской Федерации продуктов животноводства, приведет к неприемлемому риску для здоровья населения, что будет способствовать росту числа случаев болезней сердечно-сосудистой системы и сокращению ожидаемой продолжительности жизни. В связи с этим, Россия отстаивает позицию против принятия максимально допустимого уровня рактопамина в пищевых продуктах.

    Observation Of A High-energy Cosmic-ray Family Caused By A Centauro-type Nuclear Interaction In The Joint Emulsion Chamber Experiment At The Pamirs

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    An exotic cosmic-ray family event is observed in the large emulsion chamber exposed by the joint at the Pamirs (4360 m above sea level). The family is composed of 120γ-ray-induced showers and 37 hadron-induced showers with individual visible energy exceeding 1 TeV. The decisive feature of the event is the hadron dominance: ΣEγ, ΣE(γ) h, 〈Eγ, 〈E(γ) h〉, 〈Eγ·Rγ〉 and 〈E(γ)·Rh〉 being 298 TeV, 476 TeV, 2.5 TeV, 12.9 TeV, 28.6 GeV m and 173 GeV m, respectively. Most probably the event is due to a Centauro interaction, which occured in the atmosphere at ∼700 m above the chamber. The event will constitute the second beautiful candidate for a Centauro observed at the Pamirs. © 1987.1901-2226233Bayburina, (1981) Nucl. Phys. B, 191, p. 1Lattes, Fujimoto, Hasegawa, Hadronic interactions of high energy cosmic-ray observed by emulsion chambers (1980) Physics Reports, 65, p. 151(1984) Trudy FIAN, 154, p. 1Borisov, (1984) Proc. Intern. Symp. on Cosmic rays and particle physics, p. 3. , TokyoRen, (1985) 19th Intern. Cosmic ray Conf., 6, p. 317. , La JollaYamashita, (1985) 19th Intern. Cosmic ray Conf., 6, p. 364. , La JollaTamada, (1977) Nuovo Cimento, 41 B, p. 245T. Shibata et al., to be publishedHillas, (1979) 16th Intern. Cosmic ray Conf., 6, p. 13. , KyotoBattiston, Measurement of the proton-antiproton elastic and total cross section at a centre-of-mass energy of 540 GeV (1982) Physics Letters B, 117, p. 126UA5 Collab., G.J. Alner et al., preprint CERN-EP/85-62Taylor, (1976) Phys. Rev. D, 14, p. 1217Burnett, (1984) Proc. Intern. Symp. on Cosmic rays and particle physics, p. 468. , Toky

    Nuclear Interactions Of Super High Energy Cosmic-rays Observed In Mountain Emulsion Chambers

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    Here we present a summary of joint discussions on the results of three mountain experiments with large-scale emulsion chambers, at Pamir, Mt. Fuji and Chacaltaya. Observations cover gamma quanta, hadrons and their clusters (called "families"). The following topics are covered, concerning the characteristics of nuclear interactions the energy region 1014-1016 eV: (i) rapid dissipation seen in atmospheric diffusion of high-energy cosmic-rays; (ii) multiplicity and Pt increase in produced pi-mesons in the fragmentation region; (iii) existence of large-Pt jets, (iv) extremely hadron-rich family of the Centauro type; (v) exotic phenomena in the extremely high energy region beyond 1016 eV. © 1981.1911125(1977) Acta Univ. Lodz ser. II, (60)(1973) 13th Int. Cosmic-ray Conf., 3, p. 2228(1975) 14th Int. Cosmic-Ray Conf., 7, p. 2365(1979) AIP Conf. Proc. no. 49, p. 334(1979) 16th Int. Cosmic-ray Conf., 6, p. 344(1979) 16th Int. Cosmic-ray Conf., 7, p. 6816th Int. Cosmic-ray Conf. (1979) 16th Int. Cosmic-ray Conf., 7, p. 284(1979) 16th Int. Cosmic-ray Conf., 7, p. 294(1979) 16th Int. Cosmic-ray Conf., 13, p. 87(1979) 16th Int. Cosmic-ray Conf., 13, p. 92(1979) 16th Int. Cosmic-ray Conf., 13, p. 98(1979) AIP Conf. Proc. no. 49, p. 94(1979) AIP Conf. Proc. no. 49, p. 145(1979) AIP Conf. Proc. no. 49, p. 317(1979) 16th Int. Cosmic-ray Conf., 6, p. 350(1979) 16th Int. Cosmic-ray Conf., 6, p. 356(1979) 16th Int. Cosmic-ray Conf., 6, p. 362Nikolsky, Proc. 9th Int. High-energy Symp. (1978) CSSR, 21. , ToborMiyake, (1978) Proc. 19th Int. Conf. on High-energy physics, p. 433Vernov, (1977) Physica, 3, p. 1601Khristiansen, (1978) JETP Lett., 28, p. 124(1973) 13th Int. Cosmic-ray Conf., 3, p. 2219Izv. Acad. Nauk USSR, ser Phys. (1974) Izv. Acad. Nauk USSR, ser Phys., 38, p. 918(1975) 14th Int. Cosmic-ray Conf., 7, p. 2365(1979) 16th Int. Cosmic-ray Conf., 7, p. 68Dunaevsky, Urysson, Emelyanov, Shorin, Tashimov, (1975) FIAN preprint no. 150Dunaevsky, Urysson, Emelyanov, Shorin, Tashinov, (1979) Acta Univ. Lodz ser. II, (60), p. 199Ivanenko, Kanevskya, Roganova, (1978) JETP Lett., 40, p. 704Ivanenko, Kanevsky, Roganova, (1979) 16th Int. Cosmic-ray Conf., 7, p. 101Ivanenko, Kanevsky, Roganova, (1979) 16th Int. Cosmic-ray Conf., 7, p. 198Wrotniak, (1977) Acta Univ. Lodz ser. II, (60), p. 165Krys, Tomaszevski, Wrotniak, (1979) 16th Int. Cosmic-ray Conf., 7, p. 182Krys, Tomaszevski, Wrotniak, (1979) 16th Int. Cosmic-ray Conf., 7, p. 186Fomin, Kempa, Khristiansen, Levina, Piotrowska, Wdowczyk, (1977) 15th Int. Cosmic-ray Conf., 7, p. 248Fomin, Kempa, Khristiansen, Levina, Piotrowska, Wdowczyk, (1979) 16th Int. Cosmic-ray Conf., 13, p. 82Azimov, Mullazhanov, Yuldashbayev, (1979) 16th Int. Cosmic-ray Conf., 7, p. 262Azimov, Mullazhanov, Yuldashbayev, (1977) Acta Univ. Lodz ser. II, (60), p. 275Kasahara, Torri, Yuda, (1979) 16th Int. Cosmic-ray Conf., 13, p. 70Kasahara, Torii, Yuda, (1979) 16th Int. Cosmic-ray Conf., 13, p. 79Shibata, (1979) 16th Int. Cosmic-ray Conf., 7, p. 176H. Semba, T. Shibata and T. Tabuki, Suppl. Prog. Theor. Phys., to be publishedZhdanov, Roinishvilli, Smorodin, Tomaszevski, (1975) FIAN preprint no. 163Lattes, Fujimoto, Hasegawa, Hadronic interactions of high energy cosmic-ray observed by emulsion chambers (1980) Physics Reports, 65, p. 152Ellsworth, Gaisser, Yodh, (1981) Phys. Rev., 23 D, p. 764Baradzei, Smorodin, (1974) FIAN preprint nos. 103, 104Baradzei, Smorodin, (1977) Acta Univ. Lodz ser. II, (60), p. 51Zhdanov, (1980) FIAN preprint no. 140H. Semba, T. Shibata and T. Tabuki, Suppl. Prog. Theor. Phys., to be publishedShibata, (1980) Phys. Rev., 22 D, p. 100Slavatinsky, (1980) Proc. 7th European Symp. on Cosmic rays, , Leningrad, to be published(1979) AIP Conference Proc. no. 49, p. 145Azimov, Abduzhamilov, Chudakov, (1963) JETP (Sov. Phys.), 45, p. 40713th Int. Cosmic-ray Conf. (1973) 13th Int. Cosmic-ray Conf., 5, p. 326Acharya, Rao, Sivaprasad, Rao, (1979) 16th Int. Cosmic-ray Conf., 6, p. 289Ellsworth, Goodman, Yodh, Gaisser, Stanev, (1981) Phys. Rev., 23 D, p. 771Bariburina, Guseva, Denisova, (1980) Acta Univ. Lodz, 1, p. 9415th Int. Cosmic-ray Conf. (1977) 15th Int. Cosmic-ray Conf., 7, p. 184(1979) AIP Conf. Proc. no. 49, p. 33

    Ambient air quality and health risks as objective indicators to estimate effectiveness of air protection in cities included into the ‘Clean Air’ Federal project

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    It is important to estimate effectiveness and results achieved by measures implemented within the ‘Clean Air’ Federal project as regards public health in cities included into it. The aim of this study was to analyze changes in levels of ambient air pollution and airborne health risks in cities included into the ‘Clean Air’ Federal project in dynamics over 2020–2022 and to estimate whether the measures aimed at reduction of emissions were adequate to risk rates and factors. The study relied on analyzing the results of field observations over ambient air quality within social and hygienic mon-itoring. Monitoring covered priority chemicals that made 95 % contributions to impermissible health risks according to dis-persion calculations. Risk assessment was performed as per standard algorithms and indicators. Adequacy of air protection and correctness of its orientation were estimated in Norilsk as an example city. The study established that levels of harmful chemicals in ambient were higher than hygienic standards over the analyzed period in all the cities participating in the project. We did not detect any significant reduction in ambient air pollution; there were no positive trends in health risks rates either. In 2022, a risk of respiratory diseases under chronic exposure was ranked as high (hazard index or HI 10.5÷43) in Chelyabinsk, Mednogorsk, Norilsk, Krasnoyarsk, Lipetsk, and Chita; it was ranked as ‘alerting’ in Bratsk, Chita, Novokuznetsk, Magnitogorsk, and Omsk (HI 4.0÷5.8), A permissible risk was identified over the analyzed period only in Cherepovets (HI<3). So far, reductions in emissions of pollutants declared by economic entities have not ensured absence of impermissible health risks in 11 out of 12 cities. Ungrounded orientation to a 20 % reduction in emissions of all the economic entities included in the experiment and failure to consider risk indicators when setting quotas for emissions can lead to absence of any substantial effects for public health in the analyzed cities. In some cases, this may even result in excessive spending on activities that do not have any significant influence on a sanitary-hygienic situation

    On implementation of population life qulity assessment into social-hygienic monitoring system

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    The article dwells on grounds for implementing population life quality assessment into social-hygienic monitoring system; it also outlines some methodical approaches to such assessment. Certain techniques are now applied both in Russia and worldwide but the authors propose to update them by application of approaches oriented at life quality assessment as a combination of life quality potential (in a country, region, or a municipal district) and risks of a decrease in this potential. The suggested approaches allow both to calculate integral indexes and to fragment life quality potential and risks in order to solve managerial tasks. It is shown that social-hygienic monitoring system is able to provide informational, methodical, and analytical base for life quality assessment due to it being a state system that has long been accumulating medical-demographic, social-economic, sanitary-hygienic, and other data on Russian regions functioning. Implementation of life quality assessment into social-hygienic monitoring system will require to improve and enhance interdepartmental interaction; to make each concerned party have greater interest in obtaining relevant and correct indexes of population life quality and separate components of its potential and risks; to include a substantial sociological component into systems of observations as it will help to assess people's satisfaction with their living standard in general and with its specific components; to develop and implement methodical support, as well as hardware and software for assessment of life quality including its separate components and to enlarge the information fund of social-hygienic monitoring; to develop skills of experts employed at Rospotrabnadzor's bodies and organizations who are responsible for formation of regional and federal information funds and for analytical data processin

    Dynamics of Welded Rails Gap and Hardness of Rail Base

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    The problem of gap estimation for a break of a continuous welded rail is studied. The track is represented as a semi-infinite rod on elastic-based damping. Static and dynamic solutions are obtained. It is shown that during the rail break, the dynamic factor does not exceed 1.5. We derive equations for thermal deformation of the welded rail of jointless track on an elastic foundation in the presence of the insert into the base with another characteristic stiffness. It is shown that the presence of the insertion of up to 20% of the length of the rail, with both large and small stiffness, has a little effect on the stress-strain state (SSS) of the track. The presence of a rigid insert may increase the clearance of an accidental break of the rail, which has a negative effect on traffic safety

    Scientific-methodological approaches to designing risk-oriented model of control and surveillance activities in the sphere of consumer rights protection

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    We present scientific-methodological approaches to defining risk categories of economic entities which are subject to surveillance in the sphere of consumer rights protection. Risk is suggested to be assessed as a product of violations frequency comprising violations of separate provisions of the law on consumer rights protection detected in the course of scheduled and unscheduled inspections; a number of claims per one detected violation which were satisfied by courts in favor of consumers; each separate case of harm accepted by court in money terms (as a sum of physical and moral damage to health and damage to property); and coefficient of a potential impact scope which differentiates risks for economic entities belonging to micro-, small, medium-sized and large business. Our information sources are official statistic data obtained due to realization of state control in the sphere of consumer rights protection and court practice collected in all the RF regions over 2012–2016. It is shown that a share of economic entities with extremely high risk potential which can cause total material damage to consumers in sums greater than 10 million rubles per year amounts to about 0.15 % of the total number of economic entities (both juridical persons and private entrepreneurs); economic entities with high risk potential account for about 2 %. Such groups are made of companies involved in financial markets, share construction services, insurance and tourism. About 23 % of juridical persons and private entrepreneurs can be classified as having low risk potential and they can be excluded from scheduled inspections. Economic entities structure in general corresponds to world practices. It is shown that risk-oriented surveillance model development requires improvements in keeping registers of juridical persons and private entrepreneurs as such registers should contain comprehensive information; it is necessary for correct risk category (or hazard category) determination. It is also vital to work out a regulation on registering cases of moral and property damage to citizens caused by violations of obligatory requirements in the sphere of consumer rights protection. Other ways of protecting consumer rights are becoming especially important; here we first of all mean preventive and procedural ones. Such ways are to be developed and implemented especially widely for spheres of activities which are "risky

    Cluster systematization of the parameters of sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population in the regions of the Russian Federation and the federal cities

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    On the base of the analysis of multidimensional data on the levels of socio-economic development of Russian regions, the conditions of life of citizens and the quality indicators of habitat for the 2013-2015 a clustering of the subjects of the federation has been made. Four types of regions were defined in terms of sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population, in which environmental factors and socio-economic conditions dictate a different health status. 1 cluster consists of the regions of relative sanitary and epidemiological welfare (27 subjects). 4 regions and 2 federal cities are in the group of territories with severe sanitary and epidemiological issues with a high level of socio-economic indicators of the population. Cluster 3 includes regions with moderate to severe sanitary and hygienic as well as medical and demographic challenges with national average indicators of socio-economic development (21 regions). 25 regions belong to the cluster of sanitary and epidemiological distress with a low level of socio-economic development. Priority issues that shape medical and demographic population losses were described for each cluster

    On the development of the system of risk-based supervision in the field of sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population and consumer protection

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    In order to fulfill the legal requirements for the transition to the new risk-based model of the state control (supervision) in the Federal Service for Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare, the methodical approaches to the classification of economic entities and activities of potential risk of injury have been developed. The risk assessment takes into account the frequency of violations of sanitary legislation, the severity of the consequences of these violations for the health and extent of negative effects, which is estimated in terms of population under the influence of the economic entity. Algorithms and methods for calculating the exposed population: workers, consumers, including consumer food products, non-food products and services; residents of settlements under the negative impact of air pollution, water and soil, have been developed. Regional and federal registries of objects for sanitary and epidemiological supervision are formed. Testing of the risk-based approaches in the regions allowed excluding the low risk harm objects when forming the audit plans for 2016, due to what the number of planned inspections all over country was reduces by more than 20 %. The basic directions of further improvement of the risk-based model of sanitary and epidemiological surveillance: its extension to the system of technical regulation and consumer protection; scientific substantiation of its volume, content and laboratory support of the scheduled inspections of objects belonging to different classes of health risk; improving procedures and methods for evaluating the effectiveness and efficiency of risk-based supervisory activities; creation of an effective system of risk communication between the sanitary and epidemiological surveillance, economic entities, public organizations and associations and civil society

    Regulatory-legal and methodical aspects of social-hygienic monitoring and risk-oriented surveillance model integration

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    The authors stress in the paper that at a moment when a large-scale administrative reform of control-surveillance activities in the Russian Federation took place there was an efficient tool greatly compatible with control and surveillance activities, a so called social-hygienic monitoring system. When control and surveillance activities and social and hygienic monitoring are brought together, it is a process when mutual integration of both systems takes place; results obtained in one of them give grounds for planning in another. Control and surveillance activities should give precise and targeted recommendations for the social social-hygienic monitoring system for those objects which are to be observed systematically. Both systems accumulate data on which obligatory requirement this or that surveillance object is likely to violate. The monitoring systems allows to make scientifically grounded choice on observation points and monitoring programs development taking all zones influenced by risk sources into account. Measurement results are aimed at validated and precise determination of unacceptable health risk occurrence or threats to human life or health as well as an object causing such threats. But still each systems continues to solve each own tasks attributable only to it. Both systems, social-hygienic monitoring and control and surveillance activates, are becoming dynamic. Monitoring points and observations programs are changing in accordance with surveillance authorities actions and economic entities reactions to such actions. Control and surveillance authorities get another tool which helps to further validate their efficiency over the previous time periods. System management processes are cyclic and have time gaps between specific stages during a year; it causes substantial time expenses which are necessary to obtain optimal parameters. The overall management cycle for one system is equal to 4 years, and for combined systems, 8 years