26 research outputs found

    Consumption of antimicrobial manuka honey does not significantly perturb the microbiota in the hind gut of mice

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    The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that consuming manuka honey, which contains antimicrobial methylglyoxal, may affect the gut microbiota. We undertook a mouse feeding study to investigate whether dietary manuka honey supplementation altered microbial numbers and their production of organic acid products from carbohydrate fermentation, which are markers of gut microbiota function. The caecum of C57BL/6 mice fed a diet supplemented with antimicrobial UMF® 20+ manuka honey at 2.2 g/kg animal did not show any significantly changed concentrations of microbial short chain fatty acids as measured by gas chromatography, except for increased formate and lowered succinate organic acid concentrations, compared to mice fed a control diet. There was no change in succinate-producing Bacteroidetes numbers, or honey-utilising Bifidobacteria, nor any other microbes measured by real time quantitative PCR. These results suggest that, despite the antimicrobial activity of the original honey, consumption of manuka honey only mildly affects substrate metabolism by the gut microbiota

    Biodistribution of 64 Cu in Inflamed Rats Following Administration of Two Anti-Inflammatory Copper Complexes

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    64Cu was administered in two anti-inflammatory formulations to normal rats and to rats with 2 forms of local inflammation, namely (a) an acute paw oedema (elicited with carrageenan) or (b) a chronic granulomatous response to an implanted irritant (Mycobacterium tuberculosis in a polyurethane sponge). The copper formulations used were (i) a slow release one consisting of Cu(II) salicylate applied dermally with ethanol/DMSO and (ii) short acting hydrophilic complex (Cu(I)Cu(II)-penicillamine)5- given subcutaneously. Three types of changes in copper biodistribution with these forms of inflammation were discerned based on determination of 64Cu and copper content in the following organs: inflammatory locus (foot or sponge implant), kidney, liver, spleen, adrenals, brain, blood, thymus, heart, and skin (site of application). The most evident changes were in the kidneys, liver, spleen, adrenals, thymus and serum from animals with chronic granulomatous inflammation. In contrast, a short term acute inflammatory stress (carrageenan paw oedema) had little effect. While copper D-penicillamine (applied subcutaneously) appeared to move as a bolus through the animals, the results with the percutaneous copper salicylate formulation are consistent with it providing a slow release source of copper(II). Exogenous 64Cu from both formulations was sequestered at inflammatory sites (relative to serum). This may partly explain how applied copper complexes can be anti-inflammatory

    Hypersurface-Invariant Approach to Cosmological Perturbations

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    Using Hamilton-Jacobi theory, we develop a formalism for solving semi-classical cosmological perturbations which does not require an explicit choice of time-hypersurface. The Hamilton-Jacobi equation for gravity interacting with matter (either a scalar or dust field) is solved by making an Ansatz which includes all terms quadratic in the spatial curvature. Gravitational radiation and scalar perturbations are treated on an equal footing. Our technique encompasses linear perturbation theory and it also describes some mild nonlinear effects. As a concrete example of the method, we compute the galaxy-galaxy correlation function as well as large-angle microwave background fluctuations for power-law inflation, and we compare with recent observations.Comment: 51 pages, Latex 2.09 ALBERTA THY/20-94, DAMTP R94/25 To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Fatores de risco associados à infecção por Cryptosporidium spp. e Giardia duodenalis em bovinos leiteiros na fase de cria e recria na mesorregião do Campo das Vertentes de Minas Gerais

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    Este estudo observacional do tipo transversal foi realizado com o objetivo avaliar os fatores de risco associados à infecção por Cryptosporidium spp. e Giardia duodenalis em bezerras provenientes de 20 propriedades leiteiras, localizadas na mesorregião do Campo das Vertentes de Minas Gerais. As propriedades foram divididas igualmente em dois grupos de acordo com o tipo de leite produzido: Grupo I = Leite B e Grupo II = Leite cru refrigerado. Amostras fecais de 356 bezerras foram coletadas no período de setembro de 2008 a agosto de 2009 e analisadas utilizando-se os métodos de Ziehl-Neelsen e flutuação em sulfato zinco a 33% para detecção, respectivamente, dos oocistos de Cryptosporidium spp. e cistos de G. duodenalis. Dados sobre práticas de manejo e condições sanitárias de criação dos bovinos foram obtidos por meio de entrevistas durante a visita a cada propriedade, no momento em que foi coletada uma única amostra de fezes de bezerras de 1 dia a 12 meses de idade. A frequência média global de bezerras infectadas por Cryptosporidium spp. foi de 21,62%, sendo a faixa etária de 7- 21 dias de idade a que apresentou o maior número de animais eliminando oocistos. Para G. duodenalis, a frequência média global foi de 25,56% e a faixa etária de 60-90 dias de idade foi a com maior número de animais com cistos nas fezes. Os resultados deste estudo indicam que infecções por Cryptosporidium spp. e G. duodenalis estão amplamente distribuídas entre fêmeas bovinas na fase de cria e recria provenientes de rebanhos leiteiros na mesorregião do Campo das Vertentes de Minas Gerais. Dentre os fatores associados a um maior risco de infecção por Cryptosporidium spp. e G. duodenalis em bezerras, discutidos neste estudo, se destacam os seguintes: a permanência no piquete maternidade por mais de 12h após o nascimento; o fornecimento de colostro a partir de 7h de vida; o primeiro fornecimento de água e concentrado entre 1 e 7 dias de idade; e a manutenção em instalação coletiva e/ou localizada próxima ao curral