6 research outputs found

    Effect of Trichoderma reesei degraded date pits on antioxidant enzyme activities and biochemical responses of broiler chickens

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    The long-term use of antimicrobials as growth promoters in poultry feed leads to antimicrobial resistance in pathogens. Thus, alternatives to antibiotics are essential for reasons associated with both safety and cost-effectiveness. Underutilized plant sources need to be developed to replace antibiotics in broiler feed. Several feed resources have been introduced so far, but they have yet to be applied widely. Date pits are a major by-product of the date industry (6–8%) and have the potential antioxidant to replace antibiotics. In this study, fresh date pits were degraded using the mold Trichoderma reesei under solid-state degradation (SSD), resulting in degraded date pits (DDP). A total of 180 Brazilian “Cobb 500” broiler chicks were divided into six feed treatments in triplicate groups. The treatments were corn-soy basal diet (positive control; C+), corn-soy + 20% oxytetracycline at 0.05% (negative control; C–), corn-soy + 10% DDP, corn-soy + 0.2% mannan-oligosaccharides (MOS), corn-soy + 0.1% mannose, and corn-soy + 0.2% mannose. The antioxidant and biochemical effects of DDP, MOS, and mannose were determined in the blood serum, liver, and intestine of broilers at age 21 and 42 days. The results indicated that the contents of antioxidants such as flavonoids and phenolics, as well as the MOS content in DDP, were increased by the degradation process. Additionally, mannose, glucose, arabinose, rhamnose, and glucuronic acid were significantly increased in DDP after degradation. The activity of antioxidant enzymes (GPx—glutathione peroxidase, catalase, and SOD—superoxide dismutase) in the serum, liver, and intestine of broilers fed with diets containing 10% DDP and 0.2% MOS was increased significantly compared to the control group. Malondialdehyde activity was decreased, whereas the mean corpuscular hemoglobin level and the iron content were significantly upregulated in the broilers fed with 10% DDP, 0.1% mannose, and 0.2% MOS diets compared with the control. Thus, DDP can be used to improve the antioxidant status and has a prebiotic-like effect in broiler chicken performance

    Intestinal development and histomorphometry of broiler chickens fed Trichoderma reesei degraded date seed diets

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    A study was conducted to investigate the impact of degraded date pits (DDP) on the development and morphology of the intestine in broilers. Trichoderma reesei was used to produce the DDP using a solid-state degradation method. One hundred and eighty broilers were divided into six treatments in triplicate groups of 10 chicks each. The dietary treatments were: positive control with corn-soy basal diet, negative control with corn-soy basal diet + 20% oxytetracycline at 0.05%, corn-soy basal diet + 10% DDP, corn-soy basal diet + 0.2% mannan-oligosaccharides (MOS), corn-soy basal diet + 0.2% mannose and corn-soy basal diet + 0.1% mannose for 6 weeks. The results indicate that a 10% DDP diet increased the activities of the pancreatic enzymes, the villus length, and the villus/crypt ratio, and decreased the crypt depth of the intestine. In conclusion, when compared to oxytetracycline and MOS, DDP can be used as a replacement for antibiotic growth promoters for broilers while improving gut development and intestinal health

    Crescimento, digestibilidade e resistência à infecção por patógeno em tilápia-do-nilo alimentada com probióticos

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da suplementação da dieta com os probióticos Lactobacillus plantarum e Saccharomyces cerevisiae, no desempenho zootécnico, digestibilidade e na resistência à infecção por patógeno, em alevinos de tilápia-do-nilo. Foram realizados três ensaios. No primeiro, durante 55 dias, seis grupos de 30 alevinos (2,4±0,5 g) receberam suplementação com probióticos, e outros três grupos não receberam suplementação. No final desse período, no segundo ensaio, os peixes foram desafiados com Aeromonas hydrophila, e a sobrevivência foi avaliada por 96 horas. No terceiro ensaio, com oito peixes por tanque (230,0±10,0 g), avaliou-se a digestibilidade da dieta após a suplementação com os probióticos. A suplementação probiótica melhora significativamente o ganho de peso, a conversão alimentar, as taxas de retenção proteica e energética, assim como a resistência dos animais a Aeromonas hydrophila, após a infecção. A suplementação com Saccharomyces cerevisiae à dieta de tilápia-do-nilo melhora significativamente a digestibilidade da proteína, energia e matéria seca

    Effect of inclusion of degraded and Non-degraded date pits in Broilers’ Diet on their intestinal microbiota and growth performance

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    The current study aims to assess the effect of non-degraded date pits (NDDP) and degraded date pits (DDP) in broilers’ diets on gut microbiota and growth performance. The degradation of date pits (DP) occurred via the cellulolytic fungus Trichoderma reesei by a solid-state degradation procedure. One-day-old Brazilian broilers were allocated into six dietary groups: (1) maize–soy diet, (2) maize–soy diet with oxytetracycline (20%, 50 g 100 kg−1), (3) maize–soy diet with 5% NDDP, (4) maize–soy diet with 10% NDDP, (5) maize–soy diet with 5% DDP, and (6) maize–soy diet with 10% DDP. At the end of the trial, the total count of bacteria was significantly (p < 0.05) less in broilers fed 10% DDP diet (treatment 6) compared with the control group (treatment 1). In addition, DDP and oxytetracycline control diets have a similar diminishing effect on total bacterial counts and the populations of Salmonella, Campylobacter, Shigella spp., and Escherichia coli. Over 35 days of trial, weight gains were similar among the six dietary groups. Our results showed that DDP and control diets have a similar effect on growth performance. The feed conversion ratio (FCR) was poorer in broilers fed NDDP diets than other treatments. The European Production Efficiency Index (EPEI) was greater with 5% and 10% DDP than those fed NDDP at the same levels, with no significant variance from the control and antibiotic-supplemented diet (treatment 2). Overall, it can be suggested that maintaining 10% of DDP can partly replace dietary maize while also serves as a gut health enhancer and thus a growth promoter in the diet for broilers

    Validation of a methodology for measuring nutrient digestibility and evaluation of commercial feeds for channel catfish Validação de um método para medir a digestibilidade de nutrientes e avaliação de rações comerciais para catfish

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    Channel catfish, a major freshwater aquaculture species in the US, is also farmed in Southern Brazil. However, apparent digestibility coefficients (ADC) of nutrients in commercial feeds available in Brazil for the species are not known. This study aimed at optimizing a methodology for fecal collection and determination of apparent nutrient digestibility for catfish. Pilot trials were carried out to establish gastrointestinal transit, fish density, and time interval between fecal collections. Gastrointestinal transit of dry feed for catfish varied from 11h30 to 10h30 for 100 and 172-g fish, respectively. Average dry weight of feces produced along a six day period by 99-g fish was 0.54 g, regardless of stocking density (10, 15 or 20 fish per 98-L cage; p > 0.05). Described methodology allowed the collection of average 10.80 g feces per tank (dry weight) in three days. Feces collected at 1, 6 or 12 h had increased protein digestibility from 1 to 12 h, that is, there was increased protein leaching as the time of feces exposure to water increased. Fecal collection was optimized at 20 fish per tank and 6 h interval between collections. ADC of protein, energy, and dry matter of four commercial feeds for catfish using the indirect method with the addition of 0.5% of Cr2O3 as an inert maker was also evaluated. Crude protein contents of commercial feeds matched manufacturer's specifications but did not yielded the 28% digestible protein required for adequate channel catfish growth. The digestible protein of commercial feeds ranged from 23.3% to 25.6% and digestible energy ranged from 1177 to 1249 kJ 100 g-1 feed. It is instrumental measuring nutrient digestibility when evaluating commercial feeds.<br>O catfish americano, espécie aquícola importante nos Estados Unidos, também é produzido no sul do Brasil. Entretanto, a digestibilidade dos nutrientes das rações disponíveis no Brazil não é conhecida. Nesse estudo otimizou-se a coleta de fezes e a determinação do coeficiente de digestibilidade aparente (CDA) para a espécie. Ensaios pilotos foram conduzidos para determinação do tempo de passagem do alimento no trato digestório, densidade dos peixes e intervalo entre coletas de fezes. O tempo de passagem variou de 11h30 a 10h30 em peixes com peso médio de 100 e 172 g, respectivamente. O peso médio (base seca) das fezes produzidas por peixes (peso médio 99 g), em seis dias, foi 0.54 g, independentemente de a densidade ser 10, 15 ou 20 peixes por gaiola (p > 0.05). Com esta metodologia foi possível coletar 10.80 g de fezes (base seca) por tanque em três dias. A digestibilidade da proteína aumentou com intervalos de coleta de fezes de 1, 6 e 12 h, indicando aumento na lixiviação deste nutriente à medida que aumentou o tempo de exposição das fezes à água. A coleta de fezes foi otimizada com 20 peixes por tanque e com 6 h de intervalo entre as coletas. Também foi avaliado o CDA para proteína, energia e matéria seca de rações comerciais para catfish, utilizando-se o método indireto com a adição de 0.5% de Cr2O3 como marcador inerte nas dietas. Os conteúdos de proteína bruta das rações comerciais foram similares às especificações dos fabricantes, mas as rações não forneceram 28% de proteína digestível, necessária para o crescimento adequado da espécie. A proteína digestível nas rações comerciais variou de 23.3% a 25.6% e a energia digestível, de 1177 a 1249 kJ 100 g-1 de ração. Ressalta-se assim a importância da determinação da digestibilidade dos nutrientes na avaliação de rações comerciais

    Ethnobotany and phytochemistry of plants dominant in salt marshes of the Lower Saxonian Wadden Sea, southern North Sea

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