12 research outputs found

    Geoelectric investigation of the suitability of a proposed foldot ventures potable water factory site, Ipinsa, near Akure, southwestern Nigeria

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    This study is aim at determining the suitability of sitting a potable water factory within Chief Akin Omosebi layout off Ipinsa-Ilara road, near Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria by evaluating the groundwater potential, the aquifer overlying layer protective capacity and the foundation beds competence of the area. A total of twenty (20) vertical electrical soundings (VES) data were  acquired along five (5) traverses using Schlumberger array with maximum half-current electrode separation of 150 m. Three curve types were delineated in the area (K, KH and KQ). The VES  results delineated three to four geoelectric layers across the study  area. The resistivity of the top soil, lateritic weathered layer, clayey sand weathered layer and weathered bedrock/fresh bedrock varies from 187 - 1212, 682 - 4164, 219 - 1157 and 77 - 3525 ohm-m respectively. This study reveals that the area is  characterized by high groundwater potential and competent subsurface layers that can serve as foundation bed, but the aquifer layer must be well protected from pollution since the overlying layer(s) longitudinal conductance is less than 1.0 mhos which  indicates that the underlying aquifer unit(s) are vulnerable to surface pollution.Keywords: Groundwater potential, aquifer overlying layer,  protective capacity, longitudinal conductance and foundation beds competence

    Delineation of Saline Water Intrusion Lateral Extent Using Hydro-chemically and Geo-electrically Derived CRS - Model Parameters - A Case Study of Eastern Dahomey Basin, Nigeria

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    This study was another attempt to map the subsurface lateral extent of saline water intrusions into aquifers at the eastern part of Dahomey basin, Nigeria. The study comprised geo-electric sounding method consisting of 108 vertical electrical soundings (VES) data acquired using Schlumberger array technique and hydro-chemical analysis of 61 water samples. The geoelectric survey results were presented as average longitudinal Conductance and average longitudinal Resistivity maps. The longitudinal conductance values vary from moderate to high (20 - 180 mhos) in the coastal areas, while lower values (lesser than 10 mhos) were recorded in the mainlands. Conversely the average longitudinal resistivity values were low to moderate (0.26 - 41.7 ohm-m) in the coastal areas and in few places such as Agbabu, Legbogbo and Sabomi in the mainland, while higher values (more than 60 ohm-m) were obtained from the mainlands. The hydro-chemical analysis results was presented as equivalent Salinity map; its values range from 25.8 mg/l (Ode-Irele) to 2808 mg/l (Asisa), high values were obtained from Ugbo, Ugbonla, Odonla, Idogun and Ayetoro area in the southeastern part of the study area and likewise at Agbabu in the north central part of the study area. The results were synthesized using CRS-model. The final CRS-model map showed that the saline water intrusion extended to 35 % of the total area which covers; most part of the coastal area and Agbabu in the mainland.Keywords: Saline water intrusion, saline-freshwater boundary, vertical electrical sounding (VES), hydrochemical analysis, synthesis and CRS-model

    Antimicrobial Activities of Ginger (Zingiber officinale) and Garlic (Allium Sativum) Against Selected Pathogenic Organisms

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    Garlic and ginger samples were collected and their bio active components were determined using standard methods. Bio active components of ginger were found to include Saponins, Glycosides, Akaloids, Flavonoids, Tannis, Terpernoides while garlic tested positive to only Cardiac glycosides. Pseudomonas aueroginosa, Klebsiella pneumonia, Staphylococcus aureus were the test organisms. Antimicrobial activities were tested on Klebsiella pnuemoniae, Staphyloccus aureus, and Pseudomonas aeroginosa using Antibiotic sensitivity disc and zone of clearance was highest with Ciprofloxacin but resistant with Meropenem and Cefuroxime sodium respectively. Kirby- Baucer method disc diffusion method was used to test the effectiveness of extracts against selected pathogenic bacteria. Pseudomonas aueroginosa was susceptible to various dilutions (10-1 – 10-7) of extracts of ginger and ethanol (51 – 15mm) but more susceptible to extracts of garlic and ethanol (59 – 22mm) and resistant to some dilutions of extracts of garlic and ginger in combination (18 – 0mm). Staphylococcus aureus was susceptible to garlic and ethanolic extracts (44 – 19mm), more susceptible to extracts of ginger and garlic in ethanol (51 – 19mm) but resistant to some dilutions of aqueous and ethanolic ginger extracts. Klebsiella pneumonia was resistant to both aqueous and ethanolic extracts at various dilutions singly and in combination. It is however susceptible to the extracts at 10-1 dilutions except in ginger warm aqueous extract and garlic cold aqueous extract where it is resistant. The study therefore prove the potency of ginger and garlic in treatment of certain pathogenic bacteria infections. Keywords: Pathogenic, garlic, ginger, extracts, zone of clearance. DOI: 10.7176/JBAH/12-24-01 Publication date: December 31st 2022

    Response of African Giant Snail (Archachatina Marginata) in Captivity to Deifferent Feed Items

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    Thirty six (36) one-week old hatchling of giant snail were randomly selected and grouped into 4 batches on the basis of body weight. Each group was fed in captivity with either of the following feed items: water leaf, cocoyam leaf, potato leaf or compound feed (24.43% crude protein). Diets were fed ad libitum for 20 weeks. The result showed that snails raised on compounded feed had the highest body weight gain which was not significantly different (P>0.05) from those fed cocoyam and water leaves. Snail fed potato leaf had significantly lowest (P>0.05) body weight gain. Mean flesh weight of snails fed compounded diets and cocoyam leaf were 158±5.31 and 153± 4.04g respectively, these were significantly different(P>0.05) from those fed water leaf (148± 1.00g) and sweet potato leaf (139±1.10g). It was concluded that African giant snail can be raised successfully in captivity on cocoyam without any adversely response. Keywords: Giant Land Snail, Cocoyam, Potato leaf, water leaf, compounded feed, captive rearing

    Geophysical Investigation of Impact of Geologic Structures on Preferred Percolating Paths of an Oil-based Leachate within a Migmatite-Gneiss Environment: A Case study of Federal University of Technology, Akure Campus (Nigeria)

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    The study was aimed at determining the lateral and vertical flow of an oil-based leachate within the Migmatite-Gneiss environment with time and to delineate the presence of possible bedrock structures that can enhance the leachate movement. The method of study adopted combines the use of VLF-EM profiling, Electrical Resistivity Tomography survey (Dipole-dipole) and Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES). The surveys were carried out at four times with regular interval of four-week. A particular point along a feeder road within the Federal University of Technology, Akure campus was polluted with used black engine oil. The location was left to settle for two weeks before the first round of survey involving the above mentioned methods was carried out. The results show that the oil-based leachate percolated towards the south which is an uphill direction. Each successive results showed a gradual progression of the leachate in different directions; laterally and vertically. At the fourteenth week, which is the fourth round of survey the leachate was observed to have percolated down to the depth of about 10-15 m, which is rather too fast for a leachate moving according to normal gravity flow. This indicated that probably geologic structures; perhaps faults, fracture and void could be present at the subsurface beneath the polluted point. The VES result presented as geoelectric section confirms this speculation as the bedrock layer beneath VES 1, 2 and 3 have resistivity values that range between 230 and 347 ohm-m. The integrated geophysical method adopted for this study successfully helps in delineating the oil-based leachate flow direction, extent and preferred paths. Keywords: Electrical resistivity tomography, vertical electrical sounding, oil-based leachate, bedrock structures and bedrock fracture

    Chemical analysis and nutritional assessment of fluted pumpkin (Telfairiaoccidentalis Hook F.) seed residue fed to African catfish (Clariasgariepinus) at graded inclusion levels

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    The chemical analysis and nutritional assessment of fluted pumpkin seed residue fed to African catfish (Clariasgariepinus) at graded inclusion levels was carried out in order to evaluate its effect on the growth performance and nutrient utilization of the catfish. Five diets containing 0, 15, 30, 45 and 60% inclusion levels of fluted pumpkin seed residue (FPSR) as partial replacement for groundnut cake were prepared and fed to the fishes for eight weeks. Each treatment had three replicates with 15 fish per replicate (mean initial weight 140.87 ± 8.77g) in 30-litre plastic tanks and fish fed at 3% of body weight twice daily. Fish on control diet showed the best growth and nutrient utilization while diets with defatted fluted pumpkin seeds cake produced weight reduction in the fish with the least reduction on diet 2 (15% inclusion) and greatest on diet 4 (45% inclusion). The specific growth rate, feed conversion ratios and protein intake of the control fish were significantly (p<0.05) higher than those on FPSR-containing diets. Histopathological reports showed some damage to the liver of fish in higher FPSR-containing rations, torn gill tissues and changes of intestinal structure. Haematological parameters like haemoglobin, erythrocyte, sedimentation rate and biochemical parameters were within the ranges for healthy fish though reduced from pre-treatment values

    Smallest Univalue Segment Assimilating Nucleus approach to Brain MRI Image Segmentation using Fuzzy C-Means and Fuzzy K-Means Algorithms

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    Image segmentation still remains an important task in image processing and analysis. Sequel to any segmentation process, preprocessing activities carried out on the images have a great effect on the accuracy of the segmentation task. This paper therefore laid emphasis on the preprocessing stage of brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) images using Smallest Univalue Segment Assimilating Nucleus (SUSAN) and bias field correction algorithms. Subsequently, brain tissue extraction tool was employed in extracting non-brain tissues from the brain image. Afterwards, Fuzzy K-Means (FKM) and Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) segmentation algorithms were employed for segmenting brain MRI images acquired from four different MRI databases into their White Matter (WM), Gray Matter (GM) and Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) constituents. Evaluation metrics such as cluster validity functions using partition coefficients and partition entropy; area error metrics such as false positive, true positive, true negative and false negative (FN); similarity index, sensitivity and specificity were used to evaluate the performance of both techniques. A comparative analysis of the experimental results revealed that in most instances, FKM segmentation technique is preferable to FCM segmentation technique for brain MRI segmentation task


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    Most biometric systems work by comparing features extracted from a query biometric trait with those extracted from a stored biometric trait. Therefore, to a great extent, the accuracy of any biometric system is dependent on the effectiveness of its features extraction stage. With an intention to establish a suitable appearance based features extraction technique, an independent comparative study of Independent Component Analysis (ICA), Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) algorithms for palmprint features extraction is reported in this article. Euclidean distance, Probabilistic Neural Network (PNN) and cosine measures were used as classifiers. Results obtained revealed that cosine metrics is preferable for ICA features extraction while PNN is preferable for LDA features extraction. Both PNN and Euclidean distance yielded a better recognition rate for PCA. However, ICA yielded the best recognition rate in terms of FAR and FRR followed by LDA then PCA