12 research outputs found

    Cardiac arrhythmias in patients with bronchial asthma

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    Introduction. According to modern data, bronchial asthma (BA) is an independent risk factor for the development of cardiac arrhythmias (CA), and the use of long-acting β2-agonists (LABA) in basic therapy may further increase the risks of CA.Aim. To study the structure and risk factors of cardiac arrhythmias in patients with bronchial asthma. Materials and methods. A retrospective study included 181 patients aged 69.4 ± 0.8 years, hospitalized for asthma, with the presence a CA in medical documentation.Results. Among BA patients with CA, supraventricular CA were found in 71.3% (129) patients, ventricular CA in 16.6% (30), combined CA in 12.2% (22). In 52.5% (95) patients, supraventricular extrasystole was detected, in 35.9% (65) – atrial fibrillation, in 28.7% (52) – ventricular extrasystole, in 1.1% (2) – paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia, in 0.6% (1) – paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia. It was found that supraventricular CA was significantly more frequent among women (χ2 = 5.974, p = 0.05). The severity of BA and the level of control are not related to the type of observed CA (χ2 = 0.755, p = 0.685 and χ2 = 3.003, p = 0.557, respectively).Discussion. The use of a combination of ICS and LABA in basic BA therapy versus the use of ICS alone does not have a significant effect on the frequency and structure of cardiac arrhythmias (χ2 = 1.172, p = 0.556).Conclusion. In hospitalized BA patients, supraventricular cardiac arrhythmias are most often detected, among which supraventricular extrasystole and atrial fibrillation take the main place

    Optimisation of Siberian Larch (Larix sibirica) Galactoglucomannan Sulfation Process with Sulfamic Acid in DMSO

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    Изучено влияние температуры, продолжительности процесса сульфатирования галактоглюкоманнана древесины лиственницы и количества сульфатирующего комплекса на содержание серы (мас.%) в сульфатах галактоглюкоманнана при сульфатировании сульфаминовой кислотой в ДМСО в присутствии мочевины. Путем математической оптимизации по плану Бокса-Бенкена установлены условия сульфатирования, позволяющие достичь высокого содержания серы в сульфатах галактоглюкоманнана. Оптимальными условиями сульфатирования галактоглюкоманнана древесины лиственницы являются температура 89,5 °C, продолжительность 2,3 часа, количество сульфатирующего комплекса на 1 г галактоглюкоманнана 55,4 ммоль. Высокое качество аппроксимации доказано высоким значением R 2 adj = 92,9 %, а также значениями P<0,0019 (с допустимым диапазоном значений 0,05). Введение сульфатной группы в молекулу галактоглюкоманнана подтверждено методами ИК‑спектроскопии и элементного анализаThe influence of temperature, duration of the process of sulfation of larch wood galactoglucomannan, and the amount of the sulfating complex on the sulfur content (wt %) in galactoglucomannan sulfates during sulfation with sulfamic acid in DMSO in the presence of urea was studied. By mathematical optimization according to the Box-Behnken plan, sulfation conditions were established to achieve a high sulfur content in galactoglucomannan sulfates. The optimal conditions for sulfation of larch wood galactoglucomannan are temperature 89.5 °C, duration 2.3 hours, amount of sulfating complex per 1 g galactoglucomannan 55.4 mmol. The high quality of the approximation is proved by the high value of R 2adj = 92.9 %, as well as by the values P<0.0019 (with an allowable range of 0.05). The introduction of a sulfate group into the galactoglucomannan molecule was confirmed by FTIR spectroscopy and elemental analysi

    Thermal effects of carbonated hydroxyapatite modified by glycine and albumin

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    In this work calcium phosphate powders were obtained by precipitation method from simulated solutions of synovial fluid containing glycine and albumin. X-ray diffraction and IR spectroscopy determined that all samples are single-phase and are presented by carbonate containing hydroxyapatite (CHA). The thermograms of solid phases of CHA were obtained and analyzed; five stages of transformation in the temperature range of 25-1000°C were marked. It is shown that in this temperature range dehydration, decarboxylation and thermal degradation of amino acid and protein connected to the surface of solid phase occur. The tendency of temperature lowering of the decomposition of powders synthesized from a medium containing organic substances was determined. Results demonstrate a direct dependence between the concentration of the amino acid in a model solution and its content in the solid phase

    Оценка эффективности и безопасности комбинации хондроитина сульфата и глюкозамина сульфата при остеоартрите коленного и тазобедренного суставов в реальной клинической практике

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    A combination of chondroitin and glucosamine is widely used in clinical practice as both a symptomatic and structure-modifying agent for the treatment of osteoarthritis (OA). The emergence of new drugs based on this combination substantially expands treatment options for OA therapy.Objective: to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Artroflex® that is a combination of chondroitin sulfate 400 mg and glucosamine sulfate 500 mg (CS + GS) to support joint health in patients with knee and/or hip OA.Patients and methods. When implementing an open observational research program, the results of using the CS + GS complex were assessed in 644 OA patients (74.7% women) (mean age, 58.0±14.6 years) who experienced moderate/severe pain and required to continuously take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). The CS + GS complex was prescribed in a dose of 2 capsules per day for 3 months. The investigators estimated changes in pain on movement by a 0 to 10 verbal pain scale, general health (GH) by a 0–10 visual analogue scale), the Lequesne index, the need for NSAIDs, and patient satisfaction with treatment and its tolerance.Results and discussion. After 3-month therapy, there were decreases in pain intensity by 49.2±16.8%, GH scores by 45.6±18.1%, the Lequesne index from 9.0 [6.0; 13.0] to 5.0 [3.0; 9.0]; less than half (45.2%) of the patients still needed for NSAIDs. 82.2% of patients were satisfied or completely satisfied with treatment results; 89.6% reported good treatment tolerance.Adverse events (apparently associated with NSAID use) were recorded in 2.2% of cases. There were no serious complications that required CS + GS treatment discontinuation or hospitalization.Conclusion. The findings have indicated that Artroflex® used to support joint health is an effective agent that controls OA symptoms and has a good safety level.Комбинация хондроитина и глюкозамина широко применяется в клинической практике как симптоматическое и структурно-модифицирующее средство для лечения остеоартрита (ОА). Появление новых препаратов на основе данной комбинации существенно расширяет возможности терапии ОА.Цель исследования – оценка эффективности и безопасности комплекса для поддержания здоровья суставов Артрофлекс®, представляющего собой комбинацию хондроитина сульфата 400 мг и глюкозамина сульфата 500 мг (ХС + ГС), у пациентов с ОА коленного и/или тазобедренного суставов.Пациенты и методы. В ходе наблюдательной открытой исследовательской программы были оценены результаты применения комплекса ХС + ГС у 644 больных ОА (средний возраст 58,0±14,6 года, 74,7% женщины), испытывающих умеренную/выраженную боль и нуждающихся в постоянном приеме нестероидных противовоспалительных препаратов (НПВП). Комплекс ХС + ГС назначали в дозе 2 капсулы в сутки сроком на 3 мес. Оценивали динамику боли при движении (по вербальной шкале боли 0–10), общего состояния здоровья (ОСЗ, по визуальной аналоговой шкале 0–10), индекса Лекена, потребность в приеме НПВП, удовлетворенность больных лечением и переносимостью терапии.Результаты и обсуждение. Через 3 мес применения выраженность боли снизилась на 49,2±16,8%, оценка ОСЗ – на 45,6±18,1%, индекс Лекена – с 9,0 [6,0; 13,0] до 5,0 [3,0; 9,0], необходимость в приеме НПВП осталась менее чем у половины больных (45,2%). Удовлетворены или полностью удовлетворены результатами лечения были 82,2% больных, хорошую переносимость терапии отметили 89,6%. Нежелательные явления (по-видимому, связанные с приемом НПВП) зафиксированы в 2,2% случаев. Серьезных осложнений, потребовавших прерывания лечения ХС + ГС или госпитализации, не выявлено.Заключение. Согласно полученным данным, комплекс для поддержания здоровья суставов Артрофлекс® – эффективное средство для контроля симптомов ОА, обладающее хорошим уровнем безопасности

    Green catalytic processing of native and organosolv lignins

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    Two ways of catalytic depolymerization of native and isolated wood lignins are described: the peroxide delignification of hardwood (aspen, birch) and softwood (abies) in the medium of acetic acid – water over TiO2 catalyst and the thermal dissolution of organosolv lignins (ethanol-lignin and acetone-lignin) in supercritical alcohols (ethanol and butanol) over solid Ni-containing catalysts. The catalyst TiO2 in rutile modification has the higher activity in wood peroxide delignification at 100°C as compared to TiO2 in anatase modification. The results of kinetic studies and optimization of the processes of peroxide depolymerization of hardwood (aspen, birch) and softwood (abies) lignins in the medium of acetic acid – water over catalyst TiO2 (rutile) at mild conditions (≤ 100°C, atmospheric pressure) are compared. The catalyst TiO2 initiates the formation of OH• and OOH• radicals from H2O2 which promote the oxidative fragmentation of wood lignin. In this case, the peroxide depolymerization of softwood lignin, constructed from phenylpropane units of guaiacyl-type proceeds more difficult than the hardwood lignins, mainly containing syringyl-type units. The solid and soluble products of peroxide catalytic delignification of wood under the optimized conditions were studied by FTIR, XRD, GC-MS and chemical methods. Regardless of the nature of wood the cellulosic products have a structure similar to microcrystalline cellulose. The soluble products mainly consist of monosaccharides and organic acids. Aromatic compounds are present only in a low amount which indicates the oxidative degradation of aromatic rings of lignin phenylpropane units under the used conditions of wood catalytic delignification. The processes of thermal dissolution of acetone-lignin and ethanol-lignin from aspen-wood in supercritical ethanol and butanol over Ni-containing catalyst (NiCu/SiO2, NiCuMo/SiO2) are compared. The composition, structure and thermal properties of organosolv lignins were studied with the use of FTIR, GPC, 1H - 13C HSQC NMR, DTA and elemental analysis. The influence of a composition of Ni-containing catalyst on the thermal conversion in supercritical butanol and ethanol of ethanol-lignin and acetone-lignin was established. The highest conversion of lignins (to 93% wt.) in supercritical alcohols and the highest yield of liquid products (to 90 % wt.) were achieved at 300 °C in the presence of catalyst NiCuMo/SiO2. Scheme of green biorefinery of wood based on the use of non-toxic and low-toxic reagents (H2O2, H2O, acetic acid, ethanol, butanol) and solid catalysts (TiO2, NiCuMo/SiO2) is suggested

    Instrumentation for the Management of the Training Process in the Innovative University

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    The paper discusses modern tools for managing the educational process at the university, which implements an installation for the formation of an innovative educational environment. The main tasks to be solved in the creation of this environment are identified: ensuring the integration of new information educational resources with the proven effective arsenal of traditional resources. The architecture of a complex of modern resources that ensure the implementation of all components of the learning process is discussed in detail, the content of each resource is discussed. Particular attention is paid to the organization and management of students’ independent work . as the most important component of the educational process in terms of the modern educational paradigm. The ways of implementing the basic principles of its construction are discussed: individualization and creativization. As a universal tool for managing the educational process, the portal of electronic educational resources used in the Urals State University of Economics (USUE) is proposed. Describes the interface of the portal, its main features. Considerable attention is paid to electronic courses and electronic teaching aids, in particular, intended for the study of natural science disciplines. It is emphasized that it is necessary to provide in them options that are fundamentally impossible in printed publications and that ensure the specificity of mastering the most complex modern divisions of these disciplines. The cathedral site is discussed in detail as a component of the arsenal of innovative tools for managing the educational activities of students and teachers. A model of the site aimed at supporting the learning process is proposed. The most significant headings of the site are discussed, ensuring the prompt exchange of information between partners, their communication in various modes with effective feedback, prospects for improving the departmental sites and management tools of the educational environment of the innovative university.В работе обсуждается современный инструментарий управления учебным процессом в университете, реализующем установку на формирование инновационной образовательной среды. Выделяется основная задачи, решаемая при создании этой среды: обеспечение интеграции новых информационных образовательных ресурсов с апробированным эффективным арсеналом традиционных ресурсов. Детально рассматривается архитектура комплекса современных ресурсов, обеспечивающих реализацию всех компонентов учебного процесса, обсуждается контент каждого ресурса. Особое внимание уделяется организации и управлению самостоятельной работой студентов (СРС) как важнейшей составляющей учебного процесса с точки зрения современной парадигмы образования. Обсуждаются пути реализации основных принципов ее построения: индивидуализации и креативизации. В качестве универсального инструментария управления учебным процессом предлагается используемый в Уральском государственном экономическом университете (УрГЭУ) портал электронных образовательных ресурсов. Описывается интерфейс портала, его главные особенности. Существенное внимание уделяется электронным курсам и электронным учебным пособиям, в частности, предназначенным для изучения естественнонаучных дисциплин. Подчеркивается необходимость предусмотрения в них опций, принципиально невозможных в печатных изданиях и обеспечивающих специфику освоения наиболее сложных современных разделов этих дисциплин. Подробно обсуждается кафедральный сайт как компонент арсенала инновационного инструментария управления образовательной деятельностью студента и преподавателя. Предлагается модель сайта, направленного на поддержку учебного процесса. Обсуждаются наиболее значимые рубрики сайта, обеспечивающие оперативный обмен информацией между партнерами, их общение в различных режимах с эффективной обратной связью, перспективы совершенствования кафедральных сайтов и инструментов управления образовательной средой инновационного университета

    Microfibrillated Cellulose with a Lower Degree of Polymerization; Synthesis via Sulfuric Acid Hydrolysis under Ultrasonic Treatment

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    A new approach is being considered for obtaining microfibrillated cellulose with a low degree of polymerization by sulfuric acid hydrolysis with simultaneous ultrasonic treatment under mild conditions (temperature 25 °C, 80% power control). Samples of initial cellulose, MCC, and MFC were characterized by FTIR, XRF, SEM, DLS, and TGA. It was found that a high yield of MFC (86.4 wt.%) and a low SP (94) are observed during hydrolysis with ultrasonic treatment for 90 min. It was shown that the resulting microfibrillated cellulose retains the structure of cellulose I and has an IC of 0.74. It was found that MFC particles are a network of fibrils with an average size of 91.2 nm. ζ-potential of an aqueous suspension of MFC equal to −23.3 mV indicates its high stability. It is noted that MFC has high thermal stability, the maximum decomposition temperature is 333.9 °C. Simultaneous hydrolysis process with ultrasonic treatment to isolate MFC from cellulose obtained by oxidative delignification of spruce wood allows to reduce the number of stages, reduce energy costs, and expand the scope

    Molecular Characteristics and Antioxidant Activity of Spruce (<i>Picea abies</i>) Hemicelluloses Isolated by Catalytic Oxidative Delignification

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    Spruce (Piceaabies) wood hemicelluloses have been obtained by the noncatalytic and catalytic oxidative delignification in the acetic acid-water-hydrogen peroxide medium in a processing time of 3–4 h and temperatures of 90–100 °C. In the catalytic process, the H2SO4, MnSO4, TiO2, and (NH4)6Mo7O24 catalysts have been used. A polysaccharide yield of up to 11.7 wt% has been found. The hemicellulose composition and structure have been studied by a complex of physicochemical methods, including gas and gel permeation chromatography, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, and thermogravimetric analysis. The galactose:mannose:glucose:arabinose:xylose monomeric units in a ratio of 5:3:2:1:1 have been identified in the hemicelluloses by gas chromatography. Using gel permeation chromatography, the weight average molar mass Mw of hemicelluloses has been found to attain 47,654 g/mol in noncatalytic delignification and up to 42,793 g/mol in catalytic delignification. Based on the same technique, a method for determining the α and k parameters of the Mark–Kuhn–Houwink equation for hemicelluloses has been developed; it has been established that these parameters change between 0.33–1.01 and 1.57–472.17, respectively, depending on the catalyst concentration and process temperature and time. Moreover, the FTIR spectra of the hemicellulose samples contain all the bands characteristic of heteropolysaccharides, specifically, 1069 cm−1 (C–O–C and C–O–H), 1738 cm−1 (ester C=O), 1375 cm−1 (–C–CH3), 1243 cm−1 (–C–O–), etc. It has been determined by the thermogravimetric analysis that the hemicelluloses isolated from spruce wood are resistant to heating to temperatures of up to ~100 °C and, upon further heating, start destructing at an increasing rate. The antioxidant activity of the hemicelluloses has been examined using the compounds simulating the 2,2-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl free radicals

    Evaluation of the efficacy and safety of a combination of chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine sulfate for knee and hip osteoarthritis in real clinical practice

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    A combination of chondroitin and glucosamine is widely used in clinical practice as both a symptomatic and structure-modifying agent for the treatment of osteoarthritis (OA). The emergence of new drugs based on this combination substantially expands treatment options for OA therapy.Objective: to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Artroflex® that is a combination of chondroitin sulfate 400 mg and glucosamine sulfate 500 mg (CS + GS) to support joint health in patients with knee and/or hip OA.Patients and methods. When implementing an open observational research program, the results of using the CS + GS complex were assessed in 644 OA patients (74.7% women) (mean age, 58.0±14.6 years) who experienced moderate/severe pain and required to continuously take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). The CS + GS complex was prescribed in a dose of 2 capsules per day for 3 months. The investigators estimated changes in pain on movement by a 0 to 10 verbal pain scale, general health (GH) by a 0–10 visual analogue scale), the Lequesne index, the need for NSAIDs, and patient satisfaction with treatment and its tolerance.Results and discussion. After 3-month therapy, there were decreases in pain intensity by 49.2±16.8%, GH scores by 45.6±18.1%, the Lequesne index from 9.0 [6.0; 13.0] to 5.0 [3.0; 9.0]; less than half (45.2%) of the patients still needed for NSAIDs. 82.2% of patients were satisfied or completely satisfied with treatment results; 89.6% reported good treatment tolerance.Adverse events (apparently associated with NSAID use) were recorded in 2.2% of cases. There were no serious complications that required CS + GS treatment discontinuation or hospitalization.Conclusion. The findings have indicated that Artroflex® used to support joint health is an effective agent that controls OA symptoms and has a good safety level