97 research outputs found

    Formation, accumulation and development of human capital in the modern conditions

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    Purpose: The aim of the study is to identify trends in the formation of human capital. Design/Methodology/Approach: The theoretical and methodological basis of the research is the scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists in the field of labor economics, human capital and management. Historical, statistical, economic and social sources of information were used to approach the subject under modern conditions. Findings: It was revealed that in the rural and urban areas the reproduction of human resources is carried out at various rates. The demographic factors influencing the reproduction of labor resources in the Russian Federation were analyzed. Practical implications: The authors substantiated the conclusions that the existence of problems in the development of rural territories is the result of the insufficient effectiveness of the measures taken by state authorities in the agrarian sphere. Originality/Value: Recommendations were made to improve the efficiency of social and economic policy in rural areas, including an increase in government subsidies to social infrastructure facilities, including feldsher-obstetric items, objects of pre-school and school education and culture.peer-reviewe

    Hyperfine frequency shift in two-dimensional atomic hydrogen

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    We propose the explanation of a surprisingly small hyperfine frequency shift in the two-dimensional (2D) atomic hydrogen bound to the surface of superfluid helium below 0.1 K. Owing to the symmetry considerations, the microwave-induced triplet-singlet transitions of atomic pairs in the fully spin-polarized sample are forbidden. The apparent nonzero shift is associated with the density-dependent wall shift of the hyperfine constant and the pressure shift due to the presence of H atoms in the hyperfine state aa not involved in the observed bcb\to c transition. The interaction of adsorbed atoms with one another effectively decreases the binding energy and, consequently, the wall shift by the amount proportional to their density. The pressure shift of the bcb\to c resonance comes from the fact that the impurity aa-state atoms interact differently with the initial bb-state and final cc-state atoms and is also linear in density. The net effect of the two contributions, both specific for 2D hydrogen, is comparable with the experimental observation. To our knowledge, this is the first mentioning of the density-dependent wall shift. We also show that the difference between the triplet and singlet scattering lengths of H atoms, atas=30(5)a_t-a_s=30(5) pm, is exactly twice smaller than the value reported by Ahokas {\it et al.}, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf101}, 263003 (2008).Comment: 4 pages, no figure

    Improvement of radiopurity level of enriched 116^{116}CdWO4_4 and ZnWO4_4 crystal scintillators by recrystallization

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    As low as possible radioactive contamination of a detector plays a crucial role to improve sensitivity of a double beta decay experiment. The radioactive contamination of a sample of 116^{116}CdWO4_4 crystal scintillator by thorium was reduced by a factor 10\approx 10, down to the level 0.01 mBq/kg (228^{228}Th), by exploiting the recrystallization procedure. The total alpha activity of uranium and thorium daughters was reduced by a factor 3\approx 3, down to 1.6 mBq/kg. No change in the specific activity (the total α\alpha activity and 228^{228}Th) was observed in a sample of ZnWO4_4 crystal produced by recrystallization after removing 0.4\approx 0.4 mm surface layer of the crystal.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures and 2 table


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    The paper presents new petrographic and geochemical data from volcanic and sedimentary rocks and first U-Pb ages of detrital zircons from sandstones of the Itmurundy zone of central Kazakhstan. The volcanic rocks are aphyric and porphyric basalts, andesibasalt and andesite. The major element composition of tuff and sandstone are close to that of andesite. The poorly sorted greenish grey sandstones carry numerous fragments of volcanic and sedimentary rocks suggesting its greywacke nature which is probably due to. The greywacke probably formed by the destruction of undissected arc. The distribution of U-Pb ages of detrital zircons spanning 505 to 432 Ma has unimodal character peaked at 445 Ma suggesting formation of the sandstones by the destruction and subsequent transportation of clastic material from a late Ordovician intra-oceanic arc. In geochemical diagrams, the tuffs and sandstone plot close to the volcanic rocks. All chondrite-normalized REE spectra show enrichment in LREE (LaN=38–367, La/YbN=4.0–16.9, La/SmN=2.1–3.3) and moderate to weakly differentiated HREE (Gd/YbN=1.4–4.0). However, the level of REE concentrations in the volcanic rocks, in particular, in basalts, is significantly higher than that in the sandstone and andesite. The primitive mantle normalized trace-element diagrams show peaks at Nb (Nb/Lapm=0.9–1.6, Nb/Thpm=0.8–1.6) in most basaltoids, but troughs at Nb for andesite, tuff and sandstone (Nb/Lapm=0.25–0.31, Nb/Thpm=0.17). The previous and new geochronological, petrographic and geochemical data show that the volcanic and sedimentary rocks of the Itmurundy zone formed in Ordovician time in an intra-plate oceanic setting and in a supra-subduction setting at a Pacific-type convergent margin

    Genomic regions of Solanum tuberosum L. associated with the tuber eye depth

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    Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is one of the most important food crops in the world. The genome of this potato species is autotetraploid and has a high level of heterozygosity, also this potato species is a cross-pollinated plant. These characteristics complicate the genetic analysis and breeding process. The tuber’s eye depth is an important trait that affects the suitability of potato varieties for processing. Potato breeding for this trait is based on phenotypic assessment. Identification of the loci that control tuber eye depth would allow diagnostic markers for the marker-assisted selection to be created. The aim of this study is to search for loci associated with the eye depth by analyzing Solanum tuberosum varieties from the GenAgro collection of the Institute of Cytology and Genetics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, genotyped using the Illumina 22K SNP potato array DNA chip. The 24 significant markers associated with the “eye depth” trait were identified using 15,214 SNP markers genotyped with the Illumina 22K SNP potato array chip and the general linear model (GLM) taking into account the population structure. Data obtained showed the presence of SNPs in four genomic regions: on chromosome 4 (1 marker in the 3.92 Mb area), 5 (1 marker in the 4.67 Mb area) and 10 (1 marker in the 4.87 Mb area and 21 markers in the region between 48.1–48.9 Mb). The results of localization in the region 48.1–48.9 Mb of chromosome 10 correspond to previously published studies, the remaining three regions were detected for the first time. DNA sections containing SNPs linked to the tuber’s eye depth were studied in the SolTub_3.0 potato genome assembly (https:// plants.ensembl.org/). KASP markers were developed based on the data obtained. It will be possible to screen the breeding material and to breed the varieties more effectively using current markers associated with a shallow tuber’s eye depth

    Genotyping of potato samples from the GenAgro ICG SB RAS collection using DNA markers of genes conferring resistance to phytopathogens

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    Wart (a disease caused by Synchytrium endobioticum) and golden cyst potato nematode (Globodera rostochiensis), which parasitize the roots of the host plant, cause significant damage to potato crop. Both of these disease factors are quarantined in the Russian Federation, and each registered variety is tested for resistance to their most common races and pathotypes. The main method of opposing such diseases is by the development of resistant varieties. An important step in this process is the selection of resistant genotypes from the population and the estimation of the resistance of hybrids obtained by crosses during the breeding process. Conducting a permanent phenotypic evaluation is associated with difficulties, for example, it is not always possible to work with pathogens, and phenotypic evaluation is very costly and time consuming. However, the use of DNA markers linked to resistance genes can significantly speed up and reduce the cost of the breeding process. The aim of the study was to screen the GenAgro potato collection of ICG SB RAS using known diagnostic PCR markers linked to golden potato cyst nematode and wart resistance. Genotyping was carried out on 73 potato samples using three DNA markers 57R, CP113, Gro1-4 associated with nematode resistance and one marker, NL25, associated with wart resistance. The genotyping data were compared with the data on the resistance of the collection samples. Only the 57R marker had a high level of correlation (Spearman R = 0.722008, p = 0.000000, p < 0.05) between resistance and the presence of a diagnostic fragment. The diagnostic efficiency of the 57R marker was 86.11 %. This marker can be successfully used for screening a collection, searching for resistant genotypes and marker-assisted selection. The other markers showed a low correlation between the presence of the DNA marker and resistance. The diagnostic efficiency of the CP113 marker was only 44.44 %. Spearman’s correlation coefficient (Spearman R = –0.109218, p = 0.361104, p < 0.05) did not show significant correlation between resistance and the DNA marker. The diagnostic efficiency of the NL25 marker was 61.11 %. No significant correlation was found between the NL25 marker and resistance (Spearman R = –0.017946, p = 0.881061, p < 0.05). The use of these markers for the search for resistant samples is not advisable

    Частота саркопении у пациентов со стабильной хронической обструктивной болезнью легких: сравнение диагностических алгоритмов Европейской рабочей группы по саркопении у пожилых людей (редакции 2010 и 2018 гг.)

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    The first aim of this study was to compare an incidence  of sarcopenia in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) when using updated (2018) the European  Working Group on Sarcopenia in Older People (EWGSOP)  algorithm compared to the previous version (2010). The second aim was to determine relationships between clinical and functional parameters of COPD  and parameters of sarcopenia. Methods. The study involved 86 stable COPD  patients (68 males; mean age, 66.6 ± 8.7 years). The diagnosis of COPD  was made according to GINA 2019. Sarcopenia was diagnosed according to EWGSOP guidelines 2010 and 2018. Muscle mass was assessed using dual-energy Xray absorptiometry  (DXA). Results. Walking speed was measured in all patients according to EWGSOP guideline 2010. Additionally, hand muscle strength was measured in patients with walking speed > 0.8 m/s (n = 25). DXA was required to 72% of patients to confirm the diagnosis of sarcopenia. Sarcopenia was defined in 38 (44.1%) patients including severe sarcopenia in 20 (23.3%). According to results of SARC-F  questionnaire, further hand muscle strength measurement  was required to 64 patients and DXA was required to 51 (59.3%) patients. As a result, sarcopenia was confirmed in 38 (44.1%) patients including severe sarcopenia  in 34 (39.5%) patients.  The incidence  of sarcopenia  was higher in patients  with more  severe symptoms  of COPD  and more  severe bronchial obstruction  (р = 0.001), and in patients with emphysema (р < 0.03). Conclusion. The incidence of sarcopenia in COPD  patients did not differ when used different diagnostic algorithms (EWGSOP, 2010 vs 2018) and was 44.1%. The need in additional tests, including expensive tests, was lower and the incidence  of sarcopenia was higher (39.5% vs 23.3%) following the EWGSOP  algorithm,  2018, compared  to that of 2010. The incidence  of sarcopenia  increased  in more  severe COPD, in patients  with emphysema,  severe clinical symptoms,  severe and very severe bronchial obstruction.  The incidence of sarcopenia was not related to the patient’s age.Саркопения является  одной из частых, но недостаточно  диагностированных коморбидных патологий  у больных хронической обструктивной болезнью легких (ХОБЛ). В 2018 г. Европейской рабочей группой по саркопении у пожилых людей (European Working Group on Sarcopenia in Older People – EWGSOP)  представлен  новый алгоритм диагностики указанного  заболевания. Целью данного исследования явилось сравнение частоты выявления саркопении согласно алгоритмам  новой (2018) и ранее используемой  (2010) редакции  EWGSOP в  одной  и той же выборке  больных  ХОБЛ. Также  проведен  анализ  взаимосвязей между клинико-функциональными показателями ХОБЛ и параметрами саркопении. Материалы и методы. В исследование включены  пациенты  (n = 86: 68 мужчин, 18 женщин; средний возраст – 66,6 ± 8,7 года) со стабильной  ХОБЛ. Диагноз  установлен  в соответствии  с критериями Глобальной  стратегии  диагностики, лечения и профилактики ХОБЛ (Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease – GOLD, 2019). Обследование на наличие саркопении проводилось по критериям EWGSOP редакции  2010 и 2018 гг. Мышечная масса оценивалась с помощью  двуэнергетической рентгеновской абсорбциометрии (ДРА). Результаты. Согласно  рекомендациям EWGSOP  (2010), у всех пациентов измерялась  скорость  ходьбы. В случае если данный показатель  составлял > 0,8 м / с (n = 25), дополнительно определялась  сила мышц кисти. В проведении  ДРА для подтверждения саркопении нуждались  72 % больных  общей  выборки.  Саркопения диагностирована у 38 (44,1 %) пациентов общей выборки, у 20 (23,3 %) из них – тяжелая. Согласно  алгоритму EWGSOP (2018), после заполнения опросника «Сила, Помощь  при ходьбе, Подъем со стула, Подъем по лестнице и Падения» (Strength, Assistance with walking, Rising from chair, Climbing stairs and Falls – SARC-F) в дальнейшем исследовании мышечной силы  нуждались  64 пациента.  Применение ДРА потребовалось 51 (59,3 %) больному.  Саркопения подтверждена  у 38 (44,1 %) пациентов, тяжелая  саркопения – у 34 (39,5 %). Отмечено,  что частота саркопении была выше в группах пациентов с выраженными симптомами заболевания, с тяжелой и крайне тяжелой обструкцией дыхательных путей (р = 0,001), а также  у больных  с преимущественно эмфизематозным фенотипом ХОБЛ (р < 0,03).  Заключение. Частота  выявления саркопении в одной и той же выборке больных ХОБЛ не различалась по диагностическим алгоритмам EWGSOP редакций 2010 и 2018 гг. и составила 44,1 %. Однако по сравнению с рекомендациями EWGSOP (2010), при использовании редакции 2018 г. сократилось число исследований, в т. ч. дорогостоящих, выявлено  больше случаев тяжелой саркопении (39,5 % vs 23,3 %). Распространенность саркопении увеличивалась со степенью тяжести течения  ХОБЛ, преобладала  в группах с преимущественно эмфизематозным фенотипом, выраженными клиническими проявлениями, тяжелой и крайне тяжелой обструкцией дыхательных путей. Корреляция с возрастом пациентов отсутствовала.


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    Ancient primary boninitic melts of the Gorny Altai (65–105 km, 1410–1590 °C) were studied from the composition of melt inclusions in clinopyroxenes. We estimated their parameters and the conditions for the onset of magma crystallization in an intermediate chamber at a depth of about 30–35 km, which appear similar to the reference boninitic magmatism of the modern Izu-Bonin island arc. A combined analysis of the composition of inclusions and clinopyroxenes from Gorny Altai boninites shows that within a range of minimum temperature values (1140–1120 °C), the crystallizing material continuously ascends from a depth of 12 to 0.6 km. The pattern is different in case of higher-temperature magmas, and three zones of pyroxene crystallization are distinguished: 18.0–13.8 km (1245–1205 °С), 12.0–3.5 km (1240–1185 °С), and 3.3–0.6 km (1185–1145 °С). Actually, these zones correspond to the intermediate deep-seated magmatic chambers typical of modern island-arc subduction zones [Dobretsov et al., 2016]. Based on the detailed study of zonal phenocrysts of clinopyroxene in boninites from the Kuray ophiolites, we established the parameters of the evolution of the ascending boninite melts. Three temperature intervals (1220–1200 °С, 1235–1210 °С, and 1120–1220 °С) and three pressure ranges (1.5–11.5 kbar, 2.0–6.0 kbar, and 2.0–0.3 kbar) are distinguished. One case shows a significant pressure drop (from 11.5 to 1.5 kbar) with a small drop in temperature (from 1220 °C to 1200 °C). In the second case, the pressure rises from 2.0 to 6.0 kbar, and the crystallization temperature decreases from 1235 to 1210°C. In the third case, crystallization begins at a stable temperature (1120–1140 °C) and a stable pressure (1.4–2.0 kbar); then, in the near-surface conditions, the temperature increases to 1220 °C, and the pressure decreases sharply to 0.3 kbar.На основе данных по составу расплавных включений в клинопироксенах установлены параметры генерации древних первичных бонинитовых расплавов Горного Алтая (65–105 км, 1410–1590 °С), а также определены условия начала кристаллизации этих магм в промежуточной камере на глубине около 30–35 км, совпадающие с данными по эталонному бонинитовому магматизму современной Идзу-Бонинской островной дуги. Совместное использование состава включений и клинопироксенов из бонинитов Горного Алтая показало, что в одном случае при минимальных температурах (1140–1120 °С) происходил непрерывный подъем кристаллизующейся массы с глубины от 12 до 0.6 км. Для более высокотемпературных магм характерен другой путь – с выделением трех зон кристаллизации пироксенов на глубине 18.0–13.8 км (1245–1205 °С), 12.0–3.5 км (1240–1185 °С) и 3.3–0.6 км (1185–1145 °С), фактически соответствующих промежуточным разноглубинным магматическим камерам, характерным для современных островодужных зон субдукции [Dobretsov et al., 2016]. В результате детальных исследований зональных вкрапленников клинопироксена из бонинитов Курайских офиолитов были установлены параметры эволюции двигающихся вверх бонинитовых расплавов. Выделяются три температурных интервала (1220–1200 °С, 1235–1210 °С и 1120–1220 °С) и три диапазона давлений (1.5–11.5 кбар, 2–6 кбар и 2.0–0.3 кбар). В одном случае установлено существенное падение давления от 11.5 до 1.5 кбар при незначительном снижении температуры от 1220 °С до 1200 °С. В другом случае идет повышение давления от 2 до 6 кбар и снижение температуры кристаллизации от 1235 до 1210 °С. В третьем случае в начале для процессов кристаллизации характерны устойчивые значения температур (1120–1140 °С) и давлений (1.4–2.0 кбар), далее в приповерхностных условиях происходит рост температуры до 1220 °С с резким падением давления до 0.3 кбар

    Nomenclatural standards, voucher specimens and genetic passports of potato cultivars created in the Siberian and Ural breeding centers

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    The present paper discusses methodological approaches to the creation of nomenclatural standards and genetic passports for Russian cultivars, currently being developed at the N.I. Vavilov Institute of Plant Genetic Resources (VIR) in collaboration with different breeding research centers. Plant material of potato cultivars bred in the Siberian Research Institute of Plant Cultivation and Breeding was collected by the cultivar creator A.D. Safonova in the experimental field of this institute and transferred to the VIR herbarium for preparation of their nomenclatural standards. Plant shoots and tubers of potato cultivars bred in other Siberian research centers in collaboration with the A.G. Lorkh All-Russian Research Institute of Potato Farming (VNIIKH) was collected by the representative of this institute in the experimental field of VNIIKH. As a result of joint research, nomenclatural standards were accomplished for 11 cultivars, namely ‘Аntonina’, ‘Zlatka’, ‘Lina’, ‘Lûbava’, ‘Nakra’, ‘Pamâti Rogačeva’, ‘Sarovskij’, ‘Safo’, ‘Solnečnyj’, ‘Tuleevskij’, ‘Ûna’** bred in five different Siberian breeding institutes including cultivars developed in collaboration with VNIIKH. Nomenclatural standards were prepared according to the ‘International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants’. DNA samples isolated from nomenclatural standards were used for preparation of genetic passports of these 11 cultivars. These genetic passports include information of the polymorphism of eight chromosome-specific microsatellites, data on the markers of 11 R-genes conferring resistance to various harmful organisms, as well as the information about cytoplasm types. Voucher specimens of additional three Siberian cultivars ‘Kemerovčanin’, ‘Kuznečanka’, ‘Tanaj’ and five Ural cultivars ‘Аlâska’, ‘Bravo’, ‘Irbitskij’, ‘Lûks’, ‘Terra’ from the Ural Research Institute for Agriculture were also registered in the VIR herbarium collection. For these eight cultivars, the genetic passports were not issued, but the results of SSR genotyping and molecular screening of voucher specimens performed with the same set of the DNA markers are presented in this report. A similar set of DNA markers was used for genotyping cultivar accessions from the in vitro and field collections of various institutes as well as cultivar specimens from eco-geographical tests performed within the framework of the Comprehensive Research Plan of the subprogram “Development of potato breeding and seed production in the Russian Federation”. The comparison of cultivar genetic passport data with genotyping results of specimens having the same name, but obtained from different sources made it possible to verify this plant material