301 research outputs found
Характеристика впливу ігрових засобів на динаміку розвитку сили у дівчаток молодшого шкільного віку
The research objective is to analyze the effect of game means on the dynamics of strength development in the second-, third- and fourth-grade girls.Materials and methods: the participants in the study were 104 schoolgirls: 32 – second-graders, 32 – third-graders, and 40 – fourth-graders. To achieve the tasks set, the research used the following methods: theoretical analysis and summary of scientific and methodological literature, method of control testing, pedagogical experiment, methods of mathematical statistics.Results: the results of the analysis of variance in correlating the data indicate to what degree various game modes influence the development of strength abilities in the second-, third- and fourth-grade girls. The study observed the strongest effect of the factor in the second-grade girls in the second group – 88.7%, fourth group – 90%, sixth group – 85.4%, and eighth group – 76.4%. The third-grade girls demonstrated the strongest effect of the factor in the eighth group – 82.7%. The fourth-grade girls showed the strongest effect of the motion mode in the sixth group – 74.8% and in the eighth group – 69.7%.Conclusions: It is advisory to use small loads and bodyweight exercises when developing strength abilities in junior girls. Games are performed at a quick and moderate pace. Games should be diverse to involve different muscle groups. The number of games can vary from four to eight depending on the level of physical development and physical preparedness of the schoolers. Цель: проанализировать влияние игровых средств на динамику развития силовых способностей девочек 2-4 классов.Материалы и методы: в исследовании приняли участие 104 ученицы 32 - 2 классов, 32 - 3 классов, 40 - 4 классов. Для решения поставленных задач были применены следующие методы исследования: теоретический анализ и обобщение научно-методической литературы, метод контрольных испытаний, педагогический эксперимент, методы математической статистики.Результаты: результаты дисперсионного анализа при корреляции данных свидетельствуют о степени влияния различных режимов работы игрового характера на развитие силовых способностей у девочек 2-4 классов. У девочек 2-х классов наибольшее влияние фактора наблюдался во 2-й - 88,7%, 4-й - 90%, 6-й - 85,4% и 8-й - 76,4% группах. У девочек 3-х классов наибольшее влияние фактора проявился в 8 группе - 82,7%. У девочек 4-х классов степень влияния двигательного режима была найбольшая в 6-й - 74,8% и 8-й - 69,7% группах.Выводы: рекомендуется в процессе развития силовых способностей девочек младшего школьного возраста использовать малые отягощения и упражнения с отягощением собственной массы тела. Игры выполняются в быстром и умеренном темпе. Игры должны быть разнообразными, чтобы привлекать к работе различные группы мышц. Количество игр может быть от 4 до 8 в зависимости от уровня физического развития и физической подготовленности учащихся.Мета: проаналізувати вплив ігрових засобів на динаміку розвитку силових здібностей дівчаток 2—4 класів.Матеріали і методи: у дослідженні прийняли участь 104 учениці: 32 — 2 класів, 32 — 3 класів, 40 — 4 класів. Для вирішення поставлених завдань були застосовані такі методи дослідження: теоретичний аналіз і узагальнення науково-методичної літератури, метод контрольних випробувань, педагогічний експеримент, методи математичної статистики.Результати: результати дисперсійного аналізу при кореляції даних свідчать про ступінь впливу різних режимів роботи ігрового характеру на розвиток силових здібностей у дівчаток 2—4 класів. У дівчаток 2-х класів найбільший вплив фактору спостерігався в 2-й — 88,7%, 4-й — 90%, 6-й — 85,4% і 8-й — 76,4% групах. У дівчаток 3-х класів найбільший вплив фактору проявився у 8 групі — 82,7%. У дівчаток 4-х класів ступінь впливу рухового режиму була найбільша у 6-й — 74,8% і 8-й — 69,7% групах.Висновки: рекомендується у процесі розвитку силових здібностей дівчаток молодшого шкільного віку використовувати малі обтяження і вправи з обтяженням власної маси тіла. Ігри виконуються в швидкому і помірному темпі. Ігри повинні бути різноманітними, щоб залучати до роботи різні групи м’язів. Кількість ігор може бути від 4 до 8 в залежності від рівня фізичного розвитку та фізичної підготовленості учнів
Cyclic stability of two-way shape memory effect in aged Ni50.3Ti32.2Hf17.5 polycrystals after various thermomechanical treatments
In the present paper, the cyclic stability of the high-temperature two-way shape memory effect was studied in high-strength Ni50.3Ti32.2Hf17.5 polycrystals after various thermomechanical treatments—training (thermocycling under stress) and stress-induced martensite aging. The effect of training and stress-induced martensite aging on the microstructure, the two-way shape memory effect, and its cyclic stability was determined. It was found out that both thermomechanical treatments induce the high-temperature two-way shape memory effect at T > 373 K, with a strain of 1.5% in tension. The influence of cyclic tests (up to 100 stress-free cycles of cooling/heating) on the two-way shape memory effect strain, the transformation temperatures, and the microstructure was established. Different degradation mechanisms of the two-way shape memory effect were established after thermocycling and stress-induced martensite aging
The review provides basic information to evaluation of renal function in children. Consider the formula calculation of glomerular filtration rate based on creatinine, cystatin C, β2-microglobulin. Particular attention is paid to renal function in children after renal transplantation
The effect of subsequent stress‐induced martensite aging on the viscoelastic properties of aged NiTiHf polycrystals
This study investigated the effect of stress‐induced martensite aging under tensile and compressive stresses on the functional and viscoelastic properties in Ni50.3Ti32.2Hf17.5 polycrystals containing dispersed H‐phase particles up to 70 nm in size obtained by preliminary austenite aging at 873 K for 3 h. It was found that stress‐induced martensite aging at 428 K for 12 h results in the appearance of a two‐way shape memory effect of −0.5% in compression and +1.8% in tension. Moreover, a significant change in viscoelastic properties can be observed: an increase in internal friction (by 25%) and a change in elastic modulus in tensile samples. The increase in internal friction during martensitic transformation after stress‐induced martensite aging is associated with the oriented growth of thermal‐induced martensite. After stress‐induced martensite aging, the elastic modulus of martensite (EM) increased by 8 GPa, and the elastic modulus of austenite (EA) decreased by 8 GPa. It was shown that stress‐induced martensite aging strongly affects the functional and viscoelastic properties of material and can be used to control them
The effect of stress-induced martensite aging in tension and compression on B2–B19′ martensitic transformation in Ni50.3Ti32.2Hf17.5 high-temperature shape memory alloy
The present study investigates the high-temperature shape memory effect (SME) in heterophase Ni50.3Ti32.2Hf17.5 polycrystals with nanosized H-phase particles after stress-induced martensite (SIM) aging in tension and compression. SIM aging created the conditions for fully reversible two-way SME with a strain of up to 50% of the one-way shape memory strain. SIM aging altered the viscoelastic properties of material, in particular, the elastic moduli of austenite and martensite increased, as did internal friction. Increased interface mobility is suggested as the reason for internal friction growth
The influence of aging on shape memory effect in Ti‑50.7at.%Ni and Ti‑51.7at.%Ni single crystals
The shape memory effect (SME) during stressassisted thermal cycles under compressive load in [001]-oriented Ti-50.7at.%Ni and Ti-51.7at.%Ni single crystals aged at 823 K for 1 h has been studied. Ti3Ni4 particles with a diameter of 300–400 nm were precipitated with volume fractions of 11 and 22% and interparticle distances of 300–500 nm and 50–150 nm, respectively. In quenched single crystals, the SME parameters were determined by the transformation type (thermal-induced martensitic transformation (MT) or strain glass transition). In contrast, the SME parameters of aged single crystals were determined by the volume fraction of particles and interparticle distances. Differing volume fractions of particles and interparticle distances led to different temperatures ( M0s ) for the formation of B19′-martensite, different strain (εrev), different dependences of the interval of forward MT ( Δσ1) and thermal hysteresis ( ΔT1= Aσf−Mσs and ΔT2= Aσs−Mσf) on applied stresses, and changes in the morphology of martensite crystals. Practically, these differences do not affect the stresses (σmin and σmax) required to achieve the minimum strain and maximum reversible strain (εrev) and strain growth coefficient (dεrev/dσ). The influence of aging on the dependence of the SME parameters on the chemical composition was analysed in comparison with quenched crystals
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