3,870 research outputs found

    EPPS16 - Bringing nuclear PDFs to the LHC era

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    We report on EPPS16, the first global analysis of nuclear parton distribution functions (nPDFs) to include LHC data. Also for the first time, a full flavour dependence of nPDFs is allowed. While the included Z and W data are found to have insufficient statistics to yield stringent constraints, the CMS 5.02 TeV proton-lead dijet data prove crucial in setting the shape of nuclear gluon modifications. With these and other observables being measured in proton-lead runs, we are experiencing a shift of nPDFs to the LHC precision era.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures. Prepared for the proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on High-pT Physics in the RHIC/LHC Er

    Analysis of Total-Pressure Loss and Airflow Distribution for Annular Gas Turbine Combustors

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    Computer analysis of total pressure loss and air flow distribution in annular flow gas turbine combustion chamber

    A global reanalysis of nuclear parton distribution functions

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    We determine the nuclear modifications of parton distribution functions of bound protons at scales Q2≥1.69Q^2\ge 1.69 GeV2^2 and momentum fractions 10−5≤x≤110^{-5}\le x\le 1 in a global analysis which utilizes nuclear hard process data, sum rules and leading-order DGLAP scale evolution. The main improvements over our earlier work {\em EKS98} are the automated χ2\chi^2 minimization, simplified and better controllable fit functions, and most importantly, the possibility for error estimates. The resulting 16-parameter fit to the N=514 datapoints is good, χ2/d.o.f=0.82\chi^2/{\rm d.o.f}=0.82. Within the error estimates obtained, the old {\em EKS98} parametrization is found to be fully consistent with the present analysis, with no essential difference in terms of χ2\chi^2 either. We also determine separate uncertainty bands for the nuclear gluon and sea quark modifications in the large-xx region where they are not stringently constrained by the available data. Comparison with other global analyses is shown and uncertainties demonstrated. Finally, we show that RHIC-BRAHMS data for inclusive hadron production in d+Au collisions lend support for a stronger gluon shadowing at x<0.01x<0.01 and also that fairly large changes in the gluon modifications do not rapidly deteriorate the goodness of the overall fits, as long as the initial gluon modifications in the region x∼0.02−0.04x\sim 0.02-0.04 remain small.Comment: 33 pages, 14 figure

    Approaching the Rate-Distortion Limit with Spatial Coupling, Belief propagation and Decimation

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    We investigate an encoding scheme for lossy compression of a binary symmetric source based on simple spatially coupled Low-Density Generator-Matrix codes. The degree of the check nodes is regular and the one of code-bits is Poisson distributed with an average depending on the compression rate. The performance of a low complexity Belief Propagation Guided Decimation algorithm is excellent. The algorithmic rate-distortion curve approaches the optimal curve of the ensemble as the width of the coupling window grows. Moreover, as the check degree grows both curves approach the ultimate Shannon rate-distortion limit. The Belief Propagation Guided Decimation encoder is based on the posterior measure of a binary symmetric test-channel. This measure can be interpreted as a random Gibbs measure at a "temperature" directly related to the "noise level of the test-channel". We investigate the links between the algorithmic performance of the Belief Propagation Guided Decimation encoder and the phase diagram of this Gibbs measure. The phase diagram is investigated thanks to the cavity method of spin glass theory which predicts a number of phase transition thresholds. In particular the dynamical and condensation "phase transition temperatures" (equivalently test-channel noise thresholds) are computed. We observe that: (i) the dynamical temperature of the spatially coupled construction saturates towards the condensation temperature; (ii) for large degrees the condensation temperature approaches the temperature (i.e. noise level) related to the information theoretic Shannon test-channel noise parameter of rate-distortion theory. This provides heuristic insight into the excellent performance of the Belief Propagation Guided Decimation algorithm. The paper contains an introduction to the cavity method

    O(1/N_f) Corrections to the Thirring Model in 2<d<4

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    The Thirring model, that is, a relativistic field theory of fermions with a contact interaction between vector currents, is studied for dimensionalities 2<d<4 using the 1/N_f expansion, where N_f is the number of fermion species. The model is found to have no ultraviolet divergences at leading order provided a regularization respecting current conservation is used. Explicit O(1/N_f) corrections are computed, and the model shown to be renormalizable at this order in the massless limit; renormalizability appears to hold to all orders due to a special case of Weinberg's theorem. This implies there is a universal amplitude for four particle scattering in the asymptotic regime. Comparisons are made with both the Gross-Neveu model and QED.Comment: 22 pages in plain TeX, with 7 figs included using psfig.tex (Minor conceptual changes - algebra unaffected

    On the stability of renormalizable expansions in three-dimensional gravity

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    Preliminary investigations are made for the stability of the 1/N1/N expansion in three-dimensional gravity coupled to various matter fields, which are power-counting renormalizable. For unitary matters, a tachyonic pole appears in the spin-2 part of the leading graviton propagator, which implies the unstable flat space-time, unless the higher-derivative terms are introduced. As another possibility to avoid this spin-2 tachyon, we propose Einstein gravity coupled to non-unitary matters. It turns out that a tachyon appears in the spin-0 or -1 part for any linear gauges in this case, but it can be removed if non-minimally coupled scalars are included. We suggest an interesting model which may be stable and possess an ultraviolet fixed point.Comment: 32 pages. (A further discussion to avoid tachyons is included. To be Published in Physical Review D.

    Effective action of magnetic monopole in three-dimensional electrodynamics with massless matter and gauge theories of superconductivity

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    We compute one-loop effective action of magnetic monopole in three-dimensional electrodynamics of massless bosons and fermions and find that it contains an infrared logarithm. So, when the number of massless matter species is sufficiently large, monopoles are suppressed and in the weak coupling limit charged particles are unconfined. This result provides some support to gauge theories of high-temperature superconductors. It also provides a mechanism by which interlayer tunneling of excitations with one unit of the ordinary electric charge can be suppressed while that of a doubly charged object is allowed.Comment: 8 pages, LATEX, UCLA/93/TEP/41 (the last sentence of the paragraph concerning applications at the end of the paper has been deleted; mailing problems have been corrected

    Steady Stokes flow with long-range correlations, fractal Fourier spectrum, and anomalous transport

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    We consider viscous two-dimensional steady flows of incompressible fluids past doubly periodic arrays of solid obstacles. In a class of such flows, the autocorrelations for the Lagrangian observables decay in accordance with the power law, and the Fourier spectrum is neither discrete nor absolutely continuous. We demonstrate that spreading of the droplet of tracers in such flows is anomalously fast. Since the flow is equivalent to the integrable Hamiltonian system with 1 degree of freedom, this provides an example of integrable dynamics with long-range correlations, fractal power spectrum, and anomalous transport properties.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, published in Physical Review Letter
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