878 research outputs found

    An approach to solve Slavnov-Taylor identity in D4 N=1 supergravity

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    We consider a particular solution to Slavnov-Taylor identity in four-dimensional supergravity. The consideration is performed for pure supergravity, no matter superfields are included. The solution is obtained by inserting dressing functions into ghost part of the classical action for supergravity.As a consequence, physical part of the effective action is local invariant with respect to diffeomorphism and structure groups of transformation for dressed effective superfields of vielbein and spin connection.Comment: 6 pages, minor changes, to appear in Mod.Phys.Lett.

    Noncommutative Coordinates Invariant under Rotations and Lorentz Transformations

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    Dynamics with noncommutative coordinates invariant under three dimensional rotations or, if time is included, under Lorentz transformations is developed. These coordinates turn out to be the boost operators in SO(1,3) or in SO(2,3) respectively. The noncommutativity is governed by a mass parameter MM. The principal results are: (i) a modification of the Heisenberg algebra for distances smaller than 1/M, (ii) a lower limit, 1/M, on the localizability of wave packets, (iii) discrete eigenvalues of coordinate operator in timelike directions, and (iv) an upper limit, MM, on the mass for which free field equations have solutions. Possible restrictions on small black holes is discussed.Comment: 14 pages; LaTex using JHEP3.cl

    N=2 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory and the superparticle: twistor transform and kappa-symmetry

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    Lagrangian and Hamiltonian dynamics of de Azcarraga-Lukierski N=2 massive superparticle is considered in the framework of twistor-like Lorentz-harmonic approach. The emphasis is on the study of the interaction with external Abelian gauge superfield. The requirement of preservation of all gauge symmetries of the free model including kappa-symmetry yields correct expressions for the superfield strength constraints and determines the form of nonminimal interaction. We also show that for de Azcarraga-Lukierski N=2 massive superparticle the pullback of field strength 2-superform to the superworld line is not integrable in contrast to the massless superparticle.Comment: 16 pages, LaTe

    One-loop renormalization group study of boson-fermion mixtures

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    A weakly interacting boson-fermion mixture model was investigated using Wisonian renormalization group analysis. This model includes one boson-boson interaction term and one boson-fermion interaction term. The scaling dimensions of the two interaction coupling constants were calculated as 2-D at tree level and the Gell-Mann-Low equations were derived at one-loop level. We find that in the Gell-Mann-Low equations the contributions from the fermion loops go to zero as the length scale approaches infinity. After ignoring the fermion loop contributions two fixed points were found in 3 dimensional case. One is the Gaussian fixed point and the other one is Wilson-Fisher fixed point. We find that the boson-fermion interaction decouples at the Wilson-Fisher fixed point. We also observe that under RG transformation the boson-fermion interaction coupling constant runs to negative infinity with a small negative initial value, which indicates a boson-fermion pairing instability. Furthermore, the possibility of emergent supersymmetry in this model was discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Worldsheet Matter Superfields on Half-Shell

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    In this paper we discuss some of the effects of using "unidexterous" worldsheet superfields, which satisfy worldsheet differential constraints and so are partly on-shell, i.e., on half-shell. Most notably, this results in a stratification of the field space that reminds of "brane-world" geometries. Linear dependence on such superfields provides a worldsheet generalization of the super-Zeeman effect. In turn, non-linear dependence yields additional left-right asymmetric dynamical constraints on the propagating fields, again in a stratified fashion.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figures; minor algebraic correction

    Non(anti)commutative superspace with coordinate-dependent deformation

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    We consider non(anti)commutative superspace with coordinate dependent deformation parameters CαβC^{\alpha\beta}. We show that a chiral N=1/2{\cal N}=1/2 supersymmetry can be defined and that chiral and antichiral superfields are still closed under the Moyal-Weyl associative product implementing the deformation. A consistent N=1/2{\cal N}=1/2 Super Yang-Mills deformed theory can be constructed provided CαβC^{\alpha\beta} satisfies a suitable condition which can be connected with the graviphoton background at the origin of the deformation. After adding matter we also discuss the Konishi anomaly and the gluino condensation.Comment: References added. Accepted for publication in PR

    N=1 Non-Abelian Tensor Multiplet in Four Dimensions

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    We carry out the N=1 supersymmetrization of a physical non-Abelian tensor with non-trivial consistent couplings in four dimensions. Our system has three multiplets: (i) The usual non-Abelian vector multiplet (VM) (A_\mu{}^I, \lambda^I), (ii) A non-Abelian tensor multiplet (TM) (B_{\mu\nu}{}^I, \chi^I, \varphi^I), and (iii) A compensator vector multiplet (CVM) (C_\mu{}^I, \rho^I). All of these multiplets are in the adjoint representation of a non-Abelian group G. Unlike topological theory, all of our fields are propagating with kinetic terms. The C_\mu{}^I-field plays the role of a Stueckelberg compensator absorbed into the longitudinal component of B_{\mu\nu}{}^I. We give not only the component lagrangian, but also a corresponding superspace reformulation, reconfirming the total consistency of the system. The adjoint representation of the TM and CVM is further generalized to an arbitrary real representation of general SO(N) gauge group. We also couple the globally N=1 supersymmetric system to supergravity, as an additional non-trivial confirmation.Comment: 18 pages, no figur

    Non-Abelian Tensors with Consistent Interactions

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    We present a systematic method for constructing consistent interactions for a tensor field of an arbitrary rank in the adjoint representation of an arbitrary gauge group in any space-time dimensions. This method is inspired by the dimensional reduction of Scherk-Schwarz, modifying field strengths with certain Chern-Simons forms, together with modified tensorial gauge transformations. In order to define a consistent field strength of a r-rank tensor B_{\mu_1...\mu_r}^I in the adjoint representation, we need the multiplet (B_{\mu_1...\mu_r}^I, B_{\mu_1...\mu_{r-1}}^{I J}, ..., B_\mu^{I_1...I_r}, B^{I_1... I_{r+1}}). The usual problem of consistency of the tensor field equations is circumvented in this formulation.Comment: 15 pages, no figure

    Twisted Covariant Noncommutative Self-dual Gravity

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    A twisted covariant formulation of noncommutative self-dual gravity is presented. The formulation for constructing twisted noncommutative Yang-Mills theories is used. It is shown that the noncommutative torsion is solved at any order of the θ\theta-expansion in terms of the tetrad and some extra fields of the theory. In the process the first order expansion in θ\theta for the Pleba\'nski action is explicitly obtained.Comment: 23+1 pages, no figures, corrected typos, references and Appendix B is adde

    Seeking the Loop Quantum Gravity Barbero-Immirzi Parameter and Field in 4D, N\cal N = 1 Supergravity

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    We embed the Loop Quantum Gravity Barbero-Immirzi parameter and field within an action describing 4D, N\cal N = 1 supergravity and thus within a Low Energy Effective Action of Superstring/M-Theory. We use the fully gauge-covariant description of supergravity in (curved) superspace. The gravitational constant is replaced with the vacuum expectation value of a scalar field, which in local supersymmetry is promoted to a complex, covariantly chiral scalar superfield. The imaginary part of this superfield couples to a supersymmetric Holst term. The Holst term also serves as a starting point in the Loop Quantum Gravity action. This suggest the possibility of a relation between Loop Quantum Gravity and supersymmetric string theory, where the Barbero-Immirzi parameter and field of the former play the role of the supersymmetric axion in the latter. Adding matter fermions in Loop Quantum Gravity may require the extension of the Holst action through the Nieh-Yan topological invariant, while in pure, matter-free supergravity their supersymmetric extensions are the same. We show that, when the Barbero-Immirzi parameter is promoted to a field in the context of 4D supergravity, it is equivalent to adding a dynamical complex chiral (dilaton-axion) superfield with a non-trivial kinetic term (or K\"ahler potential), coupled to supergravity.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figure. Replaced with accepted version in Phys. Rev.
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