22 research outputs found

    A Derivation of Three-Dimensional Inertial Transformations

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    The derivation of the transformations between inertial frames made by Mansouri and Sexl is generalised to three dimensions for an arbitrary direction of the velocity. Assuming lenght contraction and time dilation to have their relativistic values, a set of transformations kinematically equivalent to special relativity is obtained. The ``clock hypothesis'' allows the derivation to be extended to accelerated systems. A theory of inertial transformations maintaining an absolute simultaneity is shown to be the only one logically consistent with accelerated movements. Algebraic properties of these transformations are discussed. Keywords: special relativity, synchronization, one-way velocity of light, ether, clock hypothesis.Comment: 16 pages (A5), Latex, one figure, to be published in Found. Phys. Lett. (1997

    Evaluation of two dairy herd reproductive performance indicators that are adjusted for voluntary waiting period

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Overall reproductive performance of dairy herds is monitored by various indicators. Most of them do not consider all eligible animals and do not consider different management strategies at farm level. This problem can be alleviated by measuring the proportion of pregnant cows by specific intervals after their calving date or after a fixed time period, such as the voluntary waiting period. The aim of this study was to evaluate two reproductive performance indicators that consider the voluntary waiting period at the herd. The two indicators were: percentage of pregnant cows in the herd after the voluntary waiting period plus 30 days (PV30) and percentage of inseminated cows in the herd after the voluntary waiting period plus 30 days (IV30). We wanted to assess how PV30 and IV30 perform in a simulation of herds with different reproductive management and physiology and to compare them to indicators of reproductive performance that do not consider the herd voluntary waiting period.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>To evaluate the reproductive indicators we used the SimHerd-program, a stochastic simulation model, and 18 scenarios were simulated. The scenarios were designed by altering the reproductive management efficiency and the status of reproductive physiology of the herd. Logistic regression models, together with receiver operating characteristics (ROC), were used to examine how well the reproductive performance indicators could discriminate between herds of different levels of reproductive management efficiency or reproductive physiology.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The logistic regression models with the ROC analysis showed that IV30 was the indicator that best discriminated between different levels of management efficiency followed by PV30, calving interval, 200-days not-in calf-rate (NotIC200), in calf rate at100-days (IC100) and a fertility index. For reproductive physiology the ROC analysis showed that the fertility index was the indicator that best discriminated between different levels, followed by PV30, NotIC200, IC100 and the calving interval. IV30 could not discriminate between the two levels.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>PV30 is the single best performance indicator for estimating the level of both herd management efficiency and reproductive physiology followed by NotIC200 and IC100. This indicates that PV30 could be a potential candidate for inclusion in dairy herd improvement schemes.</p

    Simultaneity and test-theories of relativity

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    Two intertwined issues in special relativity-clock synchronisation and the experimental verification of special relativity-are investigated, and novel results are given in both areas. The validity of the conventionality of distant simultaneity is supported, and the special theory of relativity is recast in a general synchrony "gauge" to reveal the operational significance of synchronisation in measurement and prediction within special relativity. For similar reasons, the Mansouri-Sexl test-theory is extended to allow arbitrary synchrony to be properly taken into account in the verification of relativistic theories. The generalised test-theory is used to analyse recent experiments and to demonstrate that there is no basis to claims that simultaneity relations are empirically definable. Synchrony considerations are extended to the case of a non-inertial observer exhibiting arbitrary motion within the context of any metric theory: a local co-ordinate system is developed using differential geometric techniques and a generalisation of the Frenet frame. The analysis used for the accelerated observer is adapted to produce a test-theory of local Lorentz invariance in a space of arbitrary curvature. The test-theory incorporates the conventionality of distant simultaneity which, combined with the geometric approach, illuminates the role of synchrony in test-theories. The Sagnac effect is investigated within this new test-theory, enabling the use of a precision ring laser, such as the Canterbury Ring Laser, to bound parameters of the theory and thus to test local Lorentz invariance

    Modelling muscle energy-metabolism in anaerobic muscle

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    A mathematical model of anaerobic muscle energy-metabolism was developed to predict pH and the concentrations of nine muscle metabolites over time. Phosphorous-31 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance was used to measure time-course data for some phosphate metabolites and pH in anoxic M. semitendinosus taken from three slaughtered sheep. Muscles were held at 35 °C during the experiment. Measurement commenced 25 min post mortem and concluded before rigor mortis. The model was fitted to these data within experimental error, by simultaneously varying model parameter values and initial substrate concentrations. The model was used to simulate the period from death until metabolic activity ceased, in order to predict the different stages of metabolic response to anoxia. The model suggested that alkalinisation would occur in all three muscles in the first few minutes after the onset of anoxia, followed by a steady decline in pH. For two of the muscles this decline continued until rigor, with final pH values of 5.60 and 6.07. For the other muscle, pH reached a low of 5.60 near rigor but then increased to a final value of 5.73. A rise in pH after rigor has been observed but not previously explained in the literature. The modelling results suggest it was caused by the alkalising effect of adenosine monophosphate deamination being greater at low pH than the acidifying effect of inosine monophosphate dephosphorylation