63 research outputs found

    Mythologem of twins as a way to regenerate ethnic self-identification

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    The article investigates the interpretation and perception of twin mythologem in Old Russian literature comparative qualitative research methods. As a result, The mythologem of twins is one of important archetypal images. In this research, the twin mythologem is understood here as a regenerating agent for ethnic self-identification that becomes especially important during critical (bifurcation) periods in Russian history. In conclusion, the variants of twin mythologem discussed here combine the meanings of growth, regeneration, cultural heroes, the sacral upper part of the world, self-sacrific

    Proteomic similarity of the Littorinid snails in the evolutionary context

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    Background The introduction of DNA-based molecular markers made a revolution in biological systematics. However, in cases of very recent divergence events, the neutral divergence may be too slow, and the analysis of adaptive part of the genome is more informative to reconstruct the recent evolutionary history of young species. The advantage of proteomics is its ability to reflect the biochemical machinery of life. It may help both to identify rapidly evolving genes and to interpret their functions. Methods Here we applied a comparative gel-based proteomic analysis to several species from the gastropod family Littorinidae. Proteomes were clustered to assess differences related to species, geographic location, sex and body part, using data on presence/absence of proteins in samples and data on protein occurrence frequency in samples of different species. Cluster support was assessed using multiscale bootstrap resampling and the stability of clustering—using cluster-wise index of cluster stability. Taxon-specific protein markers were derived using IndVal method. Proteomic trees were compared to consensus phylogenetic tree (based on neutral genetic markers) using estimates of the Robinson–Foulds distance, the Fowlkes–Mallows index and cophenetic correlation. Results Overall, the DNA-based phylogenetic tree and the proteomic similarity tree had consistent topologies. Further, we observed some interesting deviations of the proteomic littorinid tree from the neutral expectations. (1) There were signs of molecular parallelism in two Littoraria species that phylogenetically are quite distant, but live in similar habitats. (2) Proteome divergence was unexpectedly high between very closely related Littorina fabalis and L. obtusata, possibly reflecting their ecology-driven divergence. (3) Conservative house-keeping proteins were usually identified as markers for cryptic species groups (“saxatilis” and “obtusata” groups in the Littorina genus) and for genera (Littoraria and Echinolittorina species pairs), while metabolic enzymes and stress-related proteins (both potentially adaptively important) were often identified as markers supporting species branches. (4) In all five Littorina species British populations were separated from the European mainland populations, possibly reflecting their recent phylogeographic history. Altogether our study shows that proteomic data, when interpreted in the context of DNA-based phylogeny, can bring additional information on the evolutionary history of species

    Anthrax: Epidemiological and Epizootiological Situation in 2015, Prognosis for 2016

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    Outlined are the results of assessment of epidemiological and epizootiological situation on anthrax across the globe in 2015. Three human cases of cutaneous anthrax were registered in the Russian Federation. Detected were two epizootic foci with three cases of live-stock animal disease. 1-20 cases of anthrax in humans are forecasted in the Russian Federation in 2016. Adverse as regards anthrax situation is created in a number of near and far abroad counties. The highest morbidity rates among animals and humans are reported from Asian and African countries. Discussed are the results of investigation into the blunder of the US Department of Defense laboratory system, resulted in distribution of ineffectively decontaminated samples of anthrax agent to the US laboratories, as well as of other states within the past twenty years

    Epidemiological and Epizootiological Situation on Anthrax in 2014, and Prognosis for 2015

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    Presented are the results of analysis of epidemiological and epizootiological situation on anthrax across the Russian Federation and around the world in 2014. Anthrax morbidity rates in Russia have increased as compared to the previous year, but have not exceeded the range of annual variations within the past decade. Three foci of animal infection have been detected here. Unfavorable, as regards anthrax, situation has developed in the CIS countries and the territories beyond. In Europe the cases of deliveries of meat and meat products contaminated with anthrax agent to retail store network have taken place. 1 to 20 cases of anthrax among the population are forecasted in Russia for 2015


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    The paper presents the results of a study of the leakage and spread of carbon monoxide formed in the heating unit of an individual dwelling house. The work was carried out as part of the technical expertise of the heating unit, its strapping and smoke removal system for the inter-district investigative department in order to identify faults in the individual heating system, which led to the acute poisoning by carbon monoxide of two residents of this house with fatal.В работе приводятся результаты исследования утечки и распространения угарного газа, образовывавшегося в отопительном агрегате индивидуального жилого дома. Работа выполнялась в рамках технической экспертизы отопительного агрегата, его обвязки и системы дымоудаления для межрайонного следственного отдела с целью выявления неисправностей индивидуальной отопительной системы, которые привели к острому отравлению угарным газом двух жильцов этого дома с летальным исходом

    Peculiar Aspects of Epidemiological Situation on Crimean Hemorrhagic Fever in the Russian Federation in 2011

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    Outlined is the analysis of epidemiological and epizootiological situation on Crimean hemorrhagic fever (CHF) in the south of the Russian Federation in 2011. Discussed are the causes of nosocomial outbreak of CHF at the Salsk district central hospital, the Rostov Region. Prognostication on CHF situation for 2012 is made based on the epizootiological monitoring

    Клинический случай идиопатического легочного фиброза на фоне коморбидной патологии

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    Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is one of the most common diseases in the group of interstitial lung diseases, which is characterized by persistent progression and poor prognosis. Over the past decade, experts have made significant progress in developing a diagnostic algorithm for IPF patients. This algorithm includes analysis of clinical, laboratory, and instrumental data, primarily the results of high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT). Precise adherence to the diagnostic algorithm and correct interpretation of HRCT data are prerequisites for IPF diagnosis.Specialists of the Tomsk region have developed routing of patients with suspected IPF. The presented clinical case is a successful example of adhering to this algorithm. Wide implementation of modern diagnostic algorithms into diagnosis and treatment of IPF and quality improvement of imaging methods, primarily HRCT, carried out as a part of the differential diagnosis, open up prospects for early diagnosis of this pathology. A timely prescribed antifibrotic therapy (nintedanib, pirfenidone) in IPF allows to slow down pathological progression and improves the prognosis.Идиопатический легочный фиброз (ИЛФ) относится к наиболее распространенным заболеваниям из группы интерстициальных заболеваний легких и характеризуется неуклонным прогрессированием и неблагоприятным прогнозом. В течение последнего десятилетия был достигнут значительный прогресс в разработке диагностического алгоритма для пациентов с ИЛФ, предполагающий анализ клинических, лабораторных и инструментальных данных, прежде всего, результатов компьютерной томографии высокого разрешения (КТВР). Точное следование алгоритму диагностики и правильная интерпретация данных КТВР являются необходимым условием для постановки диагноза ИЛФ.В Томской области разработана маршрутизация больных с подозрением на ИЛФ. Примером успешного следования этому алгоритму является представленный клинический случай. Широкое внедрение в лечебно-диагностический процесс современных алгоритмов диагностики ИЛФ и повышение качества визуализационных методов, прежде всего КТВР, проводимые в рамках дифференциального диагноза, открывают перспективы ранней диагностики данного патологического процесса, а своевременно назначенная антифибротическая терапия (нинтеданиб, пирфенидон) при ИЛФ позволяет замедлить прогрессирование патологического процесса и улучшить прогноз


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    Objective of the study was to identify phenotypic properties and genetic peculiarities of Bacillus anthracis strains, isolated during the outbreak of anthrax in the territory of Yamal in 2016. Materials and methods. Investigated were the strains of anthrax agent, applying basic and subsequent identification tests and canSNP-, MLVA-genotyping methods and whole genome sequencing. Results and conclusions. The results showed the identity of the phenotypic properties, canSNPand MLVA25-genotypes, and profiles of whole genome-sequencing, regardless of the source of the strains isolation. Confirmed was a common source of human infection. Defined were phylogenetic interrelations of the tested strains and their position in global B. anthracis population. For the first time ever explored was variability of the gene pattern, associated with pathogenicity, and demonstrated – the efficiency of the proposed algorithm for genetic typing

    New Genetic Markers for Molecular Typing of Bacillus anthracis Strains

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    Objective: Identification of new markers for the molecular typing of Bacillus anthracis. Materials and methods. The genomes of 16 B. anthracis strains from the collection of the Stavropol Research Anti-Plague Institute, 11 B. anthracis strains and 5 strains of Bacillus cereus from GenBank were investigated. The methods of in vitro and in silico analysis of canonical and whole-genome single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP), genome regions with variable number of tandem repeats (VNTR) were used for the analysis. Results and discussion. It has been established that there are deletions and (or) SNPs in some of B. anthracis strains of the main genetic lineage B, within the homologous genes of the tri-cistronic operon gerH, which encodes spore germination proteins. gerA genes contain the Bams34 VNTR locus, the sizes of genes in different strains vary due to the different number of tandem repeats and the presence of indels, which suggests the variability of GerA spore germination proteins. In the area of reverse primer annealing, some of them have several SNPs or deletions, which makes impossible PCR amplification of the Bams34 locus. Previously not described VNTR locus, SNPs and indels in sequences of plasmids pXO1 and pXO2, as well as SNP in chromosomal gene of glycerol-3-phosphate transporter were identified. Two pairs of PCR primers for the variable regions of the plasmids were designed. VNTR-locus, SNP and indels in sequences of plasmids pXO1 and pXO2 are suitable genetic markers for the differentiation of typical virulent diplasmid strains belonging to the main genetic lineages of B. anthracis A, B and C. The allele T of SNP within chromosomal glpT gene is specific for one of two strains isolated during the outbreak of anthrax and distinguishes it from all other strains of B. anthracis

    О четвертой комплексной научной экспедиции по мониторингу радиационной обстановки в Курило-Камчатском регионе Тихого океана

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    This paper continues the series of publications on evaluation of the consequences of the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant accident and the impact of the emergency radionuclide discharges on the contamination of the sea biota and coastal areas of the Far-East regions. In autumn 2019, the fourth scientific expedition of the Russian geographic society on the monitoring of the radiation situation in Kurily-Kamchatka region was performed on the training vessel «Professor Khlyustin». The expedition included 9 specialists from noncommercial organization «Polar research Fund «Polar Fund», «Russian state hydrometeorological institute», «Radium institute after V.G. Khlopin» of the State Corporation «Rosatom», «Kurchatov institute», «SaintPetersburg research institute of radiation hygiene after prof. P.V. Ramzaev» and «Marine state university after admiral G.I. Nevelsky». The aim of the fourth expedition was to evaluate the radiation situation in the Sea of Japan and Kurily-Kamchatka region after the Fukushima-1 NPP accident as a continuation of the similar marine expeditions in 2011, 2012 and 2014. The survey was performed in the water area of the sea of Japan and Okhotsk sea. The results indicate that the concentration of 137Cs and 90Sr in sea water, hydrobionts, soil, ground and sea vegetation is still on the baseline level due to the global fallouts.Данная статья является очередной в серии статей, посвященных изучению последствий аварии на АЭС «Фукусима-1» и влиянию аварийных выбросов и сбросов радионуклидов на загрязнение морской биоты и прибрежных территорий дальневосточных регионов. Осенью 2019 г. на учебнопроизводственном судне «Профессор Хлюстин» выполнена четвертая научная экспедиция Русского географического общества по мониторингу радиационной обстановки в Курило-Камчатском регионе Тихого океана по изучению последствий аварии на АЭС «Фукусима-1». В экспедиции приняли участие 9 специалистов из некоммерческой организации «Фонд полярных исследований «Полярный фонд»», Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение высшего образования «Российский государственный гидрометеорологический институт», Акционерное общество «Радиевый институт им. В.Г. Хлопина» Госкорпорации «Росатом», Национальный исследовательский центр «Курчатовский институт», Федеральное бюджетное учреждение науки «Санкт-Петербургский научно-исследовательский институт радиационной гигиены имени профессора П.В. Рамзаева» Роспотребнадзора, Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Морской государственный университет имени адмирала Г.И. Невельского». Целью четвертой экспедиции являлось исследование радиационной обстановки в Японском море и КурилоКамчатском регионе Тихого океана после аварии на АЭС «Фукусима-1» – продолжение аналогичных морских экспедиций РГО 2011, 2012 и 2014 гг. Обследование проведено в акватории Японского и частично Охотского морей. В результате проведенных исследований установлено, что содержание радионуклидов цезия-137, стронция-90 в морской воде, гидробионтах, почве, наземной и водной растительности по-прежнему находится на уровне фоновых значений, обусловленных глобальными выпадениями