24 research outputs found

    Public control and counteraction to corruption offences by means of social communications and networks

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    The research paper deals with identifying ways to strengthen the institutional capacity of citizens in the field of combating corruption and to create recommendations on measures to prevent corruption offenses. The genesis of criminologists' scientific opinion on the role of civil society institutions in the fight against corruption is analyzed. It is noted that scholars studied only fragments of the problem of public participation in the prevention of corruption offenses at different times. The study concerned only a general description of corruption offenses, their determination and ways of prevention, including, among others, the role played by NGOs in the anti-corruption process. When considering modern scientific research and international regulatory acts

    Detection of Functional Significance of Coronary Stenoses Using Dynamic 13N-Ammonia Stress-PET/CT with Absolute Values of Myocardial Blood Flow and Coronary Flow Reserve

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    Objectives. The aim of the study was to compare the values of myocardial blood flow (MBF) at stress, MBF at rest and coronary flow reserve (CFR) obtained by 13Nammonia stress-PET/CT in patients with various degrees of coronary stenosis and in healthy patients. And thus to estimate the possible contribution of the stress-PET/CT quantitative data to the detection of functionally significant coronary stenoses in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD). Materials and methods. 63 patients (mean age 64±9 years) with known CAD underwent dynamic 13N-ammonia stress-PET/CT followed by calculation of MBF both at stress and at rest in absolute units and CFR. We compared quantitative values in two groups of patients with coronary artery stenosis: 1) ≥75% (n = 36) and 2) <75% (n = 27) confirmed by invasive coronary angiography and in group of healthy patients (n = 11). Results. MBF at stress was significantly lower in group with ≥75% diameter stenoses (median 1,44 [1,21; 1,85] mL/min per g) compared with group with <75% diameter stenoses (2,42 [1,75; 2,89] mL/min/g) and the normal group (2,54 [2,31; 2,86] mL/min/g), (p <0,001). There was no reliable difference in MBF at rest between the three groups (p = NS). CFR was significantly lower in the group of patients with severe ≥75% stenoses (1,85 [1,54; 2,31]) in comparison with patients group with stenoses of intermediate <75% severity (2,73 [2,19; 3,21]), and also in comparison with the normal group (3,12 [2,75; 3,23]), (p <0,001). Conclusion. The values of MBF at stress and CFR are significantly lower in patients with severe coronary arteries stenoses comparing with the group of patients with mild and moderate stenoses. The value of MBF at rest used independently has no diagnostic utility for detection of functional significance of coronary artery stenoses. Keywords: myocardial blood flow, coronary flow reserve, PET/CT, 13N-ammonia, coronary stenosis

    Analysis of factors affecting the accuracy of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography combined with computed tomography in case of suspected prosthetic valve infective endocarditis

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    Aim. To analyze the factors affecting the accuracy of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography combined with computed tomography (PET/CT) in case of suspected prosthetic valve endocarditis (PVE).Material and methods. The results of PET/CT performed in 66 patients after heart valve replacement were analyzed: 55 patients with suspected PVE (≥3 months after surgery) and 11 comparison groups without PVE (2 months after surgery). In the group with suspected PVE (n=55) at the time of the study, 27% (15/55) had a normal body temperature, 85% (47/55) — no leukocytosis. In 16% (9/55), the examination was performed from 3 to 6 months after surgery and in 67% (37/55)  — against the background of long-term antibiotic therapy (ABT). The final diagnosis of PVE was made on the basis of clinical (including 6±3 followup), laboratory, instrumental, and intraoperative (n=40) data: confirmed  — in 37 patients; ruled out — in 29 patients. In order to determine the influence of factors on obtaining false PET/CT results, the odds ratio was calculated.Results. In the group with suspected PVE (n=55), the PET/CT results made it possible to establish and rule out PVE in 92% (34/37) and 67% (12/18) of patients, respectively. In 16% (9/55) of patients, false positive (n=6) and false negative (n=3) results. Thus, the sensitivity, specificity and diagnostic accuracy of PET/CT in the diagnosis of PVE were 92%, 67% and 84%, respectively; positive and negative predictive values — 85% and 80%. The analysis of the odds ratio did not reveal the relationship of low inflammatory activity, the interval between surgery and PET/CT from 3 to 6 months, and long-term ABT before PET/CT with false PET/CT results (p>0,05). In the comparison group without PVE (n=11), 91% (10/11) received false positive PET/CT results, and one patient received a true negative result.Conclusion. The data obtained indicate the high informative value of PET/CT in the diagnosis of PVE. Interval >2 months between surgery and PET/CT significantly reduces the accuracy of PET/CT results. Other factors analyzed in the presented group did not affect the accuracy of PET/CT results

    Высокие значения исходных объемных ПЭТ-биомаркеров как предикторы неблагоприятного прогноза классической лимфомы Ходжкина

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    Purpose: To analyse the prognostic value of the initial volumetric PET biomarkers – the total metabolic tumor volume (MTV) and the total lesion glycolysis (TLG) – in classic Hodgkin's lymphoma (cHL) and determine their optimal threshold values for prognosis.Material and methods. This retrospective study included 62 cHL patients with different stages who underwent staging with 18F-FGD PET/CT. The follow-up period was from 6 to 61 months after the baseline PET/CT, 41 patients remained in remission, 10 patients had refractory course, 11 relapsed. The examinations were processed with automatic (multi-foci segmentation – MFS) method to obtain MTV and TLG using two fixed absolute thresholds (SUVmax ≥ 2.5 and SUVmax ≥ 4.0) and one relative threshold (41% of SUVmax).Results. In subgroups with disease remission (n = 41) and refractory course or relapse (n = 21), statistically significant differences between MTV and TLG with the two thresholds were found – SUVmax ≥ 2.5 and 41% of SUVmax (p < 0.05). When using threshold of SUVmax ≥ 4.0 statistically differences between the mean of MTV and TLG were no detected.Univariate analysis revealed correlation between progression-free survival and volumetric PET biomarkers (MTV and TLG) with three thresholds (SUVmax ≥ 2.5, SUVmax ≥ 4.0, and 41% of SUVmax).Conclusion. In cHL high values of initial volumetric PET biomarkers – MTV and TLG – calculated with three thresholds (SUVmax ≥ 2.5, SUVmax ≥ 4.0, and 41% of SUVmax) are associated with unfavourable prognosis – a high probability of refractory disease course or relapse.The optimal prognostic thresholds values of MTV and TLG in the analysed group were determined respectively: SUVmax ≥ 2.5 – 204 cm3 and 961, at 41% of SUVmax – 105 cm3 and 620.Цель исследования: анализ прогностического значения исходных объемных ПЭТ-биомаркеров – общего метаболического объема опухоли (MTV) и общего уровня гликолиза (TLG) – при классической лимфоме Ходжкина (кЛХ) и определение их оптимальных пороговых прогностических значений.Материал и методы. Ретроспективно проанализированы результаты ПЭТ/КТ-исследований 62 пациентов с впервые выявленной кЛХ. Период наблюдения составил от 6 до 61 мес после исходного ПЭТ/ КТ-исследования. В течение указанного периода у 41 (66%) пациента сохранялась ремиссия заболевания, у 10 (16%) пациентов диагностировано рефрактерное течение, у 11 (18%) – рецидив. Показатели MTV и TLG рассчитывались автоматическим методом с использованием для каждого трех значений отсечки фона: двух абсолютных – SUVmax ≥ 2,5 и SUVmax ≥ 4,0 и одного относительного – 41% от SUVmax.Результаты. Для расчета пороговых прогностических значений MTV и TLG группа была разделена на две подгруппы: 1-я – с ремиссией заболевания в течение периода наблюдения (n = 41); 2-я – с рефрактерным или рецидивирующим течением (n = 21). В указанных подгруппах были выявлены статистически значимые различия между показателями MTV и TLG при двух используемых значениях отсечки фона – SUVmax ≥ 2,5 и 41% от SUVmax (р < 0,05). При использовании отсечки фона – SUVmax ≥ 4,0 – значимых различий между указанными показателями в подгруппах получено не было.При однофакторном анализе параметры MTV и TLG с использованием трех пороговых значений отсечки фона (SUVmax ≥ 2,5, SUVmax ≥ 4,0 и 41% от SUVmax) коррелировали с выживаемостью без прогрессирования.Заключение. При кЛХ высокие значения исходных объемных ПЭТ-биомаркеров MTV и TLG, рассчитанные с использованием различных порогов отсечки фона (SUVmax ≥ 2,5, SUVmax ≥ 4,0 и 41% от SUVmax), ассоциируются с неблагоприятным прогнозом – высокой вероятностью рефрактерного течения заболевания или возникновения рецидива.Оптимальные прогностические пороговые значения MTV и TLG в анализируемой группе составили: при SUVmax ≥ 2,5 – 204 см3 и 961, при 41% от SUVmax – 105 см3 и 620 соответственно

    Current status of nuclear cardiology in the Russian Federation

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    The article is devoted to the analysis of the current status of nuclear cardiology in the Russian Federation. The data on the number of facilities performing radionuclide investigations for the diagnosis and monitoring of the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, their staffing and equipment are given. The statistics of the conducted nuclear cardiology tests for 2018-2020 are given, as well as their methods, features and diagnostic significance are described

    Analysis of the restoration of cardiology diagnostics scope in the Russian Federation during the COVID-19 pandemic: results of the Russian segment of the INCAPS COVID 2 study under the auspices of the International Atomic Energy Agency

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    Aim. To assess the changes in cardiology diagnostics scope in the Russian Federation during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic.Material and methods. In an online survey organized by the Division of Human Health of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), including questions about changes in the workflow of diagnostic laboratories and the scope of cardiac diagnostics from March 2019 (pre-pandemic) to April 2020 (first wave of the pandemic) and April 2021 (recovery stage), 15 Russian medical centers from 5 cities took part.Results. The decrease in the diagnostics scope by April 2020 by 59,3% compared to March 2019, by April 2021, stopped and was replaced by growth (+7,1%, the recovery rate, 112,1%). The greatest increase was in routine examinations, such as echocardiography (+11,6%), stress echocardiography (+18,7%), stress single photon emission computed tomography (+9,7%), and to a lesser extent resting computed tomography angiography (+7,0%) and magnetic resonance imaging (+6,6%). The performance of stress electrocardiography, stress magnetic resonance imaging and positron emission tomography for the diagnosis of endocarditis in April 2021 compared to March 2019 decreased by 10,3%, 63,2% and 62,5%, respectively.Conclusion. Due to the resumption of patient admissions for cardiac examinations during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, with the anti-epidemic measures taken and certain changes in the workflow, there has been a recovery in the diagnostics scope in most of the included centers

    науково-практичний коментар

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    Науково-практичний коментар Кодексу України про адміністративні правопорушення : станом на 5 верес. 2017 р. / за заг. ред. С.В. Пєткова. – Київ: Центр учб. літ., 2017. – 544 с. – ISBN 978-611-01-0880-5.У даному науково-практичному коментарі подано постатейний аналіз чинної редакції Кодексу України про адміністративні правопорушення з урахуванням останніх змін і доповнень станом на 5 вересня 2017 року.This scientific and practical commentary provides an article-by-article analysis of the current version of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses, taking into account the latest changes and additions as of September 5, 2017.В данном научно-практическом комментарии дан постатейный анализ действующей редакции Кодекса Украины об административных правонарушениях с учетом последних изменений и дополнений по состоянию на 5 сентября 2017

    Search for all solutions to the dynamic programming problem if their multicriteria estimates coincide

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    Among the mathematical methods used in economics, a prominent place is occupied by the dynamic programming method, with the help of which the optimal control of multi-stage processes is organized. The disadvantage of this method is the impossibility of calculating all solutions to the problem if their criteria-based estimates coincide. The fact of the existence of several optimal trajectories of a multi-step process may mean that the task is not set correctly, in the sense that the assigned criteria do not fully characterize the system under study. This means that the traditional method of dynamic programming needs to be refined in case of the existence of several optimal trajectories with the same value of the criterion. This article proposes the most general version of such refinement, namely, a multi-criteria numerical scheme is generalized. For a more visual representation of calculations and the result of the study, we will describe the discrete dynamic programming problem in terms of graph theory. In this case, it reduces to the problem of finding the optimal path on a directed graph. To solve it, a three-stage algorithm is proposed, the composition of which includes the following steps. The first stage is the construction of optimal criteria estimates for paths from the initial vertex to all the others. To perform this stage, the most universal method is the multicriteria version of the Ford – Bellman method. The second stage is the construction of a graph of optimal paths. In the original graph, arcs are selected that are part of the optimal paths. Of these, using the original algorithm, a subgraph is formed in which all paths are optimal. It is analytically proved that this algorithm gives the correct result (correct). The third stage is enumeration of all paths in the constructed subgraph. Numerical experiments showed that the proposed three-stage method works efficiently on oriented graphs of any type in a sufficiently large range of dimensions. The proposed algorithm with minimal changes can be used to solve an arbitrary discrete dynamic programming problem


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    Longitudinal data obtained in the study of the influence of education at the third age on cognitive functioning and psychological status of elderly persons is analyzed in the article. The project started in October 2014 and will continue until December 2016. All the participants (N=21) are non-working pensioners with higher non-psychological education; in the project they are studying in the program “Practical psychology”, the duration of education is 2.5 years. As a result of the training the participants have become more confident in the sphere of social relations, they have become more self-confident, the future has stopped to seem meaningless for them. The students have become more confident in their cognitive abilities, their indices of cognitive consciousness and life satisfaction have increased significantly. As a result of the conducted research, it was revealed that learning in elderly years influences significantly the psychological well-being of elderly students. The improvement of cognitive functioning by the end of the first semester (six months after the beginning) was revealed as well. It is assumed that the improvement of cognitive functioning is due to changes in neuronal structures, as more time is necessary for these qualitative and quantitative changes