9,128 research outputs found

    Stable Heteronuclear Few-Atom Bound States in Mixed Dimensions

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    We study few-body problems in mixed dimensions with N2N \ge 2 heavy atoms trapped individually in parallel one-dimensional tubes or two-dimensional disks, and a single light atom travels freely in three dimensions. By using the Born-Oppenheimer approximation, we find three- and four-body bound states for a broad region of heavy-light atom scattering length combinations. Specifically, the existence of trimer and tetramer states persist to negative scattering lengths regime, where no two-body bound state is present. These few-body bound states are analogous to the Efimov states in three dimensions, but are stable against three-body recombination due to geometric separation. In addition, we find that the binding energy of the ground trimer and tetramer state reaches its maximum value when the scattering lengths are comparable to the separation between the low-dimensional traps. This resonant behavior is a unique feature for the few-body bound states in mixed dimensions.Comment: Extended version with 14 pages and 14 figure

    Magneto-optical evidence of the percolation nature of the metal-insulator transition in the 2D electron system

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    We compare the results of the transport and time-resolved magneto-luminescence measurements in disordered 2D electron systems in GaAs-AlGaAs heterostructures in the extreme quantum limit, in particular, in the vicinity of the metal-insulator transition (MIT). At filling factors ν<1\nu <1, the optical signal has two components: the single-rate exponentially decaying part attributed to a uniform liquid and a power-law long-living tail specific to a microscopically inhomogeneous state of electrons. We interprete this result as a separation of the 2D electron system into a liquid and localized phases, especially because the MIT occurs strikingly close to those filling factors where the liquid occupies 12{1\over 2} of the sample area (the percollation threshold condition in two-component media).Comment: 5 pages RevTex + 4 fig., to appear in PRB, Rapid Com

    Equivariant pretheories and invariants of torsors

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    In the present paper we introduce and study the notion of an equivariant pretheory: basic examples include equivariant Chow groups, equivariant K-theory and equivariant algebraic cobordism. To extend this set of examples we define an equivariant (co)homology theory with coefficients in a Rost cycle module and provide a version of Merkurjev's (equivariant K-theory) spectral sequence for such a theory. As an application we generalize the theorem of Karpenko-Merkurjev on G-torsors and rational cycles; to every G-torsor E and a G-equivariant pretheory we associate a graded ring which serves as an invariant of E. In the case of Chow groups this ring encodes the information concerning the motivic J-invariant of E and in the case of Grothendieck's K_0 -- indexes of the respective Tits algebras.Comment: 23 pages; this is an essentially extended version of the previous preprint: the construction of an equivariant cycle (co)homology and the spectral sequence (generalizing the long exact localization sequence) are adde

    Weak Charge Quantization as an Instanton of Interacting sigma-model

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    Coulomb blockade in a quantum dot attached to a diffusive conductor is considered in the framework of the non-linear sigma-model. It is shown that the weak charge quantization on the dot is associated with instanton configurations of the Q-field in the conductor. The instantons have a finite action and are replica non--symmetric. It is argued that such instantons may play a role in the transition regime to the interacting insulator.Comment: 4 pages. The 2D case substantially modifie

    Identifying and Indexing Icosahedral Quasicrystals from Powder Diffraction Patterns

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    We present a scheme to identify quasicrystals based on powder diffraction data and to provide a standardized indexing. We apply our scheme to a large catalog of powder diffraction patterns, including natural minerals, to look for new quasicrystals. Based on our tests, we have found promising candidates worthy of further exploration.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    A note about the ground state of the H3+{\rm H}_3^+ hydrogen molecular ion

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    Three simple 7,(7+3),107-, (7+3)-, 10-parametric trial functions for the H3+{\rm H}_3^+ molecular ion are presented. Each of them provides subsequently the most accurate approximation for the Born-Oppenheimer ground state energy among several-parametric trial functions. These trial functions are chosen following a criterion of physical adequacy and includes the electronic correlation in the exponential form exp(γr12)\sim\exp{(\gamma r_{12})}, where γ\gamma is a variational parameter. The Born-Oppenheimer energy is found to be E=1.34034,1.34073,1.34159E=-1.340 34, -1.340 73, -1.341 59\,a.u., respectively, for optimal equilateral triangular configuration of protons with the equilibrium interproton distance R=1.65R=1.65\,a.u. The variational energy agrees in three significant digits (s.d.) with most accurate results available at present as well as for major expectation values.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure, 3 table

    Structural Properties and Relative Stability of (Meta)Stable Ordered, Partially-ordered and Disordered Al-Li Alloy Phases

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    We resolve issues that have plagued reliable prediction of relative phase stability for solid-solutions and compounds. Due to its commercially important phase diagram, we showcase Al-Li system because historically density-functional theory (DFT) results show large scatter and limited success in predicting the structural properties and stability of solid-solutions relative to ordered compounds. Using recent advances in an optimal basis-set representation of the topology of electronic charge density (and, hence, atomic size), we present DFT results that agree reasonably well with all known experimental data for the structural properties and formation energies of ordered, off-stoichiometric partially-ordered and disordered alloys, opening the way for reliable study in complex alloys.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, 2 Table

    Fractional Variations for Dynamical Systems: Hamilton and Lagrange Approaches

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    Fractional generalization of an exterior derivative for calculus of variations is defined. The Hamilton and Lagrange approaches are considered. Fractional Hamilton and Euler-Lagrange equations are derived. Fractional equations of motion are obtained by fractional variation of Lagrangian and Hamiltonian that have only integer derivatives.Comment: 21 pages, LaTe

    Schematic Models for Active Nonlinear Microrheology

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    We analyze the nonlinear active microrheology of dense colloidal suspensions using a schematic model of mode-coupling theory. The model describes the strongly nonlinear behavior of the microscopic friction coefficient as a function of applied external force in terms of a delocalization transition. To probe this regime, we have performed Brownian dynamics simulations of a system of quasi-hard spheres. We also analyze experimental data on hard-sphere-like colloidal suspensions [Habdas et al., Europhys. Lett., 2004, 67, 477]. The behavior at very large forces is addressed specifically

    Analysis of Collectivism and Egoism Phenomena within the Context of Social Welfare

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    Comparative benefits provided by the basic social strategies including collectivism and egoism are investigated within the framework of democratic decision-making. In particular, we study the mechanism of growing "snowball" of cooperation.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures. Translated from Russian. Original Russian Text published in Problemy Upravleniya, 2008, No. 4, pp. 30-3