18 research outputs found

    Enhancing Innovativeness:The Role of Dynamic Marketing Capabilities

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    The gap between the relatively static marketing resources of a firm and the turbulent marketplace is growing in importance for both practitioners and academics alike. This paper explores how marketing capabilities, specifically market orientation, work synergistically with other organizational capabilities to form dynamic marketing capabilities that enhance firm innovativeness. Findings indicate that a tight integration between the technical and marketing functions of a firm creates a fertile transformation point, where market orientation infuses the innovation process. Market orientation interacts with these integrated capabilities to form a dynamic marketing capability that enhances the organization\u27s innovativeness. Implications include how these dynamic marketing capabilities differ between service and manufacturing firms, where only the cultural aspects of market orientation enhance performance in service firms


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    The studies performed in this work have shown that the radiation exposure to LED sources with an emission band maximum of about 465 nm corresponding to the absorption spectrum of bilirubin is able to cause damaging effects on animal cells in culture, being in a logarithmic growth stage, that have been pre-incubated with bilirubin. The photobiological effect is caused by photo dynamic processes with participation of singlet oxygen generated by a triplet-excited sensitizer. The type of cell survival depending on an energy dose indicates that the sensitizer serves as bilirubin but not its photoproducts. Исследования, выполненные в настоящей работе, показали, что воздействие излучения светодиодных источников с максимумом полосы излучения около 465 нм, соответствующего спектру поглощения билирубина, способно оказывать повреждающее действие на клетки животных в культуре, находящиеся в логарифмической стадии роста, предварительно инкубированные с билирубином. Фотобиологический эффект обусловлен фотодинамическими процессами с участием синглетного кислорода, генерируемого триплетно возбужденным сенсибилизатором. Вид зависимости выживаемости клеток от энергетической дозы указывает на то, что сенсибилизатором выступает билирубин, а не его фотопродукты

    Customer Experience Management

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    Dieser Beitrag leistet einen Beitrag zur Marketingforschung, da er den jungen aber von zunehmender Relevanz geprägten Forschungsstrang zum Themenkomplex CEM grundlegend entwickelt. Zum einen zeigt das identifizierte Rahmenkonzept auf, dass CEM über einzelne unternehmerische Fähigkeiten wie dem Design von Serviceerlebnissen, das die bisherige CEM-Forschung bestimmt hat, hinausgeht. Zum anderen leistet das Konzept einen Beitrag zur Synthese fragmentierter, aber miteinander zusammenhängender Literaturströmungen in der Marketingforschung ..

    Advances in ITER-relevant Nb-Ti and Nb3_{3}Sn strands and low-loss Nb-Ti strands in RF

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    The review of the main results of R&D directed on the enhancement of ITER relevant NbTi and Nb3_{3}Sn strands performance recently carried out in Russia (the Bochvar Institute) are presented. For ITER PF type (NbTi) strands with Cu/non Cu ratio of 1.6 the attainment of ITER specified critical current density (Jc) ≥ 2900 A/mm2 (5 T, 4.2 K) has been shown. For Toroidal Field (TF) strands (Nb3_{3}Sn) the influence of doping and layout peculiarities of the wires produced by bronze method on their current-carrying ability has been investigated. It was shown that with non-doped matrix and doped filaments Jc exceeds 800 A/mm2 (12 T, 4.2 K) while with the application of the doped bronze and nondoped filaments it exceeds 900 A/mm2. Internal-tin Nb3_{3}Sn strand meeting the ITER TF specification requirements was also developed and fabricated. The results of testing of CICC samples in a SULTAN facility have shown that performance parameters are higher than ITER qualification requirements Low loss model fine filament NbTi strands, intended for operating in fields with a ramp rate from 1 up to 4 T/s, has been developed and manufactured. The use of commercial MN-5 alloy (Cu-5wt.%Ni) and the Cu- 0.5wt.%Mn alloy for matrix of strands are discussed. The critical current density higher than 2700 A/mm2 (5 T, 4.2 K was shown to be attainable