388 research outputs found

    Experimental rationale for the use of fluids with different redox potential as a basis for infusion therapy

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    Objectives: To study the parameters of redox potential (ORP or Red-Ox) and pH of infusion solutions. To identify the general biological properties of ionized liquids with different ORP when administered by different methods to experimental animals and when applied to the wound surface. To study the effects of infusion therapy with solutions based on ionized fluids with various ORP in anaphylactic shock, bacterial sepsis, alcoholic hepatitis, dehydration, and skin injurie

    Exotic hybrid mesons in hard electroproduction

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    We estimate the sizeable cross section for deep exclusive electroproduction of an exotic JPC=1+J^{PC}=1^{-+} hybrid meson in the Bjorken regime. The production amplitude scales like the one for usual meson electroproduction, i.e. as 1/Q21/Q^2. This is due to the non-vanishing leading twist distribution amplitude for the hybrid meson, which may be normalized thanks to its relation to the energy momentum tensor and to the QCD sum rules technique. The hard amplitude is considered up to next-to-leading order in αS\alpha_{S} and we explore the consequences of fixing the renormalization scale ambiguity through the BLM procedure. We study the particular case where the hybrid meson decays through a πη\pi\eta meson pair. We discuss the πη\pi\eta generalized distribution amplitude and then calculate the production amplitude for this process. We propose a forward-backward asymmetry in the production of π\pi and η\eta mesons as a signal for the hybrid meson production. We briefly comment on hybrid electroproduction at very high energy, in the diffractive limit where a QCD Odderon exchange mechanism should dominate. The conclusion of our study is that hard electroproduction is a promissing way to study exotic hybrid mesons, in particular at JLAB, HERA (HERMES) or CERN (Compass)

    Double-kink fishbone instability caused by circulating energetic ions

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    The destabilization of double kink modes by the circulating energetic ions in tokamaks with the plasma current having an off-axis maximum is studied. It is shown that the high-frequency fishbone instability [Energetic Particle Mode (EPM)] and the low-frequency (diamagnetic) fishbones are possible for such an equilibrium, their poloidal and toroidal mode numbers being not necessarily equal to unity. A new kind of the EPM instability, ''doublet fishbones,'' is predicted. This instability is characterized by two frequencies; it can occur in a plasma with a non-monotonic radial profile of the energetic ions when the particle orbit width is less than the width of the region where the mode is localized. It is found that the diamagnetic fishbone branch exists even when the orbit width exceeds the mode width; in this case, however, the instability growth rate is relatively small

    Conductance of a STM contact on the surface of a thin film

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    The conductance of a contact, having a radius smaller than the Fermi wave length, on the surface of a thin metal film is investigated theoretically. It is shown that quantization of the electron energy spectrum in the film leads to a step-like dependence of differential conductance G(V) as a function of applied bias eV. The distance between neighboring steps in eV equals the energy level spacing due to size quantization. We demonstrate that a study of G(V) for both signs of the voltage maps the spectrum of energy levels above and below Fermi surface in scanning tunneling experiments.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure

    On the Selfconsistent Theory of Josephson Effect in Ballistic Superconducting Microconstrictions

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    The microscopic theory of current carrying states in the ballistic superconducting microchannel is presented. The effects of the contact length L on the Josephson current are investigated. For the temperatures T close to the critical temperature T_c the problem is treated selfconsistently, with taking into account the distribution of the order parameter Δ(r)\Delta (r) inside the contact. The closed integral equation for Δ\Delta in strongly inhomogeneous microcontact geometry (Lξ0,ξ0L\lesssim \xi_{0}, \xi_{0} is the coherence length at T=0) replaces the differential Ginzburg-Landau equation. The critical current Ic(L)I_{c}(L) is expressed in terms of solution of this integral equation. The limiting cases of Lξ0L\ll \xi_{0} and Lξ0L\gg \xi_{0} are considered. With increasing length L the critical current decreases, although the ballistic Sharvin resistance of the contact remains the same as at L=0. For ultra short channels with LaDL\lesssim a_{D} (aDvF/ωD,ωDa_{D}\sim v_{F}/\omega_{D}, \omega_{D} is the Debye frequency) the corrections to the value of critical current I_c(L=0) are sensitive to the strong coupling effects.Comment: 15 pages LaTex, 3 jpg figure