1,364 research outputs found

    Circular photon drag effect in bulk tellurium

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    The circular photon drag effect is observed in a bulk semiconductor. The photocurrent caused by a transfer of both translational and angular momenta of light to charge carriers is detected in tellurium in the mid-infrared frequency range. Dependencies of the photocurrent on the light polarization and on the incidence angle agree with the symmetry analysis of the circular photon drag effect. Microscopic models of the effect are developed for both intra- and inter-subband optical absorption in the valence band of tellurium. The shift contribution to the circular photon drag current is calculated. An observed decrease of the circular photon drag current with increase of the photon energy is explained by the theory for inter-subband optical transitions. Theoretical estimates of the circular photon drag current agree with the experimental data.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Connection of power of consumable electricity by trolleybus with the transported amount of passengers and descriptions of routes

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    Встановлено відповідність потужності споживаної тролейбусом електроенергії перевезеній ним кількості пасажирів. У дослідженні також враховано характеристики маршруту для уточнення зв’язку між витратами потужності і пасажиропотоком. The accordance of power to consumable electricity power by a trolleybus to the amount of passengers transported is determined. In the given research there taken into account the descriptions of the route for clarification of connection of power expense and passenger transportations

    Valley separation in graphene by polarized light

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    We show that the optical excitation of graphene with polarized light leads to the pure valley current where carriers in the valleys counterflow. The current in each valley originates from asymmetry of optical transitions and electron scattering by impurities owing to the warping of electron energy spectrum. The valley current has strong polarization dependence, its direction is opposite for normally incident beams of orthogonal linear polarizations. In undoped graphene on a substrate with high susceptibility, electron-electron scattering leads to an additional contribution to the valley current that can dominate.Comment: 4+ pages, 2 figure

    Weak localization of holes in high-mobility heterostructures

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    Theory of weak localization is developed for two-dimensional holes in semiconductor heterostructures. Ballistic regime of weak localization where the backscattering occurs from few impurities is studied with account for anisotropic momentum scattering of holes. The transition from weak localization to anti-localization is demonstrated for long dephasing times. For stronger dephasing the conductivity correction is negative at all hole densities due to non-monotonous dependence of the spin relaxation time on the hole wavevector. The anomalous temperature dependent correction to the conductivity is calculated. We show that the temperature dependence of the conductivity is non-monotonous at moderate hole densities.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Experiments with a Malkus-Lorenz water wheel: Chaos and Synchronization

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    We describe a simple experimental implementation of the Malkus-Lorenz water wheel. We demonstrate that both chaotic and periodic behavior is found as wheel parameters are changed in agreement with predictions from the Lorenz model. We furthermore show that when the measured angular velocity of our water wheel is used as an input signal to a computer model implementing the Lorenz equations, high quality chaos synchronization of the model and the water wheel is achieved. This indicates that the Lorenz equations provide a good description of the water wheel dynamics.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures. The following article has been accepted by the American Journal of Physics. After it is published, it will be found at http://scitation.aip.org/ajp

    Atomic electric dipole moments of He and Yb induced by nuclear Schiff moments

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    We have calculated the atomic electric dipole moments (EDMs) d of ^3He and ^{171}Yb induced by their respective nuclear Schiff moments S. Our results are d(He)= 8.3x10^{-5} and d(Yb)= -1.9 in units 10^{-17}S/(e{fm}^3)e cm. By considering the nuclear Schiff moments induced by the parity and time-reversal violating nucleon-nucleon interaction we find d(^{171}Yb)~0.6d(^{199}Hg). For ^3He the nuclear EDM coupled with the hyperfine interaction gives a larger atomic EDM than the Schiff moment. The result for ^3He is required for a neutron EDM experiment that is under development, where ^3He is used as a comagnetometer. We find that the EDM for He is orders of magnitude smaller than the neutron EDM. The result for Yb is needed for the planning and interpretation of experiments that have been proposed to measure the EDM of this atom.Comment: 4 page

    Luttinger Liquid in the Core of Screw Dislocation in Helium-4

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    On the basis of first-principle Monte Carlo simulations we find that the screw dislocation along the hexagonal axis of an hcp He4 crystal features a superfluid core. This is the first example of a regular quasi-one-dimensional supersolid, and one of the cleanest cases of a regular Luttinger-liquid system. In contrast, the same type of screw dislocation in solid Hydrogen is insulating.Comment: replaced with revised versio