63 research outputs found

    Категорія помилки в цивільному праві та законодавстві

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    Давидова I. В. Категорія помилки в цивільному праві та законодавстві / І. В. Давидова // Актуальні проблеми держави і права : зб. наук. пр. / редкол.: С. В. Ківалов (голов. ред.), В. М. Дрьомін (заст. голов. ред.), Ю. П. Аленін [та ін.] ; МОНмолодьспорт України, НУ «ОЮА». – Одеса : Юрид. л-ра, 2012. – Вип. 66. - С. 36-42.В статье рассматриваются и анализируются позиции ученых относительно определения такой категории, как ошибка при заключении сделки. Уделено внимание таким понятиям, как воля и волеизъявление. Изучен вопрос относительно порока воли в сделках, заключенных под влиянием ошибки


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    Behcet’s disease (BD) is a systemic autoinflammatory-autoimmune disease (chronic systemic vasculitis) of unknown etiology, almost 70% of patients develop uveitis. BD pathogenesis is complex, human herpesviruses (HHV) play an important role among infectious trigger factors. Ability of herpesviruses to modulate cytokine production and evade host’s immune response is known.Aim of the study was to assess the effect of Herpes simplex virus type 1, Herpes simplex virus type 2, Cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus on systemic levels of chemokines, pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines in BD with and without uveitis. Serum samples were collected from 116 BD patients chronically infected with HHV and examined in ELISA-test for markers of HHV reactivation (IgG-antibodies to immediate early HSV antigens 1, 2 and CMV, early EBV antigen). Concentration of IL-1β, IFNγ, MCP-1, IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-8, IL-12p70, IL-13, IL-18, TNFα, GMCSF, Eotaxin, GRO-α, IP-10, MIP-1α, MIP-1β, SDF-1α, RANTES detected in multiplex analysis. TGF-β1, TGF-β2 were measured in ELISA-test. Depending on presence and activity of uveitis 3 groups of patients with BD were identified: group 1 – active uveitis, group 2 – remission of uveitis, group 3 – BD without ocular manifestations. After serological study 2 subgroups were highlighted in each group: a) patients with antibody markers of reactivation of at least one HHV, b) patients chronically infected with HHV, without serological signs of reactivation. Mean level and detection rate of cytokines and chemokines in patients with active uveitis (1a, 1b) and in remission (2a, 2b) were compared with patients without eye damage (3a, 3b). Chronic HHV infection (subgroup “b”) was compared with reactivation (subgroup “a”). A significant increase of MCP-1/ CCL2, MIP-1α/CCL3, MIP-1β/CCL4, RANTES/CCL5, IP-10, SDF-1α chemokines in serum, as well as IFNγ, TGF-β1, and TGF-β2 was observed in patients with uveitis (regardless of their activity) and HHV reactivation compared to patients without uveitis. Our data indicate that systemic production of cytokines and chemokines in BD patients and uveitis could be affected by the activity of chronic herpesvirus infections, and the greatest changes are related to chemokines

    Features of systemic cytokine production in Behcet's disease associated with uveitis without ocular lesions

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    Behcet's disease (BD) is a systemic disease underlyed by chronic vasculitis. Hyperactivity of innate and adaptive immunity plays important role in its pathogenesis. Uveitis occurs in 30-70% of the patients, often recurring and reducing visual function. The objective of our work was to study the features of systemic production of immune mediators in BD patients, depending on presence and activity of uveitis. 116 BD patients were divided into 3 groups: (1) 41 patients with active uveitis (UA), (2) 64 subjects with uveitis remission (UR), (3) 11 uveitis-free BD patients (WU). Control group (CG) comprised 34 conditionally healthy people. Detection rate (%) and contents (pg/ml) were measured for IL-1β IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-12p70, IL-13, IL-18, IFNγ, CCL2/MCP-1, CCL3/MIP-1α, CCL4/MIP-1β, CCL5/RANTES, CCL11/Eotaxin, СXCL1/GRO-α, CXCL8/IL-8, CXCL10/IP-10, CXCL12/SDF-1α, GM-CSF, TNFα in blood serum by means of multiplex analysis using MAGPIX analyzer (Luminex Corp., USA), Procarta Plex “Human Th1/Th2&Chemokine Panel 20 plex” kits (Bioscience, Austria). TGF-P1, TGF-P2 levels were assayed by ELISA-test (“Vfector-Best”). All the BD patients showed high detection rates of CXCL1/GRO-α (but not its level) in comparison with CG. Detection rate and levels of IL-6, IL-8 were increased in 1st and 2nd BD groups, compared to CG. In UR, unlike UA and WU groups, IL-4 was detected more often than in CG. WU patients showed increased detection rate of only CXCL1/GRO -α. When compared with UA, WU patients had lower serum concentrations of IFNγ, MCP-1, IP-10, MIP-1a, SDF-1α, TGF-β1; UR patients also showed decreased serum levels of IL-18, Eotaxin, GRO-α, RANTES, TGF-β2. Our results indicate the importance of angiogenic and proinflammatory chemokines and cytokines in pathogenesis of BD uveitis, as well as imbalanced production of various immunomediators. Higher detection rates and levels of IL-6 and IL-8 in UA and UR patients may result from weak persistent intraocular inflammation, even upon relief of clinical symptoms, thus, probably, requiring therapeutic correction

    Comparison of three anesthesia’s types for aorta-femoral bypass operations

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    Aim of the study was to find optimal method of anesthesia for aorta-femoral bypass operations in severe patient’s group with chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases.Materials and methods. Patients with peripheral atherosclerotic occlusive diseases, who underwent aorta-femoral (bifemoral) bypass, were enrolled in prospective randomized study (2003-2009). The delivery (DO) and consumption (VO) of oxygen (tetrapolar rheovasography) and serum level of cortisol (immunochemiluminescent method) during operations and in the early postoperative period were investigated. We also were measured P02/Fi02 ratio before and after operations.58 comparable patients were randomized in three groups: 1 - general anesthesia (6A) (sevofluran) - (n=19); 2 - total intravenous (TWA) (propofol and midasolam) - (n=19); 3 - continuous spinal anesthesia (CSA) (bupivocaine) - (n=20). Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease was registered in 100% of cases. Results. DO was significantly higher after induction in anesthesia and in the 1 -st hour after operations in CSA groups in comparison with GA and TWA groups. P02/R02 ratio was also significantly higher in CSA groups after operations in comparison with GA and TWA groups. For the patients under CSA in 1 -st and 2-nd days after operation the increasing of serum cortisol level was lower then in 6A and TWA patients, but statistically significant difference we got only between GA and CSA groups in the 2-nd day after operation.Conclusions We’ve got a few advantages in CSA groups in comparison with GA and TWA groups and we hypothesized that CSA can be more secure and suitable for patients with pulmonary co-morbidities.Цель исследования: оптимизация анестезиологической защиты пациентов с хронической обструктивной болезнью легких при реконструктивных операциях на брюшном отделе аорты. Материалы и методы: Пациентам, подвергнутым реконструктивным операциям на брюшной аорте при окклюзионных поражениях (2003-2009 гг.), в периоперационный период исследовали кислородтранспортную функцию крови (тетраполярная реовазография) и уровень кортизола плазмы (иммуно-хемилюминисцентный метод).58 сравнимых пациентов были рандомизированы на 3 группы: 1 гр. - общей анестезии (ОА) (севофлюран) -19:2 гр. - тотальной внутривенной анестезии (ТТВА) (пропофол, мидазолам) - 19; 3 гр. - продленной спинальной анестезии (СА) (бупивокаин) - 20 человек. Хроническая обструктивная болезнь легких (ХОБЛ) зарегистрирована в 100% случаев. Результаты. Доставка кислорода (002) имеет большие значения на зтапе индукции в анестезию и 1-ый час после операции в группе СА, в сравнении с ОА и ТВВА (р < 0.05).Установлено большее снижение коэффициента оксигенации в послеоперационном периоде в группе пациентов, оперированных под ОА и ТВВА по отношению к пациентам группы СА (р < 0.05). Зарегистрировано большее увеличение уровня кортизола в крови в 1-е и 2-е сутки после операции в группах ТВВА и ОА в сравнении с СА. Статистически достоверной является разница кортизола на вторые сутки между группами ОА и СА. Заключение. Продленная СА имеет ряд существенных преимуществ по сравнению с ОА и ТВВА при реконструктивных операциях на брюшной аорте у пациентов с ХОБЛ

    Evaluation of mediators of fibrosis and angiogenesis in the blood serum of premature infants with bronchopulmonary dysplasia

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    In premature birth and postpartum damage to the developing lung, the processes of the formation of pulmonary vessels and alveoli are disrupted, leading to bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD). BPD is a multifactorial disease and the pathogenesis of lung tissue damage is still not fully understood. Studies of angiogenesis biomarkers can be informative for assessing the development of BPD. In this study we examined the blood serum of 65 premature infants aged 6 to 180 days of life; gestational age at birth was 23-33 weeks, body weight 480-1840 g, APGAR score 5-6. All children in the early neonatal period had respiratory distress syndrome, then 46 children formed and 19 did not form bronchopulmonary dysplasia. The concentration of the factors of angiogenesis and fibrosis was determined in blood serum by ELISA. There were no differences in the levels of angiopoietins 1 and 2, vascular endothelial growth factor VEGF-D, transforming growth factor beta TGF-β, thrombospondin-1. We observed a tendency to increasing the level of VEGF-A, which is a key regulator of angiogenesis and lung maturation; we regard this tendency as a favorable sign of lung formation. We found tendencies to increase of the adhesion molecule of endothelial platelet cells PECAM-1, interleukin 8 and connective tissue growth factor CTGF. CTGF expression is enhanced by artificial lung ventilation and exposure to high oxygen concentrations. We consider an increase of CTGF in BPD to be an unfavorable change, since the binding of CTGF to VEGF inhibits VEGF-induced angiogenesis. In children with BPD, we found a decrease in the level of platelet derived growth factor PDGF-BB, the median concentration was 3180 pg/mL in BPD versus 4782 pg/mL without BPD (p = 0.024). PDGF is an important factor in tissue regeneration and plays an important role in the formation of blood vessels. We assume the decreasing of PDGF concentration in BPD can lead to a violation of the alveolarization necessary for the formation of the structure of healthy lungs. Studies of angiogenesis factors will help to better understand the pathogenesis of lung damage in BPD


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    Between 2008 and 2015, 82 patients with inoperable esophageal cancer were treated with radiation therapy. The patients were divided into 3 groups. Group I consisted of 30 patients, who received external beam radiation therapy (EBRT) in combination with brachytherapy. Group II and group III patients (30 and 22 patients, respectively) received EBRT alone. Patients of group II received EBRT at a total dose of 60–70 Gy and patients of group III received EBRT at a total dose of 40–50 Gy. Treatment outcomes were better in patients treated with combination of EBRT and brachytherapy than in patients treated with EBRT alone. There was no significant difference between groups 2 and 3 with regard to their survival rates. Two-year overall survival rates in group I, II and III were 36 %, 12 % and 12 % and the median overall survival time was 15.7; 9.7 and 6.6 months, respectively.Проведено сравнительное исследование с включением 82 пациентов, страдающих раком пищевода, получивших самостоятельный курс лучевой терапии. В первую группу вошли 30 пациентов, получивших сочетанную лучевую терапию с брахитерапией, во 2-ю группу – 30 пациентов, получивших дистанционную лучевую терапию (ДЛТ) до суммарной дозы 60–70 Гр, у 22 пациентов 3-й группы суммарная доза ДЛТ была ограничена 40–50 Гр. Результаты лечения оказались лучше в группе сочетанной лучевой терапии, в то время как значение суммарной дозы ДЛТ не повлияло на показатели выживаемости. Двухлетняя общая выживаемость в сравниваемых группах составила 36, 12 и 12 %, медиана общей выживаемости – 15,7; 9,7 и 6,6 мес соответственно.

    Inequalities in medicine use in Central Eastern Europe: an empirical investigation of socioeconomic determinants in eight countries

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    Mitochondrial respiratory states and rate

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    As the knowledge base and importance of mitochondrial physiology to human health expands, the necessity for harmonizing the terminologyconcerning mitochondrial respiratory states and rates has become increasingly apparent. Thechemiosmotic theoryestablishes the mechanism of energy transformationandcoupling in oxidative phosphorylation. Theunifying concept of the protonmotive force providestheframeworkfordeveloping a consistent theoretical foundation ofmitochondrial physiology and bioenergetics.We followguidelines of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry(IUPAC)onterminology inphysical chemistry, extended by considerationsofopen systems and thermodynamicsof irreversible processes.Theconcept-driven constructive terminology incorporates the meaning of each quantity and alignsconcepts and symbols withthe nomenclature of classicalbioenergetics. We endeavour to provide a balanced view ofmitochondrial respiratory control and a critical discussion on reporting data of mitochondrial respiration in terms of metabolic flows and fluxes.Uniform standards for evaluation of respiratory states and rates will ultimatelycontribute to reproducibility between laboratories and thussupport the development of databases of mitochondrial respiratory function in species, tissues, and cells.Clarity of concept and consistency of nomenclature facilitate effective transdisciplinary communication, education, and ultimately further discovery