158 research outputs found

    Software selection based on analysis and forecasting methods, practised in 1C

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    The research focuses on the problem of a "1C: Enterprise 8" platform inboard mechanisms for data analysis and forecasting. It is important to evaluate and select proper software to develop effective strategies for customer relationship management in terms of sales, as well as implementation and further maintenance of software. Research data allows creating new forecast models to schedule further software distribution

    Effect of agrochemical AminoPlus brand: Amino ZN on growth and production processes, corn plant yields

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    Corn is one of the most widespread and popular grain crops in the world, which is due to its widespread use in the food industry, forage production and for technical purposes. In the world, the largest acreage of corn is concentrated in the USA and China; in the Russian Federation – in the Krasnodar Territory, in which more than 500 thousand hectares are sown with corn annually. The problem of increasing corn production can be solved, first of all, by increasing its yield. Given the high responsiveness of corn plants to organomineral fertilizers, an increase in yield and gross grain yields can be achieved by optimizing the nutrition regime. The tested agrochemical AminoPlus brand: Amino Zn is an organomineral fertilizer, which provides systemic and dosed foliar fertilization of corn plants (in phases 4-6 and 8-10 leaves), optimally providing the plant with nutrients, enhanced plant growth, the process of formation of reproductive organs and, ultimately, corn yield. The maximum yield of corn in grain – 53.5 centners per hectare (in the control – 44.4 centners per hectare) was obtained during foliar fertilizing of corn plants with the agrochemical AminoPlus brand: Amino Zn at a dose of 2.0 l/ha; the consumption of the spray material – 300 l/ha

    YV-plasty in the treatment of patients with recurrent bladder neck stenosis

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    Introduction. Bladder neck stenosis (BNS) is a late complication of surgical treatment for benign prostatic hyperplasia. Available methods of endoscopic correction in primary BNS have limited effectiveness, while in recurrent cases their use does not lead to satisfactory results at all. YV-plasty of the bladder neck (BN) is one of the available methods of treatment for recurrent BNS.Purpose of the study. To evaluate the treatment results of patients with recurrent BNS using endovideoscopic YV-plasty of the BN.Materials and methods. We retrospectively analyzed the treatment results of 8 patients with recurrent BNS who underwent endovideoscopic YV-plasty of the BN in the Urology Division No.1 of the St. Luke St. Petersburg Clinical Hospital from 2019 to 2021.Results. Endovideoscopic YV-plasty of the bladder neck was successfully performed in all 8 patients. The mean preoperative Qmax was 3.7 ml/s (1.8 – 5.7). At 6 months after surgery, the mean Qmax was 21.4 mL/s (16.7 – 24.1). The mean preoperative I-PSS score was 20.5 (17 – 24). The mean I-PSS score 6 months after surgery was 7.1 (5.0 – 9.0). No cases of de-novo stress urinary incontinence were registered.Conclusions. Endovideoscopic YV-plasty of the BN may be an effective and safe method of treatment of patients with recurrent BNS. However, further studies are needed to obtain long-term results

    NbS3_{3}: A unique quasi one-dimensional conductor with three charge density wave transitions

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    Through transport, compositional and structural studies, we review the features of the charge-density wave (CDW) conductor of NbS3_{3} (phase II). We highlight three central results: 1) In addition to the previously reported CDW transitions at TP1T_{P1} = 360\,K and TP2T_{P2} = 150\,K, another CDW transition occurs at a much higher temperature TP0T_{P0} = 620-650\,K; evidence for the non-linear conductivity of this CDW is presented. 2) We show that CDW associated with the TP2T_{P2} - transition arises from S vacancies acting as donors. Such a CDW transition has not been observed before. 3) We show exceptional coherence of the TP1T_{P1}-CDW at room-temperature. Additionally, we report on the effects of uniaxial strain on the CDW transition temperatures and transport.Comment: 16 pages, 18 figure

    SiPM-based azimuthal position sensor in ANITA-IV Hi-Cal Antarctic balloon experiment

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    Hi-Cal (High-Altitude Calibration) is a balloon-borne experiment that will be launched in December, 2016 in Antarctica following ANITA-IV (Antarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna) and will generate a broad-band pulse over the frequency range expected from radiation induced by a cosmic ray shower. Here, we describe a device based on an array of silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) for determination of the azimuthal position of Hi-Cal. The angular resolution of the device is about 3 degrees. Since at the float altitude of ~38 km the pressure will be ~0.5 mbar and temperature ~ − 20 °C, the equipment has been tested in a chamber over a range of corresponding pressures (0.5 ÷ 1000) mbar and temperatures (−40 ÷ +50) °C

    Возможности ультразвукового исследования в диагностике раннего ревматоидного артрита и остеоартрита суставов кистей рук

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    Objective: to compare results of ultrasound examination (US) of the wrist joints (WJ) and small joints of hands with the clinical signs in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis (eRA) and hand osteoarthriti (OAH).Patients and methods. The study included 42 patients with eRA (group 1) and 38 patients with OAH (group 2). The average age of patients with eRA was 48.60±14.86 years, the duration of clinical manifestations was 7.45±1.77 months, of patients with OAH – 54.97±12.45 years and 8.26±1.83 months, respectively. The ratio of men and women in both groups was approximately the same, the majority were women. All patients with eRA had clinical and instrumentally confirmed signs of OA: I, II, and III radiological stages of OA according to Kellgren–Lawrence were detected in 10 (23.80%), 23 (54.76%) and 9 (21.43%) patients respectively. In erosive OA II and III X-ray stage was diagnosed in 16 (42.10%) and 22 (57.90%) patients, respectively. All patients underwent ultrasound of the joints, as well as a general clinical examination, which included an assessment of the number of painful joints, the number of swollen joints, and a general assessment of pain intensity using a visual analogue scale (100 mm). RA activity was determined using the DAS28 index. We also studied laboratory parameters – the levels of CRP, rheumatoid factor and antibodies to cyclic citrullinated peptide in blood serum.Results and discussion. Comparison of the two groups of patients showed that ultrasound in B-mode and power Doppler mode with eRA and OAH showed more pronounced inflammatory and destructive changes in the wrist joints and small joints of the hands, with the exception of the distal interphalangeal joints (DIPJ). In addition, only in patients of the 1st group there was a close correlation between the enhancement of the Doppler signal and levels of inflammatory markers. Conclusion. eRA compared with OAH is characterized by more pronounced ultrasound signs of inflammatory and destructive changes in the wrist joins and small joints of the hands, with the exception of DIPJ.Цель исследования – сопоставление результатов ультразвукового исследования (УЗИ) лучезапястных суставов (ЛЗС) и мелких суставов кистей с клинической картиной у больных ранним ревматоидным артритом (рРА) и остеоартритом кистей (ОАК).Пациенты и методы. В исследование включено 42 пациента с рРА (1-я группа) и 38 больных с ОАК (2-я группа). Средний возраст больных рРА составил 48,60±14,86 года, продолжительность клинических проявлений – 7,45±1,77 мес, больных ОАК – 54,97±12,45 года и 8,26±1,83 мес соответственно. Соотношение мужчин и женщин в обеих группах было примерно одинаковым, преобладали лица женского пола. У всех пациентов с рРА имелись клинические и инструментально подтвержденные признаки ОА: I, II и III рентгенологическая стадия ОА по Kellgren–Lawrence выявлена у 10 (23,80%), 23 (54,76%) и 9 (21,43%) пациентов соответственно. При эрозивном ОА II и III рентгенологическая стадия диагностирована у 16 (42,10%) и 22 (57,90%) больных соответственно. Всем пациентам проведены УЗИ суставов, а также общеклиническое обследование, включавшее оценку числа болезненных суставов, числа припухших суставов, общую оценку интенсивности боли по визуальной аналоговой шкале (100 мм). Активность РА определялась с помощью индекса DAS28. Изучали также лабораторные показатели – уровни СРБ, ревматоидного фактора и антител к циклическому цитруллинированному пептиду в сыворотке крови.Результаты и обсуждение. Сравнение двух групп пациентов показало, что при УЗИ в В-режиме и режиме энергетического допплера при рРА по сравнению с ОАК отмечались более выраженные воспалительные и деструктивные изменения в ЛЗС и мелких суставах кистей за исключением дистальных межфаланговых суставов (ДМФС). Кроме того, только у пациентов 1-й группы наблюдалась тесная корреляция между усилением мощности допплеровского сигнала и уровнями воспалительных маркеров.Заключение. Для рРА по сравнению с ОАК характерны более выраженные УЗИ-признаки воспалительных и деструктивных изменений в ЛЗС и мелких суставах кистей, за исключением ДМФС

    Capabilities of the GAMMA-400 gamma-ray telescope to detect gamma-ray bursts from lateral directions

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    The currently developing space-based gamma-ray telescope GAMMA-400 will measure the gamma-ray and electrons + positrons fluxes using the main top-down aperture in the energy range from ~20 MeV to several TeV in the highly elliptic orbit (without shadowing the telescope by the Earth and outside the radiation belts) continuously for a long time. The instrument will provide fundamentally new data on discrete gamma-ray sources, gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), sources and propagation of Galactic cosmic rays and signatures of dark matter due to its unique angular and energy resolutions in the wide energy range. The gamma-ray telescope consists of the anticoincidence system (AC), the converter-tracker (C), the time-of-flight system (S1 and S2), the position-sensitive and electromagnetic calorimeters (CC1 and CC2), the top and bottom scintillation detectors of the calorimeter (S3 and S4) and lateral detectors of the calorimeter (LD). In this paper, the capabilities of the GAMMA-400 gamma-ray telescope to measure fluxes of GRBs from lateral directions of CC2 are analyzed using Monte-Carlo simulations. The analysis is based on second-level trigger construction using signals from S3, CC2, S4 and LD detectors. For checking the numerical algorithm the data from space-based GBM and LAT instruments of the Fermi experiment are used, namely, three long bursts: GRB 080916C, GRB 090902B, GRB 090926A and one short burst GRB 090510A. The obtained results allow us to conclude that from lateral directions the GAMMA-400 space-based gamma-ray telescope will reliably measure the spectra of bright GRBs in the energy range from ~10 to ~100 MeV with the effective area of about 0.13 m2 (for each of the four sides of CC2) and total field of view of about 6 sr.Comment: 19 pages, 18 figures, the paper will be submitted to Advances in Space Researc

    Parameters immune status of sicks of chronical relapsing aphtous stomatitis

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    This work is about research immunity at chronical relapsing aphtous stomatitis. Urgency of studying this problem is approved by increasing number of diseases and difficult treatment. The established changes of immunity of patients with CRAS let to prognose current of disease and develop methods of treatment including immunocorrection.Данная работа посвящена вопросу исследования цитокинового профиля при хроническом рецидивирующем афтозном стоматите. Актуальность изучения иммунологических механизмов и их роль в развитии афтозного стоматита связана с увеличением числа рецидивов, длительностью течения и сложностью лечения. В ходе исследования было установлено снижение концентрации гамма-интерферона, увеличение продукции TNF-

    The exeriance of interactive teaching methods on the department of therapeutic dentistry

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    Introduction of Federal state educational standards of education (FGOS IN) on the basis of competence-based approach staticized the importance of use of new educational technologies in the course of training. Much attention is paid to use of innovative, active and interactive methods. In this regard, for realization of kompetenstnostny approach within studying of various disciplines at department of therapeutic stomatology not less than 80% of time allowed for classroom occupations are spent with application of interactive and active forms.Внедрение федеральных государственных образовательных стандартов образования (ФГОС ВО) на основе компетентностного подхода актуализировало значимость применения новых образовательных технологий в процессе обучения. Большое внимание уделяется использованию инновационных, активных и интерактивных методов. В связи с этим для реализации компетентностного подхода в рамках изучения различных дисциплин на кафедре терапевтической стоматологии не менее 80% времени, отведенного на аудиторные занятия, проводится с применением интерактивных и активных форм

    Giant penile melanoma

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    Primary penile melanoma is an extremely rare casuistic pathology associated with a poor prognosis. The article presents a clinical case of massive lesion of the penis with malignant melanoma, and discusses surgical methods for treating this pathology