317 research outputs found

    Modern aspects of implementation economic instruments the environmental policy of Ukraine

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    У статті розглянуто окремі аспекти застосування інструментів екологічної політики. Проаналізовано нормативно-законодавчу базу з питань впровадження економіко-правових інструментів державної екологічної політики. Досліджено стан сучасного механізму екологічного регулювання природокористування та обґрунтовано перспективність діючих інструментів еколого-економічної діяльності суб’єктів господарювання. Запропоновано заходи щодо покращення функціонування механізму природокористування.В статье рассмотрены отдельные аспекты применения инструментов экологической политики. Проанализирована нормативно-законодательная база по вопросам внедрения экономико-правовых инструментов государственной экологической политики. Исследовано состояние современного механизма экологического регулирования природопользования и обоснована перспективность действующих инструментов эколого-экономической деятельности субъектов хозяйствования. Предложены мероприятия по улучшению функционирования механизма природопользования.The article considers the some aspects of environmental policy instruments. The normative-legislative framework regarding the implementation of economic and legal instruments of state environmental policy is analyzed. The state of the modern mechanisms of ecological regulation of wildlife is investigated and the prospects of existing instruments of environmental-economic activities of economic entities is substantiated. Measures to improve the functioning of the mechanism of nature management are proposed

    Methodology for developing an information site with Workflow support for publishing articles

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    The Workflow system is an effective solution to the task of optimizing information flow in the electronic publishing system, which can reduce the number of errors and optimize the process of publishing articles. The purpose of this article was to create a methodology for developing an information site for web publishing. To achieve the goal of the research, scientific methods of generalization, classification, deduction and analysis were used. A problem-solving tree has also been created. The ultimate goal of overcoming this problem is the development of an information site with Workflow support. The study outlines the general structure of sections and subdivisions of the information site. In the context of this article, a methodology was developed to support the process of publishing articles on an information site based on the use of a modern content management system. For this purpose, the key criteria for a basic decision-making model for choosing a content management system were proposed and a rating of free content management systems was given. As a result of the analysis of the proposed criteria, it was concluded that the Joomla tool environment should be used to support web publishing processes. The paper compares the components of the Workflow organization on the information site. An algorithm for selecting a component for organizing the Workflow has been created. In order to create a site with Workflow support for publishing articles, the stages of development were planned, a list of criteria, based on which the development should be carried out, was proposed and a structural diagram for creating such site was given. The limitations of the created methodology for the development of an information site, which may arise in the process of practical implementation and adoption of relevant management decisions, are considered. The practical result of the work is recommendations for web developers to create an information site with Workflow support for publishing article

    The influence of film criticism on the interpretation of the film by the audience

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    The article is devoted to the study of the specificity of the influence of the film criticism on the perception, understanding and evaluation of the film by the audience. The authors consider film criticism in the context of the phenomena of media competence, media education and media enlightenment and designate media-enlightenment potential of the film criticis

    Medieval Coins from the Bolgar Settlement based on the Works in 1970 (from the collections of the State Historical Museum)

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    The article deals with numismatic materials received by the State Historical Musum from Bolgar. Coins were found during archaeological works led by N.D. Aksenova in 1970 in the XXXV excavation. The total number of attributed coins is 43 copies, including 1 Samanid dirham of the XX century, 7 silver and 34 copper Juchid coins, as well as one Nizhny Novgorod copeck. All of them are kept in the State Historical Museum. The coinage of the middle of the XIII century includes 8 copper dinars, in the first quarter of the XIV century, 2 anepigraphic dirhams were issued. 25 puls belong to the period of the second and third trimester, including 4 coins with countermarks of the second half of the XIV century. Three specimens were also found in the excavation, issued at the beginning of the XV century – 2 Bolgar akcha and 1 Nizhny Novgorod copeck. At the end of the paper is a map, indicating the location of the excavation and a photo table, depicting16 coins

    Automation of Formal Verification of Programs in the Pifagor Language

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    Nowadays, due to software sophistication, programs correctness is more often proved by means of formal verification. The method of deduction based on Hoare logic could be used for any programminglanguage and it has the capability of partial automation of the proof process. However, the method of deduction is not widely used for verification of parallel programs because of high complexity of theprocess. The usage of the functional data-flow paradigm of parallel programming allows to decrease the complexity of the proof process. In this article a proof process of correctness of functional data-flow parallel programs in the Pifagor language is considered. The proof process of a program correctness is considered as a tree where each node is a program data-flow graph, whose edges are marked with formulas in a specification language. The tree root is the initial program data-flow graph with a precondition and a postcondition, which describe restrictions on input variables and correctness conditions of the result of the program execution, respectively. Basic transformations of the data-flow graph are edge marking, equivalent transformation, splitting, folding of the program. By means of these transformations the data-flow graph is transformed and finally is reduced to a set of formulas in the specification language. If all these formulas are identically true, the program is correct. Several modules is distinguished in the system: “Program correctness prover”, “Axioms and theorems library management system” and “Errors analysis and output of information about errors”. According to this architecture, the toolkit for supporting formal verification was developed. The main functionality of the system implementation is considered

    Convergência organizacional como a tendência do desenvolvimento moderno de mídia de mass

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    Convergence is а key problem of modern mass media development. It mediates changes in content policy, media products distribution, and economic activity of media. Organizational convergence is one of the types of this phenomenon. It acts to make structural changes both in the media market and within a certain media. The purpose of such changes is to expand the influence of the media on the media market, to reduce the cost of its maintenance and development, and to expand social audience by transmedia distributing of the content. The article is devoted to the problems of understanding the phenomenon of organizational convergence as one of the types of convergence in the modern media environment. It also studies the main ways of building new forms of media organization.La convergencia es un problema clave del desarrollo moderno de los medios de comunicación. Medita los cambios en la política de contenido, la distribución de productos de medios y la actividad económica de los medios. La convergencia organizacional es uno de los tipos de este fenómeno. Actúa para realizar cambios estructurales tanto en el mercado de medios como dentro de ciertos medios. El objetivo de tales cambios es ampliar la influencia de los medios en el mercado de los medios, reducir el costo de su mantenimiento y desarrollo, y expandir la audiencia social mediante la distribución transmedia del contenido. El artículo está dedicado a los problemas de comprensión del fenómeno de la convergencia organizacional como uno de los tipos de convergencia en el entorno de los medios modernos. También estudia las principales maneras de construir nuevas formas de organización de los medios.A convergência é um problema fundamental no desenvolvimento moderno da mídia. Considere as mudanças na política de conteúdo, a distribuição de produtos de mídia e a atividade econômica da mídia. A convergência organizacional é um dos tipos desse fenômeno. Atua para fazer mudanças estruturais tanto no mercado de mídia quanto em certas mídias. O objetivo de tais mudanças é expandir a influência da mídia no mercado de mídia, reduzir o custo de manutenção e desenvolvimento e expandir o público social através da distribuição transmídia de conteúdo. O artigo é dedicado aos problemas de entender o fenômeno da convergência organizacional como um dos tipos de convergência no ambiente da mídia moderna. Também estuda as principais formas de construir novas formas de organização de mídia

    Досвід стратегічного управління розвитком об`єднаних територіальних громад

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    The article identifies the factors, which determine the need for strategic planning of local development in a context of decentralization, namely: reforms or dynamic changes that are taking place today in all spheres of socio-economic and political life in Ukraine; reorientation to new management models due to the need for clear goal-setting and development of projects and programs for achieving goals; amalgamation of communities puts forward the need to create a methodological basis for the independent decision-making on a strategic choice of ways of development, etc. The research is based on the experience of designing and implementing strategies and projects for the development of the amalgamated territorial communities of Dnipropetrovs’k Oblast in which the authors of the publication participated as expert-consultants. The role and specific features of the strategic development management process of the amalgamated territorial communities are described. The corresponding principles of management of the implementation of the strategy of development of the amalgamated territorial community (in particular, providing a meaningful relationship between the strategy and other planning documents; timeliness and prevention; personal responsibility; openness and transparency for the public; current scientific and communication support for the implementation of the strategy; etc.) as well as the role of certain processes and functions in managing the implementation of the strategy are substantiated. The paper shows the importance of the multi-level system of personal responsibility for implementation of strategic priorities - from carrying out of each project from the corresponding portfolio of projects of strategic priorities implementation to responsibility for implementation of the strategy as a whole. In order to ensure efficient management of the strategy implementation, a separate authorized body - Strategy Implementation Management Committee (SIMC) - is suggested to be formed. The functions of the SIMC in the amalgamated territorial communities, which differ in content from the functions of other authorized bodies (working group, strategic committee, etc.) traditionally created to manage the implementation of the strategy of local (regional) development are described. It is grounded the necessity of monitoring and adjusting of certain parameters of the strategy (goals, set of projects, financing, terms of implementation, executors, and expected results, etc.) in case of changes, for example, external environment, loss of relevance of certain strategic or operational goals (projects) or, conversely, new goals (projects), etc. An algorithm for making changes to the strategy summary document is described.Исходя из опыта разработки и реализации стратегий и проектов развития объединенных территориальных громад Днепропетровской области, в которых авторы публикации принимали участие в качестве экспертов-консультантов, определено факторы, которые обуславливают необходимость стратегического планирования местного развития в условиях децентрализации. Охарактеризована роль и специфические особенности процесса управления стратегическим развитием объединенных территориальных громад. Обосновано соответствующие принципы управления реализацией стратегии развития объединенной территориальной громады, а также роль отдельных процессов и функций в управлении реализацией стратегии. Показана важность многоуровневой системы персональной ответственности за реализацию стратегических приоритетов – от выполнения каждого из проектов из соответствующего портфеля проектов реализации стратегических приоритетов, до ответственности за выполнение стратегии в целом. С целью обеспечения эффективного управления реализациею стратегии предложено формирование отдельного уполномоченного органа – Комитета по управлению реализацией стратегии (КУРС). Охарактеризовано функции КУРС в объединенных территориальных громадах, которые несколько отличаются по своему содержанию от функций других уполномоченных на то органов (рабочей группы, стратегического комитета и т.д.), традиционно создаваемых для управления реализацией стратегии местного (регионального) развития. Обосновано необходимость мониторинга и корректировки отдельных параметров стратегии (цель, набор проектов, финансирование, сроки реализации, исполнители, ожидаемые результаты и т.д.) в случае изменений, например, внешней среды, потери актуальности определенной стратегической или операционной цели (проекта), или, напротив, приобретение актуальности новой целью (проектом) и т.п. Охарактеризован алгоритм внесения изменений к итоговому документу стратегии.Виходячи з досвіду розробки та реалізації стратегій та проектів розвитку об’єднаних територіальних громад Дніпропетровської області, у яких автори публікації брали участь у якості експертів-консультантів, визначено фактори, які обумовлюють необхідність стратегічного планування місцевого розвитку в умовах децентралізації. Охарактеризовано роль та специфічні особливості процесу управління стратегічним розвитком об’єднаних територіальних громад. Обґрунтовано відповідні принципи управління реалізацією стратегії розвитку об’єднаної територіальної громади, а також роль окремих процесів та функцій в управлінні реалізацією стратегії. Показано важливість багаторівневої системи персональної відповідальності за реалізацію стратегічних пріоритетів – від виконання кожного з проектів із відповідного портфелю проектів реалізації стратегічних пріоритетів, до відповідальності за виконання стратегії у цілому. З метою забезпечення ефективного управління реалізацію стратегії запропоновано формування окремого уповноваженого органу – Комітету з управління реалізацією стратегії (КУРС). Охарактеризовано функції КУРС в об’єднаних територіальних громадах, які дещо відрізняються за своїм змістом від функцій інших уповноважених на те органів (робочої групи, стратегічного комітету тощо), традиційно створюваних для управління реалізацією стратегії місцевого (регіонального) розвитку. Обґрунтовано необхідність моніторингу та корегування окремих параметрів стратегії (цілі, набір проектів, фінансування, терміни реалізації, виконавці, очікувані результати тощо) у випадку змін, наприклад, зовнішнього середовища, втрати актуальності визначених стратегічних чи операційних цілей (проектів) або, навпаки, набуття актуальності новими цілями (проектами) тощо. Охарактеризовано алгоритм внесення змін до підсумкового документу стратегії

    The role of a2ß1 integrin in anchorage dependent apoptosis of breast carcinoma and hepatoma cells

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    The role of collagen specific a2ß1 integrin in anchorage dependent apoptosis (anoikis) was investigated. Stimulation of a2ß1 signaling with immobilized anti-a2 antibody markedly sensitized human MCF-7 breast carcinoma and HepG2 hepatoma cells to anoikis. Accordingly, down-regulation of a2ß1 by a2-specific siRNA decreased the percentage of cells undergoing anoikis. These results for the first time provide direct evidence that a2ß1 receptor can transduce the signal to promote death in matrix deprived cells


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    Aim. To investigate effects of acute physical exercise of varying intensity on lipid metabolism in middle aged men.Material and methods. Two bouts of physical exercise of moderate and high intensity were performed in 54 clinically healthy men aged 30-45 y.o. without obesity with subsequent assessment of lipid profile (total cholesterol, high density lipoprotein cholesterol, triglyceride levels, and atherogenic index). Effect of physical exercise on the lipid profile as studied both in the whole group and in subjects with and without insulin resistance.Results. Acute physical exercise of moderate and high intensity produced beneficial effects on lipid parameters (increase in cholesterol of high density lipoprotein level and reduction of atherogenic index). Increased intensity of physical exercise caused more prominent improvement of lipid profile in subjects without insulin resistance. However subjects with insulin resistance had weaker response to physical exercise than individuals without insulin resistance did and increased intensity of physical exercise did not cause significant improvement of lipid parameters in subjects with insulin resistance.Conclusion. Response to moderate or high intensive physical exercise may depend on baseline metabolic profile. It should be taken into account under development of preventive programs for modifying risk factors of cardio-vascular diseases and type 2 diabetes mellitus