16 research outputs found

    Relationship Between Attrition Faces and Signs of TMD

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    Smatra se da su brusne fasete znak funkcijskih i parafunkcijskih aktivnosti, te ih nalazimo na okluzalnim i incizalnim plohama zuba obično kao posljedicu procesa atricije. Brusne fasete razlikuju se opsegom i pozicijom na zubima. Bruksizam, kao parafunkcijska aktivnost, smatra se jednim od etioloških čimbenika za nastanak disfunkcije stomatognatoga sustava. Cilj rada bio je istražiti moguću povezanost između pojavnosti brusnih faseta, kao znak bruksizma, i znakova temporomandibularne disfunkcije. Temeljem nalaza brusnih faseta nakon izvršena kliničkog pregleda izdvojeno je 100 ispitanika, određenih za daljnje istraživanje. Opsežnost brusnih faseta procjenjivana je modificiranim indeksom Pullingera i Seligmana: stupanj 0 = nema vidljive atricije; 1 = minimalna atricija kvržica ili incizalnih bridova (u caklini); 2 = fasete usporedne s normalnim područjima kontura ploha (caklina); 3 = zamjetna zaravnjenja kvržica ili incizalnih bridova (caklina); 4 = potpuni gubitak kontura ploha/bridova i ekspozicija dentina do polovice visine nekadašnje krune zuba; 5 = potpuni gubitak kontura i ekspozicija dentina za više od polovice nekadašnje krune zuba. Svi ispitanici podvrgnuti su kliničkim ispitivanjima kako bi se utvrdilo postojanja znakova TMD-a. Rezultati su pokazali da ne postoji statistički znatna povezanost između znakova TMD-a i pojavnosti brusnih faseta te ni između znakova TMD-a i opsežnosti brusnih faseta. Rezultati ovoga istraživanja slažu se s ostalim recentnim studijama da brusne fasete nisu pouzdan pokazatelj za procjenjvanje funkcijskog stanja stomatognatoga sustava. Ovim istraživanjem nije utvrđeno postojanje povezanosti između pojavnosti brusnih faseta i znakova temporomandibularne disfunkcije.Attrition faces are usually seen on the occlusal or incisal surfaces of teeth worn by attrition. They are considered to be a sign of functional and parafunctional activities, and can differ by wideness and position on the teeth. Bruxizm, as a parafunctional activity, is considered to be a risk factor for dysfunction of the masticatory system. The aim of the study was to investigate the possible relationship between attritional faces, as a sign of bruxizm, and signs of temporomandibular dysfunction. By clinical examination, a group of 100 subjects was selected for trial, based on findings of attritional faces. The severity of attrition faces was quantified on a fivepoint scale ( modified assessment for determination of incisal tooth wear according to Pullinger and Seligman: 0 = no visible tooth wear; 1 = minimal wear of cusps or incisal tips (enamel); 2 = faces parallel to normal planes of contour (enamel); 3 = noticeable flattening of cusp or incisal edges (enamel); 4 = total loss of contour and dental exposure when identifiable (dentin exposure up to half of former crown of tooth): 5 = total loss of contour and dental exposure over half of former crown of tooth). Selected subjects were then examined by standard procedure to investigate the presence of TMD signs. Results showed that there was no statistical significance between signs of TMD and presence of attrition faces, and neither between signs of TMD and severity of attrition faces. Results of this study are compatible with other recent investigations, which show that attrition faces are not a reliable sign for assessing the functional status of the masticatory system. According to this investigation there is no association between attrition faces and signs of temporomandibular dysfunction

    Anterior Tooth Relationship in Cuspid Protected and Group Function Occlusion

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    OBJECTIVE OF INVESTIGATION: The aim of the study was to determine anterior tooth relationship (overbite and overjet) according to the type of occlusion (canine guided, group function). METHODS: A total of 111 test subjects (56 men and 55 women, mean 23.9 years of age) were examined, and it was determined that they have occlusional conception. The relationship of the front teeth in the position of maximum intercuspidation was evaluated by a portable meter. RESULTS: By analysing the obtained results of vertical overjet and horizontal overbite of the front teeth, we concluded that there was significant statistic difference in the amount of the vertical overjet with regard to occlusional conception (t=6.669, p=0.00001). Average value of the vertical overjet in examinees with occlusion lead by the canine was 2.22+0.09 mm, while in examinees with group function it was 1.58+0.26 mm. No significant statistical difference was found by analysing vertical overjet with regard to gender. No significant statistical difference between the groups was found by comparing the results of horizontal overbite of frontal teeth with regard to occlusional concepcion and gender. Average value of horizontal overjet was 1.62+0.29 mm. CONCLUSION: Subjects with canine guided occlusion have significantly and statistically bigger overjet of frontal teeth

    Influence of Smoking on the Stomatognathic System in Women With Diabetes

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    Šećerna je bolest metabolička bolest koja nastaje kao posljedica poremećaja u stvaranju i lučenju inzulina ili njegovu djelovanju. Kod tako oslabljena organizma pušenje duhana vjerojatno više oštećuje stomatognati sustav nego u zdravih osoba. Žene s potvrđenom dijagnozom šećerne bolesti (N = 90) podijeljene su u dvije skupine: žene fertilne dobi (N = 51) te žene u menopauzi i postmenopauzi (N = 39). Sve su žene ispunile anketni list s općim podatcima i pitanjem o pušenju. Izvršen je klinički pregled s pomoću stomatološkoga zrcala i parodontne sonde. Vrjednovan je klinički nalaz zubnoga statusa, gingive i parodonta (indeks krvarećeg sulkusa i dubina parodontnih džepova) te stanje oralne sluznice. Pušenje nije statistički znatno utjecalo na zubni status ni u fertilnih žena ni u žena u menopauzi i postmenopauzi. (p > 0,05). Klinički nalaz gingive i parodonta statistički se znatno razlikovao samo u žena u menopauzi i postmenopauzi (*p 0,05). Klinički nalaz oralne sluznice analiziran je samo u dobnoj skupini menopauza i postmenopauza. Razlika je bila statistički znatna (*p < 0,05). U skupini fertilnih žena raščlamba nije izvršena zbog premalog broja podataka. Oslabljeni imunološki sustav zbog zajedničkoga djelovanja šećerne bolesti, pušenja i nedostatka ženskih spolnih hormona (u menopauzi i postmenopauzi) znatno oštećuje oralnu sluznicu, gingivu i parodont. Vjerojatni razlog tomu je njihova čvrsta povezanost osobito hematogenim putem s ostalim dijelovima organizma. Pušenje nije znatno utjecalo na tvrda zubna tkiva vjerojatno zbog njihove anorganske naravi i kompaktnosti građe.The aim of the study was to check the influence of smoking on the stomatognathic system in women with diabetes. Diabetes is metabolic disease that occurs as a result of disorders in creation or secretion of insulin, or its effect. On a weakened organism smoking will probably do more harm on the stomatognathic system then on a healthy one. Women with confirmed diagnosis of diabetes (N = 90) were divided into 2 groups: fertile women (N = 51) and women in the menopause and postmenopause (N = 39). All women completed the given paper forms on general data and their smoking habits. A clinical examination was performed using a stomatological mirror and parodontal probe. Clinical findings of the dental status, gingiva, parodontal tissue (bleeding sulcus index and depth of parodontal pockets) and the status of oral muscosa were evalued. Smoking did not show statistically significant influence on the dental status either on fertile women or on women in the menopause and postmenopause (p > 0.05). Clinical findings of the gingiva and parodontal tissue showed statistically significant difference in women in the menopause and postmenopause (*p 0.05). Clinical findings of oral muscosa were only analyzed in the age group of menopausal and postmenopausal women. The difference was statistically significant (*p < 0.05). In the group of fertile women analysis was not performed due to the small number of specimens. Weakened immunological system due to the synergistic influence of diabetes, smoking and the lack of feminine sex hormones (in the menopause and postmenopause) significantly damages oral muscosa, gingiva and parodontal tissue. The probable explanation was their firm correlation especially throughtout the blood circulation with the other parts of the organism. Smoking did not significantly influence the hard dental tissue, probably because of its inorganic origin and compact structure

    A new classification of resin-based aesthetic adhesive materials

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    The purpose of this article is to illustrate a new classification of resin based aesthetic materials laying on the characterization of their matrix and their filler morphology. Four samples per material have been prepared for SEM evaluation. Each sample has been treated with chloroform to dissolve its matrix in order to evidence the filler morphology. A general schema of four different matrix systems which characterize the material’s level of hydrophobicity can be put in evidence. The subsequent filler analysis individuates a more complex schema based on filler size and construction. A new classification based on matrix nature and filler morphology has been proposed. Based on this concept mechanical and aesthetic characteristics of the materials can be presumed

    Influence of mechanical and chemical degradation on surface gloss of resin composite materials

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    Purpose: To determine the changes in surface gloss of different composite materials after simulation of mechanical and chemical aging mechanisms. Methods: 36 specimens were fabricated for each material and polished with 120-, 220-, 500-, 1200-, 2400- and 4000- grit SiC abrasive paper, respectively. Gloss measurements were made with a glossmeter (Novo-Curve) prior to testing procedures. Specimens of each material were randomly divided into three groups. Group 1 was conditioned for 7 days at 37 degrees C in 75% ethanol aqueous solution. Group 2 was immersed in fluoride gel (Elmex Gelée) at 37 degrees C for 1 hour. Group 3 was subjected to simulated toothbrushing with an electric toothbrush while being immersed in toothpaste. Surface gloss measurements were made subsequently. Results: Significant difference between surface gloss of the composite materials tested were detected after simulated brushing (Kruskal Wallis, P < 0.05). With the exception of Filtek Silorane, all composite materials tested were significantly affected by immersion in Elmex Gelèe (Wilcoxon signed-rank test, P < 0.05). Immersion in 75% alcohol aqueous solution significantly affected surface gloss except natural enamel and Durafill (Wilcoxon signed-rank test, P< 0.05)

    Influence of mechanical and chemical degradation on surface gloss of resin composite materials

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    Purpose: To determine the changes in surface gloss of different composite materials after simulation of mechanical and chemical aging mechanisms. Methods: 36 specimens were fabricated for each material and polished with 120-, 220-, 500-, 1200-, 2400- and 4000- grit SiC abrasive paper, respectively. Gloss measurements were made with a glossmeter (Novo-Curve) prior to testing procedures. Specimens of each material were randomly divided into three groups. Group 1 was conditioned for 7 days at 37 degrees C in 75% ethanol aqueous solution. Group 2 was immersed in fluoride gel (Elmex Gelée) at 37 degrees C for 1 hour. Group 3 was subjected to simulated toothbrushing with an electric toothbrush while being immersed in toothpaste. Surface gloss measurements were made subsequently. Results: Significant difference between surface gloss of the composite materials tested were detected after simulated brushing (Kruskal Wallis, P < 0.05). With the exception of Filtek Silorane, all composite materials tested were significantly affected by immersion in Elmex Gelèe (Wilcoxon signed-rank test, P < 0.05). Immersion in 75% alcohol aqueous solution significantly affected surface gloss except natural enamel and Durafill (Wilcoxon signed-rank test, P< 0.05)