13,884 research outputs found

    QED effects in molecules: test on rotational quantum states of H2_2

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    Quantum electrodynamic effects have been systematically tested in the progression of rotational quantum states in the X1Σg+,v=0X ^{1}\Sigma_{g}^{+}, v=0 vibronic ground state of molecular hydrogen. High-precision Doppler-free spectroscopy of the EF1Σg+−X1Σg+EF ^{1}\Sigma_{g}^{+} - X ^{1}\Sigma_{g}^{+} (0,0) band was performed with 0.005 cm−1^{-1} accuracy on rotationally-hot H2_2 (with rotational quantum states J up to 16). QED and relativistic contributions to rotational level energies as high as 0.13 cm−1^{-1} are extracted, and are in perfect agreement with recent calculations of QED and high-order relativistic effects for the H2_2 ground state.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, to be published in Physical Review Letter

    Colliders and Brane Vector Phenomenology

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    Brane world oscillations manifest themselves as massive vector gauge fields. Their coupling to the Standard Model is deduced using the method of nonlinear realizations of the spontaneously broken higher dimensional space-time symmetries. Brane vectors are stable and weakly interacting, and therefore escape particle detectors unnoticed. LEP and Tevatron data on the production of a single photon in conjunction with missing energy are used to delineate experimentally excluded regions of brane vector parameter space. The additional region of parameter space accessible to the LHC as well as a future lepton linear collider is also determined by means of this process.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figure

    Two Anderson impurities in a 2D host with Rashba spin-orbit interaction

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    We have studied the two-dimensional two-impurity Anderson model with additional Rashba spin-orbit interaction by means of the modified perturbation theory. The impurity Green's functions we have constructed exactly reproduce the first four spectral moments. We discuss the height and the width of the even/odd Kondo peaks as functions of the inter-impurity distance and the Rashba energy ERE_R (the strength of the Rashba spin-orbit interaction). For small impurity separations the Kondo temperature shows a non-monotonic dependence on ERE_R being different in the even and the odd channel. We predict that the Kondo temperature has only almost linear dependence on ERE_R and not an exponential increase with ERE_RComment: To be published in Phys. Rev.


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    The aim of the study was to establish the effect of the leaf treatments with Immunocytophyte on the content, yield and chemical composition of the essential oil distilled from dry leaf and stems biomass and flower spikes of common basil, ‘Trakia’ cultivar. The experiment was carried out in the period 2007-2009 on the Training-and-Experimental fields of the Agricultural University – Plovdiv, set by the block plot design in four replications, the plot size being 20 m2. The following variants were studied: 1) Control; 2) 0.5 tablet per 50 m2, 3) 1 tablet per 50 m2, 4) 1.5 tablet per 50 m2, applied three times during the vegetation period before flowering of the second-order branches after basic fertilization with 16 kg/da of nitrogen (applied three times) and irrigation to 80-100% of water holding capacity. The results showed that the application of Immunocytophyte had a negative effect on the essential oil content. Nevertheless, higher essential oil yields were obtained in the treated variants thanks to the higher yield of dry matter. The major components of the essential oil distilled from dry leaf and stem biomass and flower spikes are linalool, limonene, methyl chavicol and methyl cinnamate

    Joint probability calculation of the lateral velocity distribution in strong field ionization process

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    We describe an approach to the description of the time-development of the process of strong field ionization of atoms based on the calculation of the joint probability of occurrence of two events, event B being finding atom in the ionized state after the end of the laser pulse, event A being finding a particular value of a given physical observable at a moment of time inside the laser pulse duration. As an example of such an physical observable we consider lateral velocity component of the electron's velocity. Our approach allows us to study time-evolution of the lateral velocity distribution for the ionized electron during the interval of the laser pulse duration. We present results of such a study for the cases of target atomic systems with short range Yukawa and Coulomb interactions
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