1,702 research outputs found

    Q**2-dependence of semi-inclusive electron-nucleus scattering and nucleon-nucleon correlations

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    We analize semi-inclusive electron-nucleus processes e+A->e'+h+X at moderate Q**2 and energy transfer nu. Our results show that nucleons bound in the nuclear medium are distributed according to a function f_A that reduces to the standard light-cone distribution in the Bjorken limit and exhibits a sizeable Q**2-dependence at lower Q**2, particular Q**2 is order of nu**2.Comment: 8 pages of LaTeX-text and 2 figure ps-file

    Generation linewidth of an auto-oscillator with a nonlinear frequency shift: Spin-torque nano-oscillator

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    It is shown that the generation linewidth of an auto-oscillator with a nonlinear frequency shift (i.e. an auto-oscillator in which frequency depends on the oscillation amplitude) is substantially larger than the linewidth of a conventional quasi-linear auto-oscillator due to the renormalization of the phase noise caused by the nonlinearity of the oscillation frequency. The developed theory, when applied to a spin-torque nano-contact auto-oscillator, predicts a minimum of the generation linewidth when the nano-contact is magnetized at a critical angle to its plane, corresponding to the minimum nonlinear frequency shift, in good agreement with recent experiments.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    The Ground State of the ``Frozen'' Electron Phase in Two-Dimensional Narrow-Band Conductors with a Long-Range Interelectron Repulsion. Stripe Formation and Effective Lowering of Dimension

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    In narrow-band conductors a weakly screened Coulomb interelectron repulsion can supress narrow-band electrons' hopping, resulting in formation of a ``frozen'' electron phase which differs principally from any known macroscopic self-localized electron state including the Wigner crystal. In a zero-bandwidth limit the ``frozen'' electron phase is a classical lattice system with a long-range interparticle repulsion. The ground state of such systems has been considered in the case of two dimensions for an isotropic pair potential of the mutual particle repulsion. It has been shown that particle ordering into stripes and effective lowering of dimension universally resides in the ground state for any physically reasonable pair potential and for any geometry of the conductor lattice. On the basis of this fact a rigorous general procedure to fully describe the ground state has been formulated. Arguments have been adduced that charge ordering in High-T_c superconductors testifies to presence of a ``frozen'' electron phase in these systems.Comment: 5 pages, LaTeX 2.09, 1 figure in external PostScript files. To appear in Phys.Rev B Rapid Communication

    Solar wind-magnetosphere coupling and the distant magnetotail: ISEE-3 observations

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    ISEE-3 Geotail observations are used to investigate the relationship between the interplanetary magnetic field, substorm activity, and the distant magnetotail. Magnetic field and plasma observations are used to present evidence for the existence of a quasi-permanent, curved reconnection neutral line in the distant tail. The distance to the neutral line varies from absolute value of X = 120 to 140 R/sub e near the center of the tail to beyond absolute value of X = 200 R/sub e at the flanks. Downstream of the neutral line the plasma sheet magnetic field is shown to be negative and directly proportional to negative B/sub z in the solar wind as observed by IMP-8. V/sub x in the distant plasma sheet is also found to be proportional to IMF B/sub z with southward IMF producing the highest anti-solar flow velocities. A global dayside reconnection efficiency of 20 +- 5% is derived from the ISEE-3/IMP-8 magnetic field comparisons. Substorm activity, as measured by the AL index, produces enhanced negative B/sub z and tailward V/sub x in the distant plasma sheet in agreement with the basic predictions of the reconnection-based models of substorms. The rate of magnetic flux transfer out of the tail as a function of AL is found to be consistent with previous near-Earth studies. Similarly, the mass and energy fluxes carried by plasma sheet flow down the tail are consistent with theoretical mass and energy budgets for an open magnetosphere. In summary, the ISEE-3 Geotail observations appear to provide good support for reconnection models of solar wind-magnetosphere coupling and substorm energy rates

    Non-resonant wave front reversal of spin waves used for microwave signal processing

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    It is demonstrated that non-resonant wave front reversal (WFR) of spin-wave pulses caused by pulsed parametric pumping can be effectively used for microwave signal processing. When the frequency band of signal amplification by pumping is narrower than the spectral width of the signal, the non-resonant WFR can be used for the analysis of the signal spectrum. In the opposite case the non-resonant WFR can be used for active (with amplification) filtering of the input signal.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Global characteristics of nucleus-nucleus collisions in an ultrarelativistic domain

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    The global observable distributions of nucleus-nucleus collisions at a high energy are studied. It is shown that these distributions are sensitive to interaction dynamics and can be used to investigate the evolution of dense nuclear matter. On the LHC energy scale ( square root s/sub NN/=5 TeV in the heavy-ion mode), a central bump over the pseudorapidity plateau in jet quenc