24 research outputs found

    Iterated Differential Forms II: Riemannian Geometry Revisited

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    A natural extension of Riemannian geometry to a much wider context is presented on the basis of the iterated differential form formalism developed in math.DG/0605113 and an application to general relativity is given.Comment: 12 pages, extended version of the published note Dokl. Math. 73, n. 2 (2006) 18

    A unified approach to computation of integrable structures

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    We expose (without proofs) a unified computational approach to integrable structures (including recursion, Hamiltonian, and symplectic operators) based on geometrical theory of partial differential equations. We adopt a coordinate based approach and aim to provide a tutorial to the computations.Comment: 19 pages, based on a talk on the SPT 2011 conference, http://www.sptspt.it/spt2011/ ; v2, v3: minor correction

    Algebraic properties of Gardner's deformations for integrable systems

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    An algebraic definition of Gardner's deformations for completely integrable bi-Hamiltonian evolutionary systems is formulated. The proposed approach extends the class of deformable equations and yields new integrable evolutionary and hyperbolic Liouville-type systems. An exactly solvable two-component extension of the Liouville equation is found.Comment: Proc. conf. "Nonlinear Physics: Theory and Experiment IV" (Gallipoli, 2006); Theor. Math. Phys. (2007) 151:3/152:1-2, 16p. (to appear

    Symmetry classification of third-order nonlinear evolution equations. Part I: Semi-simple algebras

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    We give a complete point-symmetry classification of all third-order evolution equations of the form ut=F(t,x,u,ux,uxx)uxxx+G(t,x,u,ux,uxx)u_t=F(t,x,u,u_x, u_{xx})u_{xxx}+G(t,x,u,u_x, u_{xx}) which admit semi-simple symmetry algebras and extensions of these semi-simple Lie algebras by solvable Lie algebras. The methods we employ are extensions and refinements of previous techniques which have been used in such classifications.Comment: 53 page

    Lower-order ODEs to determine new twisting type N Einstein spaces via CR geometry

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    In the search for vacuum solutions, with or without a cosmological constant, of the Einstein field equations of Petrov type N with twisting principal null directions, the CR structures to describe the parameter space for a congruence of such null vectors provide a very useful tool. A work of Hill, Lewandowski and Nurowski has given a good foundation for this, reducing the field equations to a set of differential equations for two functions, one real, one complex, of three variables. Under the assumption of the existence of one Killing vector, the (infinite-dimensional) classical symmetries of those equations are determined and group-invariant solutions are considered. This results in a single ODE of the third order which may easily be reduced to one of the second order. A one-parameter class of power series solutions, g(w), of this second-order equation is realized, holomorphic in a neighborhood of the origin and behaving asymptotically as a simple quadratic function plus lower-order terms for large values of w, which constitutes new solutions of the twisting type N problem. The solution found by Leroy, and also by Nurowski, is shown to be a special case in this class. Cartan's method for determining equivalence of CR manifolds is used to show that this class is indeed much more general. In addition, for a special choice of a parameter, this ODE may be integrated once, to provide a first-order Abel equation. It can also determine new solutions to the field equations although no general solution has yet been found for it.Comment: 28 page