187 research outputs found

    Histochemical evaluation of protein oxidative modification in fibrinoid of the placenta, depending on calcium deposits, combined with iron deficiency anemia of pregnancy

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    Introduction. Both calcium and iron significantly affect the level of free radical processes. The aim of the study was to determine the levels of protein oxidative modification in fibrinoid of placenta of different localization areas, depending on the variants of calcium deposits, based on histochemical methods of bromophenol blue staining of proteins into „acidic“ and „basic“ by Mikel Calvo with quantitative assessment of results by means of computed microspectrophotometry. Materials and methods. 164 cases of placental calcification, including 84 cases of iron deficiency anemia in pregnancy (IDAP) and 80 cases of pregnancy without anemia, were studied. Histochemical method of bromophenol blue into „acidic“ and „basic“ proteins by Mikel Calvo with the quantitative assessment of the staining results was performed by use of computed microspectrophotometry on the digital copy of the image with the fibrinoid areas in the computed program „ImageJ“. Results. The differences between the average indicator R/B, which is the measure of protein oxidative modification, were discovered both in fibrinoid as a part of the chorionic tree and in the basal plate of the placenta in particular types of calcium deposits. Conclusion. According to the histochemical study, pregnancies with iron deficiency anemia were characterized by fibrinoid with deposits of calcium type II and type IV (fine-granular deposits) both in chorial tree and in the basal plate of the placenta, where the protein oxidative modification processes increase compared to those without anemia


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    Проведено гістохімічне дослідження на «кислі» та «основні» білки з бромфеноловим синім за Mikel Calvo у тканині протокової карциноми та фіброаденоми грудної залози з кількісною оцінкою забарвлення методом комп’ютерної мікроспектрофотометрії. Встановлено наступне. Протокова карцинома характеризується переважанням «кислих» білків над «основними» білками в пухлинних епітеліальних клітинах та сполучно-тканинних волокнах різних локалізацій. При цьому, переважання «кислих» білків найбільш виражене в сполучно-тканинних волокнах перитуморозної зони, а найменше – в пухлинних епітеліальних клітинах. Також важливо, що має місце більш помітне переважання «кислих» білків над «основними» в сполучно-тканинних волокнах строми пухлини зони ІІ у порівнянні із зоною І. При фіброаденомі на відміну від протокової карциноми співвідношення між «кислими» та «основними» білками в пухлинних епітеліальних клітинах у середньому приблизно рівне, хоча у окремих жінок може бути інакшим. У перитуморозній зоні в сполучно-тканинних волокнах переважають «кислі» білки, а в сполучно-тканинних волокнах строми пухлини переважають «основні білки»

    Sustainment of High-Beta Mirror Plasma by Neutral Beams

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    The report presents two experiments carried out in Budker Institute for obtaining the maximum plasma beta (ratio of the plasma pressure to magnetic field pressure) in axially symmetric magnetic field. The experiments are based on injection of powerful focused neutral beams with high neutral power density in the plasma. The produced fast ion population significantly increases the plasma pressure. It the axially symmetric GDT experiment (Gas Dynamic Trap) the plasma beta exceeded 0.6 at the fast ion turning points. The CAT experiment (Compact Axisymmetric Toroid) is being prepared for obtaining a plasmoid with extremely high diamagnetism in axially symmetric magnetic field. Reversal of magnetic field in the plasmoid is possible in this experiment


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    The principals and approaches of design of intelligent systems are described. The proposed approach based on the concept of the semantic model of intellectual reference system and used encoding information semantic network. Proposed principles are illustrated by the development of a particular class of information systems - GIS-systems.Рассмотрены принципы и подходы к проектированию интеллектуальных справочных систем. В основу предлагаемого подхода положено понятие семантической модели интеллектуальной справочной системы и кодирование информации с использованием семантической сети. Предложенные в работе принципы иллюстрируются на примере разработки отдельного класса справочных систем - геоинформационных систем


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    Byelorussian tatars appeared in the territory of modern Belarus not later than the end of the 14th century and they are thought to be descendants of the inhabitants of the Golden Horde. Genetic relationships between Byelorussian Tatars and other Turkic peoples, as well as modern Byelorussians are not well understood. In order to address this question we studied the genetic structure of the population of Byelorussian Tatars using Y-chromosomal biallelic and STR markers. The study revealed the presence of genetic components typical for the populations of Northern and Southern Caucasus, Central Asia, and South Siberia.Белорусские (литовские) татары – потомки выходцев из Золотой Орды, которые поселились на территории современной Беларуси не позднее конца XIV в. Вопрос об их генетической связи с другими народами, населявшими Золотую Орду или возникшими после ее распада, остается практически неизученным, равно как и вопрос о взаимном влиянии генофондов белорусов и белорусских татар. Нами было проведено исследование генетической структуры популяции белорусских татар по биаллельным и STR-маркерам Y-хромосомы. В генофонде белорусских татар были обнаружены варианты Y-хромосомы, характерные для популяций Кавказа, Закавказья, Средней Азии, Южной Сибири, а также Восточной Европы, что говорит о том, что предковая по отношению к белорусским татарам популяция была изначально гетерогенна, либо что на этногенез татар повлияло несколько независимых миграций из разных регионов

    The nutrition and health status of residents of the northern regions of russia: Outlook of vertical agricultural farms

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    This paper is dedicated to studying the nutrition, health status and food provision of the people living the northern regions of Russia. The authors developed a concept of comprehensive interdisciplinary research of traditional and innovative behavioral practices of actors in the northern regions of Russia in the field of food production and consumption in order to study the structure of nutrition of the population, its health status and the technologies that are used to provide the people with food products. The interdisciplinary comprehensive research applied the following methods: (a) statistical method; (b) sociological method of mass survey; (c) sociological method of expert interviews; (d) method of feasibility study; (e) method of mathematical modeling. According to the results of the analysis, the nutrition of the people living in the norther regions is characterized by insufficient consumption of fresh vegetables, meat and processed meat, fish and seafood, milk and dairy products, some vitamins and bio-elements (such as selenium, calcium) and excessive consumption of saturated fats and flour products. The following problems related to providing the population of the northern regions of Russia with food products were identified: The agriculture in almost all northern regions of Russia has negative profitability; imported food products and food ingredients are mostly used; there are drawbacks of logistics, transportation and storage of food products; the natural and climate conditions are unfavorable for traditional agriculture. The paper substantiates the economic, environmental, social, and political advantages of highly automated agro-industrial complex of vertical farming as an alternative method for providing food security of the inhabitants of the northern regions of Russia. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.The paper is based on research carried out with the financial support of the grant of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR), project number 20-011-00087 (Institutional factors and forms of rural development)


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    The front of electromagnetic wave generated by coherent sources of radiation from two points of space is analyzed in the article. General expressions are obtained that allow to estimate the directions of the arrival of the wave at a point in the space where the observer is situated (the angle-system), depending on the parameters of the radiators system. It is shown that the obtained relations for some particular cases coincide with the expressions presented in known publications on the subject under consideration.В статье рассматривается анализ фазового фронта электромагнитной волны, создаваемой когерентными источниками излучения из двух точек пространства. Получены общие выражения, позволяющие оценить направления прихода волны в некоторую точку пространства, где расположен наблюдатель (угломерная система), в зависимости от параметров системы излучателей. Показано, что полученные соотношения для некоторых частных случаев совпадают с выражениями, представленными в известных публикациях по рассматриваемой тематике

    A new accuracy measure based on bounded relative error for time series forecasting

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    Many accuracy measures have been proposed in the past for time series forecasting comparisons. However, many of these measures suffer from one or more issues such as poor resistance to outliers and scale dependence. In this paper, while summarising commonly used accuracy measures, a special review is made on the symmetric mean absolute percentage error. Moreover, a new accuracy measure called the Unscaled Mean Bounded Relative Absolute Error (UMBRAE), which combines the best features of various alternative measures, is proposed to address the common issues of existing measures. A comparative evaluation on the proposed and related measures has been made with both synthetic and real-world data. The results indicate that the proposed measure, with user selectable benchmark, performs as well as or better than other measures on selected criteria. Though it has been commonly accepted that there is no single best accuracy measure, we suggest that UMBRAE could be a good choice to evaluate forecasting methods, especially for cases where measures based on geometric mean of relative errors, such as the geometric mean relative absolute error, are preferred

    The study of organelle DNA variability in alloplasmic barley lines in the NGS era

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    Alloplasmic lines are a suitable model for studying molecular coevolution and interrelations between genetic systems of plant cells. Whole chloroplast (cp) and mitochondrial (mt) genome sequences were obtained by the MiSeq System (Illumina). Organelle DNA samples were prepared from a set of 12 alloplasmic barley lines with different cytoplasms of Hordeum vulgare ssp. spontaneum and H. vulgare ssp. vulgare, as well as from their paternal varieties. A bioinformatic approach for analysis of NGS data obtained on an organellar DNA mix has been developed and verified. A comparative study of Hordeum organelle genomes' variability and disposition of polymorphic loci was conducted. Eight types of chloroplast DNA and 5 types of mitochondrial DNA were distinguished for the barley sample set examined. These results were compared with the previous data of a restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) study of organelle DNAs for the same material. Formerly established data about a field evaluation of alloplasmic barley lines were revised in the light of information about organelle genomes gained after NGS. Totally 17 polymorphic loci were found at exons of chloroplast genomes. Seven of the SNPs were located in the genes of the Ndh complex. The nonsynonymous changes of nucleotides were detected in the matK, rpoCI, ndhK, ndhG and infA genes. Some of the SNPs detected are very similar in codon position and in the type of amino acid substitution to the places where RNA editing can occur. Thus, these results outline new perspectives for the future study of nuclear-cytoplasmic interactions in alloplasmic lines


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    Belarusian Tatars are an ethnic group with an interesting population history: being descendants of the Golden Horde inhabitants, Belarusian Tatars have been living in the territory of present-day Belarus, Lithuania and Poland for 6 centuries. To figure out their phylogenetic relationships with other peoples, as well as the intensity of gene flow with the host population we have studied the mitochondrial DNA gene pool of Belarusian Tatars. Our data suggest an admixed nature of their matrilineal gene pool with some lineages being phylogenetically close to lineages from Siberia and Central Asia, while others having a Western-Eurasian origin. There is also evidence of women-driven gene flow from the Belarusians to the Belarusian Tatars.Белорусские татары – потомки переселенцев из Золотой Орды, проживающие на территории современной Беларуси уже более шести столетий, представляют собой народ с интересной популяционной историей. Для выявления их филогенетической близости с другими этносами, а также интенсивности генетического обмена с хозяйской популяцией нами было предпринято изучение генофонда белорусских татар по маркерам митохондриальной ДНК. Полученные результаты позволяют говорить о смешанном происхождении пула мтДНК белорусских татар: часть гаплотипов филогенетически близки к мтДНК из популяций Сибири и Центральной Азии, в то время как другая часть имеет западно-евразийское происхождение. Также найдены свидетельства потока генов по женской линии от белорусов к белорусским татарам