7,587 research outputs found

    COVID-19 as a Possible Cause of Functional Exhaustion of CD4 and CD8 T-cells and Persistent Cause of Methicillin-Sensitive Staphylococcus aureus Bacteremia.

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    We report a case of a 73-year-old male with a history of diabetes mellitus, osteomyelitis, methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA) bacteremia who recently completed an extended intravenous course of cefazolin eight days back, and presented with MSSA bacteremia complicated by epidural abscess, endocarditis, and aortic root abscess. Meanwhile, the patient was tested positive for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Even with aggressive antibiotic treatment, the patient remained bacteremic and developed endocarditis with a worsening aortic root abscess. We suspect coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) as a cause for the infectious paradox and will discuss the possible mechanisms in this case report

    TeV-scale electron Compton scattering in the Randall-Sundrum scenario

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    The spin-2 graviton excitations in the Randall-Sundrum gravity model provides a t-channel contribution to electron Compton scattering which competes favourably with the standard QED contributions. The phenomenological implications of these contributions to the unpolarized and polarized cross-sections are evaluated.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    β-Catenin is required for the tumorigenic behavior of triple-negative breast cancer cells

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    Our previous data illustrated that activation of the canonical Wnt signaling pathway was enriched in triple-negative breast cancer and associated with reduced overall survival in all patients. To determine whether Wnt signaling may be a promising therapeutic target for triple-negative breast cancer, we investigated whether β-catenin was necessary for tumorigenic behaviors in vivo and in vitro. β-catenin expression level was significantly reduced in two human triple-negative breast cancer cell lines, MDA-MB-231 and HCC38, using lentiviral delivery of β-catenin-specific small hairpin RNAs (shRNAs). Upon implantation of the cells in the mammary fat pad of immunocompromised mice, we found that β-catenin shRNA HCC38 cells formed markedly smaller tumors than control cells and grew much more slowly. In in vitro assays, β-catenin silencing significantly reduced the percentage of Aldefluor-positive cells, a read-out of the stem-like cell population, as well as the expression of stem cell-related target genes including Bmi-1 and c-Myc. β-catenin-knockdown cells were also significantly impaired in their ability to migrate in wound-filling assays and form anchorage-independent colonies in soft agar. β-catenin-knockdown cells were more sensitive to chemotherapeutic agents doxorubicin and cisplatin. Collectively, these data suggest that β-catenin is required for triple-negative breast cancer development by controlling numerous tumor-associated properties, such as migration, stemness, anchorage-independent growth and chemosensitivity

    Regge behaviour of distribution functions and t and x-evolutions of gluon distribution function at low-x

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    In this paper t and x-evolutions of gluon distribution function from Dokshitzer-Gribov-Lipatov-Altarelli-Parisi(DGLAP) evolution equation in leading order(LO) at low-x, assuming the Regge behaviour of quark and gluon at this limit, are presented. We compare our results of gluon distribution function with MRST 2001, MRST 2004 and GRV '98 parameterizations and show the compatibility of Regge behaviour of quark and gluon distribution functions with perturbative quantum chromodynamics(PQCD) at low-x. We also discuss the limitations of Taylor series expansion method used earlier to solve DGLAP evolution equations, in the Regge behaviour of distribution functions.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figure

    Fractal Inspired Models of Quark and Gluon Distributions and Longitudinal Structure Function FL(x, Q2) at small x

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    In recent years, Fractal Inspired Models of quark and gluon densities at small x have been proposed. In this paper, we investigate longitudinal structure function F-L (x, Q2) within this approach. We make predictions using the QCD based approximate relation between the longitudinal structure function and the gluon density. As the Altarelli-Martinelli equation for the longitudinal structure function cannot be applied to Model I due to the presence of a singularity in the Bjorken x-space we consider Model II only. The qualitative feature of the prediction of Model II is found to be compatible with the QCD expectation.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, Accepted for publication on 10-07-2010 in Indian Journal of Physic

    Dijet resonances, widths and all that

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    The search for heavy resonances in the dijet channel is part of the on-going physics programme, both at the Tevatron and at the LHC. Lower limits have been placed on the masses of dijet resonances predicted in a wide variety of models. However, across experiments, the search strategy assumes that the effect of the new particles is well-approximated by on-shell production and subsequent decay into a pair of jets. We examine the impact of off-shell effects on such searches, particularly for strongly interacting resonances.Comment: Version published in JHE

    Exploring CP Violation with BcB_c Decays

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    We point out that the pure ``tree'' decays Bc±Ds±DB_c^\pm\to D^\pm_s D are particularly well suited to extract the CKM angle γ\gamma through amplitude relations. In contrast to conceptually similar strategies using B±K±DB^\pm\to K^\pm D or BdK0DB_d\to K^{\ast0} D decays, the advantage of the BcB_c approach is that the corresponding triangles have three sides of comparable length and do not involve small amplitudes. Decays of the type Bc±D±DB_c^\pm\to D^\pm D -- the UU-spin counterparts of Bc±Ds±DB_c^\pm\to D^\pm_s D -- can be added to the analysis, as well as channels, where the Ds±D^\pm_s- and D±D^\pm-mesons are replaced by higher resonances.Comment: 9 pages, LaTeX, 3 figures, reference adde

    Energy Production in the Formation of a Finite Thickness Cosmic String

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    The classical electromagnetic modes outside a long, straight, superconducting cosmic string are calculated, assuming the string to be surrounded by a superconducting cylindric surface of radius R. Thereafter, by use of a Bogoliubov-type argument, the electromagnetic energy W produced per unit length in the lowest two modes is calculated when the string is formed "suddenly". The essential new element in the present analysis as compared with prior work of Parker [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 59}, 1369 (1987)] and Brevik and Toverud [Phys. Rev. D {\bf 51}, 691 (1995)], is that the radius {\it a} of the string is assumed finite, thus necessitating Neumann functions to be included in the fundamental modes. We find that the theory is changed significantly: W is now strongly concentrated in the lowest mode (m,s)=(0,1)(m,s)=(0,1), whereas the proportionality W(Gμ/t)2W \propto (G\mu /t)^2 that is characteristic for zero-width strings is found in the next mode (1,1). Here G is the gravitational constant, μ\mu the string mass per unit length, and t the GUT time.Comment: 20 pages, LaTeX, no figure

    CP violation at colliders

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    The prospects of experimental detection of CPCP violation at e+ee^+e^- and pp/pppp/p\overline{p} colliders are reviewed. After a general discussion on the quantities which can measure CPCP violation and on the implications of the CPTCPT theorem, various possibilities of measuring CPCP violation arising outside the standard model are taken up. CPCP violation in leptonic processes, especially polarization effects in e+el+le^+e^-\rightarrow l^+l^- are discussed next. CPCP violation in ttt\overline{t} and W+WW^+W^- production and decay is also described. (Based on talk presented at the WHEPP3, Madras, January 1994).Comment: 20 pages, latex, no figures (only revision is the comment that the article is based on a talk presented at WHEPP3, Madras, January 1994

    The production of the new gauge boson BHB_{H} via eγe^{-}\gamma collision in the littlest Higgs model

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    The new lightest gauge boson BHB_H with mass of a few hundred GeV is predicted in the littlest Higgs model. BHB_H should be accessible in the planed ILC and the observation of such particle can strongly support the littlest Higgs model. The realization of γγ\gamma\gamma and eγe\gamma collision will open a wider window to probe BHB_H. In this paper, we study the new gauge boson BHB_{H} production processes eγeγBHe^{-}\gamma\to e^{-}\gamma B_{H} and eγeZBHe^{-}\gamma\to e^{-}Z B_{H} at the ILC. Our results show that the production cross section of the process eγeZBHe^{-}\gamma\to e^{-}Z B_{H} is less than one fb in the most parameter spaces while the production cross section of the process eγeγBHe^{-}\gamma\to e^{-}\gamma B_{H} can reach the level of tens fb and even hundreds of fb in the sizable parameter spaces allowed by the electroweak precision data. With the high luminosity, the sufficient typical signals could be produced, specially via eγeγBHe^{-}\gamma\to e^{-}\gamma B_{H}. Because the final electron and photon beams can be easily identified and the signal can be easily distinguished from the background produced by ZZ and HH decaying, BHB_H should be detectable via eγe\gamma collision at the ILC. Therefore, the processes eγeγBHe^{-}\gamma\to e^{-}\gamma B_{H} and eγeZBHe^{-}\gamma\to e^{-}Z B_{H} provide a useful way to detect BHB_{H} and test the littlest Higgs model.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures. Some typos have been corrected, we have added some new references, and there are also some changes in equation 1