735 research outputs found

    Proliferation activity and hormonal status of atypical hyperplasia and endometrioid adenocarcinoma of the endometrium

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    Atypical hyperplasia of the endometrium is a precancerous condition for endometrioid adenocarcinoma of the endometrium, which is the largest group among malignant neoplasms of the uterine body, according to the Cancer Registry, the mortality rate from which took the 3rd place in 2021. The absence of specific clinical manifestations complicates diagnostics at the early stages of the process, which necessitates the study of histological and immunohistochemical criteria to verify the diagnosis. The aim of the study. To improve the differential diagnostic morphological and immunohistochemical criteria for the diagnosis of atypical hyperplasia and endometrioid adenocarcinoma of the endometrium, using the latest international classification data. Materials and methods. Retrospective analysis of 76 cases of postoperative material of women for the period from 2020 to 2022 with a diagnosis of “endometrioid adenocarcinoma of the endometrium” – 61 cases and “endometrial hyperplasia with atypia” – 15 included an assessment of histological, immunohistochemical features, followed by statistical processing of the obtained results. Results. The incidence of endometrioid adenocarcinoma of the endometrium and atypical endometrial hyperplasia occurs in the premenopausal and menopausal periods. The expression level of the Ki-67 marker is directly proportional to the degree of tumor malignancy (p < 0.05). Estrogen receptors decrease as the degree of tumor malignancy increases. Progesterone receptors are equally present in endometrioid adenocarcinomas and atypical endometrial hyperplasia (p < 0.05). Conclusions. The necessity of using the Ki-67 marker and determining the hormonal status in endometrioid adenocarcinomas of the endometrium and atypical hyperplasia of the endometrium is argued


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    It was studied the long-term dynamics of influenza A viruses circulation in the Southern Central Siberia. Also, we studied of birds population dynamic as the main carriers of viral infection, as well as spatial and temporal distribution of positive samples containing specific antibody to influenza viruses subtypes H5 and. H7 and. genomic RNA of these subtypes. It was considered the cases of mortality wild. and. synanthropic birds in the region. It was shown a correlation between the identified centers of the virus influenza, the deaths of birds and. human disease with significant excess seasonal epidemic threshold, including a subtype Н1NЫЦ

    Quantum, Multi-Body Effects and Nuclear Reaction Rates in Plasmas

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    Detailed calculations of the contribution from off-shell effects to the quasiclassical tunneling of fusing particles are provided. It is shown that these effects change the Gamow rates of certain nuclear reactions in dense plasma by several orders of magnitude.Comment: 11 pages; change of content: added clarification of one of the important steps in the derivatio

    Tien-Shan effect and charmed particles

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    It is shown that the Tien-Shan effect can be explained as a consequence of charmed particle production with a sufficiently high production cross-section (about 5 mb/nucleon at 100 TeV)

    Re-entrant resonant tunneling

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    We study the effect of electron-electron interactions on the resonant-tunneling spectroscopy of the localized states in a barrier. Using a simple model of three localized states, we show that, due to the Coulomb interactions, a single state can give rise to two resonant peaks in the conductance as a function of gate voltage, G(Vg). We also demonstrate that an additional higher-order resonance with Vg-position in between these two peaks becomes possibile when interactions are taken into account. The corresponding resonant-tunneling process involves two-electron transitions. We have observed both these effects in GaAs transistor microstructures by studying the time evolution of three adjacent G(Vg) peaks caused by fluctuating occupation of an isolated impurity (modulator). The heights of the two stronger peaks exibit in-phase fluctuations. The phase of fluctuations of the smaller middle peak is opposite. The two stronger peaks have their origin in the same localized state, and the third one corresponds to a co-tunneling process.Comment: 9 pages, REVTeX, 4 figure

    Bird species - main carriers of influenza type a virus in Eastern Siberia

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    The grand-scale laboratory investigation on finding influenza type A virus in wild and synanthropic birds on vast territories of Eastern Siberia was conducted for the first time. Alongside with the ornithological investigations, we also conducted collection of over 17,000 samples of laboratory investigations of 165 bird species. In the south of Central Siberia in 2006-2011, the antibodies to antihemagglutination were found in 484 samples, 179 out of which were from synanthropic birds. During the investigation of PCR of RNA avian influenza 167 samples were isolated, 17 (10,2 %) out of which were from synanthropic species. In 2014, antibodies were isolated from 30 species, RNA avian influenza were isolated from 26 species of the following bird orders: Podicipediformes - 3/1 (in hemagglutination-inhibition reaction/polymerase chain reaction) of species, Ciconiiformes - 0/1, Anseriformes - 12/10, Gruiformes - 1/1, Charadriiformes - 7/4, Passeriformes - 6/8. In the following years the participation in epizootic process of new species/ subspecies were increased. The maximum virus carriage (40.2 %) and birds infection takes place during the period from July 15 till August 28, which is characterized mainly by the presence of a large number of multipleaged young-of-the-year water fowls on the ponds and riparian vegetation. In the process of work, there was compiled not only the list of species/subspecies of avian influenza virus carriers and vectors, but also revealed their connection with wintering areas and the main location of the recombinant subtypes of highly pathogenic virus H5N1. The cases of virus spreading and its influence on the birds of various ecologic groups were described

    Metabolic mechanisms of chemiluminescent activity of neutrophilic granulocytes in qualified athletes

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    The high exercise stress in sport causes the decrease of immune cells reactivity. Studying the interrelation between hemiluminscent activity of neutrophylic granulocytes and NAD(P)-depending dehydrogenases in athletes is important for better understanding of sport immunodeficiency metabolic mechanisms and researching the methods for its correction. 51 male athletes of 22,1 ± 3,7 y. o. and 64 healthy males of the same age as the reference group were participated in the study. We found that metabolic resources providing the intensity of respiratory burst depend on mitochondrial processes condition and lipid metabolism. The activation index has logarithmic dependence on NAD(P)-MDH, NAD-MDH, NAD-IDH activities. Therefore the functional activity of neutrophilic granulocytes in athletes has positive correlation with plastic exchange level and negative correlation with oxygen-depended ATP production

    Compact and Loosely Bound Structures in Light Nuclei

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    A role of different components in the wave function of the weakly bound light nuclei states was studied within the framework of the cluster model, taking into account of orbitals "polarization". It was shown that a limited number of structures associated with the different modes of nucleon motion can be of great importance for such systems. Examples of simple and quite flexible trial wave functions are given for the nuclei 8^8Be, 6^6He. Expressions for the microscopic wave functions of these nuclei were found and used for the calculation of basic nuclear characteristics, using well known central-exchange nucleon-nucleon potentials.Comment: 19 pages, 3 ps figure


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    The article presents a modern methodology of the conducting the stage II All-Ukrainian Student’s Olympiad by using the simulation techniques. There was the using of evaluation the theoretical knowledge such a test tasks, the solution of situational tasks, the interpretation of the laboratory and instrumental methods of examination and also the solution the modified emergency condition in the interactive mode for the purpose students to engage the active scientific work, motivation for each intellectual abilities, development of their communicative qualities. The Student’s Olympiad was passed in the four tours: I – writing the test tasks, II – solution the situation tasks with increased complexity, III – solution the modified emergency condition in the interactive mode, IV – solution the practical tasks with interpretation the laboratory and instrumental methods of examination. The students were required the synthesis not only the endocrinology knowledge, getting during the studying in the university, but also the related disciplines, such as cardiology, pharmacology, laboratory and instrumental diagnostics. The main place in the preparation the student was taken the skill, using of semiotics standard and treatment during the working with the virtual patient. The winners in the stage II of All-Ukrainian Student’s Olympiad in Endocrinology with the most scored points became the participants from I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University (I place), Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University and Sumy State Medical University (II place), and also Lviv National Medical University and Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy (III place). The solution of the modified emergency condition in the interactive mode will allow students to develop the speed of clinical thinking and to provide the urgent care to the patient in different clinical conditions.У статті наведено сучасну методику проведення ІІ етапу Всеукраїнської студентської олімпіади з ендокринології з використанням симуляційних методик. З метою залучення студентів до активної наукової роботи, мотивування у кожного інтелектуальних здібностей, розвитку комунікативних рис використовувалась оцінка теоретичних знань у вигляді тестових завдань, розв’язання ситуаційних задач, інтерпретація лабораторних та інструментальних методів обстежень, а також вирішення змодельованого невідкладного стану в інтерактивному режимі. Відбувалася студентська олімпіада з ендокринології в чотири тури: І – написання тестових завдань, ІІ – розв’язання ситуаційних задач підвищеної складності, ІІІ – вирішення змодельованого невідкладного стану в інтерактивному режимі, ІV – вирішення практичних завдань з інтерпретації лабораторно-інструментальних методів обстеження. Від студентів-учасників вимагався синтез знань з ендокринології, отриманих не лише за роки вивчення даної дисципліни у вищих навчальних закладах, але й суміжних дисциплін, таких, як кардіологія, фармакологія, лабораторна та інструментальна діагностика. Особливе місце в підготовці олімпійця з ендокринології займало вміння застосування стандартів семіотики та лікування при роботі з віртуальним пацієнтом. За кількістю набраних балів переможцями студентської олімпіади з ендокринології стали учасники із Тернопільського державного медичного університету ім.&nbsp;І.&nbsp;Я.&nbsp;Горбачевського (І&nbsp;місце), Івано-­Франківського національного медичного університету і Сумського державного медичного університету (ІІ &nbsp;місце), а також Львівського національного медичного університету ім. Д. Галицького та Київського медичного університету і Дніпропетровської медичної академії (ІІІ місце). Вирішення змодельованого невідкладного стану в інтерактивному режимі дозволяє розвинути у студента швидкість клінічного мислення та надання невідкладної допомоги хворому при різних клінічних станах

    Spontaneous current generation in gated nanostructures

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    We have observed an unusual dc current spontaneously generated in the conducting channel of a short-gated GaAs transistor. The magnitude and direction of this current critically depend upon the voltage applied to the gate. We propose that it is initiated by the injection of hot electrons from the gate that relax via phonon emission. The phonons then excite secondary electrons from asymmetrically distributed impurities in the channel, which leads to the observed current