83 research outputs found

    Phase Contrast Imaging Using a Single Picosecond X-ray Pulse of the Inverse Compton Source at the Bnl Accelerator Test Facility

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    Inverse Compton scattering (ICS) X-ray sources are of current interest due to their novel features that enable new methods in medical and biological imaging. As a compelling example of such a possibility, we present an experimental demonstration of single shot inline phase contrast imaging using the ICS source located at the BNL Accelerator Test Facility. The phase contrast effect is clearly observed in the images obtained. Further, its qualities are shown to be in agreement with the predictions of theoretical models through comparison of experimental and simulated images of a set of plastic wires of differing composition and size. We also display an example of application of the technique to single shot phase contrast imaging of a biological sample

    Monoenergetic proton beams accelerated by a radiation pressure driven shock

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    High energy ion beams (> MeV) generated by intense laser pulses promise to be viable alternatives to conventional ion beam sources due to their unique properties such as high charge, low emittance, compactness and ease of beam delivery. Typically the acceleration is due to the rapid expansion of a laser heated solid foil, but this usually leads to ion beams with large energy spread. Until now, control of the energy spread has only been achieved at the expense of reduced charge and increased complexity. Radiation pressure acceleration (RPA) provides an alternative route to producing laser-driven monoenergetic ion beams. In this paper, we show the interaction of an intense infrared laser with a gaseous hydrogen target can produce proton spectra of small energy spread (~ 4%), and low background. The scaling of proton energy with the ratio of intensity over density (I/n) indicates that the acceleration is due to the shock generated by radiation-pressure driven hole-boring of the critical surface. These are the first high contrast mononenergetic beams that have been theorised from RPA, and makes them highly desirable for numerous ion beam applications


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    Analysis of the composition of intestinal microflora of white mice and guinea pigs in an experimental antibiotic-associated dysbacteriosis and assessment of the possibility of its correction with prebiotic Stimbifid. White mice and guinea pigs in an experimental antibiotic-associated dysbacteriosis were used in the experiments. The recovery of their own intestinal microflora of laboratory animals was evaluated after prebiotic Stimbifid oral administration. The positive effect of prebiotic Stimbifid has been found to restore their own intestinal microflora of white mice and guinea pigs, including Bifidobacteria, Lactobacillus and Escherichia. Prebiotic Stimbifid has been shown to be useful for the correction of the intestinal microflora of laboratory animals in an experimental antibiotic-associated dysbacteriosis.Изучен состав микрофлоры кишечника белых мышей и морских свинок при экспериментальном антибиотико-ассоциированном дисбактериозе и оценка возможности ее коррекции пребиотиком Стимбифид. В экспериментах использовали белых мышей и морских свинок с экспериментальным антибиотико-ассоциированным дисбактериозом. Оценивали восстановление собственной микрофлоры кишечника лабораторных животных при пероральном введении пребиотика Стимбифид. Установлено положительное влияние пребиотика Стимбифид на восстановление собственной кишечной микрофлоры белых мышей и морских свинок, в том числе бифидобактерий, лактобактерий и эшерихий. Пребиотик Стимбифид является эффективным средством коррекции нарушений микрофлоры кишечника у лабораторных животных с экспериментальным антибиотико-ассоциированным дисбактериозом


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    The results of the experimental studies of the lymphocytotoxic effect of homoprobiotic bidfidobacteria and lactobacilli autostrains on lymphocytes of guinea pigs are presented. Autostrains of homoprobiotic bifidobacteria and lactobacilli isolated from the feces of guinea pigs were used in the experiments. Isolation of the fraction of lymphocytes from the blood of guinea pigs for lymphocytotoxic test was carried out according to the sanitary rules SP Intensity of damage in lymphocytes was assessed by counting the points and the cytotoxic index. The experimental results indicate that under the influence of large doses of homoprobiotic bifidobacteria and lactobacilli autostrains cytolysis occurs of only a small number of lymphocytes, and thus, the reaction of lymphocytes with autostrains of homoprobiotic bifidobacteria and lactobacilli is within the physiological range.Представлены результаты экспериментального изучения лимфоцитотоксического действия аутоштаммов гомопробиотических бифидобактерий и лактобактерий на лимфоциты крови морских свинок. В экспериментах использовали аутоштаммы гомопробиотических бифидобактерий и лактобактерий, выделенных из фекалий подопытных морских свинок. Выделение фракций лимфоцитов из крови морских свинок для постановки лимфоцитотоксического теста проводили согласно санитарным правилам СП Выраженность повреждения лимфоцитов оценивали в баллах и путем подсчета цитотоксического индекса. Результаты экспериментов свидетельствуют о том, что под воздействием больших доз аутоштаммов гомопробиотических бифидобактерий и лактобактерий происходит цитолиз лишь небольшого количества лимфоцитов и, таким образом, реакция лимфоцитов с аутоштаммами гомопробиотических микроорганизмов не выходит за пределы физиологической нормы