5 research outputs found
The Importance of Awareness of Heritage Building's Seismic Behaviors : Specific on Pagoda-Type Structure
The importance of building cultural heritage. A place where historical stories, cultural values, places of worship, symbols of struggle and even now are transformed into tourist attractions and educational facilities. Keeping this building good and well maintained is a good thing to do. The purpose of this paper is to enhance awareness of the importance of knowledge about heritage buildings from the viewpoint of building structure and seismicity. In addition, as a research initiation on the performance of the existing pagoda structure in Bali, Meru, going forward. This paper reviews several studies of pagodas in numerous countries, both in terms of structural design, influence and structure on earthquake response, damage, and handling in terms of reinforcement and maintenance. Comprehensively summarizes the studies that have been done, this facilitates understanding of existing studies. With the hope of being able, to trigger and encourage studies on building cultural heritage in Indonesia in general and Bali in particular. Research on the pagoda in Bali in the future is highly expected and needs to be done
Analisis Kerusakan Struktur Bangunan dan Manajemen Bencana Akibat Gempa Bumi, Tsunami, dan Likuifaksi di Palu
The strong column-weak beam is a design concept that needs to be implemented and considered in the planning of building structures (high-rise and low-rise buildings). Generally, structural failure occurs at beam-column joints. Such failure occurred due to the lack of attention to good and correct design concepts. The detailing of reinforcement for columns, beams, and beam-column connections has not yet fully implemented the SNI-2847-2019 standard which results in the reinforcement cannot withstand the combination of tensile, compressive, and shear forces that occur during an earthquake. In addition, the incomplete design of strong column-weak beam in building planning causes the building to fail in the column structure when receiving axial forces. The purpose of this study was to analyze the structural damage and the disaster management system applied during the earthquake in Palu. The research is carried out by investigation/survey methods on the study area as well as checking and recording the data about damage condition of buildings and conducting a hammer test (non-destructive test) to get the strength value of the concrete. Testing result showed the compressive strength value of the f’c concrete used is 20 to 48 MPa. In addition, the details of stirrups reinforcement are also not fully understood about their function on beams and columns, which results in the installation of stirrup reinforcement does not meet the criteria for bending angles of 90˚, 135˚, 180˚ and the addition of tensile and compressive reinforcement lengths. The high potential for earthquake hazard causes Palu and its surroundings tend to have an earthquake risk. For this reason, it is necessary to implement disaster mitigation for Palu region, which aims to reduce the number of casualties when natural disasters occur, both human and property loses.Strong column-weak beam merupakan konsep desain yang perlu diterapkan dan diperhatikan dalam perencanaan struktur gedung (gedung bertingkat tinggi dan gedung bertingkat rendah). Umumnya kegagalan struktur terjadi pada sambungan balok-kolom (beam-column joint). Kegagalan tersebut terjadi karena kurangnya perhatian terhadap konsep desain yang baik dan benar. Detailing pembesian pada kolom, balok, dan sambungan balok-kolom masih belum secara penuh menerapkan standard SNI-2847-2019 yang mengakibatkan tulangan tidak berfungsi sepenuhnya dalam menahan kombinasi gaya tarik, tekan, dan geser yang terjadi saat gempa. Selain itu prinsip desain Strong column-weak beam yang tidak lengkap di dalam penerapan perencanaan bangunan mengakibatkan bangunan mengalami kegagalan pada struktur kolom saat menerima gaya axial. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis kerusakan struktur yang terjadi dan sistem manajemen bencana yang diterapkan saat terjadi gempa di Palu. Metode penelitian dilakukan dengan metode investigasi/survei ke lapangan dan melakukan pengecekan dan mencatat data mengenai kondisi kerusakan bangunan dan melakukan uji hammer test (pengujian nondestruktif) untuk mendapatkan nilai dari kekuatan beton. Dari hasil pengujian yang dilakukan diperoleh nilai kuat tekan beton f’c yang digunakan adalah (20-48) MPa. Selain itu detail penulangan sengkang stirrups juga belum sepenuhnya dipahami fungsinya pada balok maupun kolom yang mengakibatkan pemasangan tulangan sengkang tidak memenuhi kriteria aturan bengkokan sudut 90˚, 135˚, 180˚ dan penambahan panjang penyaluran tulangan tarik dan tekan. Potensi bahaya gempa yang tinggi mengakibatkan wilayah Palu dan sekitarnya cenderung memiliki risiko bencana gempa bumi. Untuk itu mitigasi bencana sangat perlu diterapkan di wilayah Palu yang bertujuan untuk mengurangi jumlah korban jiwa pada saat terjadi bencana alam, baik manusia maupun harta benda
The Performance Analysis of High-Rise Building Structure Based on SNI 03-1726-2012 and SNI 03-1726-2019 (Case Study: Tower 1 Transit-Oriented Development Apartment Pondok Cina, Depok)
Indonesia has the latest seismic standard, namely SNI 03-1726-2012 which replaces the previous seismic standard, namely SNI 03-1726-2012. This study aims to compare the calculation and analysis of the result of the Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) apartment in Pondok Cina, Depok based on SNI 03-1726-2012 and SNI 03-1726-2019 and find out what parameters make a significant difference between SNI 03-1726-2012 and SNI 03-1726-2012. SNI 03-1726-2019. From the comparison results, there was an increase in the parameter values ​​of SS and S1 in SNI 03-1726-2019, resulting in the influence of the parameter values ​​of SDS and SD1 which became the reference for calculating the acceleration value of the response spectra in SNI 03-1726-2019. The value of the basic static shear force in the X and Y directions in SNI 03-1726-2019 increased by 18% from the value of the basic static shear force in SNI 03-1726-2012 and the value of the dynamic basic shear force in the X and Y directions in SNI 03-1726- 2019 experienced an increase of 15% from the value of the dynamic base shear force in SNI 03-1726-2012. The basic shear force increases because the acceleration spectral design response has a high increase in 03-1726-2019 compared to SNI 03-1726-2012. Based on the control of the performance level of the Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) apartment building, Pondok Cina Depok, is included in the Immediate Occupancy, meaning that when an earthquake occurs, the building does not suffer heavy damage, can still be used and the risk of casualties is very small. Performance-based planning can provide information on how the building behaves during an earthquake and the extent to which the earthquake will affect the structure
Column structure strengthening with FRP (Fiber Reinforced Polymer) due to story addition
This study focuses on strengthening scheme of an existing structure with added story. The addition of a new story increases gravitational loading, which affects the seismic and wind responses of the structure and, as a consequence, the loading combination. To ensure the structure’s capacity requirement, the strengthening scheme uses CFRP (Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer). In order to adequately define the structure's performance, a series of structural analyses were performed. The structure's state before and after story addition, subsequently the state after CFRP strengthening, were evaluated. It is demonstrated that the additional story to the structure causes an exceedance in internal forces; however, the strengthening with CFRP is sufficient to withstand these forces, proving that the strengthening scheme is effective and beneficial