810 research outputs found

    Effect of parameters of heat treatment on magnetic properties and magnetization distribution in ribbons of amorphous soft magnetic iron-based alloys

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    The effect of the isothermal-holding temperature and cooling rate upon in-air heat treatment on the magnetic properties and magnetization distribution in ribbons of amorphous soft magnetic iron-based alloys with positive saturation magnetostriction has been investigated. The results of the investigation showed that the dependence of the maximum magnetic permeability on the isothermal-holding temperature correlates with the corresponding changes in the magnetization distribution in the ribbon and is determined by diffusion processes that occur upon in-air heat treatment at a specific isothermal-holding temperature. An increase in the cooling rate leads to an ambiguous effect on the level of magnetic properties. The increase favors an improvement in magnetic properties when, after in-air heat treatment, either a predominantly amorphous state of the surface or a state with the formed amorphous-crystalline surface layer with a nearly optimal thickness is obtained. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Effect of chemically active medium on frequency dependence of magnetic losses in soft magnetic Fe-based amorphous alloys

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    The effects of the electrolytic hydrogenation and oxidation and of the interaction of the surface ribbon with water and vapor on the frequency dependence of magnetic losses per magnetization-reversal cycle are studied based on the example of soft magnetic Fe81B13Si 4C2 amorphous alloy, which exhibits a positive saturation magnetostriction. It was shown that, after the hydrogenation and oxidation of soft magnetic amorphous alloys, their frequency dependences of magnetic losses per magnetization-reversal cycle, which are reduced to unit induction, exhibit groups of hydrogen- and oxygen-related peaks in the frequency ranges of 35-55 and 55-80 Hz, which can be explained by the formation of O-A and H-A atomic pairs (where A are atoms of alloy components) and their reorientation in a magnetic field in the course of magnetization reversal at certain frequencies. The formation of analogous groups of peaks for samples of soft magnetic Fe-based amorphous alloys was observed after the interaction of the ribbon surface with water and vapor and after heat treatment in air. This fact confirms the possibility of the hydrogenation and oxidation of the alloys during the aforementioned processes. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Concerning the Measures for Stabilization of Epidemiological Situation in the Territory of the Amur Region under Conditions of Emergency

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    A large-scale rainfall flooding in the territory of the Amur Region formed the foundation for dramatic aggravation of epidemiological situation, in that which concerns outbreaks of diarrheal disease, activation of epidemic processes associated with enteroviral infection and a number of natural-focal infectious diseases, as well as emergence of anthrax cases both among animals and humans. Basic anti-epidemic and preventive activities under emergency situation included: epidemiological monitoring over infectious and non-infectious morbidity among the population; microbiological and virusological laboratory surveillance of the ambient environment objects and water supply sources; sanitary-hygienic monitoring of the habitant living environment; immunization of the population depending on epidemiological indications; planning and implementation of disinfection, deratization, and disinsection procedures in the flood-stricken areas. Successful cooperation between the Rospotrebnadzor local agencies, Irkutsk Research Anti-Plague Institute SAET, regional health institutions and other organizations involved, in a challenging situation at the flooding site, made it possible to avoid serious epidemic complications among the population of the Amur Region

    Phage Infection in Vaginal Lactobacilli: An In Vitro Study

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    Objective: During bacterial vaginosis, an unexplained decrease of vaginal lactobacilli occurs. To identify whether these lactobacilli could be infected by phages, we isolated phages from vaginal lactobacilli and analyzed their potential virulence in attacking vaginal lactobacilli in vitro

    Activities of the Ufa Local Branch of the Russian Red Cross Society during the First World War

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    The main directions of activity of the Ufa local branch of the Russian Red Cross Society during the First World War are considered. It is described that during wartime an important event was the organization by the Ufa local branch of an extensive collection of donations in order to create infirmaries for the wounded. In addition, feasible material assistance was provided in the form of one-time benefits to the wounded and injured soldiers. The study of materials from the reviews of the Ufa province showed that the Ufa local branch organized and sent stage infirmaries to the army. It is noted that special courses to work in them, which successfully trained the staff of sisters of mercy, were created. It is reported that many of them were presented with awards for their selfless and valiant work. The study of all-Russian and regional statistical materials made it possible to conclude that at the initial stage of the war, the fund of the Ufa local branch of the Russian Red Cross Society received significant financial allocations on the basis of public charity, which were used to solve the necessary wartime tasks. It is emphasized that by 1917, amid the growing crisis, the amount of donations significantly decreased, which significantly complicated the further activities of the Society both on a national scale and at the regional level

    Management of the Immunization among the Population of the Amur Region under Emergency Situation

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    Extended is the experience in management of immunization among the population based on epidemic indications under emergency situation associated with the large-scale flooding. Performance of non-specific prophylaxis in the period of flood relief, in particular mass immunization of the population against viral hepatitis A, typhoid fever, Sonne dysentery and flue, as well as carrying out preventive phage delivery to the most vulnerable strata of the citizenry along with other anti-epidemic and prophylactic activities have made it possible to hold the control over morbidity rate on the long-term average annual levels and avoid aggravation of epidemiological situation in the region

    Analysis of Lactobacillus Products for Phages and Bacteriocins That Inhibit Vaginal Lactobacilli

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    Objective: Bacterial vaginosis is associated with an unexplained loss of vaginal lactobacilli. Previously, we have identified certain vaginal lactobacilli-released phages that can inhibit in vitro other vaginal lactobacilli. However, there is no apparent route for phages to be transmitted among women. The purpose of this study was to identify whether certain Lactobacillus products commonly used by women release phages or bacteriocins that can inhibit vaginal lactobacilli


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    Plant virus causes many important plant diseases and are responsible for huge losses in crop production and quality in all parts of the world, and consequently, agronomists and plant pathologists have devoted considerable effort toward controlling virus diseases. One the most important virus on many Prunus species, causing great economic losses is Plum pox virus (PPV),casual agent of Sharka disease. Since its discovery, Sharka has been considered as a calamity in stone orchards. The virus has been detected in almost every country where any significant commercial stone fruit cultivation occurs [1]. The virus is entered into the list of regulated pests common in Ukraine. In Ukraine, the total area of PPV spread totals 4013,2764 ha. In Odessa region, 18.5 ha districts are in PPV quarantine. Six hotbeds of PPV infection totalling 28 hectares were found in Odessa region. For the first time in Odessa region, PPV was found on cherry trees. Peach and plum trees are hit equally. In this study, we use geographic information systems technology to identify potential locations in a Odessa region for controlling the spread of Plum pox virus. To our knowledge, this is the first attempt to employ GIS technology for controlling plant diseases in Ukraine. Provided it is properly maintained, the geospatial data, and the ability to generate detailed maps with it, is key to the success of PPV containment. Information management will be a key to improving for controlling the spread of Plum pox virus

    New aspects in the study of clinical and morphological new aspects in the study of blood in type II diabetes mellitus

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    The aim of the research was to study red blood cells in type II diabetes mellitus, both an independently occurring disease, and in combination with hypertension, using innovative research methods (atomic force and scanning electron microscopy with elemental analysis

    Динаміка морфофункціональних зрушень підшлункової залози та рівень цитокинів у потомства щурів внаслідок дії хронічного стресу = The dynamics of the morphofunctional changes of the offspring-rats’ pancreases and level of cytokinins resulting from an action of the chronic stress

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    Nikolayeva O., Pavlova E., Sirenko V., Kovaltsova M., Sulhdost I. Динаміка морфофункціональних зрушень підшлункової залози та рівень цитокинів у потомства щурів внаслідок дії хронічного стресу = The dynamics of the morphofunctional changes of the offspring-rats’ pancreases and level of cytokinins resulting from an action of the chronic stress. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2016;6(6):279-290. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.55416http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/3578 The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 755 (23.12.2015).755 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7© The Author (s) 2016;This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, PolandOpen Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercialuse, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper.Received: 05.05.2016. Revised 25.05.2016. Accepted: 10.06.2016. УДК 616.37–091.8–092.9:613.24/.25:613.65:612.015.11 ДИНАМІКА МОРФОФУНКЦІОНАЛЬНИХ ЗРУШЕНЬ ПІДШЛУНКОВОЇ ЗАЛОЗИ ТА РІВЕНЬ ЦИТОКИНІВ У ПОТОМСТВА ЩУРІВ ВНАСЛІДОК ДІЇ ХРОНІЧНОГО СТРЕСУ О. В. Ніколаєва, О. О. Павлова, В. А. Сіренко, М. В. Ковальцова, І. О. Сулхдост Харківський національний медичний університет. Харків. Україна  The Dynamics Of The Morphofunctional Changes Of The Offspring-Rats’ Pancreases and Level Of Cytokinins Resulting From An Action Of The Chronic Stress O. Nikolayeva, E. Pavlova, V. Sirenko, M. Kovaltsova, I. Sulhdost Kharkiv National Medical University, Kharkov, Ukraine Introduction. The pathology of the pancreas caused by the stress is an actual problem of medicine. The purpose of the study was describe of characteristics morphofunctional state of the pancreas of babe-rats’ and to analyzed pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines balance. Materials and Methods. We studied morphological changes of pancreas of offspring-rats’ using histological, cytochemical, cytomorphometric and biochemical methods. We studied immunological status using biochemical methods. We studied the level of interleukin-12 and interleukin-4 in the blood. The core group of mother-rats was exposed to chronic stress immobilization. The comparison group consisted of animals that led ordinary life. For the rats, the experiment was stopped immediately after the birth of offspring in compliance with the ethical principles. Results. Stress during pregnancy in rats affects the morphology and function of the pancreas in the offspring. Symptoms of morphofunctional disorders are obvious even in the pancreas of newborn rats. There are reduced acini and islets of Langerhans, immaturity parenchymal area, edema, fibrosis, degenerative changes in the nuclei and cytoplasm exocrine and endocrine cells, decrease morphofunctional state of the same part of pancreas cell, violation of geodynamics. Most of them not only saves up until they are two months of age, but has a negative trend of growth severity: reducing the relative amount of parenchymal acini area, number and area of the islets of Langerhans, the number of endocrine cells in them, apiaries lipomatosis stroma. We also noticed simultaneous launch of compensatory-adaptive processes in the endocrine pancreas in the form of hypertrophy of single islets of Langerhans. The rats in all groups are diagnosed as having identical tendencies of cytokines change; significant buildup of pro-inflammatory interleukin-12 and reduction of anti-inflammatory interleukin-4 which indicates predominant involvement in pathogenesis of violation of pancreas cell component of immune system. Conclusions. The results suggest that chronic stress of pregnant rats is a significant risk factor for future chronic pathology of the pancreas rats-offspring.Keywords: chronic stress immobilization, pancreas, rats, interleukin, experiment. ДИНАМИКА МОРФОФУНКЦИОНАЛЬНЫХ НАРУШЕНИЙ ПОДЖЕЛУДОЧНОЙ ЖЕЛЕЗЫ И УРОВЕНЬ ЦИТОКИНОВ У ПОТОМСТВА КРЫС ВСЛЕДСТВИЕ ДЕЙСТВИЯ ХРОНИЧЕСКОГО СТРЕССА О. В. Николаева, Е. А. Павлова, В. А. Сиренко, М. В. Ковальцова, И. А. Сулхдост Харьковский национальный медицинский университет, Харьков, Украина Проведено морфологическое и биохимическое исследование влияния хронического стресса матери на морфофункциональные особенности поджелудочной железы новорожденного, одномесячного и двухмесячного потомства. Обнаружено, что пренатальный стресс приводит к морфофункциональной перестройке поджелудочной железы крысиного потомства, с развитием стойких и прогрессирующих в динамике деструктивных изменений в ациноцитах и эндокриноцитах, к снижению морфофункциональной активности части клеточных элементов, к развитию гемодинамических нарушений у части животных. Выяснено, что у разновозрастного крысиного потомства наблюдается системный гуморальный ответ в виде дисбаланса цитокинов с преобладанием  маркерного цитокина Th1-лимфоцитов (интерлейкина-12), что свидетельствует о вовлечении в патогенезе повреждения поджелудочной железы клеточной цепи иммунитета. Установлено, что цитокиновый дисбаланс негативно влияет на внутриклеточный метаболизм панкреацитов, их экзокринную и эндокринную секреторную активность, и, вероятно, может еще больше усиливать повреждения поджелудочной железы у экспериментальных животных.          Ключевые слова: ациноциты, эндокриноциты, иммобилизация, интерлейкины, крысята, эксперимент