101 research outputs found


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    The following principles are discussed as methodical bases of the choice of innovative project and enterprise management organizational structures: hierarchism, bureaucratization, adhocratie, tent organization, lean business engineering, rational organization, amorphous organization, teaching organization. Conditions that complicate industrial and technological processes influence enterprise management process dynamics. The variety of existing types of organizational structures is determined by industrial, economic, psychological and social conditions

    Innovative Technologies in the Logistics of Industrial Enterprises during the Wartime and in the Post-War Development of the Economy of Ukraine: Corporate Relations and Intellectual Property

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    The article is aimed at studying the main changes in logistics during the wartime and, further on, generalizing innovative technologies in industrial logistics in the situation of wartime and concerning the post-war period of economic development of Ukraine, as well as developing proposals for improving the efficiency of their use from the standpoint of corporate relations and intellectual property. The authors’ own structural and logical scheme of the study on the topic «Innovative technologies in the logistics of industrial enterprises during the wartime and in the post-war development of the economy of Ukraine: corporate relations and intellectual property» in a general form is built, the material of the article is presented accordingly. The main changes in logistics that took place during the war of Russian Federation on Ukraine are highlighted. The importance of «innovative technology in the logistics of industrial enterprises» is substantiated from the standpoint of valuating the interests of all stakeholders. In the course of the study, the authors’ own interpretation of this category as new technologies that are created on the basis of the use of intellectual property rights and are able to satisfy the vital interests of all participants in corporate relations by means of applying them in the logistics of industrial enterprises is presented. The promising directions of application of innovative technologies in the logistics of industrial enterprises in the conditions of wartime and in the post-war development of the national economy are generalized. It is noted that the current economy of Ukraine operates in the context of transformation of market relations in accordance with the requirements of the EU, one of which is the formation of the corporate sector for the effective use of pooled capital (both financial and non-financial). The indicators of receipt of applications for objects of property rights (OPR) and for inventions during the period of 2018–2022 are analyzed, the results of the carried out analysis have actualized the issue of motivation for the creation and introduction of the objects of intellectual property rights (OIPR) as a source of innovative technologies in the logistics of industrial enterprises during the wartime and in the post-war development of the economy of Ukraine. The conceptual and logical scheme of creation and implementation of objects of intellectual property rights as a source of innovative technologies in the logistics of industrial corporate associations is visualized on the basis of situational and integrated approaches. It is expected that the recommendations provided will improve the process of management of innovative technologies in the logistics of industrial enterprises, accelerate the restoration, modernization and development of corporate industrial associations, increase the level of satisfaction of vital interests of participants in corporate relations and of the population of Ukraine as a whole concerning both during the wartime and in the post-war development of the national economy

    Superoutburst of a New Sub-Period-Minimum Dwarf Nova CSS130418 in Hercules

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    Multicolour photometry of a new dwarf nova CSS130418 in Hercules, which underwent superoutburst on April 18, 2013, allow to classified it as a WZ Sge-type dwarf nova. The phase light curves for different stages of superoutburst are presented. The early superhumps were used to determine the orbital period Porb = 64.84(1) minutes, which is shorter than the period minimum ~78 minutes for normal hydrogen-rich cataclysmic variables. We found the mean period of ordinary superhumps Psh = 65.559(1) minutes. The quiescent spectrum is rich in helium, showing double peaked emissionlines of H I and He I from accretion disk, so the dwarf nova is in a late stage of stellar evolution


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    The following principles are discussed as methodical bases of the choice of innovative project and enterprise management organizationalstructures: hierarchism, bureaucratization, adhocratie, tent organization, lean business engineering, rational organization, amorphousorganization, teaching organization. Conditions that complicate industrial and technological processes influence enterprise managementprocess dynamics. The variety of existing types of organizational structures is determined by industrial, economic, psychological and social conditions.В качестве методических основ выбора организационных структур управления инновационными проектами и предприятиями предложены и рассматриваются следующие принципы: иерархичность и бюрократизация; адхократия; палаточная организация; горизонтальная организация; рациональная организация; аморфная организация; обучающаяся организация. Условия усложнения производственных и технологических процессов влияют на динамичность процессов управления предприятием. Разнообразие существующих типов организационных структур определяется производственными, экономическими, психологическими и социальными условиями

    Comparison of superconductivity in Sr_2RuO_4 and copper oxides

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    To compare the superconductivity in strongly correlated electron systems with the antiferromagnetic fluctuations in the copper oxides and with the ferromagnetic fluctuations in Sr_2RuO_4 a t-J-I model is proposed. The antiferromagnetic coupling J results in the superconducting state of d_{x^2-y^2} symmetry and the ferromagnetic coupling constant I results in the spin-triplet p-type state. The difference in the gap anisotropies provides the large difference in T_c values, for the typical values of the coupling constants: T_c of order of 1K for the ruthenate and T_c of order of 100K for the cuprates.Comment: 4 pages, RevTEX, 3 figs. Submitted to Phys. Rev. Let


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    The following principles are discussed as methodical bases of the choice of innovative project and enterprise management organizational structures: hierarchism, bureaucratization, adhocratie, tent organization, lean business engineering, rational organization, amorphous organization, teaching organization. Conditions that complicate industrial and technological processes influence enterprise management process dynamics. The variety of existing types of organizational structures is determined by industrial, economic, psychological and social conditions.В качестве методических основ выбора организационных структур управления инновационными проектами и предприятиями предложены и рассматриваются следующие принципы: иерархичность и бюрократизация; адхократия; палаточная организация; горизонтальная организация; рациональная организация; аморфная организация; обучающаяся организация. Условия усложнения производственных и технологических процессов влияют на динамичность процессов управления предприятием. Разнообразие существующих типов организационных структур определяется производственными, экономическими, психологическими исоциальными условиями