6 research outputs found


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    From 1990 to 2009, at the Research Institute for OBCs were examined and treated 62 children with testicular germ cell tumors. The average age of our patients was 3.7 years (range 3 months to 15 years). All children performed a study of tumor markers titer, ultrasound. In 14 children identified metastases. Surgical treatment is the first stage in the volume orhifunikulektomii conducted all 62 children. Retroperitoneal limfoadenektomiya made in   4 children and 5 children underwent thoracotomy with removal of metastases in the lung. Drug treatment was performed in 47 children with malignant germ cell tumor. Using a combined method in the treatment of malignant testicular tumors led to 100 % relapse-free and overall survival. С 1990 по 2009 г. в НИИ детской онкологии и гематологии (НИИ ДОГ) на обследовании и лечении находились 62 ребенка с герминогенной опухолью яичка. Средний возраст наших пациентов составил 3,7 года (от 3 мес до 15 лет). У всех детей проводили исследование титра онкомаркеров, ультразвуковое исследование. У 14 детей выявлены метастазы. Оперативное лечение на первом этапе в объеме орхифуникулэктомии проводили всем 62 детям. Забрюшинная лимфаденэктомия выполнена 4 детям и торакотомия с удалением метастазов в легком – 5. Лекарственное лечение проведено 47 детям со злокачественной герминогенной опухолью. Использование комбинированного метода в лечении злокачественной опухоли яичка позволило добиться 100 % безрецидивной и общей выживаемости.

    Рабдомиосаркома яичка у де тей: 19-летний опыт

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    From 1990 to 2009, at the Research Institute of Children Oncology and Hematology have undergone examination and treatment 26 children with paratesticular rhabdomyosarcoma. The average age of our patients was 6.2 years (range 3 months to 15 years). All children was performed tumor markers level evaluation and ultrasound. In 6 children identified metastases. Surgical treatment is the first stage in the volume of orchifunikulektomia was held in 26 children. Retroperitoneal limfoadenektomiya was performed in 4 children and 1 child undergone thoracotomy with removal of metastases in the lung. Drug treatment was performed in 26 children with paratesticular rhabdomyosarcoma tumor. Using a combined method of treatment of malignant tumors led to 92.3 % overall survival.С 1990 по 2009 г. в НИИ детской онкологии и гематологии на обследовании и лечении находилось 26 детей с паратестикулярной рабдомиосаркомой. Средний возраст наших пациентов составил 6,2 года (от 3 мес до 15 лет). У всех детей выполняли определение титра онкомаркеров, ультразвуковое исследование. У 6 пациентов выявлены метастазы. Оперативное лечение на первом этапе в объеме орхифуникулэктомии проводилось 26 детям. Забрюшинная лимфаденэктомия выполнена 4 детям, 1 ребенку – торакотомия с удалением метастазов в легком. Лекарственное лечение проведено всем 26 пациентам со злокачественной паратестикулярной опухолью. Использование комбинированного метода в лечении злокачественной опухоли позволило добиться 92,3 % общей выживаемости


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    Surgery is the main method of treatment of the patients with the uterine leiomyosarcoma. A standard extent of surgery is extirpation of the uterus without its appendages in the reproductive period or with uterine appendages in the postmenopause. The comparative analysis of the remote results of the treatment of the patients depending on the radicality of the performed surgery let to find out that the presence of the resid- ual tumor in the minor pelvis significantly worsens the course and the prognosis of the disease in the patients with the uterine leiomyosarco- ma. The adjuvant therapy is worth using for the prophylaxis of the distant metastasizing in the patients with the uterine leiomyosarcoma in the presence the poor prognosis factors. The postoperative radiotherapy of the patients is ineffective due to the low radio sensitivity of the tumor. The poor prognosis factors are: postmenopause, age over 60 years, the presence of the residual tumor, invasion depth more than half of the myometrium, invasion of the tumor up to the tunica serosa uteri, tumor size more than 5 cm, tumor necroses, low grade of the tumor differ- entiation, mitoses rate more than 10 in 10 view fields. The vital prognosis of the patients with the distant metastases depends on their charac- ter. In case of solitary metastases — the prognosis is favorable, in patients with the multiple metastases the prognosis worsens essentially


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    <p>From 1990 to 2009, at the Research Institute for OBCs were examined and treated 62 children with testicular germ cell tumors. The average age of our patients was 3.7 years (range 3 months to 15 years). All children performed a study of tumor markers titer, ultrasound. In 14 children identified metastases. Surgical treatment is the first stage in the volume orhifunikulektomii conducted all 62 children. Retroperitoneal limfoadenektomiya made in   4 children and 5 children underwent thoracotomy with removal of metastases in the lung. Drug treatment was performed in 47 children with malignant germ cell tumor. Using a combined method in the treatment of malignant testicular tumors led to 100 % relapse-free and overall survival.</p><p> </p

    Testicular rabdomiosarkoma in children: 19 years of experience

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    <p>From 1990 to 2009, at the Research Institute of Children Oncology and Hematology have undergone examination and treatment 26 children with paratesticular rhabdomyosarcoma. The average age of our patients was 6.2 years (range 3 months to 15 years). All children was performed tumor markers level evaluation and ultrasound. In 6 children identified metastases. Surgical treatment is the first stage in the volume of orchifunikulektomia was held in 26 children. Retroperitoneal limfoadenektomiya was performed in 4 children and 1 child undergone thoracotomy with removal of metastases in the lung. Drug treatment was performed in 26 children with paratesticular rhabdomyosarcoma tumor. Using a combined method of treatment of malignant tumors led to 92.3 % overall survival.</p


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    Organ-preserving operations (OPO) in patients with immature ovarian teratoma are shown to be a required technique that permits reproductive function to be preserved in young female patients. The most important positive aspect of OPO is also to preserve a normal hormonal background, owing to which surgical castration-related disorders may be prevented