163 research outputs found

    Magnetic field and plasma inside and outside of the Martian magnetosphere

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    Simultaneous magnetic and plasma measurements, carried out by wide angle plasma detectors in the Mars environment, are compared in order to identify regions with significantly different physical properties. Magnetograms and ion spectra indicate changes in the magnetopause and magnetosphere of Mars that are associated with the dynamic pressure effect of the solar wind

    A clinical case of choroidal effusion associated with the use of carbonic anhydrase inhibitors

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    Relevance. Choroidal effusion is a complication accompanying both surgical interventions and ophthalmopathies of predominantly inflammatory etiology. The release of proteins from choriocapillaries lumen and decrease of intraocular pressure relative to the pressure in the episcleral veins lead to the chor oid detachment.Purpose. To analyze the causal link between choroidal effusion and topical application of carbonic anhydrase inhibitors using a clinical example.Material and methods. The paper describes a clinical case of the development of unilateral recurrent choroidal effusion 13 years after sinus trabeculectomy associated with the use of carbonic anhydrase inhibitors. The first episode of choroidal effusion was induced by a fixed combination of brinzolamide with timolol, while the use of dorzolamide caused the repeated episode. The clinical picture was accompanied by significant decrease in visual acuity related to acute hypotension and severe folds of the descemet’s membrane. Ultrasonic B-scanning revealed the choroid detachment. The dechallenge of carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, the use of anti-inflammatory and cycloplegic drugs contributed to achieve the choroid adherence.Results. This clinical case clearly demonstrates a causal link between choroidal effusion and topical application of carbonic anhydrase inhibitors. The timely drug therapy made it possible to avoid surgical intervention. Intraocular pressure increased later. Brimonidine was prescribed to reduce it, the intraocular pressure was normalized, and the clinical picture stabilized.Conclusion. Ciliochoroidal effusion may occur in the eyes with primary angle-closure glaucoma even several years after surgical treatment in the setting of the use of this group of hypotensive drugs. It is necessary to take a balanced approach to the use of carbonic anhydrase inhibitors in each particular case, i ncluding in primary angle-closure glaucoma

    Improvement of the Normative-Regulatory Framework Concerning Anti-Epidemic Procedures for Works with Infectious Disease Agents in Mobile Laboratories of Specialized Anti-Epidemic Teams (SAET)

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    Carried out is a range of investigations aimed at the improvement of the anti-epidemic procedures for works with infectious disease agents (herein biological safety provision) in mobile laboratories of specialized anti-epidemic teams (SAET). Evaluation of the operational experience of stationary and field laboratories, as well as comparative analysis of the national safety requirements for works with pathogenic biological agents and WHO international regulations in the sphere of biological safety provision in laboratories, has made it possible to outline common for all types of microbiological laboratories principles for biosafety provision. With due consideration of these principles formulated are the core requirements for the provision of biological safety of SAET activities. Based on the results of biorisk and biohazard assessment which have to do with innovative mobile laboratories, worked out is a system of anti-epidemic procedures aimed towards establishment of the conditions that offer as low as practically achievable level of risk for personnel of SAET mobile laboratories, for population and human environment too. These practices, designed for biological safety provision among the personnel of mobile laboratories (ML), have been played back in a number of standard operational procedures. With a view to establishing of the environment with acceptable level of biorisk for the personnel and population when ML are used for various purposes and in various contingencies (in full force, single unit or several modules), worked out are the algorithms of decision-making support as regards selection of modules and optional accessories. However, there is a need for emergency response plans and training programs for the personnel on the provision of biosafety in ML to ensure and maintain acceptable level of biorisk connected with ML functioning

    Usage of Mobile Laboratories of Biological Expertise Abroad and in Russia: Present Day Realities and Prospects

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    We analyzed the data on availability and usage of mobile laboratories of biological expertise for indication and identification of pathogenic biological agents in foreign countries and in the Russian Federation. We outlined the major types of mobile units that exist abroad and in Russia. Key stages of evolution in design and deployment of mobile laboratories in the network of plague control institutions of the Rospotrebnadzor were described, as well as the broadening of the range of their use in Russia. We assessed operational use of the Russian mobile laboratories, both in Russia and abroad, in the provision of sanitary-epidemiological welfare during mass events, disaster management, and response to epidemic manifestations of particularly dangerous infectious diseases. Major trends in implementation of mobile units of biological expertise in Russia were identified. We addressed their usage in various State Programs on assistance to partner-countries in the matters of International Health Regulations (2005) implementation, control over dangerous infectious diseases. Advanced inventions – Second generation modernized mobile complex of the specialized anti-epidemic teams, mobile laboratory for monitoring and diagnostics, and airmobile anti-epidemic complex – were discussed

    Исследование роли хориоидеи и хрусталика в развитии первичного закрытия угла передней камеры

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    PURPOSE. To study the role of the choroid and lens in the development of primary anterior chamber angle closure.MATERIAL AND METHODS. The study included 90 patients aged 47 to 80 years (30 with primary angle closure (PAC), 30 with suspected primary angle closure (PACs), and 30 in the control group) who underwent swept source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT). The following parameters were analyzed: subfoveolar choroidal thickness (SFCT), intraocular pressure (IOP), axial length (AL), anterior chamber depth (ACD), lens vault (LV), iris curvature (ICurv) and iris thickness (IT750), angle opening distance (AOD500, AOD750), and trabecular-iris space area (TISA500, TISA750).RESULTS. SFCT in PAC (341±59 µm) and PACs (340±51 µm) was higher than in the control group (257.0±37.0 µm, p<0.05). In PAC and PACs, the correlations of SFCT with age, AL, LV, ICurv, IT750 were revealed (p<0.05 for each), as well as correlations of LV with age, IOP, ACD, ICurv, IT750, AOD500, AOD750, TISA500, TISA750 were found (p<0.05 for each). The correlation of SFCT with IOP was determined only in PAC (p=-0.476; p=0.008).CONCLUSION. The increase in the choroidal thickness in macula in both PACs and PAC compared with the controls, as well as the correlations of subfoveolar choroidal thickness with lens vault and iris parameters suggest the involvement of the choroid in the pathogenesis of primary angle closure disease (PACD). The correlations of lens vault with IOP, as well as the parameters of anterior chamber and iris indicate the prevailing role of the lens in the development of PACD and the need for its early replacement.ЦЕЛЬ. Изучить роль хориоидеи и хрусталика в развитии первичного закрытия угла передней камеры.МАТЕРИАЛ И МЕТОДЫ. Исследование включало 90 пациентов (30 с первичным закрытием угла [ПЗУ], 30 – с подозрением на первичное закрытие угла [ППЗУ], 30 – контроль) в возрасте от 47 до 80 лет, которым проведена оптическая когерентная томография Swept Source (SS-OCT; optical coherence tomography). Анализируемые параметры: толщина субфовеолярной хориоидеи (ТХф), внутриглазное давление (ВГД), передне-задняя ось (ПЗО), глубина передней камеры (ГПК), высота свода хрусталика (LV, lens vault), кривизна радужки (ICurv) и ее толщина (IT750; iris thickness), дистанция открытия угла (AOD500, AOD750; angle opening distance), иридотрабекулярное пространство (TISA500, TISA750; trabecular-iris space area).РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ. ТХф при ПЗУ (341±59 мкм) и ППЗУ (340±51 мкм) была выше, чем в контроле (257,0±37,0 мкм, p<0,05). При ПЗУ и ППЗУ выявлены корреляции ТХф с возрастом, AL, LV, ICurv, IT750 (все p<0,05), а также установлены корреляции LV с возрастом, ВГД, ACD, ICurv, IT750, AOD500, AOD750, TISA500, TISA750 (все p<0,05). Только при ПЗУ отмечалась корреляция ТХф с ВГД (p=-0,476; p=0,008).ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ. Увеличение ТХф по сравнению с контролем как при ППЗУ, так и при ПЗУ, а также корреляции ТХф с LV и параметрами радужки предполагают участие хориоидеи в патогенезе заболевания первичного закрытия угла (ЗПЗУ). Корреляции LV с ВГД, параметрами передней камеры и радужки свидетельствуют о доминирующей роли хрусталика в формировании ЗПЗУ и необходимости ранней его замены

    Basic Principles of Construction of Mobile Truck-Mounted Laboratories for Indication and Identification of Infectious Disease Agents

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    The paper covers historical retrospective of mobile truck-mounted laboratory construction, used for diagnostics of infectious diseases in the Russian Federation, as well as information on analogous laboratories of foreign manufacture. From the standpoint of systemic approach and systemic-functional analysis, investigated has been experience of the Russian Research Anti-Plague Institute “ Microbe” in developing mobile complexes for indication and identification of infectious disease agents, I-IV pathogenicity groups. Outlined, scientifically substantiated and considered in depth are ten basic principles, underlying design and construction of mobile laboratories for laboratory diagnostics of infectious diseases

    Ecosystem and human health assessment to define environmental management strategies: The case of long-term human impacts on an Arctic lake

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    Abstract There are rich deposits of mineral and fossil natural resources in the Arctic, which make this region very attractive for extracting industries. Their operations have immediate and vast consequences for ecological systems, which are particularly vulnerable in this region. We are developing a management strategy for Arctic watersheds impacted by industrial production. The case study is Lake Imandra watershed (Murmansk oblast, Russia) that has exceptionally high levels of economic development and large numbers of people living there. We track the impacts of toxic pollution on ecosystem health and then -human health. Three periods are identified: (a) natural, pre-industrial state; (b) disturbed, under rapid economic development; and (c) partial recovery, during recent economic meltdown. The ecosystem is shown to transform into a qualitatively new state, which is still different from the original natural state, even after toxic loadings have substantially decreased. Fish disease where analyzed to produce and integral evaluation of ecosystem health. Accumulation of heavy metals in fish is correlated with etiology of many diseases. Dose-effect relationships are between integral water quality indices and ecosystem health indicators clearly demonstrates that existing water quality standards adopted in Russia are inadequate for Arctic regions. Health was also poor for people drinking water from the Lake. Transport of heavy metals from drinking water, into human organs, and their effect on liver and kidney diseases shows the close connection between ecosystem and human health. A management system is outlined that is based on feedback from indices of ecosystem and human health and control over economic production and/or the amount of toxic loading produced. We argue that prospects for implementation of such a system are quite bleak at this time, and that more likely we will see a continued depopulation of these Northern regions

    Non-Specific Indication of Microorganisms in Environmental Samples

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    The review presents an analysis of modern methods and instruments for performing nonspecific detection of pathogenic biological agents in environmental objects. Discussed are technological characteristics of application of these methods for the detection of biological substances of protein nature in samples. The spectrum of means for non-specific PBA detection includes home-produced and foreign field devices based on protein contamination indication using various colorimetry variants. Technologies for remote and direct monitoring of environment for the presence of aerosols of biological nature are represented by hybrid lidar systems (biolidars) and biodetectors. For PBA nucleic acids tracing, the complexes based on DNA molecule binding with fluorophore with further fluorescence detection are described. Given are the examples of chemiluminescent analysis application in the developed automatic impurity detectors, as well as systems using bioluminescence. Based on the literature data analysis, put forward is a possible algorithm for indication of pathogenic biological agents when carrying out monitoring of the environment in zones of possible emergency situation occurrence and mass events holding

    Key Stages in the Development of SAET Laboratory Facilities

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    Considered are the stages of the SAET laboratory facilities development. Initially main area of activities was assumed to be specific indication of bacterial threats and laboratory control over the ambient environment objects for the presence of particularly dangerous infectious disease agents. Significant increment in the workload occurred during the period of localization and elimination of epidemic cholera manifestations in the 1970s, when primary tasks of bacteriological unit consisted in carrying out mass bacteriological investigations of samples from humans, environment objects, and food items. Assignment of new functions to the laboratory facilities, such as performance of sanitary-microbiological investigations, monitoring over ambient environment objects for the presence of vibrio-flora and natural-focal infectious disease agents, clinical material assays - is associated with SAETs participation in liquidation of medical-sanitary consequences of natural disasters and human cost relief as aftermaths of military conflicts, as well as participation in management of mass events with international representation. Most important issues in the development of SAET laboratory facilities are implementation of advanced diagnostic technologies, automatization of various stages in the process of analysis performing, standardization of diagnostic investigations, and ensuring compliance of the facilities with national and international requirements