1,227 research outputs found

    Irreducibility of fusion modules over twisted Yangians at generic point

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    With any skew Young diagram one can associate a one parameter family of "elementary" modules over the Yangian \Yg(\g\l_N). Consider the twisted Yangian \Yg(\g_N)\subset \Yg(\g\l_N) associated with a classical matrix Lie algebra \g_N\subset\g\l_N. Regard the tensor product of elementary Yangian modules as a module over \Yg(\g_N) by restriction. We prove its irreducibility for generic values of the parameters.Comment: Replaced with journal version, 18 page

    On irreducibility of tensor products of evaluation modules for the quantum affine algebra

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    Every irreducible finite-dimensional representation of the quantized enveloping algebra U_q(gl_n) can be extended to the corresponding quantum affine algebra via the evaluation homomorphism. We give in explicit form the necessary and sufficient conditions for irreducibility of tensor products of such evaluation modules.Comment: 22 pages. Some references are adde

    Statistics of Transmission Eigenvalues for a Disordered Quantum Point Contact

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    We study the distribution of transmission eigenvalues of a quantum point contact with nearby impurities. In the semi-classical case (the chemical potential lies at the conductance plateau) we find that the transmission properties of this system are obtained from the ensemble of Gaussian random reflection matrices. The distribution only depends on the number of open transport channels and the average reflection eigenvalue and crosses over from the Poissonian for one open channel to the form predicted by the circuit theory in the limit of large number of open channels.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Tunnelling density of states at Coulomb blockade peaks

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    We calculate the tunnelling density of states (TDoS) for a quantum dot in the Coulomb blockade regime, using a functional integral representation with allowing correctly for the charge quantisation. We show that in addition to the well-known gap in the TDoS in the Coulomb-blockade valleys, there is a suppression of the TDoS at the peaks. We show that such a suppression is necessary in order to get the correct result for the peak of the differential conductance through an almost close quantum dot.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Zero bias anomaly in a two dimensional granular insulator

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    We compare tunneling density of states (TDOS) into two ultrathin Ag films, one uniform and one granular, for different degrees of disorder. The uniform film shows a crossover from Altshuler-Aronov (AA) zero bias anomaly to Efros Shklovskii (ES) like Coulomb gap as the disorder is increased. The granular film, on the other hand, exhibits AA behavior even deeply in the insulating regime. We analyze the data and find that granularity introduces a new regime for the TDOS. While the conductivity is dominated by hopping between clusters of grains and is thus insulating, the TDOS probes the properties of an individual cluster which is "metallic".Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Josephson effect in SF_{\rm F}XSF_{\rm F} junctions

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    We investigate the Josephson effect in SF_{\rm F}XSF_{\rm F} junctions, where SF_{\rm F} is a superconducting material with a ferromagnetic exchange field, and X a weak link. The critical current IcI_c increases with the (antiparallel) exchange fields if the distribution of transmission eigenvalues of the X-layer has its maximum weight at small values. This exchange field enhancement of the supercurrent does not exist if X is a diffusive normal metal. At low temperatures, there is a correspondence between the critical current in an SF_{\rm F}ISF_{\rm F} junction with collinear orientations of the two exchange fields, and the AC supercurrent amplitude in an SIS tunnel junction. The difference of the exchange fields h1h2h_1-h_2 in an SF_{\rm F}ISF_{\rm F} junction corresponds to the potential difference V1V2V_1-V_2 in an SIS junction; i.e., the singularity in IcI_c [in an SF_{\rm F}ISF_{\rm F} junction] at h1h2=Δ1+Δ2|h_1-h_2|=\Delta_1+\Delta_2 is the analogue of the Riedel peak. We also discuss the AC Josephson effect in SF_{\rm F}ISF_{\rm F} junctions.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure


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    Process of water-coal gasification is satisfactorily described by three thermal and chemical equations; using these equations composition of gasification product (water carbon monoxide gas) has been calculated in accordance with a temperature. Results of the calculations are presented in the form of charts. Процесс водоугольной газификации удовлетворительно описывается тремя термохимическими уравнениями, по которым рассчитан состав продукта газификации (водородоугарного газа) в зависимости от температуры. Результаты расчета представлены в виде графиков