503 research outputs found

    Radiation Due to Josephson Oscillations in Layered Superconductors

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    We derive the power of direct radiation into free space induced by Josephson oscillations in intrinsic Josephson junctions of highly anisotropic layered superconductors. We consider the super-radiation regime for a crystal cut in the form of a thin slice parallel to the c-axis. We find that the radiation correction to the current-voltage characteristic in this regime depends only on crystal shape. We show that at large enough number of junctions oscillations are synchronized providing high radiation power and efficiency in the THz frequency range. We discuss crystal parameters and bias current optimal for radiation power and crystal cooling.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, to be published in Phys. Rev. Let

    Inhomogeneous LOFF phase revisited for surface superconductivity

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    We consider 2D surface superconductivity in high magnetic fields parallel to the surface. We demonstrate that the spin-orbit interaction at the surface changes the properties of the inhomogeneous superconducting Larkin-Ovchinnikov-Fulde-Ferrell state that develops above fields given by the paramagnetic criterion. Strong spin-orbit interaction significantly broadens the range of existence of the LOFF phase, which takes the form of periodic superconducting stripes running along the field direction on the surface, leading to the anisotropy of its properties. In connection with experiments by J.H. Schon et al. [Nature 914, 434 (2001)] on superconductivity of electrically doped films of the cuprate material CaCuO2, we also discuss this problem for the d-wave pairing to indicate the possibility of a re-orientation transition as the magnetic field direction is rotated in the plane parallel to the surface. Our results provide a tool for studying surface superconductivity as a function of doping.Comment: 4 pages, 1 fig, revtex

    Theory of Interplay of Nuclear Magnetism and Superconductivity in AuIn2

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    The recently reported coexistence of a magnetic order, with the critical temperature T_M=35 \mu*K, and superconductivity, with the critical temperature T_S=207 m*K, in AuIn_2 is studied theoretically. It is shown that superconducting (S) electrons and localized nuclear magnetic moments (LM's) interact dominantly via the contact hyperfine (EX) interaction, giving rise to a spiral (or domain-like) magnetic order in superconducting phase. The electromagnetic interaction between LM's and S electrons is small compared to the EX one giving minor contribution to the formation of the oscillatory magnetic order. In clean samples (l>\xi_0) of AuIn2_2 the oscillatory magnetic order should produce a line of nodes in the quasiparticle spectrum of S electrons giving rise to the power law behavior. The critical field H_c(T=0) in the coexistence phase is reduced by factor two with respect to its bare value.Comment: 4 pages with 2 PS figures, RevTeX, submitted to Physical Review B - Rapid Communication

    Dissociation Transition of a Composite Lattice of Magnetic Vortices in the Flux-Flow Regime of Two-Band Superconductors

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    In multiband superconductors, each superconducting condensate supports vortices with fractional quantum flux. In the ground state, vortices in different bands are spatially bounded together to form a composite vortex, carrying one quantum flux \Phi_0. Here we predict dissociation of the composite vortices lattice in the flux flow state due to the disparity of the vortex viscosity and flux of the vortex in different bands. For a small driving current, composite vortices start to deform, but the constituting vortices in different bands move with the same velocity. For a large current, composite vortices dissociate and vortices in different bands move with different velocities. The dissociation transition shows up as an increase of flux flow resistivity. In the dissociated phase, Shapiro steps are developed when an ac current is superimposed with a dc current.Comment: 4.5 pages, 3 figure

    Ferromagnetic Film on a Superconducting Substrate

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    We study the equilibrium domain structure and magnetic flux around a ferromagnetic (FM) film with perpendicular magnetization M_0 on a superconducting (SC) substrate. At 4{\pi}M_0<H_{c1} the SC is in the Meissner state and the equilibrium domain width in the film, l, scales as (l/4{\pi}{\lambda}_{L}) = (l_{N}/4{\pi}{\lambda}_{L})^{2/3} with the domain width on a normal (non-superconducting) substrate, l_{N}/4\pi\lambda_L >> 1. Here \lambda_L is the London penetration length. For 4{\pi}M_0 > H_{c1} and l_{N} in excess of about 35 {\lambda}_{L}, the domains are connected by SC vortices. We argue that pinning of vortices by magnetic domains in FM/SC multilayers can provide high critical currents.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, submitted to PR

    Electronic Orbital Currents and Polarization in Mott Insulators

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    The standard view is that at low energies Mott insulators exhibit only magnetic properties while charge degrees of freedom are frozen out as the electrons become localized by a strong Coulomb repulsion. We demonstrate that this is in general not true: for certain spin textures {\it spontaneous circular electric currents} or {\it nonuniform charge distribution} exist in the ground state of Mott insulators. In addition, low-energy ``magnetic'' states contribute comparably to the dielectric and magnetic functions ϵik(ω)\epsilon_{ik}(\omega) and μik(ω)\mu_{ik}(\omega) leading to interesting phenomena such as rotation the electric field polarization and resonances which may be common for both functions producing a negative refraction index in a window of frequencies

    Interaction of a Nanomagnet with a Weak Superconducting Link

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    We study electromagnetic interaction of a nanomagnet with a weak superconducting link. Equations that govern coupled dynamics of the two systems are derived and investigated numerically. We show that the presence of a small magnet in the proximity of a weak link may be detected through Shapiro-like steps caused by the precession of the magnetic moment. Despite very weak magnetic field generated by the weak link, a time-dependent bias voltage applied to the link can initiate a non-linear dynamics of the nanomagnet that leads to the reversal of its magnetic moment. We also consider quantum problem in which a nanomagnet interacting with a weak link is treated as a two-state spin system due to quantum tunneling between spin-up and spin-down states.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Fine structure of the local pseudogap and Fano effect for superconducting electrons near a zigzag graphene edge

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    Motivated by recent scanning tunneling experiments on zigzag-terminated graphene this paper investigates an interplay of evanescent and extended quasiparticle states in the local density of states (LDOS) near a zigzag edge using the Green's function of the Dirac equation. A model system is considered where the local electronic structure near the edge influences transport of both normal and superconducting electrons via a Fano resonance. In particular, the temperature enhancement of the critical Josephson current and 0-pi transitions are predicted.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Spin-precession-assisted supercurrent in a superconducting quantum point contact coupled to a single-molecule magnet

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    The supercurrent of a quantum point contact coupled to a nanomagnet strongly depends on the dynamics of the nanomagnet's spin. We employ a fully microscopic model to calculate the transport properties of a junction coupled to a spin whose dynamics is modeled as Larmor precession brought about by an external magnetic field and find that the dynamics affects the charge and spin currents by inducing transitions between the continuum states below the superconducting gap edge and the Andreev levels. This redistribution of the quasiparticles leads to a non-equilibrium population of the Andreev levels and an enhancement of the supercurrent which is visible as a modified current-phase relation as well as a non-monotonous critical current as function of temperature. The non-monotonous behavior is accompanied by a corresponding change in spin-transfer torques acting on the precessing spin and leads to the possibility of using temperature as a means to tune the back-action on the spin.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Josephson effect in thin-film superconductor/insulator/superconductor junctions with misaligned in-plane magnetic fields

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    We study a tunnel junction consisting of two thin-film s-wave superconductors separated by a thin, insulating barrier in the presence of misaligned in-plane exchange fields. We find an interesting interplay between the superconducting phase difference and the relative orientation of the exchange fields, manifested in the Josephson current across the junction. Specifically, this may be written IJC=(I0+Im cosϕ)sinΔθI_\text{J}^\text{C} = (I_0+I_m ~ \cos\phi) \sin\Delta\theta, where I_0 and I_m are constants, and ϕ\phi is the relative orientation of the exchange fields while Δθ\Delta\theta is the superconducting phase difference. Similar results have recently been obtained in other S/I/S junctions coexisting with helimagnetic or ferromagnetic order. We calculate the superconducting order parameter self-consistently, and investigate quantitatively the effect which the misaligned exchange fields constitute on the Josephson current, to see if I_m may have an appreciable effect on the Josephson current. It is found that I_0 and I_m become comparable in magnitude at sufficiently low temperatures and fields close to the critical value, in agreement with previous work. From our analytical results, it then follows that the Josephson current in the present system may be controlled in a well-defined manner by a rotation of the exchange fields on both sides of the junction. We discuss a possible experimental realization of this proposition.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.