962,256 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Penyiangan Dan Suhu Penyimpanan Terhadap Mutu Kimiawi, Mikrobiologis Dan Organoleptik Ikan Tongkol (Auxis Tharzard, Lac)

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    Ikan tongkol merupakan salah satu bahan pangan yang dikonsumsi masyarakat dan jika dibiarkanpada suhu kamar, maka terjadi proses penurunan mutu menjadi busuk. Ikan yang sudah mengalami prosespembusukan, bila dikonsumsi dapat menimbulkan keracunan (Histamine fish poisoning). Keracunan inidisebabkan oleh kontaminasi bakteri pathogen dengan dekarboksilasi asam amino histidin oleh enzimhistidin dekarboksilase menghasilkan histamin. Bakteri ini banyak terdapat pada anggota tubuh manusiayang tidak higienis, kotoran/tinja, isi Perut ikan, insang serta peralatan yang tidak bersih.Penelitian eksperimental dengan pola faktorial, yaitu faktor P adalah faktor penyiangan dengan 2 taraf,tanpa penyiangan dan penyiangan, sedangkan faktor T adalah suhu penyimpanan dengan 3 taraf yaitu suhupenyimpanan 30oC, 15oC dan 0oC.Analisis statistik terhadap mutu kimiawi seperti kadar histamin, kadar total volatil bases (TVB) dantrimetilamin (TMA) menunjukkan perbedaan nyata (P<0,05) pada pengaruh penyiangan dan suhupenyimpanan. Terjadi peningkatan kadar histamin, kadar TVB dan TMA selama penelitian. Selamapenelitian terjadi peningkatan jumlah koloni bakteri, jumlah Coliform, kecuali bakteri Vibrioparahaemolyticus negatif. Perlakuan penyiangan dan suhu penyimpanan 0oC memiliki mutu kimiawi,mikrobiologis terbaik sampai hari ke 10 serta masih diterima panelis.Hubungan antara kadar histamin dengan jumlah bakteri mempunyai hubungan sangat kuat, ditunjukkandengan nilai r ? 0,7 kecuali kadar histamin dengan waktu memiliki hubungan agak lemah r ? 0,5.Keamanan ikan tongkol dengan penerapan teknologi tepat guna berupa tanpa penyiangan danpenyiangan pada suhu 30oC hanya aman untuk dikonsumsi sampai hari ke 0. Perlakuan tanpa penyiangandan suhu penyimpanan 15oC aman sampai hari ke 4, sedangkan dengan penyiangan aman sampai hari ke 6.Untuk perlakuan tanpa penyiangan dan penyiangan dengan suhu penyimpanan 0oC aman sampai hari ke 10

    Combination of Tempeh and Carrot Prevent Atherosclerosis Wistar Rat: Indicated by Increase of Hdl and Total Antioxidant, Decrease Ldl, F2-isoprostan, and Il-6

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    Coronary heart disease (CHD) is the leading cause of death, either in developed and developing countries. The disease is stimulated by the present of atherosclerosis. This study aims to investigate supplementation of combined tempeh M-2 and carrot to prevent atherosclerosis wistar rat by increases HDL and TAC, decreases LDL, F2-Isoprostan, and IL-6. This was a true experimental study with the factorial completely randomized post-test only control group design. variables such as KN (standard feeding / pellets (50 g / kg bw / day), KP: pig lubrication: pellets (1: 9) (50 g / kg bw / day), T : lubrication pig: pellets (1: 9) with tempeh M -2 (20 g / kg bw / day), W: pig lubrication: pellets (1: 9) with carrots (20 g / kg bw / day), and TW: pig lubrication: pellets (1: 9) with tempeh M-2 (20 g / kg bw / day), and carrots (20 g / kg bw / day). Dependent variables in this study are serum HDL,serum TAC, LDL serum, urine F2-Isoprostan, and plasma IL-6 (with Elisa Method). Data were analyzed using the F test (two-way ANOVA), followed by LSD test. Descriptive research was also conducted in this study in order to find out the change of aortic histopathologic. The highest average levels of HDL, TAC contained on TW, which respectively amounted 68.640 ± 0.50 mg / dl, 1.454 ± 0.01 nM / mL. It showed highly significant differences (p<0.01) in the various treatments. TW treatment showed highly significant interaction effect (p<0.01) were observed for all parameters except for HDL. Average levels of LDL, F2- Isoprostan, and IL-6 lowest in the treatment TW, which respectively amounted 20.718 ± 1.33 mg / dl, 0.720 ± 0.065 ng / dl, 35.328 ± 1.000 pg/dl, showed highly significant differences (p<0.01) in the various treatments. It can be concluded that supplementation with a combination of tempeh M-2 with carrots give the best effect, can increases HDL and TAC, and can decreases LDL, F2-Isoprostan, IL-6 significantly, and may change the hystopathology structure of aorta from endotel dysfunction to become normal

    Association of B-cell Lymphoma Protein-2 and Caspase-3 Expression in Ovarian Cancer

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    Ovarian cancer remains a major problem of women's health in the world, including Indonesia, and is associated with high rates of incidence and mortality. There are many efforts in early diagnosis on ovarian cancer, but until now there have not been found any satisfactory method. On the other hand, knowledge and research in the field of molecular biology become more advance, one of them is a mechanism to control the growth of cells in ovarian cancer through a process of programmed cell death or apoptosis. B-cell lymphoma protein 2 (Bcl-2) and caspase-3 are proteins that play a role on the mechanism of apoptosis. The purpose of this study was to determine the expression of Bcl-2 and caspase-3 and their association with ovarian cancer. Materials and method: The design of this study was a cross-sectional study. Expression of Bcl-2 and caspase-3 examined by immunohistochemistry under light microscope with 400x light power field and expression as a negative when the protein expressed in 10% or less of cells and as a positive when the protein expressed in more than 10% of cells. A number of 45 subjects were recruited in this study. Thirthy one of 45 subjects showed the expression of Bcl-2 positive (68.9%), while the positive expression of caspase-3 present in 20 subjects (44.4%). There was a significant association between the expression of Bcl-2 with the expression of caspase-3 in ovarian cancer patients (p=0.002; lambda=0.4). There was also a significant association between stage of disease with expression of Bcl-2 (p=0.002; lambda=0.3) dan expression of caspase-3 (p=0.001; lambda=0.3). Conclusion: It concluded that there is a significant association between the expression of Bcl-2 and the expression of caspase-3 in ovarian cancer

    Sustainable Cultural Development: the Fate of Balinese Adat Village Posterior the Enactment of Law Number 6 Year 2014 Concerning Village

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    Pengakuan keberadaan masyarakat adat sangat tergantung pada kehendak pemerintah yang berkuasa. Pemerintah Desa sebagaimana dirumuskan dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 6 Tahun 2014 tentang Desa serta Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 43 Tahun 2014 tentang Peraturan Pelaksanaan Undang-Undang Nomor 6 Tahun 2014 telah secara alami menjadi hukum birokrasi dan pejabat bahwa desa diatur dalam sistem pemerintah daerah di bawah pengawasan hukum negara. Dalam kasus Bali dan pemerintah daerah Bali, terdapat konsekuensi hukum dengan nasib dan masa depan keberadaan dan kehidupan desa adat/desa pakraman sebagai sistem sosial dan budaya masyarakat Hindu, yaitu hukum berdasarkan dari pakraman pembangunan desa adat/desa tidak akan tetap menjadi awig-awig sebagai hukum adat masyarakat tradisional Bali; filsafat dan esensi, fungsi dan peran desa adat/desa pakraman berubah secara fisik serta mengakhiri dan hilangnya komunitas kehidupan masyarakat Bali; adat tradisional dan sistem pemerintahan harus berubah sesuai dengan sistem pemerintahan desa dinas (Kelurahan); di satu desa sisi adat/desa pakraman harus mengatur urusan administrasi dan birokrasi di bawah struktur pemerintah daerah, dan di sisi lain desa adat adalah pada saat yang sama yang bertanggungjawab untuk mengatur dan bertanggungjawab tentang budaya, tradisi dan ritual adat serta sebagai urusan agama Hindu, pemandangan desa pakraman adat/desa harus benar-benar diabaikan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari desa Bali dan masyarakat.The recognition of indigenous peoples existence is very dependent on the will of the Government. The village government as formulated in Act number 6/2014 of the village, as well as Government Regulation number 43/2014 about Implementation of the Act number 6/2014 has naturally become a bureaucratic and legal officials law, that the village is set in the system of local government under the supervision of State law. In the case of Bali and the local Government of Bali, there is legal consequences with the fate and the future existence and life of indigenous village/pakraman village as a social and cultural system of the Hindu society, it is the law on the development basis of the indigenous village/pakraman village will not remain be ”the awig-awig” as Balinese traditional society customary law; philosophy and the essence, function and role of the indigenous village/pakraman village changed physically as well as community life of Balinese people loss; traditional customs and Government system should be changed in accordance with the system of the village Government; on one side the customs affairs village should organize pakraman village administration and bureaucracy under the structure of local governments, and on the other hand the indigenous village is at the same time responsible to organize and responsible about the culture, traditions, customs and ritual as Hindu affairs, village understanding of pakraman village customs and traditions should be completely ignored in Balinese village daily community life

    The beta-delayed neutron emission in 78Ni region

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    A systematic study of the total ÎČ\beta-decay half-lives and ÎČ\beta-delayed neutron emission probabilities is performed. The ÎČ\beta-strength function is treated within the self-consistent density-functional + continuum-QRPA framework including the Gamow-Teller and first-forbidden transitions. The experimental total ÎČ\beta-decay half-lives for the Ni isotopes with A≀A\leq76 are described satisfactorily. The half-lives predicted from AA=70 up to AA=86 reveal fairly regular AA-behaviour which results from simultaneous account for the Gamow-Teller and first-forbidden transitions. For Z≈Z\approx 28 nuclei, a suppression of the delayed neutron emission probability is found when the NN=50 neutron closed shell is crossed. The effect originates from the high-energy first-forbidden transitions to the states outside the QÎČ−SnQ_{\beta} - S_n-window in the daughter nuclei. PACS numbers: 23.40.Bw,21.60.Jz,25.30.Pt,26.30.+kComment: LaTeX, 13 pages, 5 figure

    Comparison Study in Using Plough, Tractor and Cultivator for Rice Field\u27 Land Preparation

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    Land preparation of the rice field is one of the most important steps for paddyplantation. Formerly plough is one of the main tools for land preparation, but now thefarmer used tractor or cultivator. From the farmer experience who are used that tools forland preparation there had advantages and disadvantages. The used of plough for landpreparation for long time ago the deep of rice field soil is constant because the ploughblade can be adjusted up and down. The plough can be turn to the right or left side so thatall part of rice field except the corner can be cultivate. But for pulling the plough must bedifficult to find two cows. While if using tractor or cultivator the right or left side and thecorner of the rice field can\u27t be cultivate. Deep of rice filed soil become shallow so thefertility of soil reduced. Beside that using tractor or cultivator for land preparation needmore fuel. The plough were easy to carry out, but tractor and cultivator difficult to carryout because the weight more that 200 kg

    Possible Odderon discovery at HERA via charge asymmetry in the diffractive pi+pi- production

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    We discuss how the evasive Odderon signal can be enhanced by final state interactions. We suggest the charge asymmetry of pion spectra in diffractive pi+pi- photoproduction as a promising signature of the Odderon exchange.Comment: 4 pages, To appear in Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS2001), Bologna, Italy, 27 Apr. - 1 May 200
