77 research outputs found

    Patterns of eukaryotic diversity from the surface to the deep-ocean sediment

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    Remote deep-ocean sediment (DOS) ecosystems are among the least explored biomes on Earth. Genomic assessments of their biodiversity have failed to separate indigenous benthic organisms from sinking plankton. Here, we compare global-scale eukaryotic DNA metabarcoding datasets (18S-V9) from abyssal and lower bathyal surficial sediments and euphotic and aphotic ocean pelagic layers to distinguish plankton from benthic diversity in sediment material. Based on 1685 samples collected throughout the world ocean, we show that DOS diversity is at least threefold that in pelagic realms, with nearly two-thirds represented by abundant yet unknown eukaryotes. These benthic communities are spatially structured by ocean basins and particulate organic carbon (POC) flux from the upper ocean. Plankton DNA reaching the DOS originates from abundant species, with maximal deposition at high latitudes. Its seafloor DNA signature predicts variations in POC export from the surface and reveals previously overlooked taxa that may drive the biological carbon pump

    Multiple Regression Analysis in the Development of NiFe Cells as Energy Storage Solutions for Intermittent Power Sources Such as Wind or Solar

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    Multiple regression analysis was used to investigate the effect of bismuth sulphide and iron sulphide as anode additives for NiFe cells. With this in mind, in-house made Fe/FeS/Bi2S3 based electrodes were cycled against commercially available nickel electrodes. A simplex centroid design was used to investigate the combined effects of any of the aforementioned additives on cell performance. The manuscript ends with an initial look at electrolyte systems as a means to further improve the performance of our cells. Finally, our findings support the idea that HS- ions improve the overall performance of NiFe cells

    Indirect monitoring shot-to-shot shock waves strength reproducibility during pump-probe experiments

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    We present an indirect method of estimating the strength of a shock wave, allowing on line monitoring of its reproducibility in each laser shot. This method is based on a shot-to-shot measurement of the X-ray emission from the ablated plasma by a high resolution, spatially resolved focusing spectrometer. An optical pump laser with energy of 1.0 J and pulse duration of ∼660 ps was used to irradiate solid targets or foils with various thicknesses containing Oxygen, Aluminum, Iron, and Tantalum. The high sensitivity and resolving power of the X-ray spectrometer allowed spectra to be obtained on each laser shot and to control fluctuations of the spectral intensity emitted by different plasmas with an accuracy of ∼2%, implying an accuracy in the derived electron plasma temperature of 5%-10% in pump-probe high energy density science experiments. At nano- and sub-nanosecond duration of laser pulse with relatively low laser intensities and ratio Z/A ∼ 0.5, the electron temperature follows Te ∼ Ilas2/3. Thus, measurements of the electron plasma temperature allow indirect estimation of the laser flux on the target and control its shot-to-shot fluctuation. Knowing the laser flux intensity and its fluctuation gives us the possibility of monitoring shot-to-shot reproducibility of shock wave strength generation with high accuracy.T. A. Pikuz, A. Ya. Faenov, N. Ozaki, N. J. Hartley, B. Albertazzi, T. Matsuoka, K. Takahashi, H. Habara, Y. Tange, S. Matsuyama, K. Yamauchi, R. Ochante, K. Sueda, O. Sakata, T. Sekine, T. Sato, Y. Umeda, Y. Inubushi, T. Yabuuchi, T. Togashi, T. Katayama, M. Yabashi, M. Harmand, G. Morard, M. Koenig, V. Zhakhovsky, N. Inogamov, A. S. Safronova, A. Stafford, I. Yu. Skobelev, S. A. Pikuz, T. Okuchi, Y. Seto, K. A. Tanaka, T. Ishikawa, and R. Kodama, "Indirect monitoring shot-to-shot shock waves strength reproducibility during pump–probe experiments", Journal of Applied Physics 120, 035901 (2016) https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4958796

    A MHz X-ray diffraction set-up for dynamic compression experiments in the diamond anvil cell

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    An experimental platform for dynamic diamond anvil cell (dDAC) research has been developed at the High Energy Density (HED) Instrument at the European X-ray Free Electron Laser (European XFEL). Advantage was taken of the high repetition rate of the European XFEL (up to 4.5 MHz) to collect pulse-resolved MHz X-ray diffraction data from samples as they are dynamically compressed at intermediate strain rates (≤103 s−1), where up to 352 diffraction images can be collected from a single pulse train. The set-up employs piezo-driven dDACs capable of compressing samples in ≥340 µs, compatible with the maximum length of the pulse train (550 µs). Results from rapid compression experiments on a wide range of sample systems with different X-ray scattering powers are presented. A maximum compression rate of 87 TPa s−1 was observed during the fast compression of Au, while a strain rate of ∼1100 s−1 was achieved during the rapid compression of N2 at 23 TPa s−1

    Calcineurin-Inhibitor Minimization in Liver Transplant Patients with Calcineurin-Inhibitor-Related Renal Dysfunction: A Meta-Analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Introduction of calcineurin-inhibitor (CNI) has made transplantation a miracle in the past century. However, the side effects of long-term use of CNI turn out to be one of the major challenges in the current century. Among these, renal dysfunction attracts more and more attention. Herein, we undertook a meta-analysis to evaluate the efficacy and safety of calcineurin-inhibitor (CNI) minimization protocols in liver transplant recipients with CNI-related renal dysfunction. METHODS: We included randomized trials with no year and language restriction. All data were analyzed using random effect model by Review Manager 5.0. The primary endpoints were glomerular filtration rate (GFR), serum creatinine level (sCr) and creatinine clearance rate (CrCl), and the secondary endpoints were acute rejection episodes, incidence of infection and patient survival at the end of follow-up. RESULTS: GFR was significantly improved in CNI minimization group than in routine CNI regimen group (Z = 5.45, P<0.00001; I(2) = 0%). Likely, sCr level was significantly lower in the CNI minimization group (Z = 2.84, P = 0.005; I(2) = 39%). However, CrCl was not significantly higher in the CNI minimization group (Z = 1.59, P = 0.11; I(2) = 0%). Both acute rejection episodes and patient survival were comparable between two groups (rejection: Z = 0.01, P = 0.99; I(2) = 0%; survival: Z = 0.28, P = 0.78; I(2) = 0%, respectively). However, current CNI minimization protocols may be related to a higher incidence of infections (Z = 3.06, P = 0.002; I(2) = 0%). CONCLUSION: CNI minimization can preserve or even improve renal function in liver transplant patients with renal impairment, while sharing similar short term acute rejection rate and patient survival with routine CNI regimen

    Agricultural uses of plant biostimulants

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