15 research outputs found


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    Water erosion was recorded during a four-year period (1994-1998.) on Luvic stagnosol (pseudogley), in the Daruvar area (Central Croatia), in different crop development stages according to USLE, under six tillage treatments in growing common arable crops in the common crop sequence. A much higher rate of erosion, higher than Soil loss tolerance (T value) was recorded in the growing of spring crops (row crops) than in winter crops of high plant density, where it was below the T value. In the growing of spring crops, the critical period with maximal water erosion was the period of seedbed preparation (SB period according of USLE), the period just after sowing. In the growing of maize and soybean, this is the period when over 80% of the overall annual erosion occurs in all tillage variants. As expected, the maximal rate of soil erosion, higher than the T value, was recorded in the standard plot according to USLE, followed by the variant of conventional up/down the slope tillage. Soil erosion was much smaller and below the T value in the no-tillage variant and in all variants with tillage across the slope. This means that these variants of soil tillage can be defined as conservation tillage in agroecological conditions of this part of Croatia. In growing winter crops of high density (wheat and oil seed rape), no critical periods were observed and erosion was much below the T value and was uniformly distributed throughout the whole growing season. According to the results, to reduce soil erosion below the T value on slopes of inclination higher than 9%, soil conservation practices are all tillage operations across the slope and/or a reduced crop rotation, without row crops.Tijekom cetvorogodišnjeg razdoblja (1994-98) na pseudogleju središnje Hrvatske pri razlicitim varijantama obrade tla istraživana je erozija tla vodom. U istraživanja su ukljuceni usjevi koji dominiraju u ovom podneblju, dok su varijante obrade slijedece: 1. Standardna parcela prema USLE - crni ugar 2. Konvencionalno oranje (do 25 cm) uz i niz nagib 3. Izostavljanje obrade - izravna sjetva, 4. Konvencionalno oranje okomito na smjer nagiba 5. Vrlo duboko oranje (do 50 cm) okomito na smjer nagiba. 6. Podrivanje na 60 cm dubine + konvencionalno oranje okomito na smjer nagiba. Temeljem polucenih rezultata i odnosa s tolerantnom erozijom za ovaj tip tla zakljucujemo da su erozijski nanosi pri u uzgoju jarina rijetkog sklopa (kukuruz i soja) mnogo veci u odnosu na tolerantno odnošenja za ovaj tip tla. Kriticno razdoblje pri uzgoju ovih kultura je neposredno poslije sjetve ovih usjeva (razdoblje nicanja pa dok usjev nije prekrio 10% površine). U ovom razdoblju utvrdeno je preko 80 % ukupne godišnje erozije, bez obzira na smjer obrade. Pri uzgoju ozimih kultura gustog sklopa (pšenica i uljana repica) nisu zabilježeni kriticna razdoblja, dok je ukupna erozija izrazito niža od tolerantnog odnošenja, pa u obzir dolaze svi istraživani nacini obrade tla. Temeljem svega navedenog zakljucujemo da je obrada uz/niz nagib pri uzgoju jarina rijetkog sklopa visoko rizicna na nagnutim terenima, pa bi taj nacin obrade tla trebalo napustiti. Izostavljanje obrade i bilo koji od nacina obrade okomito na nagib preporucamo za širu primjenu u poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji. Smatramo da je rijec je o nacinima obrade tla koji su u skladu s održivom poljoprivredom u ovom podneblju


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    Water erosion was recorded during a four-year period (1994-1998.) on Luvic stagnosol (pseudogley), in the Daruvar area (Central Croatia), in different crop development stages according to USLE, under six tillage treatments in growing common arable crops in the common crop sequence. A much higher rate of erosion, higher than Soil loss tolerance (T value) was recorded in the growing of spring crops (row crops) than in winter crops of high plant density, where it was below the T value. In the growing of spring crops, the critical period with maximal water erosion was the period of seedbed preparation (SB period according of USLE), the period just after sowing. In the growing of maize and soybean, this is the period when over 80% of the overall annual erosion occurs in all tillage variants. As expected, the maximal rate of soil erosion, higher than the T value, was recorded in the standard plot according to USLE, followed by the variant of conventional up/down the slope tillage. Soil erosion was much smaller and below the T value in the no-tillage variant and in all variants with tillage across the slope. This means that these variants of soil tillage can be defined as conservation tillage in agroecological conditions of this part of Croatia. In growing winter crops of high density (wheat and oil seed rape), no critical periods were observed and erosion was much below the T value and was uniformly distributed throughout the whole growing season. According to the results, to reduce soil erosion below the T value on slopes of inclination higher than 9%, soil conservation practices are all tillage operations across the slope and/or a reduced crop rotation, without row crops.Tijekom cetvorogodišnjeg razdoblja (1994-98) na pseudogleju središnje Hrvatske pri razlicitim varijantama obrade tla istraživana je erozija tla vodom. U istraživanja su ukljuceni usjevi koji dominiraju u ovom podneblju, dok su varijante obrade slijedece: 1. Standardna parcela prema USLE - crni ugar 2. Konvencionalno oranje (do 25 cm) uz i niz nagib 3. Izostavljanje obrade - izravna sjetva, 4. Konvencionalno oranje okomito na smjer nagiba 5. Vrlo duboko oranje (do 50 cm) okomito na smjer nagiba. 6. Podrivanje na 60 cm dubine + konvencionalno oranje okomito na smjer nagiba. Temeljem polucenih rezultata i odnosa s tolerantnom erozijom za ovaj tip tla zakljucujemo da su erozijski nanosi pri u uzgoju jarina rijetkog sklopa (kukuruz i soja) mnogo veci u odnosu na tolerantno odnošenja za ovaj tip tla. Kriticno razdoblje pri uzgoju ovih kultura je neposredno poslije sjetve ovih usjeva (razdoblje nicanja pa dok usjev nije prekrio 10% površine). U ovom razdoblju utvrdeno je preko 80 % ukupne godišnje erozije, bez obzira na smjer obrade. Pri uzgoju ozimih kultura gustog sklopa (pšenica i uljana repica) nisu zabilježeni kriticna razdoblja, dok je ukupna erozija izrazito niža od tolerantnog odnošenja, pa u obzir dolaze svi istraživani nacini obrade tla. Temeljem svega navedenog zakljucujemo da je obrada uz/niz nagib pri uzgoju jarina rijetkog sklopa visoko rizicna na nagnutim terenima, pa bi taj nacin obrade tla trebalo napustiti. Izostavljanje obrade i bilo koji od nacina obrade okomito na nagib preporucamo za širu primjenu u poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji. Smatramo da je rijec je o nacinima obrade tla koji su u skladu s održivom poljoprivredom u ovom podneblju

    Regional spreading of paleo-gravel formations in north-western Croatia and their geomorphological importance for explantion of morphogenesis and neotectonical movements

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    U ovom se članku obrađuje regionalna distribucija kvartarnih šljunčanih naslaga u dijelu sjeverozapadne Hrvatske, kao i njihovovo geomorfološko značenje u tumačenju morfogeneze reljefa i kvartarnih neotektonskih pokreta.Regionally distributed Quaternary fluvial gravel layers in North-western Croatia, which were by neotectonic movements subsequently removed at different hypsometrical levels, are discussed in the paper

    C-H Hyperconjugation in α-chlorocarbocations

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    Journal of the Chemical Society. Perkin Transactions 2112371-2374JCPK


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    Water erosion was recorded during a four-year period (1994-1998.) on Luvic stagnosol (pseudogley), in the Daruvar area (Central Croatia), in different crop development stages according to USLE, under six tillage treatments in growing common arable crops in the common crop sequence. A much higher rate of erosion, higher than Soil loss tolerance (T value) was recorded in the growing of spring crops (row crops) than in winter crops of high plant density, where it was below the T value. In the growing of spring crops, the critical period with maximal water erosion was the period of seedbed preparation (SB period according of USLE), the period just after sowing. In the growing of maize and soybean, this is the period when over 80% of the overall annual erosion occurs in all tillage variants. As expected, the maximal rate of soil erosion, higher than the T value, was recorded in the standard plot according to USLE, followed by the variant of conventional up/down the slope tillage. Soil erosion was much smaller and below the T value in the no-tillage variant and in all variants with tillage across the slope. This means that these variants of soil tillage can be defined as conservation tillage in agroecological conditions of this part of Croatia. In growing winter crops of high density (wheat and oil seed rape), no critical periods were observed and erosion was much below the T value and was uniformly distributed throughout the whole growing season. According to the results, to reduce soil erosion below the T value on slopes of inclination higher than 9%, soil conservation practices are all tillage operations across the slope and/or a reduced crop rotation, without row crops

    Human Puumala and Dobrava Hantavirus Infections in the Black Sea Region of Turkey: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    This study was carried out to better understand the epidemiology of hantaviruses in a province of Turkey (Giresun) where human hantavirus disease has recently been detected. In this cross-sectional study, a total of 626 blood samples from healthy people aged 15 and 84 years old were collected both in urban and rural areas in 2009. The sera were tested by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), immunoblotting assay, and the focus reduction neutralization test (FRNT). We screened the samples by an ELISA and found that 65/626 samples reacted positively for the presence of hantavirus-reactive immunoglobulin G (IgG). Twenty of the 65 ELISA-positive samples could be confirmed by an immunobloting assay, and the overall seroprevalence was thereby calculated to 3.2% (20/626). The seroprevalence of the people living in wood areas or adobe houses 9/17 (52.9%) was significantly higher than among people living in concrete houses 10/47 (21.3%) (p=0.014). Finally, 3 of the 20 immunoblot-positive sera were confirmed as specific for the Puumala hantavirus serotype by FRNT, 1 serum was confirmed as Dobrava virus-specific, whereas 1 serum was found to be equally reactive to Dobrava and Saaremaa viruses. We will now focus on further investigations of the ecology and epidemiology of hantaviruses in humans and their carrier animals in Turkey, studies that have already been started and will be further intensified