238 research outputs found

    Spectrophotometric Determination of Stability Constants of Lactato and B-Hydroxypropionato Complexes of Cobalt(ll), Nickel(II), and Copper(II)

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    Stability constants for lactato and B-hydroxypropionato complexes of Co(II), Ni(II), and Cu(II) were obtained from spectrophotometric data, using Bjerrum\u27s method of corresponding solutions. Measurements were made in the visible range and the results plotted for graphical evaluation by Fronaeus\u27 method. Graphically determined values for each stability constant were utilized for averaging and least-squares calculations with a digital computer programmed according to R. S. Tobias (»Gauss Z« program)

    Muon-spin rotation measurements of the penetration depth of the Mo_3Sb_7 superconductor

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    Measurements of the magnetic field penetration depth \lambda in superconductor Mo_3Sb_7 (T_c~2.1 K) were carried out by means of muon-spin-rotation. The absolute values of \lambda, the Ginzburg-Landau parameter \kappa, the first H_{c1} and the second H_{c2} critical fields at T=0 are \lambda(0)=720(100)nm, \kappa(0)=55(9), \mu_0H_{c1}(0)=1.8(3)mT, and \mu_0H_{c2}(0)=1.9(2)T. The zero temperature value of the superconducting energy gap \Delta(0) was found to be 0.35(1)meV corresponding to the ratio 2\Delta(0)/k_BT_c=3.83(10). At low temperatures \lambda^{-2}(T) saturates and becomes constant below T~0.3T_c, in agreement with what is expected for s-wave BCS superconductors. Our results suggest that Mo_3Sb_7 is a BCS superconductor with the isotropic energy gapComment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Reintroduction of the European beaver (Castor fiber L.) into Serbia and return of its parasite: The case of Stichorchis subtriquetrus

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    After becoming extinct in the second half of the 20th century, the European beaver (Castor fiber L., 1758) was successfully reintroduced from Bavaria into Serbia during 2004-2005. In the necropsy of an adult female beaver (found dead in December of 2007), we discovered some parasites identified as Stichorchis subtriquetrus in the colon and peritoneal area. This is the first occurrence of the given specific parasite of beavers in Serbia. Decoding of a subcutaneous implanted microchip has confirmed that our specimen was one of the released beavers. We therefore conclude that the parasite in question was reintroduced into Serbia with the beavers originating from Bavaria.Nakon nestanka u drugoj polovini XX veka, evropski dabar (Castor fiber L. 1758) je tokom 2004-2005. godine, uspešno reintrodukovan sa područja Bavarske u Srbiju. Tokom obdukcije jedne adultne ženke(pronađena mrtva u decembru 2006) pronašli smo parazite u želucu koji su identifikovani kao Stichorchis subtriquetrus. To je prvi nalaz ovog specifičnog parazita dabra u Srbiji. Dekodiranjem subkutano implantiranog mikročipa, potvrđeno je da pronađena ženka jedna od 20 jedinki koje su decembra 2004. godine naseljene na području Specijalnog rezervata prirode Obedska bara. Ova činjenica nam sugeriše da je parazit neželjeno reintrodukovan u Srbiju zajedno sa dabrovima koji su poreklom iz Bavarske naseljavani u Srbiju.Projekat ministarstva br. TR 2001

    Memory Effects of Benzodiazepines: Memory Stages and Types Versus Binding-Site Subtypes

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    Benzodiazepines are well established as inhibitory modulators of memory processing. This effect is especially prominent when applied before the acquisition phase of a memory task. This minireview concentrates on the putative subtype selectivity of the acquisition-impairing action of benzodiazepines. Namely, recent genetic studies and standard behavioral tests employing subtype-selective ligands pointed to the predominant involvement of two subtypes of benzodiazepine binding sites in memory modulation. Explicit memory learning seems to be affected through the GABAA receptors containing the α1 and α1 subunits, whereas the effects on procedural memory can be mainly mediated by the α1 subunit. The pervading involvement of the α1 subunit in memory modulation is not at all unexpected because this subunit is the major subtype, present in 60% of all GABAA receptors. On the other hand, the role of α5 subunits, mainly expressed in the hippocampus, in modulating distinct forms of memory gives promise of selective pharmacological coping with certain memory deficit states

    Mesoscopic phase separation in Nax_xCoO2_2 (0.65x0.750.65\leq x\leq 0.75)

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    NMR, EPR and magnetization measurements in Nax_xCoO2_2 for 0.65x0.750.65\leq x\leq 0.75 are presented. While the EPR signal arises from Co4+^{4+} magnetic moments ordering at Tc26T_c\simeq 26 K, 59^{59}Co NMR signal originates from cobalt nuclei in metallic regions with no long range magnetic order and characterized by a generalized susceptibility typical of strongly correlated metallic systems. This phase separation in metallic and magnetic insulating regions is argued to occur below T(x)T^*(x) (220270220 - 270 K). Above TT^* an anomalous decrease in the intensity of the EPR signal is observed and associated with the delocalization of the electrons which for T<TT<T^* were localized on Co4+^{4+} dz2d_{z^2} orbitals. It is pointed out that the in-plane antiferromagnetic coupling JTJ\ll T^* cannot be the driving force for the phase separation.Comment: 14 figure

    Magnetic field dependence of the oxygen isotope effect on the magnetic penetration depth in hole-doped cuprate superconductors

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    The magnetic field dependence of the oxygen-isotope (^{16}O/^{18}O) effect (OIE) on the in-plane magnetic field penetration depth \lambda_{ab} was studied in the hole-doped high-temperature cuprate superconductors YBa_2Cu_4O_8, Y_0.8Pr_0.2Ba_2Cu_3O_7-\delta, and Y_0.7Pr_0.3Ba_2Cu_3O_7-\delta. It was found that \lambda_ab for the ^{16}O substituted samples increases stronger with increasing magnetic field than for the ^{18}O ones. The OIE on \lambda_ab decreases by more than a factor of two with increasing magnetic field from \mu_0H=0.2 T to \mu_0H=0.6 T. This effect can be explained by the isotope dependence of the in-plane charge carrier mass m^\ast_{ab}.Comment: 4 pages, two figure

    Correlation between oxygen isotope effects on the transition temperature and the magnetic penetration depth in high-temperature superconductors close to optimal doping

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    The oxygen-isotope (^{16}O/^{18}O) effect (OIE) on the in-plane magnetic penetration depth \lambda_{ab}(0) in optimally-doped YBa_2Cu_3O_{7-\delta} and La_{1.85}Sr_{0.15}CuO_4, and in slightly underdoped YBa_2Cu_4O_8 and Y_{0.8}Pr_{0.2}Ba_2Cu_3O_{7-\delta} was studied by means of muon-spin rotation. A substantial OIE on \lambda_{ab}(0) with an OIE exponent \beta_O=-d\ln\lambda_{ab}(0)/d\ln M_O\approx - 0.2 (M_O is the mass of the oxygen isotope), and a small OIE on the transition temperature T_c with an OIE exponent \alpha_O=-d\ln T_{c}/d \ln M_O\simeq0.02 to 0.1 were observed. The observation of a substantial isotope effect on \lambda_{ab}(0), even in cuprates where the OIE on T_c is small, indicates that lattice effects play an important role in cuprate HTS.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure