22 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Padanggalak, Denpasar. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh suplementasi konsentrat Molamik terhadap koefesien cerna bahan kering dan nutrien ransum kambing PE yang diberi hijauan berbasis leguminosa. Penelitian menggunakan tancangan acak kelompok (RAK) dengan tiga perlakuan dan tiga kelompok (blok) sebagai ulangan. Ternak yang digunakan berjumlah 9 ekor, rata-rata berat badan awal 15,56±1,63 kg. Ketiga perlakuan tersebut adalah: perlakuan A: 100% ransum hijauan (20% Rumput lapangan, 60% Gamal dan 20% Waru), perlakuan B: 92,5% ransum A + 7,5% konsentrat Molamix dan perlakuan C: 85% ransum A+15% konsentrat Molamix. Peubah yang diamati adalahk oefisien cerna bahan kering, dan nutrien ransum. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa koefisien cerna bahan kering, bahan organik, protein kasar pada perlakuan B dan C nyata lebih tinggi (P<0,05) dibandingkan dengan perlakuan A. Koefesien cerna serat kasar pada perlakuan B dan C nyata lebih tinggi (P<0,01) dibandingkan dengan perlakuan A. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemberian ransum hijauan berbasis leguminosa dengan suplementasi 7,5% dan 15% konsentrat Molamik pada kambing Peranakan Etawah secara nyata dapat meningkatkan koefisien cerna bahan kering dan nutrien ransum (bahan organik, protein kasar dan serat kasar). COEFESIEN DIGESTIBILITY OF DRY MATTER AND NUTRITION CONTENT OF ETAWAH CROSS BREED GOAT RATION WITH FORAGE AND MOLAMIK CONSENRAT ABSTRACT This experiment was conducted to find out the effect of suplement molamik consentrat on digestibility of dry matter and nutrien content on etawah cross breed goat ration with leguminosa forage.The experiment used nine goats that had an average initial weight of 15.56 ±1.63 that were alocated into three treatment group of diets i. e. Diet A =100% forage (20% grass, 60 % Gliricidia sepium and 20% Hibiscus teilleaceus) ; Diet B = 92,5% diet A + 7.5% Molamik consentrat ; Diet C = 85 % diet A + 15 % Molamik consentrat in Randomized Block Design consisting of three treatment and three replicates. Result of the experiment indicated that suplementation of Molamik consentrat 7.5% and 15% significanly increase digestibility of dry matter, organic matter crude protein, and crude fiber

    Diseminasi Teknologi Bali-bio Serta Pemanfaatannya Dalam Pengembangan Peternakan Sapi Bali Di Desa Abiantuwung

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    Ipteks bagi Masyarakat/IbM telah dilaksanakan di Kelompok Ternak Sapi Bali Bina Satwa I (mitra I) dan Bina satwa III (mitra II) Desa Abiantuwung, Kediri Tabanan dalam optimalisasi pemanfaatan limbah pada pengembangan peternakan sapi Bali. Teknologi produksi bioinokulan berbasis limbah cairan rumen sapi Bali Bali-bio dan pemanfaatan dalam produksi silase pakan berbasis limbah dan pupuk organik didesiminasikan kepada kedua mitra melalui kegiatan penyuluhan, pelatihan singkat, dan pembentukan demoplot. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan partisifasi mitra dalam seluruh kegiatan sangat tinggi, kegiatan penyuluhan dan pelatihan singkat diikuti 100% anggota kedua mitra serta 53,3% mitra I dan 60% mitra II mengajukan permasalahan produksi ternak sapi Bali dan tata cara pemanfaatan limbah. Pada pelaksanaan kegiatan demoplot diketahui transfer teknologi produksi bioinokulan Bali-bio, silase pakan berbasis limbah dan pupuk organik dapat terlaksana dengan baik, 73,3% mitra I dan 80% mitra II dapat memproduksi produk secara mandiri dengan kualitas baik. Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi kegiatan dapat disimpulkan desiminasi teknologi di kedua mitra telah terlaksana dengan baik dengan tingkat partisipasi mitra dan daya adopsi ipteks yang cukup tinggi

    Utilisasi Nitrogen dan Komposisi Tubuh Kambing Peranakan Etawah yang Diberi Pakan Hijauan Rumput Lapangan dengan Suplementasi Dedak Padi

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    Penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui utilisasi nitrogen dan komposisi tubuh kambing peranakan etawah yang diberi pakan hijauan rumput lapangan dengan suplementasi dedak padi, telah dilaksanakan. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) yang terdiri dari 4 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan. Keempat perlakuan tersebut adalah Rumput lapangan ad libitum sebagai perlakuan (A); perlakuan B= perlakuan A + 75 g dedak padi; perlakuan C = perlakuan A + 150 g dedak padi dan perlakuan D= perlakuan A + 225 g dedak padi. Pemberian rumput lapangan 2 kali sehari yaitu pagi pukul 7.00 Wita dan sore pukul 16.00 Wita, sedangkan dedak padi diberikan sekali pada pukul 7.00 Wita. Air minum yang diberikan berasal dari PDAM secara ad libitum. Variabel yang diamati adalah komposisi tubuh, konsentrasi urea darah, konsumsi nitrogen, retensi nitrogen dan utilisasi nitrogen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa suplementasi dedak padi dari 75-225 g/ekor/hari pada kambing PE yang diberi pakan hijauan rumput lapangan secara nyata (P&lt;0,05) dapat meningkatkan konsumsi nitrogen, retensi nitrogen, utilisasi nitrogen dan tidak nyata (P&gt;0,05) menurunkan urea darah. Namun suplementasi dedak padi 75 g/e/h belum berpengaruh terhadap air tubuh dan lemak tubuh, tetapi suplementasi dedak padi pada level 150-225 g/e/h dapat menurunkan air tubuh dan meningkatkan lemak tubuh. Suplementasi dedak padi dari 75-225 g/ekor/hari belum berpengaruh nyata terhadap penurunan protein tubuh. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa suplementasi dedak padi dari 75-225 g/ekor/hari dapat meningkatkan utilisasi nitrogen pada kambing peranakan etawah yang diberi pakan hijauan rumput lapangan

    Suplementasi Urea Molasis Blok untuk Meningkatkan Penampilan Kambing Peranakan Etawah yang Diberi Pakan Hijauan Gamal

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    The supplementation of urea molasses block for increasing performance of ettawah crossbred goats fed diet containing gliricidia spium green forage ABSTRACT. The aimed of this experiment to study the supplementation of urea molasses block for performance increased of ettawah crossbred goats fed diet containing Gliricidia spium green forage has been conducted at Tabanan regency and Animal Nutrition Laboratory. The Latin Square Design which four treatments and four replicates was used in this experiment. The four treatments were the levels of urea molasses block : 0, 50, 100 and 150g respectively. The animal access to ad libitum Gliricidia spium green forage and drink water. The animal fed twice a day urea molasses block at the morning and at the afternoon. The variables which were observed including feed consumption, nutrient digestibility, body weight gain and feed conversion ratio. The result of this experiment showed dry matter feed consumption, drink water, nutrient digestibility of the four treatments is not significantly different (P >0.05). The body weight gain at treatment C was significantly higher (P <0.05), but feed conversion ratio (FCR) was significantly lower (P <0.05) than treatments A, B and D. From the results in this experiment it can be concluded that the used of urea molasses block 100g on the effect to increased the performance of ettawah crossbred goats with basal diet Gliricidia spium green forage

    Suplementasi Urea Molasis Blok untuk Meningkatkan Penampilan Kambing Peranakan Etawah yang Diberi Pakan Hijauan Gamal

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    The supplementation of urea molasses block for increasing performance of ettawah crossbred goats fed diet containing gliricidia spium green forage ABSTRACT. The aimed of this experiment to study the supplementation of urea molasses block for performance increased of ettawah crossbred goats fed diet containing Gliricidia spium green forage has been conducted at Tabanan regency and Animal Nutrition Laboratory. The Latin Square Design which four treatments and four replicates was used in this experiment. The four treatments were the levels of urea molasses block : 0, 50, 100 and 150g respectively. The animal access to ad libitum Gliricidia spium green forage and drink water. The animal fed twice a day urea molasses block at the morning and at the afternoon. The variables which were observed including feed consumption, nutrient digestibility, body weight gain and feed conversion ratio. The result of this experiment showed dry matter feed consumption, drink water, nutrient digestibility of the four treatments is not significantly different (P 0.05). The body weight gain at treatment C was significantly higher (P 0.05), but feed conversion ratio (FCR) was significantly lower (P 0.05) than treatments A, B and D. From the results in this experiment it can be concluded that the used of urea molasses block 100g on the effect to increased the performance of ettawah crossbred goats with basal diet Gliricidia spium green forage

    Network Inference Algorithms Elucidate Nrf2 Regulation of Mouse Lung Oxidative Stress

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    A variety of cardiovascular, neurological, and neoplastic conditions have been associated with oxidative stress, i.e., conditions under which levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) are elevated over significant periods. Nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor (Nrf2) regulates the transcription of several gene products involved in the protective response to oxidative stress. The transcriptional regulatory and signaling relationships linking gene products involved in the response to oxidative stress are, currently, only partially resolved. Microarray data constitute RNA abundance measures representing gene expression patterns. In some cases, these patterns can identify the molecular interactions of gene products. They can be, in effect, proxies for protein–protein and protein–DNA interactions. Traditional techniques used for clustering coregulated genes on high-throughput gene arrays are rarely capable of distinguishing between direct transcriptional regulatory interactions and indirect ones. In this study, newly developed information-theoretic algorithms that employ the concept of mutual information were used: the Algorithm for the Reconstruction of Accurate Cellular Networks (ARACNE), and Context Likelihood of Relatedness (CLR). These algorithms captured dependencies in the gene expression profiles of the mouse lung, allowing the regulatory effect of Nrf2 in response to oxidative stress to be determined more precisely. In addition, a characterization of promoter sequences of Nrf2 regulatory targets was conducted using a Support Vector Machine classification algorithm to corroborate ARACNE and CLR predictions. Inferred networks were analyzed, compared, and integrated using the Collective Analysis of Biological Interaction Networks (CABIN) plug-in of Cytoscape. Using the two network inference algorithms and one machine learning algorithm, a number of both previously known and novel targets of Nrf2 transcriptional activation were identified. Genes predicted as novel Nrf2 targets include Atf1, Srxn1, Prnp, Sod2, Als2, Nfkbib, and Ppp1r15b. Furthermore, microarray and quantitative RT-PCR experiments following cigarette-smoke-induced oxidative stress in Nrf2+/+ and Nrf2−/− mouse lung affirmed many of the predictions made. Several new potential feed-forward regulatory loops involving Nrf2, Nqo1, Srxn1, Prdx1, Als2, Atf1, Sod1, and Park7 were predicted. This work shows the promise of network inference algorithms operating on high-throughput gene expression data in identifying transcriptional regulatory and other signaling relationships implicated in mammalian disease

    A domain-based approach to predict protein-protein interactions

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Knowing which proteins exist in a certain organism or cell type and how these proteins interact with each other are necessary for the understanding of biological processes at the whole cell level. The determination of the protein-protein interaction (PPI) networks has been the subject of extensive research. Despite the development of reasonably successful methods, serious technical difficulties still exist. In this paper we present DomainGA, a quantitative computational approach that uses the information about the domain-domain interactions to predict the interactions between proteins.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>DomainGA is a multi-parameter optimization method in which the available PPI information is used to derive a quantitative scoring scheme for the domain-domain pairs. Obtained domain interaction scores are then used to predict whether a pair of proteins interacts. Using the yeast PPI data and a series of tests, we show the robustness and insensitivity of the DomainGA method to the selection of the parameter sets, score ranges, and detection rules. Our DomainGA method achieves very high explanation ratios for the positive and negative PPIs in yeast. Based on our cross-verification tests on human PPIs, comparison of the optimized scores with the structurally observed domain interactions obtained from the iPFAM database, and sensitivity and specificity analysis; we conclude that our DomainGA method shows great promise to be applicable across multiple organisms.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We envision the DomainGA as a first step of a multiple tier approach to constructing organism specific PPIs. As it is based on fundamental structural information, the DomainGA approach can be used to create potential PPIs and the accuracy of the constructed interaction template can be further improved using complementary methods. Explanation ratios obtained in the reported test case studies clearly show that the false prediction rates of the template networks constructed using the DomainGA scores are reasonably low, and the erroneous predictions can be filtered further using supplementary approaches such as those based on literature search or other prediction methods.</p