37 research outputs found

    Correlation-induced localization

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    A new paradigm of Anderson localization caused by correlations in the long-range hopping along with uncorrelated on-site disorder is considered which requires a more precise formulation of the basic localization-delocalization principles. A new class of random Hamiltonians with translation-invariant hopping integrals is suggested and the localization properties of such models are established both in the coordinate and in the momentum spaces alongside with the corresponding level statistics. Duality of translation-invariant models in the momentum and coordinate space is uncovered and exploited to find a full localization-delocalization phase diagram for such models. The crucial role of the spectral properties of hopping matrix is established and a new matrix inversion trick is suggested to generate a one-parameter family of equivalent localization/delocalization problems. Optimization over the free parameter in such a transformation together with the localization/delocalization principles allows to establish exact bounds for the localized and ergodic states in long-range hopping models. When applied to the random matrix models with deterministic power-law hopping this transformation allows to confirm localization of states at all values of the exponent in power-law hopping and to prove analytically the symmetry of the exponent in the power-law localized wave functions.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures + 5 pages, 2 figures in appendice

    Time-reversal symmetric Crooks and Gallavotti-Cohen fluctuation relations in driven classical Markovian systems

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    In this paper, we address an important question of the relationship between fluctuation theorems for the dissipated work Wd=W−ΔFW_{d} = W-\Delta F with general finite-time (like Jarzynski equality and Crooks relation) and infinite-time (like Gallavotti-Cohen theorem) drive protocols and their time-reversal symmetric versions. The relations between these kinds of fluctuation relations are uncovered based on the examples of a classical Markovian NN-level system. Further consequences of these relations are discussed with respect to the possible experimental verifications.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, 70 references, 4 appendice

    Quasiparticle trapping in Meissner and vortex states of mesoscopic superconductors

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    Nowadays superconductors serve in numerous applications, from high-field magnets to ultra-sensitive detectors of radiation. Mesoscopic superconducting devices, i.e. those with nanoscale dimensions, are in a special position as they are easily driven out of equilibrium under typical operating conditions. The out-of-equilibrium superconductors are characterized by non-equilibrium quasiparticles. These extra excitations can compromise the performance of mesoscopic devices by introducing, e.g., leakage currents or decreased coherence times in quantum devices. By applying an external magnetic field, one can conveniently suppress or redistribute the population of excess quasiparticles. In this article we present an experimental demonstration and a theoretical analysis of such effective control of quasiparticles, resulting in electron cooling both in the Meissner and vortex states of a mesoscopic superconductor. We introduce a theoretical model of quasiparticle dynamics which is in quantitative agreement with the experimental data

    Survival probability in Generalized Rosenzweig-Porter random matrix ensemble

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    We study analytically and numerically the dynamics of the generalized Rosenzweig-Porter model, which is known to possess three distinct phases: ergodic, multifractal and localized phases. Our focus is on the survival probability R(t)R(t), the probability of finding the initial state after time tt. In particular, if the system is initially prepared in a highly-excited non-stationary state (wave packet) confined in space and containing a fixed fraction of all eigenstates, we show that R(t)R(t) can be used as a dynamical indicator to distinguish these three phases. Three main aspects are identified in different phases. The ergodic phase is characterized by the standard power-law decay of R(t)R(t) with periodic oscillations in time, surviving in the thermodynamic limit, with frequency equals to the energy bandwidth of the wave packet. In multifractal extended phase the survival probability shows an exponential decay but the decay rate vanishes in the thermodynamic limit in a non-trivial manner determined by the fractal dimension of wave functions. Localized phase is characterized by the saturation value of R(t→∞)=kR(t\to\infty)=k, finite in the thermodynamic limit N→∞N\rightarrow\infty, which approaches k=R(t→0)k=R(t\to 0) in this limit.Comment: 21 pages, 12 figures, 61 reference

    On-chip Maxwell's demon as an information-powered refrigerator

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    We present an experimental realization of an autonomous Maxwell's Demon, which extracts microscopic information from a System and reduces its entropy by applying feedback. It is based on two capacitively coupled single electron devices, both integrated on the same electronic circuit. This setup allows a detailed analysis of the thermodynamics of both the Demon and the System as well as their mutual information exchange. The operation of the Demon is directly observed as a temperature drop in the System. We also observe a simultaneous temperature rise in the Demon arising from the thermodynamic cost of generating the mutual information.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Andreev transport in two-dimensional normal-superconducting systems in strong magnetic fields

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    The conductance in two-dimensional (2D) normal-superconducting (NS) systems is analyzed in the limit of strong magnetic fields when the transport is mediated by the electron-hole states bound to the sample edges and NS interface, i.e., in the Integer Quantum Hall Effect regime.The Andreev-type process of the conversion of the quasiparticle current into the superflow is shown to be strongly affected by the mixing of the edge states localized at the NS and insulating boundaries. The magnetoconductance in 2D NS structures is calculated for both quadratic and Dirac-like normal state spectra. Assuming a random scattering of the edge modes we analyze both the average value and fluctuations of conductance for an arbitrary number of conducting channels.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    Electron-phonon heat transfer in giant vortex states

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    We examine energy relaxation of nonequilibrium quasiparticles (QPs) in different vortex configurations in "dirty" s-wave superconductors (SCs). The heat flow from the electronic subsystem to phonons in a mesoscopic SC disk with a radius of the order of several coherence lengths is calculated both in the Meissner and in the giant vortex states using the Usadel approach. The recombination process is shown to be strongly affected by interplay of the subgap states, located in the vortex core and in the region at the sample edge where the spectral gap Eg is reduced by the Meissner currents. In order to uncover the physical origin of the results, we develop a semiquantitative analytical approximation based on the combination of homogeneous solutions of Usadel equations in Meissner and vortex states of a mesoscopic SC disk and analytically calculate the corresponding spatially resolved electron-phonon heat rates. Our approach provides important information about nonequilibrium QPs cooling by the magnetic field-induced traps in various mesoscopic SC devices

    Fragile ergodic phases in logarithmically-normal Rosenzweig-Porter model

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    In this paper we suggest an extension of the Rosenzweig-Porter (RP) model, the LN-RP model, in which the off-diagonal matrix elements have a wide, log-normal distribution. We argue that this model is more suitable to describe a generic many body localization problem. In contrast to RP model, in LN-RP model a fragile weakly ergodic phase appears that is characterized by broken basis-rotation symmetry which the fully-ergodic phase, also present in this model, strictly respects in the thermodynamic limit. Therefore, in addition to the localization and ergodic transitions in LN-RP model there exists also the transition between the two ergodic phases (FWE transition). We suggest new criteria of stability of the non-ergodic phases which give the points of localization and ergodic transitions and prove that the Anderson localization transition in LN-RP model involves a jump in the fractal dimension of the eigenfunction support set. We also formulate the criterion of FWE transition and obtain the full phase diagram of the model. We show that truncation of the log-normal tail shrinks the region of weakly-ergodic phase and restores the multifractal and the fully-ergodic phases.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, 1 table, 76 references + 7 pages, 7 figures, 1 table in Appendices. Added the justification of fractal structure of minibands (Sec. IX, Fig. 7