8 research outputs found

    Design and application of neural networks and intelligent learning systems

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    Encapsulation and release of gemfibrozil from biodegradabile polymer microspheres and macromolecular prodrugs

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate and compare the ability of the macromolecular conjugates and microspheres to modify the release rate of gemfibrozil (Gem). Gem was covalently linked to two similar polymers: poly[a,b-(N-2-hydroxyethyl-DL-aspartamide)] (PHEA) and poly[a,b-(N-3-hydroxypropyl-DL-aspartamide)] (PHPA) by an ester linkage. The polymer\u2013drug conjugates obtained (PHEA\u2013G(1\u20133) and PHPA\u2013G) differ in weight-average molecular weight, length of spacer and Gem content. Microspheres, composed of chitosans of different molecular weight alone or as a mixture with (2-hydroxypropyl)methylcellulose (HPMC), PHEA or PHPA and with different theoretical polymer/drug ratio (2:1 and 3:1, w/w) were prepared by spray drying. The microparticulate systems were morphologically characterised by scanning electron microscopy, particle size analysis and Gem content was determined. In vitro dissolution tests were performed to evaluate the feasibility of conjugates and microspheres in modulating Gem release. The results obtained show that microspheres are always suitable to modulate Gem release and that the best conditions are achieved by microspheres composed of the low molecular weight chitosan (CL) combined with PHPA or HPMC with either 2:1 or 3:1 (w/w) polymer/drug ratio. The PHEA\u2013G conjugates exhibited rapid Gem release within less than 2 h, while the PHPA\u2013G conjugate showed sustained Gem release profiles over a 10-h period. \uf6d9 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

    Teamwork Coordination in Large-Scale Mobile Agent Networks

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    Analysis of emerging technologies for improving social inclusion of people with disabilities

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    Project: Innovative Solutions based on Emerging Technologies for Improving Social Inclusion of People with DisabilitiesTechnologies in general and their assistive capabilities in particular, play a significant role for people with disabilities and their social inclusion. It is expected that emerging technologies will contribute to assistive technologies by reducing or removing the constraints that characterize existing solutions, as well as opening up entirely new ones [1]–[6]. This report aims to explore such opportunities by investigating the potential of emerging technologies for the sake of improving social inclusion of people with disabilities. The presented research is carried out within the ERASMUS+ project entitled Innovative Solutions based on Emerging Technologies for Improving Social Inclusion of People with Disabilities (INNOSID). The INNOSID project is based on the 10-year-long operation of the ICT-AAC Competence network in Croatia1 whose members cooperate in education, research, development and innovation with the aim of developing an inclusive society. The ICT-AAC Competence network’s activities are expanded with this project through the internationalization and use of emerging technologies. The project’s consortium consists of six higher education institutions and one non-governmental organization from the domain of persons with disabilities from five European countries: Croatia, France, Hungary, Portugal and Spain. More about the INNOSID consortium partners can be found in the Appendix A of the report. The report, in whose activities all INNOSID partner countries participated, provides an analysis of emerging technologies for improving social inclusion of people with disabilities. The focus of this chapter is to introduce the topics of interest by explaining the key theoretical concepts from both technical and societal aspects. Keywords, such as people with disabilities, social inclusion and emerging technologies, are defined and introduced from a broader perspective in order to understand the connection between them. In addition, the end of this chapter will outline its significance for interested readers. As the reader of the report will be able to see, the report is designed to provide, in addition to text, numerous examples related to different statistics, infographics, various visual representations of the described, as well as examples of good practice and case studies, mostly related to partner countries. Purpose of that is to enable the reader to better understand the topics that are extremely important and should not be neglected, especially because they concern each person and because each of us can play an important role in change for the better.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Makromolekulski prolijekovi. XIII. Vodotopljivi konjugati 17β-estradiola i estradiol-17β-valerata s poliaspartamidnim polimerom

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    Two hydrosoluble conjugates of 17β-estradiol (ED) and estradiol-17β-valerate (EV) with polyaspartamide polymer were prepared and characterized. ED and EV were first chemically modified and bound to poly,-(N-2-hydroxyethyl-DL-aspartamide)-poly,-(N-2-aminoethyl-DL-aspartamide) (PAHA), a hydrosoluble polyaspartamide-type copolymer bearing both hydroxyl and amino groups. ED was first converted to 17-hemisuccinate (EDS) and then bound to PAHA. In the resulting conjugate PAHA-EDS, the estradiol moiety was linked to the polymer through a 2-aminoethylhemisuccinamide spacer. On the other hand, EV was first converted to estradiol-17-valerate-3-(benzotriazole-1-carboxylate), which readily reacted with amino groups in PAHA affording the polymer-drug conjugate PAHA-EV. In the prepared conjugate PAHA-EV, the estradiol moiety was covalently bound to the polyaspartamide backbone by carbamate linkage, through an ethylenediamine spacer. The polymer-drug conjugates were designed and prepared with the aim to increase water-solubility, bioavailability and to improve drug delivery of the lipophilic estrogen hormone.U radu je opisana priprava i karakterizacija dvaju vodotopljivih polimer-lijek konjugata 17β-estradiola (ED) i estradiol-17β-valerata (EV) s poliaspartamidnim polimerom. ED i EV su prvo kemijski modificirani i vezani na poli,-(N-2-hidroksietil-DL-aspartamid)-poli,-(N-2-aminoetil-DL-aspartamid) (PAHA), vodotopljivi poliaspartamidni kopolimer s hidroksi i amino skupinama. ED je prvo preveden u 17-hemisukcinat (EDS), a zatim vezan na PAHA. U nastalom konjugatu PAHA-EDS estradiolska komponenta vezana je na polimer preko 2-aminoetilhemisukcinatne razmaknice. S druge strane, EV je prvo preveden u estradiol-17-valerat-3-(benzotriazol-1-karboksilat), koji reagira s amino skupinama u PAHA dajući polimer-lijek konjugat PAHA-EV. U tom je konjugatu estradiolska komponenta kovalentno vezana na poliaspartamidnu okosnicu karbamatnom vezom, preko etilenediaminske razmaknice. Polimer-lijek konjugati estradiola dizajnirani su i pripravljeni sa ciljem da se poveća topljivost i bioraspoloživost te isporuka tog lipofilnog estrogenog hormona