391 research outputs found

    Nonequilibrium electron spin polarization in a double quantum dot. Lande mechanism

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    In moderately strong magnetic fields, the difference in Lande g-factors in each of the dots of a coupled double quantum dot device may induce oscillations between singlet and triplet states of the entangled electron pair and lead to a nonequilibrium electron spin polarization. We will show that this polarization may partially survive the rapid inhomogeneous decoherence due to random nuclear magnetic fields.Comment: New version contains figures. New title better reflects the content of the pape

    Blubber Transciptome Response to Acute Stress Axis Activation Involves Transient Charges in Adipogenesis and Lipolysis in Fast-Adapted Marine Mammal

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    Stress can compromise an animal\u27s ability to conserve metabolic stores and participate in energy-demanding activities that are critical for fitness. Understanding how wild animals, especially those already experiencing physiological extremes (e.g. fasting), regulate stress responses is critical for evaluating the impacts of anthropogenic disturbance on physiology and fitness, key challenges for conservation. However, studies of stress in wildlife are often limited to baseline endocrine measurements and few have investigated stress effects in fasting-adapted species. We examined downstream molecular consequences of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis activation by exogenous adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) in blubber of northern elephant seals due to the ease of blubber sampling and its key role in metabolic regulation in marine mammals. We report the first phocid blubber transcriptome produced by RNAseq, containing over 140,000 annotated transcripts, including metabolic and adipocytokine genes of interest. The acute response of blubber to stress axis activation, measured 2 hours after ACTH administration, involved highly specific, transient (lasting \u3c24 \u3ehours) induction of gene networks that promote lipolysis and adipogenesis in mammalian adipocytes. Differentially expressed genes included key adipogenesis factors which can be used as blubber-specific markers of acute stress in marine mammals of concern for which sampling of other tissues is not possible

    Transcriptome analysis of northern elephant seal (Mirounga angustirostris) muscle tissue provides a novel molecular resource and physiological insights

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    BackgroundThe northern elephant seal, Mirounga angustirostris, is a valuable animal model of fasting adaptation and hypoxic stress tolerance. However, no reference sequence is currently available for this and many other marine mammal study systems, hindering molecular understanding of marine adaptations and unique physiology.ResultsWe sequenced a transcriptome of M. angustirostris derived from muscle sampled during an acute stress challenge experiment to identify species-specific markers of stress axis activation and recovery. De novo assembly generated 164,966 contigs and a total of 522,699 transcripts, of which 68.70% were annotated using mouse, human, and domestic dog reference protein sequences. To reduce transcript redundancy, we removed highly similar isoforms in large gene families and produced a filtered assembly containing 336,657 transcripts. We found that a large number of annotated genes are associated with metabolic signaling, immune and stress responses, and muscle function. Preliminary differential expression analysis suggests a limited transcriptional response to acute stress involving alterations in metabolic and immune pathways and muscle tissue maintenance, potentially driven by early response transcription factors such as Cebpd.ConclusionsWe present the first reference sequence for Mirounga angustirostris produced by RNA sequencing of muscle tissue and cloud-based de novo transcriptome assembly. We annotated 395,102 transcripts, some of which may be novel isoforms, and have identified thousands of genes involved in key physiological processes. This resource provides elephant seal-specific gene sequences, complementing existing metabolite and protein expression studies and enabling future work on molecular pathways regulating adaptations such as fasting, hypoxia, and environmental stress responses in marine mammals

    Analysis of advanced IGCC economic indicators

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    In this paper, the influence presence of a shift reactor and a CO2 removal unit (CCS) from syngas (pre-combustion technology) on the thermal efficiency of a combined-cycle plant with in-cycle gasification of solid fuel (IGCC) is considered. The literature sources on the effect of CCS on the thermal efficiency of three oxygen IGCC are analyzed. The calculated influence of the degree of integration of CCS in the demonstration IGCC scheme on the composition of the combusted gas fuel is presented. The principle of shift-reactor operation is given. Various types of catalysts used in the shift reactor are considered. The influence of CCS on the economic and environmental indicators of IGCC is analyzed. The analysis of air IGCC schemes with CCS node and without it is carried out.В данной работе рассматривается влияние наличия shift-реактора и узла удаления СО2 (CCS) из синтез-газа (технология pre-combustion) на термический КПД перспективной парогазовой установки с внутрицикловой газификацией твёрдого топлива (ПГУ-ВЦГ). Проведен анализ литературных источников по влиянию CCS на термический КПД трёх кислородных ПГУ-ВЦГ. Представлено расчетное влияние степени интеграции CCS в схему демонстрационной ПГУ-ВЦГ на состав сжигаемого газового топлива. Приводится принцип работы shift-реактора. Рассматриваются различные типы катализаторов, используемых в shift-реакторе. Проанализировано влияние CCS на экономические и экологические показатели ПГУ-ВЦГ. Проведен анализ схем перспективной воздушной ПГУ-ВЦГ с узлом CCS и без него

    Changes in serum adipokines during natural extended fasts in female northern elephant seals

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    © The Author(s), 2021. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Rzucidlo, C. L., Sperou, E. S., Holser, R. R., Khudyakov, J., Costa, D. P., & Crocker, D. E. Changes in serum adipokines during natural extended fasts in female northern elephant seals. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 308, (2021): 113760, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ygcen.2021.113760.Adipose tissue is essential to endotherms for thermoregulation and energy storage as well as functioning as an endocrine organ. Adipose derived hormones, or adipokines, regulate metabolism, energy expenditure, reproduction, and immune function in model systems but are less well studied in wildlife. Female northern elephant seals (NES) achieve high adiposity during foraging and then undergo natural fasts up to five weeks long during haul-outs associated with reproduction and molting, resulting in large changes in adipose reserves. We measured circulating levels of four adipokines: leptin, resistin, adiponectin, and kisspeptin-54, in 196 serum samples from female NES at the beginning and end of their breeding and molting fasts. We examined the relationships between these adipokines and life-history stage, adiposity, mass, cortisol, and an immune cytokine involved in the innate immune response interleukin 6 (IL-6). All four adipokines varied with life-history stage. Leptin concentrations were highest at the beginning of the breeding haul-out. Resistin concentrations were higher throughout the breeding haul-out compared to the molt haul-out. Adiponectin concentrations were highest at the beginning of both haul-outs. Kisspeptin-54 concentrations were highest at the end of the breeding haul-out. Leptin, resistin, and adiponectin were associated with measures of body condition, either adiposity, mass, or both. Resistin, adiponectin, and kisspeptin-54 were associated with circulating cortisol concentrations. Resistin was strongly associated with circulating IL-6, a multifunctional cytokine. Adiponectin was associated with glucose concentrations, suggesting a potential role in tissue-specific insulin sensitivity during life-history stages categorized by high adiposity. Increased cortisol concentrations late in lactation were associated with increased kisspeptin-54, suggesting a link to ovulation initiation in NES. This study suggests dramatic changes in circulating adipokines with life-history and body condition that may exert important regulatory roles in NES. The positive relationship between adiponectin and adiposity as well as the lack of a relationship between leptin and kisspeptin-54 differed from model systems. These differences from biomedical model systems suggest the potential for modifications of expression and function of adipose-derived hormones in species that undergo natural changes in adiposity as part of their life-history.This project was supported by a grant from the Office of Naval Research (#N00014-18-1-2822) to DPC and DEC and the Marine Life Joint Industry Program of the IAGOP. We thank the Año Nuevo State Reserve rangers for logistical support

    Vector Particle Interactions In the Quasipotential Approach

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    The composite system, formed by two S=1S=1 particles, is considered. The field operators of constituents are transformed on the (1,0)(0,1)(1,0)\oplus (0,1) representation of the Lorentz group. The problem of interaction of S=1S=1 particle with the electromagnetic field is also discussed.Comment: LateX file, 7pp., Preprint IFUNAM FT-93-01