141 research outputs found

    The principles and methods of the appraisal of commercialization projects of the Universities innovations

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    The article deals with the summing up of the foreign experience and modern Russian tools of the appraisal of commercialization new technologies, worked up at UniversitiesyesБелгородский госуниверсите

    Mineral Concentrates As a Factor of the Khibiny Apatite-Nepheline Ores Efficiency Improvement

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    Apatite-nepheline ores of the Khibiny deposits contain the largest phosphorus-bearing resources in the world, and, at the same time, they contain associated valuable components in the rock-forming minerals — apatite, nepheline, sphene and titanium magnetite. Intensive development of the Khibiny deposits with production of only apatite concentrate and a small part of nepheline concentrate resulted in the accumulation of over 1.0 billion tons of wastes in tailing storage facilities and dumps during 90 years of JSC Apatit operation. The possibility of increasing the efficiency of the use of the main concentrates of apatite-nepheline ores of the Khibiny deposits and wastes for their processing is considered through the use of technological developments of the FRC KSC RAS, JSC RIFI and JSC Apatit to obtain traditional and new target products. A fundamentally new approach to the problem of sustainable use of natural resources is focused on establishment of the whole production chain in the region, from mining and processing operations to manufacturers of final high technology products (rare-earth products, welding and construction materials, coloring agents and other materials). They also determine the level of industrial technical progress. Keywords: Khibiny apatite-nepheline ores, mineral raw materials, extraction and processing, new material

    Analytical and finite element modeling in the calculation and design of reinforcements of stretched elements by fiber-reinforced polymers based on high-strength fiber using adhesive joints

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    Subject . Analysis of applicability and effectiveness of various complexity level models in design of reinforcement of stretch elements by gluing on their surface high-strength fiber reinforced polymers (HSFRP). Research objectives. Determine the necessary level of complexity of the calculation model based on the comparison of calculation results obtained on models of various complexity within the elastic behavior of the reinforced element and analysis of features of its elastoplastic behavior in case of its overload. Materials and methods. Few relatively simple variants of HSFRP-reinforcement structures with application of four Finite Element Method (FEM) simulation models of varying complexity and an analytic approach. Plane and spatial Finite Element (FE) models with PC LIRA (SCAD) and FEMAP (NASTRAN) apply in considered series of numerical experiments. Comparative analysis of results of elastic FEM calculation based on various FE models with the results obtained using analytical expressions. A number of diagrams and tables represent the results of calculations. Nonlinear FEM analysis reveals some features of the reinforced elements response under extreme loads. Results. The effect of various factors on the bonded joint behavior observed, the equations and formulae for the analysis and design are applied, the analytical approach based numerical results well correspond with those obtained using FEM. A number of nonlinear FEM calculations discover some features of elastic-plastic response of joints. Conclusions. All the considered here FE models within the limits of elastic design are quite compatible mutually and with an approximate analytical approach as well. The least timeand effort-expensive for the stage of preliminary assessment of the various parameters effect on the glued joint behavior in the elastic design of the stretched elements reinforcement is an analytical approach allowing instantaneously obtain the resulting main components of stresses and forces in the components of joint to scroll through parameter values. FEM simulation for elastic calculation is expedient for verification of results. The simplified plain FEM simulation seems to be quite reliable here. In inelastic state of the reinforced element material yet, the features of its stress-strain distribution not observable in the elastic stage of its loading and requiring special attention and refined FEM simulation may dominate

    Phonon Localization in One-Dimensional Quasiperiodic Chains

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    Quasiperiodic long range order is intermediate between spatial periodicity and disorder, and the excitations in 1D quasiperiodic systems are believed to be transitional between extended and localized. These ideas are tested with a numerical analysis of two incommensurate 1D elastic chains: Frenkel-Kontorova (FK) and Lennard-Jones (LJ). The ground state configurations and the eigenfrequencies and eigenfunctions for harmonic excitations are determined. Aubry's "transition by breaking the analyticity" is observed in the ground state of each model, but the behavior of the excitations is qualitatively different. Phonon localization is observed for some modes in the LJ chain on both sides of the transition. The localization phenomenon apparently is decoupled from the distribution of eigenfrequencies since the spectrum changes from continuous to Cantor-set-like when the interaction parameters are varied to cross the analyticity--breaking transition. The eigenfunctions of the FK chain satisfy the "quasi-Bloch" theorem below the transition, but not above it, while only a subset of the eigenfunctions of the LJ chain satisfy the theorem.Comment: This is a revised version to appear in Physical Review B; includes additional and necessary clarifications and comments. 7 pages; requires revtex.sty v3.0, epsf.sty; includes 6 EPS figures. Postscript version also available at http://lifshitz.physics.wisc.edu/www/koltenbah/koltenbah_homepage.htm

    Оценка уровня теоретической и физической подготовленности студентов на практических занятиях по баскетболу

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    Стаття присвячена актуальним питанням розгляду системи організації і проведення занять з баскетболу серед студентів вищого навчального закладу. Проведено аналіз навчально-методичного матеріалу та визначено рівень базової теоретичної та фізичної підготовленості студентів, які обрали баскетбол у якості виду спорту дисципліни фізичного виховання.The article is devoted to the current issues consideration of the organization and conducting of basketball classes for students from non-core universities. The analyzed of teaching materials and determined the level of theoretical and physical training of students who have chosen basketball as a sport discipline of physical education. Based on the above aim of our research was to study the level of technical and tactical training of students of non-core universities that deal with basketball in his system of physical education. Studying objectives of the: analyze scientific and technical literature to determine the form of lessons of physical culture among students; identify basic level of theoretical preparedness of students for the series "basketball"; establish the level of special physical readiness students; develop practical recommendations to improve the effectiveness of lessons on basketball among students. Determination of the effectiveness of the organization and conduct classes in basketball in the system of physical training of students of not profile high schools made it possible to establish that the current conditions of higher education institutions establish the possibility of the development of educational material with sports, including basketball, at the level of increase is primarily the development of techniques sport at the expense of tactical training. Identifying the causes selective preparation of students showed that the main difficulties in the teacher of physical education in teaching materials sports are conditions of employment, lack of equipment, lack of new affordable educational materials and illustrative material, the inability to obtain the necessary knowledge systems and modern information development the sport, changes in the training of athletes, organizing and conducting competitions, updates, rules and regulations. The prospect of further research work will make our system the opportunity to study the organization and conduct lessons sports games among students of non-core universities to establish their effectiveness and efficiency in the use of the system of higher education.Статья посвящена актуальным вопросам рассмотрения системы организации и проведения занятий по баскетболу среди студентов высшего учебного заведения. Проведен анализ учебно-методического материала и определен уровень базовой теоретической и физической подготовленности студентов, выбравших баскетбол в качестве вида спорта дисциплины физического воспитания

    Quantitative reconstructions of mid- to late holocene climate and vegetation in the north-eastern altai mountains recorded in lake teletskoye

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    © 2016 Elsevier B.V.We report the first high-resolution (20-50 years) mid- to late Holocene pollen records from Lake Teletskoye, the largest lake in the Altai Mountains, in south-eastern West Siberia. Generally, the mid- to late Holocene (the last 4250 years) vegetation of the north-eastern Altai, as recorded in two studied sediment cores, is characterised by Siberian pine-spruce-fir forests that are similar to those of the present day. A relatively cool and dry interval with July temperatures lower than those of today occurred between 3.9 and 3.6 ka BP. The widespread distribution of open, steppe-like communities with Artemisia, Chenopodiaceae and Cyperaceae reflects maximum deforestation during this interval. After ca. 3.5 ka BP, the coniferous mountain taiga spread significantly, with maximum woody coverage and taiga biome scores between ca. 2.7 and 1.6 ka BP. This coincides well with the highest July temperature (approximately 1 °C higher than today) intervals. A short period of cooling about 1.3-1.4 ka BP could have been triggered by the increased volcanic activity recorded across the Northern Hemisphere. A new period of cooling started around 1100-1150 CE, with the minimum July temperatures occurring between 1450 and 1800 CE

    Расчёт параметров призменного дефлектора лазерного сканера

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    The prism deflector which is a multifaceted prism with reflective facets is the most common scanning element that allows to quickly fill a wide scanning area with laser radiation pulses along one coordinate. The parameters of a prismatic deflector are related to the characteristics of the laser radiation of the scanned area parameters and of the deflector position, and are also limited by various factors, such as safety requirements or scanning time. The aim of this work was to analyze the relationship between the external operating conditions of a laser scanning system and the internal design parameters of a prism deflector.A variant of calculating of laser pulses frequency by the number of spots and their overlap coefficient is considered. A method for calculating of a prism deflector characteristics based on external parameters, such as the angle of incidence of radiation to the facet and the width of the Gaussian beam with dimensions that are safe for а human eye is proposed. Рrismatic deflectors parameters are proposed depending on the number of reflecting facets. Dependence of a deflector size on the angle of radiation incidence to the reflecting face is shown.When designing a prismatic deflector of a laser scanner used to fill a certain scanning area with the required angular size σ by varying such parameters as the number of faces m and the feed angle α it is possible to achieve optimal deflector characteristics and scanning mode for the task.Призменный дефлектор, представляющий собой многогранную призму с отражающими гранями, является наиболее распространённым сканирующим элементом, который позволяет производить быстрое заполнение широкой области сканирования импульсами лазерного излучения по одной координате. Параметры призменного дефлектора связаны с характеристиками лазерного излучения, параметрами сканируемой области и положением дефлектора, а также ограничены различными факторами, например, требованиями безопасности или временем сканирования. Целью работы являлся анализ взаимосвязи параметров сканирующей системы (таких как угол подачи излучения на грань призменного дефлектора, диаметр лазерного пучка) с конструктивными параметрами её сканирующего элемента – призменного дефлектора.Рассмотрен вариант расчёта частоты следования лазерных импульсов через количество лазерных пятен и их коэффициент перекрытия. Предложен метод расчёта характеристик призменного дефлектора, исходя из внешних параметров, таких как угол подачи излучения на грань и ширины гауссова пучка на выходе из оптической системы с размерами, безопасными для человеческого глаза. Приведены параметры призменных дефлекторов в зависимости от числа отражающих граней. Показана зависимость размера дефлектора от угла подачи излучения на отражающую грань.При проектировании призменного дефлектора лазерного сканера, предназначенного для заполнения некоторой области сканирования с требуемым угловым размером σ, варьируя такие параметры как количество граней m и угол подачи α, можно добиться оптимальных для поставленной задачи характеристик дефлектора и режима сканирования

    Random Tilings: Concepts and Examples

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    We introduce a concept for random tilings which, comprising the conventional one, is also applicable to tiling ensembles without height representation. In particular, we focus on the random tiling entropy as a function of the tile densities. In this context, and under rather mild assumptions, we prove a generalization of the first random tiling hypothesis which connects the maximum of the entropy with the symmetry of the ensemble. Explicit examples are obtained through the re-interpretation of several exactly solvable models. This also leads to a counterexample to the analogue of the second random tiling hypothesis about the form of the entropy function near its maximum.Comment: 32 pages, 42 eps-figures, Latex2e updated version, minor grammatical change