96 research outputs found

    Experience with the use of oral probiotic Streptococcus salivarius K12 for the prevention of recurrence of pharyngotonsillar

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    Relevance. Pharyngotonsillitis (PhT) is one of the most common recurrent upper respiratory tract diseases. Viruses are the most common cause of disease (Respiratory viruses, Enterov iruses, Herpesviruses), 30% are of bacterial origin. The most serious types of PhT are associated with group of β-hemolytic streptococcus (GAS) - Streptococcus pyogenes, in which antibiotic therapy is the first choice of therapy. In order to reduce the use of antibiotics, to prevent relapses of pharyngotonsillar episodes, a specific probiotic therapy was carried out using Streptococcuss alivarius K12 (SsK12). K12 (SsK12) is a probiotic strain that inhibits the growth of Streptococcus pyogenes, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae and Moraxella catarrhalis in vitro. Materials and methods. A study was conducted in 90 patients with recurrent pharyngotonsillitis (PhT) of bacterial origin, in whom Streptococcus pyogenes was isolated during bacteriolog ical examination. The course of treatment for patients of all groups was 30 days. Patients of group 1 (30 people) were treated with standard methods. In 30 patients of group 2 (30 people), in addition to standard therapy, the respiratory probiotic "Bactoblis" was used for a course of 30 days. In 30 patients of group 3, standard therapy was carried out with the use of the respiratory probiotic drug "Bactoblis" and additional sanitation of the lacunae of the palatine tonsils by vacuum extraction. As a result, in patients of groups 2 and 3, the frequency of PhT episodes significantly decreased, and the use of antibiotics decreased too. The most persistent effect of treatment was in patients of group 3 - the quality of treatment and prevention increased, the number of exacerbations decreased, the severity of clinical manifestations, and the drug load decreased. Individual intolerance to the components of the drug has not been identified. However, 6 months after the observation was started, the clinical and laboratory parameters of the main groups began to deteriorate, approaching those of the control group, and more stable therapeutic effect was observed in patients of group 3. Conclusions. The authors consider it expedient to perform tonsil sanitation twice a year, with further use of the drug "Bactoblis" in patients suffering from PhT. All human studies were conducted in compliance with the rules of the Helsinki Declaration of the World Medical Association "Ethical principles of medical research with human participation as an object of study". Informed consent was obtained from all participants

    Investigation of the influence of mineral water with increased content of organic on the development of metabolic syndrome in the experiment

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    Background: The World Health Organization describes the metabolic syndrome (MS) as a "21st Century Pandemic." The pathogenesis of MS is complex and completely not studied, which justifies the importance of conducting research in this field, including experimental ones. Recently, in order to treat MS and its complications, along with drug therapy, non-pharmacological agents are used - natural therapeutic resources, which include mineral water (MW). MW are widely used in medical practice, due to the possibility of prolonged use, the combination of general non-specific effects on the processes of body sanogenesis in general and local pathogenetic mechanisms. Objective: To investigate the effect of MW with increased content of organic substances on its internal application to the metabolic rate of experimental animals with the MS. Materials and Methods: In the experiment, 40 white male rats weighing 230.0 – 250.0 g were used. For reproduction of the MS model, the animals were kept for 60 days in a standard diet, while the rats additionally received 30 grams of white bread crumbs per animal and consumed only 10% fructose solution in distilled water (as a drinking liquid). MW was injected into the esophagus of animals with a soft probe with olive, once a day for 12 consecutive days, at a dose of 1% of the body weight of the animal. Results: At day 60 of the experiment in rats with MS, blood glucose levels were increased by 3 mmol/l (p < 0,01), cholesterol and triglycerides by 32 and 154% (p < 0.01). Weight of animals increased by 14% (p < 0,01), and the use of a solution of fructose by 100%. Under the influence of MW, the weight of animals decreased by 8% (p < 0.01), the use of a solution of fructose by 50% (р < 0,01). The level of glucose decreased by 2 mmol/l, the cholesterol content was completely restored (p > 0,5), and the content of triglycerides remained elevated (p < 0,001). Conclusion: MS is a serious and long-lasting pathology, its development causes serious rearrangements in the body. Established corrective effect of MW with increased content of organic substances on separate parts of pathogenesis of MS, although not carried out in full, but is of a stable nature


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    Beans (Vicia faba L.) is the one of the ancient crops which have been cultivated and used for food. The historical note about bean utilization in ancient world and in Russia, and the information aboutcenters of origin, food value of seeds are presented in this review. Botanical characteristics of three bean varieties of VNIISSOK breeding are described.Бобы (Vicia faba L.) – одно из самых древних растений, употребляемых человеком в пищу, и, соответственно,  введённых  в  культуру.  В  обзоре  дана  историческая  справка  об использовании  бобов  в  древнем  мире   и  в  России, представлены   сведения о  центрах происхождения  и  пищевой ценности  семян   бобов  овощных.  Приведено описание  трёх сортов бобов овощных селекции ВНИИССОК

    Over-the-Counter Monocyclic Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs in Environment—Sources, Risks, Biodegradation

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    Recently, the increased use of monocyclic non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs has resulted in their presence in the environment. This may have potential negative effects on living organisms. The biotransformation mechanisms of monocyclic nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the human body and in other mammals occur by hydroxylation and conjugation with glycine or glucuronic acid. Biotransformation/biodegradation of monocyclic non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the environment may be caused by fungal or bacterial microorganisms. Salicylic acid derivatives are degraded by catechol or gentisate as intermediates which are cleaved by dioxygenases. The key intermediate of the paracetamol degradation pathways is hydroquinone. Sometimes, after hydrolysis of this drug, 4- aminophenol is formed, which is a dead-end metabolite. Ibuprofen is metabolized by hydroxylation or activation with CoA, resulting in the formation of isobutylocatechol. The aim of this work is to attempt to summarize the knowledge about environmental risk connected with the presence of over-the-counter antiinflammatory drugs, their sources and the biotransformation and/or biodegradation pathways of these drugs


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    Beans (Vicia faba L.) is the one of the ancient crops which have been cultivated and used for food. The historical note about bean utilization in ancient world and in Russia, and the information aboutcenters of origin, food value of seeds are presented in this review. Botanical characteristics of three bean varieties of VNIISSOK breeding are described


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    The purpose of the work is to evaluate the characteristics of primary posttraumatic eyeball removal in the adult population of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Material and methods. The analysis of 87 patients’ medical documents from the Krasnoyarsk Regional Ophthalmologic Clinical Hospital has been carried out since 2003 till 2016; the primary posttraumatic eyeball removal was performed. Gender, age, place of residence, social and labor status of patients, the type and nature of the injuries that caused the eyeball removal as a primary surgical intervention have been taken into account. Results and discussion. Between 2003-2016 the proportion of primary posttraumatic removal of the eyeball was ranged from 9 % to 42.9 % of all eye removal procedures due to trauma., Their were 73 (83.9 %) men and 14 (16.1 %) women among 87 patients aged 18-88 years. Distribution by social status came up to unemployed citizens (48.3 %), officially employed - 28.8 % and pensioners - 22.9 %. Home accident trauma was more common (68.9 % of cases), criminal (24.1 %) and industrial (6.9 %) injuries were less often. The period from the eye injury moment till its removal was 0-90 days. The main causes of primary posttraumatic eye removal were eyeball destruction in 65.5 % of cases, panophthalmia was in 19.6 %, eye painful subatrophy - in 14.9 % of cases. Conclusion. Primary posttraumatic eyeball removal can be considered as a model of the entire population of post-traumatic enucleations. Specific gravity (23.9 %), increase in the frequency of primary post-traumatic eyeball removal can influence on the waiting time for traumatic enucleation in general. In the overwhelming number of injured patients, the primary removal of the eyeball is the consequence of the injury severity, in 34.5 % of cases it is due to the imperfection of medical care at various stages of its delivery