8,416 research outputs found

    Cockfighters in the Legal, Religious, and Social Perspectives

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    This study examines the issues related to religious behavior in terms of religious beliefs, religious observance, motivation of doing cockfights, and social perception of cockfighters. From the data analysis found that: first, according to Islamic law, cockfighting is haram, while according to the positive law cockfighting accompanied by gambling is a crime. Secondly, according to their involvement, the cockfighters can be grouped into: tokang tanggha', bhutto, and petaro (gamblers). Thirdly, in the context of belief, the cockfighters remain consistent in his religion (Islam). Fourth, religious observance for cockfighters is simply the practice of social worship. Fifth, is the motivation for cockfighters, among others, are friendship, art, gambling, prestige, and media of communication to solve the social problems. Sixth, the public perceives the actor of cockfighting as someone who still does not get guidance from Allah.Copyright (c) 2016 by KARSA. All right reserved DOI: 10.19105/karsa.v24i1.101

    Manajemen Pembelajaran Matematika Menggunakan Media Tangram pada Siswa SD di Kepahiang

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    The purpose of this research was to know mathematics learning management using tangram media to student. The subjects this research were six grade of SD Negeri 04 Kepahiang in the. This research used the classroom action research. The techniques of collecting the data used questionnaire, observation, and the result of test. The result of this research found that: an increasein the creativity of mathematical ability the students to use tangram media, the students attitudes is positive towards of mathematics, the students creative of abilities has increased

    Implementasi Pendidikan Agama Islam Di Sekolah Menengah Umum (Smu) (Problematika Dan Pemecahannya)

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    Islamic Religious Education (PAI) essentially has the fundamental duty to explore, analyze, develop and introduce the teachings of Islam based on Qur'an and hadith. Hence, Islamic Religious Education (PAI) is required to implement new approaches and orientations that are relevant to contemporary conditions, without ignoring the values of Islamic teaching. But in practice, the transcendence of Islamic Religious Education (PAI) has been lost while juxtaposed with High School (SMU). There are at least three main elements that influence the formation of character Islamic Religious Education (PAI) in high school, among others: Teachers, Students, and Environment (space and time). Thus, the success or failure of Islamic Religious Education (PAI) in high school depends on the mutual relations of those all three

    Siyasah Dauliyah Konsep Dasar Komunikasi Diplosmasi Internasional ( sebuah Introspeksi Bagi Kebangkitan Umat Islam Dunia)

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    Auliyah means the good fortune, kingdom, power, authority. While Siyasah Dauliyah means the power of the Head of State to regulate the state in terms of International relations, territorial problems, nationalities, extradition, prisoners, alienation of political prisoners, expulsion of foreign citizens. In addition, it also deals with the problems of dhimmis, religious differences, mutual reciprocity and one-sided with dhimmi, hudud and qishash Or it can be said that regulate the relationship between these countries (Politics of International Law). Methodology used in this study is Library Studies (Library Research), using secondary data (secondary data) of library materials that have been available in libraries or other places and materials or research resources that can be accessed via the internet such as scientific journals , newspapers, news portals, research results from research institutions and documents. Keywords: International Relations, Politics, Siyasah, Islamic State, Islamic La

    Korelasi Antara Kebiasaan Membaca Dengan Kemampuan Membaca Pemahaman Siswa Kelas VIII SMP Negeri 1 Rambah

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    The research was conducted in SMP Negeri 1 Rambah. The method used in this study is correlational analysis method. This method is used to prove the presence or absence of relationship problems examined in class VIII SMP Negeri 1 Rambah. Thepurpose of this study was to determine the correlation between the habit of reading with reading comprehension class VIII SMP Negeri 1 Rambah. From this research is that in reading habit and reading comprehension class VIII SMP Negeri 1 Rambah,the average level of the reading habits of students is high, with an average score of 72.88. Similarly, the ability of students\u27 reading comprehension is high with anaverage score of 73.4

    Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Matematika Menggunakan Teropong Pecahan di Kelas IV Sdn 08 Pontianak Utara

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    This research aims to describe improving learning outcome student in learning matematika by using binoculars fragment in class IV primary school Negeri 08 North Pontianak. The method used in this research is descriptive method and type of research is a class act. Subject research is teacher and student total 33 students in class IV B primary school Negeri 08 North Pontianak.. The implementation of this class action is carried out 3 cycles. The results obtained are the ability of teachers in preparing the RPP with an average score of cycle 1 of 2.30, on cycle 2 of 3.05, and in cycle 3 of 3.83. The ability of teachers to implement the average score learning cycle 1 of 2.43, the cycle 2 of 3.14, and on the 3rd cycle of 3.88. While the result of student learning cycle 1 is 55,76, cycle 2 is 70,30, and cycle 3 is 90,91. It using binoculars fragment gave effect on student learnig outcomes
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