421 research outputs found

    Comment on "Clock Shift in High Field Magnetic Resonance of Atomic Hydrogen"

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    In this Comment, we reanalyze the experiments on the collision frequency shift of the b-c and a-d hyperfine transitions in three-dimensional atomic hydrogen in the presence of, respectively, a and b-state atoms. Accurate consideration of the symmetry of the spatial and spin part of the diatomic wavefunction yields the difference a_T-a_S=0.30(5) \AA between the triplet and singlet s-wave scattering lengths of hydrogen atoms. This corrects the factor-of two error of the commented work [Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 263003 (2008)].Comment: 1 pag


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    Intra-oceanic arcs (IOAs) form at Pacific-type convergent margins, in the upper “stable” plate, when the subducting plate submerges to the depths of melting, i.e., to ca. 50–100 km. A typical IOA system, such as Mariana-Bonin and the Philippines Sea, consists of subduction zone, fore-arc region with accretionary prism, frontal or active arc, marginal basin with spreading center, and, in some cases, one or more remnant arcs and inactive marginal basin. The IOAs are very important elements of Pacific-type convergent margins as they represent major sites of juvenile continental crust formation (e.g. [Clift et al., 2003; Stern, 2010; Maruyama et al., 2011]), but are also the most important sites of crust removal by sediment subduction and tectonic/ subduction erosion [Stern, Scholl, 2010].Intra-oceanic arcs (IOAs) form at Pacific-type convergent margins, in the upper “stable” plate, when the subducting plate submerges to the depths of melting, i.e., to ca. 50–100 km. A typical IOA system, such as Mariana-Bonin and the Philippines Sea, consists of subduction zone, fore-arc region with accretionary prism, frontal or active arc, marginal basin with spreading center, and, in some cases, one or more remnant arcs and inactive marginal basin. The IOAs are very important elements of Pacific-type convergent margins as they represent major sites of juvenile continental crust formation (e.g. [Clift et al., 2003; Stern, 2010; Maruyama et al., 2011]), but are also the most important sites of crust removal by sediment subduction and tectonic/ subduction erosion [Stern, Scholl, 2010]

    Teaching Work with Foreign Language Text in the Institute of Physical Culture

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    Рассмотрены вопросы обучения чтению и переводу ино- язычного текста в вузе физической культуры. Приведена классификация видов чтения, свойственная методике обучения иностранному языку. Уделено внимание выполнению упражнений в процессе обучения чтению. Указаны положительные и отрицательные стороны перевода на занятиях по иностранному языку, актуальность выбора средств перевода. Обоснована необходимость обучения студентов грамотному пользованию печатными словарями.The article is devoted to the issues of teaching reading and translation of a foreign language text. The classification of types of reading, which is usual for the methodology of teaching a foreign language, is given. Attention is paid to the implementation of exercises in the process of learning to read. The positive and negative aspects of translation in foreign language classes are described. The relevance of the choice of means of translation is mentioned. The necessity of teaching students the competent use of printed dictionaries is substantiated

    Development of Self-Monitoring in the Process of Teaching Foreign Languages to the Students of Physical Culture Universities

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    Рассматривается вопрос осуществления самоконтроля обучающимися в иноязычном образовательном процессе. Приводится классификация приемов самоконтроля, которые преподаватель может использовать в обучении студентов иностранным языкам. Обосновывается необходимость специальной подготовки обучающихся по организации самоконтроля в условиях реализации компетентностного и личностно-ориентированного подходов. Уделяется внимание использованию интерактивных методов обучения как средству развития самоконтроля.The article deals with the implementation of students’ self-monitoring in foreign educational process. Classification of selfmonitoring methods that the teacher can use in teaching foreign language students is conducted. The need for special preparation of students for the self-monitoring organization in terms of competency and student-centered approaches is justified. Attention is paid to the use of interactive teaching methods as a means of developing self-monitoring

    Ultrasound investigation in pregnant women with diabetes mellitus

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    Introduction. Ultrasound (US) has been used in obstetrics for more than 30 years and is considered to be reliable, simple, quick in results, painless and cheap method. The aim: to optimize the use of US in childbirth in pregnant women with diabetes and determine the outcome of childbirth, taking into account the condition of the fetus and newborn. Materials and methods. 52 pregnant women, among them 32 with diabetes mellitus (pre-gestational diabetes was in 20 persons and 12 persons had gestational diabetes) have been examined.  The average age of pregnant women in the main group was 29.8 ± 5.4 years, in the control group - 25.7 ± 4.3 years. All women in the main and control groups were primiparous. The gestation period in the main group was 39.1 ± 0.5 weeks [38.0; 39.6], in the control group - 39.5 ± 0.7 [38.4; 40.5] weeks. Clinical-laboratory and instrumental examinations were made. Control group consisted of  20 physiologically pregnant women. To determine the condition and size of the fetus and its progress in labor, immediately at the end of the first and during the second staage of labor, transabdominal and transperineal US and Doppler examination were performed with device HD 11 XE Phillips (USA). Results. Pregnant women with diabetes are more likely to have a pathological second stage of labors due to macrosomia and problems with the birth of the fetus, as evidenced by the lack of increased angle of progress and decreased head-perineal distance. The data obtained indicate the prospects of using ultrasound in childbirth as an objective non-invasive method for predicting the likelihood of vaginal birth, which will reduce operative delivery and perinatal pathology. Conclusions. The use of ultrasound in childbirth in women with diabetes and diabetic fetopathy can determine the possibility of complications in the promotion of the fetus, including clinical narrow pelvis, shoulder dystocia, the occurrence of distress, as evidenced by the Apgar scale and CLS. Intraparietal ultrasound helps to guide the plan of childbirth, reduce the frequency of cesarean delivery, perinatal morbidity and mortality, and birth trauma

    Verbs of Perception as Means of Creating Images in the Life of Korniliy Pereslavsky

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    The article presents the main results of the study of the Life of Korniliy Pereslavsky in the aspect of linguistic explication of ideas about the monk and other clergymen in the text. The study was conducted on the material of the only known list of the first edition (1706) and the list of the second edition on the earliest list of the Russian state library (late 18th century). It is shown that verbs with semantics of perception are among the most important linguistic means used in the description of the monk and other clergymen. It is established that verbs of visual and auditory perception are used in the list of the first edition, whereas only verbs of visual perception are used in the list of the second edition. The commonality in the use of perceptual verbs in the creation of images in the lists under consideration is found. It is established that the verbs of auditory perception mainly realize direct meanings, which reflect the perception of texts read during the services, as well as obtaining information from the words of other people. It is shown that the verbs of visual perception reveal both direct and figurative meanings. The author comes to the conclusion that the process of obtaining information about people and objects of reality is reflected in direct meanings, and the connection of visual perception and thought processes, especially significant in the description of the monk, is fixed in figurative meanings of verbal units

    Comparative assessment of plasticity, stability and homeostasis based on ‘1000 grain weight’ in winter rye cultivars developed at VIR

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    Background. In Russia, winter rye is a crop that provides food for people and feed for animals. Despite the obvious advantages of rye (high winter hardiness and drought resistance, plus the ability to grow in areas with poor soils and adverse climatic conditions), its area of cultivation has been reduced from 29 million hectares in 1913 to 872,000 ha in 2019. This situation can be improved by introducing rye cultivars with a stable yield of large grain under diverse growing conditions into commercial production.Materials and methods. The experimental part of the work was carried out in 2012–2017, in the experimental fields of Pushkin and Pavlovsk Laboratories of VIR. The target material was the accessions of low-pentosan winter rye cultivars developed at VIR. Data processing was performed using the analysis of variance according to B. A. Dospekhov. Adaptability and stability levels were calculated using the methods by S. A. Eberhart, W. A. Russell and L. A. Zhivotkov, those of plasticity and stability using the technique by G. C. Tai, the multiplicativity coefficient according to V. A. Dragavtsev, and the coefficient of homeostasis according to V. V. Hangildin, on the basis of ‘1000 grain weight’.Results and conclusion. The 1000 grain weight in the studied accessions varied from 30.0 to 48.2 g, with the average value of 40.8 g. The effect of the ‘test year’ factor on grain size was estimated at 65.5%, and of the ‘cultivar’ factor at 20.1%. The best conditions for large grain development were observed in 2013, 2015 and 2017 (45.7, 42.5 and 41.3 g, respectively). The most plastic, stable and homeostatic winter rye accessions were: Rushnik 2 (k-11820), ‘Krasnoyarskaya universalnaya’ (k-11818), ‘Bereginya’ (k-11822), Nika 3 (k-11823), and ‘Novaya Era’ (k-11814). The cultivars Rushnik 2, Nika 3, ‘Krasnoyarskaya universalnaya’, ‘Bereginya’ and ‘Novaya Era’ demonstrated high adaptability and can produce large grain under a wide range of varying environmental conditions