5 research outputs found

    Доверительное оценивание показателей надежности системы с дублированием и восстановлением элементов

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    The article considers a problem to estimate a confidence interval of the main reliability indices such as availability rate, mean time between failures, and operative availability (in the stationary state) for the model of the system with duplication and independent recovery of elements.Presents a solution of the problem for a situation that often arises in practice, when there are unknown exact values of the reliability parameters of the elements, and only test data of the system or its individual parts (elements, subsystems) for reliability are known. It should be noted that the problems of the confidence estimate of reliability indices of the complex systems based on the testing results of their individual elements are fairly common function in engineering practice when designing and running the various engineering systems. The available papers consider this problem, mainly, for non-recovery systems.Describes a solution of this problem for the important particular case when the system elements are duplicated by the reserved elements, and the elements that have failed in the course of system operation are recovered (regardless of the state of other elements).An approximate solution of this problem is obtained for the case of high reliability or "fast recovery" of elements on the assumption that the average recovery time of elements is small as compared to the average time between failures.В предлагаемой статье рассматривается проблема оценки и прогноза (с заданным уровнем достоверности) по результатам испытаний элементов основных показателей надежности – коэффициента готовности, среднего времени безотказной работы и коэффициента оперативной готовности (в стационарном режиме) для модели системы с дублированием и независимым восстановлением элементов.Решение задачи дается для ситуации, которая часто возникает на практике, когда точные значения параметров надежности элементов неизвестны, а известны лишь результаты испытаний системы или ее отдельных частей (элементов, подсистем) на надежность. Необходимо отметить, что задачи доверительного оценивания показателей надежности сложных систем по результатам испытаний их отдельных элементов довольно часто встречаются в инженерной практике при проектировании и эксплуатации различных технических систем. В существующих в настоящее время работах данная проблема рассматривается в основном для систем без восстановления. В статье рассматривается решение этой проблемы для важного частного случая, когда элементы системы дублируются резервными элементами, и отказавшие в процессе функционирования системы элементы восстанавливаются (независимо от состояния других элементов).Получено приближенное решение данной задачи для случая высокой надежности или «быстрого восстановления» элементов, в естественной, с точки зрения практических приложений, асимптотике, а именно, в предположении, что среднее время восстановления элементов мало по сравнению со средним временем безотказной работы

    Confidence Estimation of Reliability Indices of the System with Elements Duplication and Recovery

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    The article considers a problem to estimate a confidence interval of the main reliability indices such as availability rate, mean time between failures, and operative availability (in the stationary state) for the model of the system with duplication and independent recovery of elements.Presents a solution of the problem for a situation that often arises in practice, when there are unknown exact values of the reliability parameters of the elements, and only test data of the system or its individual parts (elements, subsystems) for reliability are known. It should be noted that the problems of the confidence estimate of reliability indices of the complex systems based on the testing results of their individual elements are fairly common function in engineering practice when designing and running the various engineering systems. The available papers consider this problem, mainly, for non-recovery systems.Describes a solution of this problem for the important particular case when the system elements are duplicated by the reserved elements, and the elements that have failed in the course of system operation are recovered (regardless of the state of other elements).An approximate solution of this problem is obtained for the case of high reliability or "fast recovery" of elements on the assumption that the average recovery time of elements is small as compared to the average time between failures

    Study of the “Molten Globule” Intermediate State in Protein Folding by a Hydrophobic Fluorescent Probe

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    Binding of the hydrophobia fluorescent probe, 1-anilino-naphthalene-8-sulfonate (ANS), to synthetic polypeptides and proteins with a different structural organization has been studied. It has been shown that ANS has a much stronger affinity to the protein “molten globule” state, with a pronounced secondary structure and compactness, but without a tightly packed tertiary structure as compared with its affinity to the native and coil-like proteins, or to coil-like, α-helical, or β-structural hydrophilic homopolypeptides. The possibility of using ANS for the study of equilibrium and kinetic molten globule intermediates is demonstrated, with carbonic anhydrase, β-lactamase, and α-lactalbumin as examples