107 research outputs found

    Level of biogenic and organic substances in a water of the Dniprovs’ke reservoir and Samara River in fall-winter period

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    Вивчено актуальні проблеми впливу евтрофування Дніпровського водосховища органічними та біогенними речовинами господарсько-побутових і промислових стічних вод на рибогосподарські показники. Проведені досліди показали перевищення ГДК за деякими показниками для рибогосподарських водойм.Вивчено актуальні проблеми впливу евтрофування Дніпровського водосховища органічними та біогенними речовинами господарсько-побутових і промислових стічних вод на рибогосподарські показники. Проведені досліди показали перевищення ГДК за деякими показниками для рибогосподарських водойм.Relevant problems of influence of the Dniprovs’ke reservoir eutrophication by the household sewage on the water quality indices in fishing zones were studied. Investigations disclosed the excess of the maximum permissible concentration of some indices developed for a fishing reservoir

    Неотложная рентгенэндоваскулярная тромбаспирация при ишемическом кардиоэмболическом инсульте

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    A case report of successful intravascular aspiration in a patient with acute cardioembolic stroke is presented. Non-occlusive critical thrombosis of the extracranial segment of the left internal carotid artery with distal total embolization of the medial cerebral artery was verified. During the intervention, the dislocation of thrombotic masses into the supraclinoid segment occurred.Представлено клиническое наблюдение успешной внутрисосудистой аспирации у пациента с острым ишемическим инсультом кардиоэмболического генеза. Верифицирован неокклюзивный критический тромбоз экстракраниального сегмента левой внутренней сонной артерии с дистальной тотальной эмболизацией средней мозговой артерии. В ходе проведения вмешательства произошла дислокация тромботических масс в супраклиноидный сегмент


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    Purpose. To evaluate the influence of diacamph hydrochloride and bemithylum on carbohydrate and energy metabolism, as well as pro-antioxidant balance in normoglycaemic rats and on the model of diabetes mellitus.Materials and methods. Diacamph hydrochloride (25 mg/kg i.p.) and bemithylum (50 mg/kg i.p.) experimental therapy in normoglycaemic rats and ones with diabetes mellitus model under the conditions of immobilization during two weeks.Results. In chronic immobilization stress, especially against the background of alloxan-induced diabetes mellitus there were pathological changes as follows: significant decrease of glycogen level in internal organs, appearance of lactate-acidosis, depletion of ATP pool, oxidative stress activation against the background of antioxidant protection exhaustion. Both diacamhp hydrochloride and bemithylum eliminated these impairments, diacamph hydrochloride was more effective in diabetes mellitus at that.Summary. In chronic immobilization stress in normoglycaemic animals the diacamph hydrochloride and bemithylum exert comparable normalizing effect on carbohydrate and energy metabolism, as well as pro-antioxidant balance. Under the conditions of diabetes mellitus diacamph hydrochloride provides more marked effect than bemithylum

    Galactic Rotation Parameters from Data on Open Star Clusters

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    Currently available data on the field of velocities Vr, Vl, Vb for open star clusters are used to perform a kinematic analysis of various samples that differ by heliocentric distance, age, and membership in individual structures (the Orion, Carina--Sagittarius, and Perseus arms). Based on 375 clusters located within 5 kpc of the Sun with ages up to 1 Gyr, we have determined the Galactic rotation parameters Wo =-26.0+-0.3 km/s/kpc, W'o = 4.18+-0.17 km/s/kpc^2, W''o=-0.45+-0.06 km/s/kpc^3, the system contraction parameter K = -2.4+-0.1 km/s/kpc, and the parameters of the kinematic center Ro =7.4+-0.3 kpc and lo = 0+-1 degrees. The Galactocentric distance Ro in the model used has been found to depend significantly on the sample age. Thus, for example, it is 9.5+-0.7 kpc and 5.6+-0.3 kpc for the samples of young (50 Myr) clusters, respectively. Our study of the kinematics of young open star clusters in various spiral arms has shown that the kinematic parameters are similar to the parameters obtained from the entire sample for the Carina-Sagittarius and Perseus arms and differ significantly from them for the Orion arm. The contraction effect is shown to be typical of star clusters with various ages. It is most pronounced for clusters with a mean age of 100 Myr, with the contraction velocity being Kr = -4.3+-1.0 km/s.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, 2 table

    Search for Pairs of Isolated Radio Pulsars - Components in Disrupted Binary Systems

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    We have developed a method for analyzing the kinematic association of isolated relativistic objects - possible remnants of disrupted close binary systems. We investigate pairs of fairly young radio pulsars with known proper motions and estimated distances (dispersion measures) that are spaced no more than 2-3 kpc apart. Using a specified radial velocity distribution for these objects, we have constructed 100-300 thousand trajectories of their possible motion in the Galactic gravitational field on a time scale of several million years. The probabilities of their close encounters at epochs consistent with the age of the younger pulsar in the pair are analyzed. When these probabilities exceed considerably their reference values obtained by assuming a purely random encounter between the pulsars under consideration, we conclude that the objects may have been gravitationally bound in the past. As a result, we have detected six pulsar pairs (J0543+2329/J0528+2200, J1453-6413/J1430-6623, J2354+6155/J2321+6024, J1915+1009/J1909+1102, J1832-0827/J1836-1008, and J1917+1353/J1926+1648) that are companions in disrupted binary systems with a high probability. Estimates of their kinematic ages and velocities at binary disruption and at the present epoch are provided

    The Role of Interdiffusion and Spatial Confinement in the Formation of Resonant Raman Spectra of Ge/Si(100) Heterostructures with Quantum-Dot Arrays

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    The phonon modes of self-assembled Ge/Si quantum dots grown by molecular-beam epitaxy in an apparatus integrated with a chamber of the scanning tunneling microscope into a single high-vacuum system are investigated using Raman spectroscopy. It is revealed that the Ge-Ge and Si-Ge vibrational modes are considerably enhanced upon excitation of excitons between the valence band Λ3\Lambda_3 and the conduction band Λ1\Lambda_1 (the E1 and E1 + Δ1\Delta_1 transitions). This makes it possible to observe the Raman spectrum of very small amounts of germanium, such as one layer of quantum dots with a germanium layer thickness of 10 \r{A}. The enhancement of these modes suggests a strong electron-phonon interaction of the vibrational modes with the E1 and E1 + Δ1\Delta_1 excitons in the quantum dot. It is demonstrated that the frequency of the Ge-Ge mode decreases by 10 cm^-1 with a decrease in the thickness of the Ge layer from 10 to 6 \r{A} due to the spatial-confinement effect. The optimum thickness of the Ge layer, for which the size dispersion of quantum dots is minimum, is determined.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figure

    Galactic Kinematics from OB3 Stars with Distances determined from Interstellar Ca II Lines

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    Based on data for 102 OB3 stars with known proper motions and radial velocities, we have tested the distances derived by Megier et al. from interstellar Ca II spectral lines. The internal reconciliation of the distance scales using the first derivative of the angular velocity of Galactic rotation {\Omega}'0 and the external reconciliation with Humphreys's distance scale for OB associations refined by Mel'nik and Dambis show that the initial distances should be reduced by \approx 20%. Given this correction, the heliocentric distances of these stars lie within the range 0.6-2.6 kpc. A kinematic analysis of these stars at a fixed Galactocentric distance of the Sun, R0=8 kpc, has allowed the following parameters to be determined:(1) the solar peculiar velocity components (U_o,V_o,W_o)=(8.9,10.3,6.8)\pm(0.6,1.0,0.4) km/s;(2) the Galactic rotation parameters {\Omega}_o=-31.5\pm0.9 km/s/kpc, {\Omega}'_o=+4.49\pm0.12 km/s/kpc^2, {\Omega}"_o=-1.05\pm0.38 km/s/kpc^3, (the corresponding Oort constants are A=17.9\pm0.5 km/s/kpc, B=-13.6\pm1.0 km/s/kpc and the circular rotation velocity of the solar neighborhood is |V_o|=252\pm14 km/s); (3) the spiral density wave parameters, namely: the perturbation amplitudes for the radial and azimuthal velocity components, respectively, f_R = -12.5\pm1.1 km/s and f_{\theta}=2.0\pm1.6 km/s; the pitch angle for the two-armed spiral pattern i=-5.3\pm0.3 degrees, with the wavelength of the spiral density wave at the solar distance being {\lambda}=2.3\pm0.2 kpc; the Sun's phase in the spiral wave {\chi}_o=-91\pm4 degrees.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, 3 table

    Comparative characterization of different kinds of chromatographic quantification using the double standard addition method

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    Различные варианты обработки результатов количественного газохроматографического анализа способом двойной стандартной добавки сопоставлены по точности. Три основных из них: I – простое сравнение данных, получаемых с использованием однократной и двойной добавок, II – аппроксимация зависимости m(S) в координатах «площадь пика определяемого компонента» (S) – «масса добавки» (mдоб) методом наименьших квадратов по уравнению линейной регрессии и III–вычисление количеств определяемых компонентов (mx) по каждой из стандартных добавок с последующей линейной экстраполяцией их значений на «нулевую» стандартную добавку, mx(mдоб® 0). Показано, что результаты определений в различных вариантах стандартных добавок сопоставимы по точности, но несколько занижены относительно заданных количеств аналитов. Главной причиной таких систематических погрешностей является испарение растворителя при последовательном дозировании проб одних и тех же образцов в хроматограф. В результате площади пиков, определяемые после ввода стандартных добавок в образцы, оказываются несколько завышенными, что и приводит к занижению результатов. Второй (менее значимый) фактор – незначительное увеличение объема образцов за счет добавок определяемых компонентов. Отмечено, что погрешности определений различными вариантами способа стандартной добавки не превышают случайных составляющих погрешностей. Лучшие результаты (с учетом знаков отклонений) обеспечивает вычисление содержания определяемого аналита методом двойной стандартной добавки с экстраполяцией результатов на «нулевую» величину добавки. Для исключения влияния «человеческого фактора» (увеличение точности результатов в ходе анализа серий однотипных образцов за счет опыта аналитиков) все параллельные определения были проведены студентами бакалавриата Института химии Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета в ходе выполнения ими лабораторных работ. Такая орга­низация экспериментов повышает их достоверность, поскольку исключает зависимость результатов от различий в квалификации аналитиков.Different algorithms for processing the quantitative gas chromatographic analysis data using the double standard addition method are compared for their accuracy. Three principal approaches are possible for such processing: I – simple comparison of values determined by single and double standard additions, II – approximation of «peak area of analyte» (S) – «mass of standard addition» (madd) dependence by the least squares method [linear regression, m(S)], and III – independent quantification of analyte with both standard additions followed by the linear extrapolation of two subresults on the socalled «zero standard addition», mx(madd ® 0). It is concluded that the quantitation results obtained using the various modes of the method are comparable in accuracy, but somewhat underestimated relative to the specified amounts of analytes. The principal reason of such systematic errors is the evaporation of the solvent during the successive injecting of the same samples into the gas chromatograph. Due to this reason the peak areas, measured after the standard addition, appear to be slightly increased and this leads to the systematic underestimation of the results. The second (less important) factor is the small increase of the sample volumes due to the addition of the components to be determined. It is confirmed that the systematic errors of different modes of standard addition are not exceeding the values of their random uncertainties. The optimal results (considering their signs of deviations) are provided using the double standard addition method with extrapolation of subresults on «zero standard addition». In order to exclude the possible influence of «human factor» (increasing the re­sults precision during the series of analyses of similar samples due to the rising experience of analytical chemists) all parallel measurements have been per­for­med by bachelor students of the Chemistry Institute of the St. Petersburg State University in the course of their laboratory practical works in chromatography. Such organization of experiments increases their credibility as it excluded the dependence of the results on the qualification of chemists.Студенческая лабораторная работа, результаты которой составили предмет настоящего сообщения, выполнена с использованием оборудования Ресурсного Центра «Методы анализа состава вещества» Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета. Авторы благодарят сотрудников Центра за содействие.The students’ work, results of which are discussed in the current paper, was carried out using the equipment of the “Methods of analysis of substance’s composition” Resource Centre at the St. Petersburg State University. The authors are grateful to the staff of this Center for assistance