12 research outputs found

    Ignition Features of Plasma-Beam Discharge in Gas-Discharge Electron Gun Operation

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    The current paper presents the results of experimental researches to determine the mode features of plasma-beam discharge (PBD) generation by an electron beam injected by a low-vacuum gasdischarge electron gun (LGEG) with the cold cathode and hollow anode on the basis of the high-voltage glow discharge and in the range of helium pressure of P ? 10 ÷ 130 Pa. The PBD boundaries and their dependences on parameters of an electron beam are found. The influence of PBD on parameters of low-vacuum gas-discharge electron gun is revealed. It causes an avalanche increase of electron beam current and burning of plasma-beam discharge in the whole space of the vacuum chamber volume and generation of electromagnetic radiation is revealed. Achieved results will be used for implementation of various vacuum technologies in the medium of reaction gas and generated electromagnetic radiation

    Ignition Features of Plasma-Beam Discharge in Gas-Discharge Electron Gun Operation

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    The current paper presents the results of experimental researches to determine the mode features of plasma-beam discharge (PBD) generation by an electron beam injected by a low-vacuum gasdischarge electron gun (LGEG) with the cold cathode and hollow anode on the basis of the high-voltage glow discharge and in the range of helium pressure of P ? 10 ÷ 130 Pa. The PBD boundaries and their dependences on parameters of an electron beam are found. The influence of PBD on parameters of low-vacuum gas-discharge electron gun is revealed. It causes an avalanche increase of electron beam current and burning of plasma-beam discharge in the whole space of the vacuum chamber volume and generation of electromagnetic radiation is revealed. Achieved results will be used for implementation of various vacuum technologies in the medium of reaction gas and generated electromagnetic radiation

    Reducing the influence of surface roughness on hardness measurement using instrumented indentation test

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    Предложена модель учета влияния локальной шероховатости исследуемой поверхности на измеряемое значение твердости в методе инструментального индентирования. Показано, что за счет введения поправки для величины контактной глубины индентирования удается существенно повысить точность измерения твердости на сильно шероховатых поверхностях. Представлена экспериментальная проверка предложенного способа коррекции на модельных образцах.A model is proposed for taking into account the influence of the local roughness of the surface under investigation on the measured hardness value in the instrumental indentation method. It is shown that, due to the introduction of the correction for the value of the contact depth of indentation, it is possible to substantially increase the accuracy of hardness measurements on highly rough surfaces. An experimental verification of the proposed method of correction on model samples is presented


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    The study included patients with acute necrotic pancreatitis and confirmed biliary hypertension. The endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERSP) and endoscopic papillosphincterotomy (EPST) supplemented with lithoextrac- tion were conducted immediately. We concluded that in cases when intraduct pathology causes biliary hypertension and initial severity of patient's condition doesn't exceed 11 physiological status severity (PSS) scale conducting ERSP with EPST and lithoextraction is more preferable than drainage of gall bladder

    Implementation of profiling in hardness testers with application of SPM methods

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    Реализован режим профилирования на твердомерах семейства «НаноСкан-4D», основанный на регистрации фазового сдвига между возбуждающей силой и возникающими колебаниями. Были определены оптимальные режимы работы, обеспечивающие высокую скорость профилирования при минимальном механическом воздействии на поверхность образца.The profiling mode in NanoScan-4D family hardness testers is based on recording the phase shift between the generating force and the excited oscillations. Optimal parameters were determined to provide a high velosity of profiling with minimal mechanical influence on the surface of the sample

    In-situ Raman mapping during indentation

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