9 research outputs found


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    Purpose: to improve the surgical treatment outcomes in children with right-sided congenital diaphragmatic hernias (RCDH).Materials and methods. An anatomical experimental study included filing vena cava inferior and hepatic veins with barium suspense was carried out in 4 children’s corps: with RCDH (2) and the control – without RCDH (2). An X-ray vasographic comparison was performed. Carrying out a clinical part of investigation, two groups of patients were compared: operated till 2008 (22 children) when forced replacement of liver under the diaphragm with its followed closure above the liver, and operated after 2008 (11 children) with partial closure of a diaphragmatic defect up to the liver and followed diaphragmaplasty with synthetic lattice. Clinical and X-ray examinations were performed then.Results. An anatomic research revealed that hepatic veins in RCDH corps were situated upper than in control corps in ½ or 1 thoracic vertebra. In the first group children lethal outcomes was in 9 patients (40.9%), in second group there were no any lethal outcomes.Summary: 1. RCDH must be considered as an intrathoracic liver ectopic position. 2. There is rational to use transthoracic approach in children with such a pathology

    Прочность гибкой оболочки пневматической рессоры

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    The strength for a flexible shell of a vehicle pneumatic spring during movement relative to a rail track has been studied in the paper. The calculation has been carried out using the finite element method implemented in the SolidWorks software environment. For this purpose, 3D drawings of a balloon-type pneumatic spring have been reproduced. A specific  feature of the design is that the distance between the upper and lower bottoms in static conditions is unchanged – thanks to the body position regulator, which maintains its constancy relative to the trolley frame. The results obtained have made it possible to conclude that there are certain reserves for the level of stresses, i.e.,  in addition to the vertical, it is possible to take into account also transverse mutual displacements of the air spring bottoms which will occur when the trolley moves relative to the body.  At the next stage, the stresses in the material of the flexible shell are investigated for mutual transverse displacements of the bottoms, which are observed with transverse displacements of the trolleys relative to the body of the vehicle when  traveling along curved sections of the track. At the same time, the maximum stresses in the material of the flexible shell of  the pneumatic spring are about 11 MPa, even with twice the nominal air pressure and transverse mutual displacements of the bottoms of 40 mm, that is, they are much less than the breaking strength (30 MPa). The carried out researches allow to draw  a conclusion that the design and parameters of a flexible shell of a balloon-type air springs ensure its strength under operational loading schemes. Therefore, in order to improve the dynamic qualities of vehicles, it is proposed to use a flexible shell  of a pneumatic spring as a component of the spring suspension.Исследована прочность гибкой оболочки пневматической рессоры транспортного средства при движении относительно рельсовой колеи. Расчет проведен с использованием метода конечных элементов, реализованного  в среде программного обеспечения SolidWorks. Для этого воспроизведены чертежи пневморессоры баллонного типа  в формате 3D. Особенностью конструкции является то, что расстояние между верхним и нижним днищами в статике неизменно – благодаря регулятору положения кузова, который поддерживает его постоянство относительно рамы тележки. Полученные результаты позволили сделать вывод, что имеются определенные резервы по уровню напряжений, т. е. дополнительно к вертикальным возможно учесть еще и поперечные взаимные смещения днищ пневморессоры, которые будут возникать при смещениях тележки относительно кузова. На последующем этапе исследованы напряжения в материале гибкой оболочки в случае взаимных поперечных смещений днищ, наблюдающиеся при поперечных смещениях тележек относительно кузова транспортного средства во время движения по кривым участкам пути. При этом наибольшие напряжения в материале гибкой оболочки пневморессоры составляют около 11 МПа даже при вдвое большем номинальном давлении воздуха и поперечных взаимных смещениях днищ 40 мм, т. е. они значительно меньше разрывной прочности (30 МПа). Проведенные исследования позволяют сделать вывод о том, что конструкция и параметры гибкой оболочки пневморессоры баллонного типа обеспечивают ее прочность при эксплуатационных схемах нагружения. Поэтому с целью улучшения динамических качеств транспортных средств предлагается использовать гибкую оболочку пневморессоры как составляющую рессорной подвески


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    Purpose: To improve results of surgical treatment of children with left-sided congenital diaphragmatic hernia.Materials and methods: 54 clinical observations were analyzed. Anatomical experiment performed on two corpses of children with hernia and 3 corpses of children without them with infusion red lead in mesenteric arteries. Radiovasograms were made.Results: The authors think that congenital diaphragmatic hernia should be considered as ectopic into the pleural cavity abdominal organs displaced sources of blood supply, arising as a result of fetal malformations. It determines the characteristics of surgical correction of the congenital abnormality, associated with fixing the front edge of the diaphragm in the defect area with X or XI rib, consciously reducing the volume of the pleural cavity, as well as the viscero-abdominal disproportion. In the preoperative preparation of appropriate use of high-frequency oscillatory ventilationof lungs (HFOVL), allows to operation children 4-5 days of age with stable main vital systems of the body. Of the 54 children in the near term after surgery, 4 children died, accounting for 7.4%.Summary: Developed surgical techniques and the use of preoperative HFOVL have reduced the mortality rate to near 0


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    Purpose. The article is aimed to systematize and structure representation of theoretical grounds for the optimization designing of railway car components and practical ways of its implementation. Methodology. The study is based on analysis of several well-known articles on the subject, as well as on authors' researches, some mathematical foundations and computer modeling. The rolling stock components structural analysis was made by applying modern and acknowledged methods. Findings. In the study the authors systematized the set of methodological approaches to the freight car design processes; they also analyzed every application phase of the designing process and its conditions. The article presents the developed mathematical model of the car component implementation. This model takes into account all the calculated cases of the car life cycle. Moreover, the model also can be applied to other transport modes accounting their specific operation modes. The possibility to generate different construction options for equally strong car component with minimum material intensity was also shown in the article. There were several methods developed for finding optimal solutions that make it possible to calculate the sought characteristics of construction elements with the reliable accuracy. The presented variety of different approaches significantly extends engineering apparatus by increasing the synthesis and analysis abilities of the car design. Originality. The authors proposed the methodological foundations of the car components design aimed at creating their optimal structural parameter execution and the operating features based on the results of the detailed research. Practical value. Expediency and effectiveness of the presented methods has been confirmed by positive experience of its application when constructing the general-purpose gondola cars, models 12-9904 and 12-9904-01, as well as when upgrading existing constructions of freight cars, model 12-9745 and the hoper car 20-9749

    Oral Fast and Topical Controlled Ketoprofen Release Through Supercritical Fluids Based Processes

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    Ketoprofen (KET) is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) widely used for different phlogistic diseases of rheumatoid and non-rheumatoid origin. When a fast release is required, KET is orally administered in form of capsules, tablets or granulates. In this case, due to KET poor solubility in water, large drug doses with consequent side effects, mainly gastrointestinal one are required. KET bioavailability can be enhanced through its coprecipitation with a hydrophilic carrier, such as polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP). Another way to reduce the dosing frequency and avoid gastrointestinal irritation is the transdermal drug delivery with a controlled release. In this work, two different supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO2) based processes were used to modify KET dissolution rate: the supercritical antisolvent technique to coprecipitate PVP and KET in form of controlled dimensions microparticles for an oral delivery, and the supercritical adsorption to impregnate KET in alginate aerogel for a topical delivery. In the case of oral KET, composite spherical microparticles with controlled diameters were successfully produced, leading to a faster NSAID dissolution rate than unprocessed KET. In the case of topical KET, alginate aerogel was successfully impregnated with KET; it promotes a controlled release, suitable for transdermal anti-inflammatory patches, reducing frequency of administration and side effects. Supercritical techniques allow to obtain a fast or controlled release of the NSAID, according to the specific therapy desired